Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 423: 423 Anyang Wang and his wife visit

   Chapter 423 423 The Anyang King and his wife visit

   This time, Liu Shi finally stopped pulling Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue went out the door, took a breath, then turned around and closed the door.

  Time and space are left to mother and grandpa, I hope they can untie the knot...

   Soon, Lin Xiaoyue heard Liu Wuji's voice coming from the house.

   Waiting for Liu Wuji to speak for a long time, Liu Shi did not speak.

   was followed by the whimpering of the father and daughter, and it took a long time for the crying to calm down.

  Lin Xiaoyue stood straight at the door of the main room, listening to the movement inside, and from time to time she stretched out her hand to wipe the tears that flowed out.

  Her mother, these years have not been easy.

   Her grandfather was also suffering...

   Before I knew it, it was time for Liu's house to have lunch.

  People from the kitchen came to ask about the situation.

   But before he got close, he was stopped by Zhao Shanshan who was not far away.

   Hearing what Zhao Shanshan said, and seeing her own lady again, standing upright at the door of the main room, as if no strangers should enter, the visitor quickly turned back.

   At this moment, no one can influence the reunion of the long-separated father and daughter in the main room.

   Next, Lin Xiaoyue didn't know how long she had been standing.

   All I know is that when his grandfather and mother came out of the door, they realized that they were already starving.

   Liu Shi and Liu Wuji, who reappeared, have completely lost their unfamiliar appearances, instead they seem to be very close.

   "Go and call the kitchen to deliver the food, your grandfather is hungry." Liu Shi said to Lin Xiaoyue with a smile. Red eyes, crescent moon.

   "Hey!" Lin Xiaoyue responded quickly.

   Immediately, he looked at Zhao Shanshan who was not far away.

   Zhao Shanshan understood and ran quickly to the kitchen.

   "Sister-in-law and elder sister haven't eaten yet. Mother, you and grandpa go to sit first, I'll call them!" Suddenly remembering something, Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   "Go." Liu Shi said with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue walked away happily.

  It's so good, grandpa and mother, really reconciled...

  The food was hot on the stove, so the meal was soon started in the main room.

  The food is very rich and everyone is happy to eat it.

  After the meal, Mrs. Liu proposed to take Liu Wuji to visit Dashi Village, and left shortly after the meal.

   Zhou Shi and Li Wan also went to the workshop one and the other went to Qingshi Town, leaving Lin Xiaoyue at home alone.

  Lin Xiaoyue was also happy and leisurely. After rushing all the way in the carriage, she came back just in time to make up for her sleep.

   This sleep, it was already evening when I woke up.

   Mrs. Zhou came to say goodbye, saying that since Lin Xiaoyue and Zhao Shanshan were back, she would take a leave of absence for the time being and not come to the workshop.

   "My belly is big, so you don't feel relieved if you walk around outside all day." Mrs. Zhou glanced at her belly and said to Lin Xiaoyue with a smile.

  This child has been tormenting her a lot since she was pregnant.

   I used to feel nauseated and almost couldn’t eat.

   Later, the morning sickness got better, and it made her sleepy every day.

   Now her belly is getting bigger, it makes her back pain even more, and she can't sleep well. Mr. Xu suggested that she take a good rest and raise her baby.

  Before, because the girl was not there, she was worried and had to come and watch.

   Now, she can rest assured to take a vacation.

   "Brother Hei said, sister-in-law, go back and have a good rest. If you have anything to help next, or if you want to eat, let someone come to Liu's house to deliver a message. I will arrange for someone to prepare it for you." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "Okay. I won't be polite!" Zhou Shi replied with a smile.

   Then he said goodbye to Liu Shi before going out.

   Mr. Zhou left, Mrs. Liu looked a little reluctant.

   "There are no elders in Hei Gang's family. I'll visit the Hei's house in a few days." Suddenly, Mrs Liu said.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "Sure, I'll go with my mother then."

   Liu Shi glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, followed by a smile in her eyes.

   After a while, Li Wan and Lin Xiaozhi came back.

  Lin Xiaozhi was very excited when he learned that a grandfather had come to the house.

   As soon as he got off the carriage, he hurried home.

  Liu Wuji heard the voice, and greeted him without image, immediately picked up Lin Xiaozhi and went to the side.

   Everyone laughed when they saw this.

   Especially Li Wan, seeing the appearance of the national teacher, in addition to laughing, she was also a little surprised.

  The Liu family is really amazing, no matter what kind of person comes, there will be a lot of changes.

   Next, Lin Xiaoyue and Li Wan saw a series of behaviors of the national teacher Gao Leng incarnating in favor of Sun Kuangmo.

   Seeing the scene where Liu Wuji was playing with Lin Xiaozhi, neither of them dared to imagine what their expressions would be if the ministers in Kyoto saw this scene.

  Liu Wuji didn't care about other people's eyes at all, he just took care of himself and made fun of his grandson.

   He missed the time when his granddaughter was growing up, so he can't make fun of his little grandson now?

   Playing with the little grandson is much more interesting than reading books in the National Teacher's Mansion...

   The next day.

   King Anyang brought Princess Anyang to the door.

   Naturally, I came here to see the National Teacher.

   As a result, I also saw the completely different temperament of the National Teacher and the Kyoto time.

  The backyard, the room of the National Teacher.

  In the small study room outside, King Anyang and Liu Wuji sat opposite each other, drinking tea and chatting.

   "Congratulations to the National Teacher for finding his beloved daughter, as well as his grandson and granddaughter. The family is reunited." King Anyang said, trying to make the atmosphere as relaxed as possible.

   Master Guo Shi is also true, he was still very warm when he was outside just now. Seeing him alone now, he has become the majestic national teacher in Kyoto.

   "Well, thank you my lord." Liu Wuji replied lightly, his expression not very good.

   He just arrived at Dashi Village when this man came to the door. Even bothering him with these mundane things, it's strange that he can give him a good face.

   Hearing the response of the national teacher, King Anyang looked embarrassed.

   Endured forbearance, but continued to ask: "Master Guoshi, over there in Kyoto——"

   Seeing the national teacher looking back at himself, King Anyang failed to continue.

   This look is very unfriendly.

  Liu Wuji glanced at King Anyang, and then looked away in disgust after a while.

   "The Kyoto side has already arranged. After a while, the news will come." Liu Wuji said immediately.

   "Returning to Beijing in a month, the timing is just right."

   King Anyang was stunned for a moment, and felt a lot more at ease.

   "I don't know the national teacher--"

   Before he finished speaking, Liu Wuji glanced over, and King Anyang closed his mouth again.

   "After a while, the lord will know." Liu Wuji said.

   glanced at Prince Anyang, Liu Wuji thought for a while, and then said, "Your Highness can also make preparations earlier, maybe he will have to go to Beijing a few years ago."

   King Anyang was startled, and immediately thought of something, his eyes were overjoyed.

   "Yes!" He quickly gave Liu Wuji a fist.

  Liu Wuji took his eyes away from King Anyang.

   "Next, I want to spend time with my family in Dashi Village, and I don't want to be disturbed again."

   King Anyang's expression suddenly stiffened.

  Speaking so straightforwardly, is it really good?

   Well, who is the national teacher, I can't afford to offend him.

  Thinking of this, Wang Anyang gave Liu Wuji a sigh.

   "Xuyang got it."

  Liu Wuji got up and strode towards the door.

   King Anyang touched his nose and followed him out the door.

   And soon, King Anyang saw the "amiable" side of the national teacher again.

   saw King Anyang sigh again in his heart.

  At noon, the Liu family's dinner table was full of dishes.

  The Anyang King and his wife feasted.

  After the meal, the two did not leave.

   Princess Anyang stayed behind and played mahjong with Liu Wuji, Liu Shi and Li Wan.

   King Anyang asked Lin Xiaoyue to take him to visit the Liujia workshop.

  Lin Xiaoyue has been in Beijing for more than a month. The current Liujia workshop has been expanded again. It accommodates more workers and produces more output every day.

  Now, in Dashi Village, almost every household has people who come to work in Liujia’s workshop.

   Even some people from other villages work in the workshop.

  In the workshop, with the arrival of Lin Xiaoyue, the workers greeted the county owner one after another, and everyone looked at her with awe and awe.

   County Lord, even the county magistrate should respect it.

  The owner and them are not from the same world.

   King Anyang didn't pay much attention to the attitude of the workers, but only looked at the working conditions of the workers and the production process.

   Seeing that workers in different positions are performing their duties, and the production process is almost streamlined, Anyang Wang was amazed.

   "It's strange that your workshop can produce so many goods every day, but it is arranged like this."

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "It's not too much. Now the workshops on Zhuangzi have been shut down one after another. The production situation in the workshops here can't support the orders from Master Zhou and Young Master Liang."

   In order to prepare for the war in the coming year, all the Chiwu troops in each village have returned to training except those who are disabled and unable to participate in the war.

  Although he still helps Zhuang Zishang to do some things every day, he has very little time to do things.

  Especially the workshops on Zhuangzi have almost all stopped now.

   King Anyang sighed.

   "It's all temporary, just wait until the war is over in the coming year." She looked at Lin Xiaoyue comfortably.

   In order to let the Chiwu Army go on an expedition, he made an agreement with Li Xiao.

   When he ascends to the throne, the Chiwu Army can choose to stay in the army and join the imperial army, or return to Qingshi Town, enter the civilian household registration, and return to the life of the people.

   Now he has the help of a national teacher. If everything goes well, maybe it will be successful next year.

   In this way, the shortage of people in the workshop can indeed be solved.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled again.

   "I didn't want to wait like this."

Facing the suspicious eyes of King Anyang, Lin Xiaoyue continued: "Sister has already arranged for someone to find a place. After choosing a place, we will build another large workshop, and then we will recruit nearby villagers to work in the workshop. "

   King Anyang nodded.

   "Can you choose a site intentionally?" Then he asked.

   Running a large workshop requires a lot of manpower

   If this is done well, it can solve the livelihood of many people.

   In the Liujia workshop he visited just now, there were probably no less than 200 people working there.

   Lin Dongjia told him before that the workshop is very beneficial to the local economic development. Now he has seen it.

   If nothing else, compare Dashi Village with other surrounding villages.

  The houses in Dashi Village are taller and bigger, and there are more brick houses.

   In addition, the villagers of Dashi Village are also better dressed than the villagers in the surrounding villages.

   These are all due to the fact that there is a Liujia workshop in Dashi Village.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue replied.

   "In order to facilitate transportation, the site of the workshop will be as close as possible to the wharf in Qingshi Town. Moreover, the wharf is closer to the town, making it easier to recruit workers."

   King Anyang frowned slightly.

   "It's easier for people in the town to find jobs than people in the village. The requirements are also higher than those of the villagers in the village. Putting the workshop in the town should not increase the labor cost?" asked.

   From his point of view, he actually hopes that Dong Lin’s family can open a workshop in the village.

   As a result, not only that village, but even the villagers of several surrounding villages can go to work in the workshop. In this way, the villagers in several villages can live a better life.

   But if you go to the town to open a workshop, most of the beneficiaries are the people living in the town.

   But for these people, even if they don’t go to the workshop, they can find other jobs relatively easily.

The    workshop did not help them as much as the villagers in the village.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

   "The labor cost will indeed be higher, but the logistics cost and human resource cost will be reduced."

   I didn’t understand when I saw King Anyang.

  Lin Xiaoyue explained: "Let's take the Dashi Village workshop and compare it with the workshop to be built next to the wharf in the future."

   "The peppers, cabbage, oil, salt and other materials needed for production in the workshop, as well as the clay pots and oil paper needed for packaging all need to be shipped in from outside."

   "Now, the daily transportation of these things in the workshop requires a lot of manpower and material resources."

   "Then, when the goods are produced, Mr. Liang and Mr. Zhou still need to send people to Dashi Village to pull the goods away. They also need to pay for this part of the logistics cost."

   "As for the workshops by the pier, except for the peppers that need to be transported from each village to the workshops, all other materials can be bought in the town."

   "It even includes cabbage. At that time, you only need to set up a cabbage purchase point next to the workshop, and the nearby villagers will take the initiative to send the cabbage to the workshop."

   "Or, simply send an announcement directly. For example, the cabbage in the workshop is collected from a thousand kilograms. When the time comes, I will drive an ox cart to each village to collect cabbage, and then sell it to the workshop."

   "The transportation distance is closer, time is saved, and the price can be re-negotiated with the merchant."

   "Even, the workshop is close to the wharf, and if merchants from other places deliver goods by water, if there is a cost advantage, there are more suppliers to choose from on the workshop side."

   "At the same time, there are more people in the town, and there are more smart people. For things like buying cabbage, if you distribute them directly, the workshop can save a lot of trouble."

   "It is also more convenient to recruit workers. When the workshop orders increase and the goods need to be rushed, workers can be added at any time."

   "And, according to my plan, in addition to the workshop, I'm also going to build some dormitories next to the workshop."

   King Anyang was puzzled.

   Lin Xiaoyue explained: "It's for workers who live far away."

   "If you are from the town, you can go home and live. If you live far away, you can live directly in the workshop's dormitory building."

   King Anyang nodded, thinking that Lin Xiaoyue's idea was good.

  With the dormitory, even villagers in remote villages can go to work in the workshop.

   "Of course, there is a cost for the workshop to build a dormitory building. The workers who live in the dormitory building must work more hours and work as much overtime as possible. Only in this way can the workshop reduce costs."

   King Anyang nodded.

   "If you live near the workshop, it's easier to get to and from work. They should also be happy to work more."

   (end of this chapter)

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