Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 424: 424 Industrial Park Plan

   Chapter 424 424 Industrial Park Plan

   He knew that the workers in the Liu family workshop, some of the current monthly payments are based on working hours.

  The longer the working hours, the more monthly payment will be settled at the end of the month.

   If you work overtime, the wages are even higher.

  The people in the village are more in a pinch than the people in the town.

   These people go to town to work in order to make money.

If the    workshop can arrange accommodation for them and give them enough work, they will be unhappy.

   Thinking of this, King Anyang quickly agreed with Lin Xiaoyue's idea.

   "Listen to what Lin Dongjia said, I'm afraid the new workshop will be repaired a lot?" Anyang Wangchong asked Lin Xiaoyue with a move in his heart.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked up at King Anyang and nodded.

   "Since I decided to do it, this time I actually want to do it in one step." With a move, Lin Xiaoyue suddenly looked at King Anyang again.

   "If the lord is willing to help, whether it is for our Liu family or the people of the court and Qingshi Town, it will be a great deed."

   "Oh?" King Anyang was curious.

   "I want to build an industrial park." Lin Xiaoyue's eyes flashed and she said.

   "Arrange the chili sauce workshop, the spicy cabbage workshop, the bean paste workshop and the sausage bacon workshop."

   "There are also meat tenderizers and vermicelli workshops, which can also be arranged inside."

   "Then, each factory area is operated and managed independently. Relevant resources around Qingshi Town will be concentrated to help revitalize Qingshi Town's economy."

   Seeing King Anyang's puzzled expression, Lin Xiaoyue continued: "Most of the raw materials for the Liu family workshop now come from the Liu family's own Zhuangzi."

   “Like peppers and sweet potatoes.”

   King Anyang nodded.

   "But the land on Zhuangzi is limited, and the amount of crops that can be produced is also limited." Lin Xiaoyue continued.

   King Anyang was surprised.

   Limited? There are twelve Zhuangzi in total, and the output of crops is quite large.

  Lin Xiaoyue understood King Anyang's expression and smiled.

   "Just for the current order, the output on Zhuangzi is indeed enough."

   "But the orders given to me by Mr. Liang and Mr. Wednesday have been increasing. If it continues, depending on the twelve Zhuangzi, it will be unsustainable sooner or later." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "Chili products are only being launched now, and the market is still in the development stage. In the future, when the market matures step by step, as far as Dayan is concerned, the daily consumption of chili products will be incalculable."

   "How about that?" King Anyang asked Lin Xiaoyue a little excitedly.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes flashed and she looked at King Anyang, "Develop Qingshi Town into a hometown of peppers, cabbage and sweet potatoes."

   "The workshops related to pepper products come forward to purchase peppers from the outside. They are then processed into pepper products and shipped out for sale across the country."

   King Anyang was shocked.

   "Let the people of Qingshi Town plant all peppers, cabbage and sweet potatoes?" Some doubted that they had heard the wrong words.

Isn’t    peppers unique to the Liu family? And in order to keep secrets, the outside world has always been very vigilant.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

   "As chili peppers sell well, the seeds of chili peppers will leak sooner or later. Later, with the emergence of competitors in the market, the price of chili products will also drop step by step."

   "As a result, it is better for us to find the right time, rely on economies of scale to reduce costs, actively reduce prices, and prevent competitors from entering."

   When the opponent sees that the profit is not high, he will naturally not want to enter the business.

   Listening to Lin Xiaoyue uttering new words one after another, King Anyang only felt a little confused.

  Lin Xiaoyue was also very patient, and explained what she wanted to convey to King Anyang again in simple and easy-to-understand words.

   King Anyang felt that his world had been refreshed. Business, can you do that?

   "People in Qingshi Town grow peppers, cabbage and sweet potatoes in large quantities. After the crops are produced, they are directly sold to the industrial park."

   "The various workshops in the industrial park will process the acquired crops into corresponding commodities and sell them to merchants, so that the merchants can sell the goods across the country."

   "In this way, a complete industrial chain is formed."

"People who farm at home can make profits by selling agricultural products. Families without land or with surplus laborers can also arrange for people to go to the workshop to work and earn wages. If things go on like this, people will have money in their hands, and their days will definitely get better and better. better."

   "At the same time, the establishment of industrial parks. Because a large number of people will be concentrated in one place, it will also bring more derivative industries and jobs."

   Seeing that King Anyang was puzzled, Lin Xiaoyue continued: "Many large workshops are concentrated in the industrial park, and business-minded people can purchase goods in bulk at low prices from various workshops through their own channels and sell them to the outside world."

   "Even taking advantage of the special location of the industrial park, he simply opened a store outside the industrial park and sold the goods he got from various workshops at a lower price than the market retail price."

   Seeing King Anyang frowning, Lin Xiaoyue smiled and continued: "My lord, don't think there is no profit in this."

   "Once the industrial park is established, Qingshi Town has become the hometown of peppers, cabbage and sweet potatoes. Because the workshop has sufficient raw materials, it can even accommodate thousands of workers when it operates."

   "As soon as there are more workers, the output will be larger. In order to facilitate production scheduling, the workshop will only consider selling the goods to large wholesalers, and implement tiered quotations."

   Seeing King Anyang and looking puzzled, Lin Xiaoyue continued: "The so-called ladder quotation means that the more you buy, the lower the unit price."

   "For example, for an order of 5,000 jars of chili sauce, the unit price quoted by the workshop may be 6 cents per jar. If the order is expanded to 10,000 jars, the unit price of the workshop will become 5 cents."

   "This can also be understood as a small profit but quick turnover model of the workshop."

   King Anyang nodded.

   "At the same time, because the workshop has a large order volume and a high output, the workshop may not accept a single order of less than 5,000 cans."

   "But some merchants really want to buy in bulk because of their limited strength, but the order volume cannot reach 5,000 cans."

   "At this time, wholesalers who set up shop outside the industrial park can profit from it."

Glancing at King Anyang, Lin Xiaoyue continued: "For example, the merchant only needs 500 jars of chili sauce, and the workshop does not sell it. Wholesalers can buy goods purchased from the workshop in bulk at the unit price of eight or even nine. , sell them."

   "And the retail price of chili sauce may be more than ten cents. As a result, wholesalers and merchants have benefited."

   "Hands down?" King Anyang asked.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

"But in this way, the wholesalers have to stock up on the goods. Otherwise, if they can't find so many merchants who place small orders, wouldn't the extra goods be lost?" King Anyang wondered. .

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

"Will not."

   "With the opening of the industrial park and the proximity of the industrial park to the Qingshi Town wharf, many businessmen will come here."

   "These people are the targets of these wholesalers."

   "Also, there will definitely not be only one wholesaler like this. These wholesalers can work together to get goods from the workshop and share the risk."

   "Even for some powerful wholesalers, the workshop considers that it is more convenient to cooperate with them, and can receive special treatment and take their small orders."

   "After all, they place orders very frequently. If they place more than a few orders a month, the total calculation may not be less than that of large orders."

   King Anyang nodded, indicating that he understood.

   But his face was not very good, and some did not like the behavior of these wholesalers.

  Lin Xiaoyue understood King Anyang's mind, but smiled.

   "Everything has two sides. In fact, the existence of these wholesalers is more beneficial to the workshop than the disadvantage."

   King Anyang was puzzled.

   "Professional things are left to professional people to do. These wholesalers can gather the resources of various workshops and cooperate with some small merchants. This is their ability."

   "As for the workshop, it is difficult for the workshop to cooperate with these small businesses because they think their body is too large.

   "For example, some small businesses need to change the external packaging, or have special requirements for the boxes to be packed, etc."

   "The people in the workshop are so busy that they can't take care of it at all."

   "And wholesalers, they don't need to produce goods. After getting the goods from the workshop, they can take time to reprocess the goods so that the goods can meet the requirements of the merchants."

   "Even, if the cost allows, the wholesalers are familiar with the cargo ships at the terminal, and can also help the merchants deliver to their homes. In order to retain these customers."

   "These are things that the workshop cannot do."

   "In other words, if there are no wholesalers, these businesses go directly to the workshops. If they find that the workshops can't do this for them, business may fail."

   "It is the existence of these wholesalers that facilitates transactions between workshops and these merchants in an easy way."

   Seeing King Anyang's face stunned, Lin Xiaoyue smiled and continued: "Actually, you don't need to consider how much others make use of you. Just consider whether the other party has brought you enough benefits and whether the benefits outweigh the losses."

   "For the workshop, as long as the orders are continuous and the unit price is tiered, it is enough to make money."

   "If you really can't make it through, it's better to ignore what the wholesaler is doing. Just treat the other party as a powerful businessman."

   "Since the other party is just an ordinary powerful businessman, why does the workshop keep people out?"

   "After all, there may be such wholesalers among other customers of the workshop. It's just that they may wholesale in other places and have not been discovered by the workshop."

   King Anyang felt a little educated.

   I feel that Lin Xiaoyue said this to herself, maybe not just referring to the matter between the workshop and the wholesaler.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at King Anyang, and quickly said: "At that time, with the increase in the number of workshops in the industrial park, maybe the wholesaler's store can be opened into a street."

   "Well, maybe it will develop into a wholesale mall." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   King Anyang's eyes moved slightly and nodded. It is indeed possible.

   "In the industrial park, there are too many workers, and they all have to eat, live, and travel. If you build streets and shops outside the park, business should be good."

   King Anyang was taken aback. Heart moved.

   Repairing streets and building shops, these naturally had to be presided over by the imperial court.

   To repair these, the initial investment is naturally a lot.

   can wait to be built, and the shops can be sold to make money. Subsequent taxes are still ongoing.

  Whatever you think, it's a good thing.

  The corners of Lin Xiaoyue's mouth raised, "Your Majesty thinks my idea is okay?" asked King Anyang.

Before   , her idea was that she would go and talk to the magistrate in person when the elder sister had chosen the site.

   Now that King Anyang has asked about it, chatting with him directly will only get better results.

   "Not bad! Dongjia Lin is indeed a business genius!" King Anyang smiled and nodded, and quickly gave a positive answer.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes lit up.

   "The construction of the industrial park—" he said.

   Anyang was taken aback.

   "This matter is approved by this king. When I go back, this king will let the magistrate inform the magistrate. If there is any need for help in the future, Lin Dong's family can directly contact the magistrate at that time." He said cheerfully.

   Such a good thing that benefits the country and the people, how could he not allow it?

  Unfortunately, Dayan has only one Lin Dongjia and only one Qingshi Town.

   However, Lin Dongjia also provided him with an idea.

   Next, he can use this industrial park in Qingshi Town as a pilot to see the situation.

  If this industrial park is really developed very well and can revitalize the economy of Qingshi Town, then it will have the value of imitation.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't know at this time, because of her move, Dayan began to focus on business, and Dayan's comprehensive national strength has greatly increased in a short period of time.

   "Thank grandpa!" Lin Xiaoyue quickly clasped her fists in thanks.

   King Anyang smiled and asked Lin Xiaoyue not to be too polite.

   Immediately, the King of Anyang asked Lin Xiaoyue again about his views on the food shortage in the country.

   "Last year, there was a flood in Yunzhou, which was a serious disaster. It is only now that the aftermath has barely subsided."

   "But in a big battle, Dayan lost his troops and lost the city, not to mention the city, but also sent out so much food."

   "Right now, the whole country is short of food." King Anyang said this, his face full of sadness.

   "Winter is coming next month, this winter, the life of the common people, I'm afraid it will be sad."

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at King Anyang and saw that he looked melancholy, she was really thinking about the people.

   "Lin Dongjia, you are well-informed, do you have any advice for us in Nan'an County?"

   For the world, he can't do anything for the time being.

   But as the lord of Nan'an County, he wanted to do something for the people of Nan'an County, but he succeeded.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "The lord also said that winter will begin in a month. Now, even if you encourage the people to plant some high-yield food, it's too late."

   "However, this is a wake-up call."

   King Anyang looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Dayan has a mild climate and fertile land. Especially in the south of the Yangtze River, it is a major grain-producing province."

   "Actually, you only need to make reserves in good years, and you don't have to worry so much in disaster years."

   "Also, at a critical moment, if liquor stores are restricted in various places, the production of liquor from grains is prohibited, which can also save a lot of grain."

   King Anyang nodded.

   Lin Xiaoyue flashed a hesitation in her heart.

   "In addition to existing grains. Sweet potatoes and potatoes, at critical moments, can also be used as staple foods."

   King Anyang immediately looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   (end of this chapter)

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