Chapter 425 425 Give her money

   "These two crops have high yields and good taste."

   "Sweet potato vines can be fed to pigs, and tubers can be eaten by humans and livestock. And the tubers can be processed to make meat tenderizers and vermicelli."

   "It goes without saying that meat tenderizer powder will soon become a common seasoning for the common people as sweet potatoes become popular in Dayan."

   "As for vermicelli, the lord has seen and tasted it."

   "The feeling of fullness is strong, and it is no problem to be a staple food. And after the vermicelli is dried, it is also light and easy to store."

   King Anyang nodded.

   In fact, he had discussed with his brother-in-law about the feasibility of using vermicelli as food for military camps.

   Because at that time, Lin Xiaoyue had promised to hand over the sweet potato seeds and let the people of Qingshi Town plant sweet potatoes in batches.

   Once the sweet potatoes from Bluestone come out. If the benefits are good, even if the imperial court does not interfere, the sweet potato will surely spread to the outside world soon.

   In this way, it will be a matter of time before sweet potatoes spread to Dayan.

  The raw materials are available. At that time, even if Lin Dongjia does not disclose the production method of meat tenderizer and vermicelli, someone will study it sooner or later.

   Therefore, it will be a matter of time before the price of vermicelli comes down.

   It is feasible to use vermicelli as food for the army.

   "Sweet potatoes are indeed of great value. If we can spread this to the whole country of Dayan, the food hidden dangers of Dayan may be solved in the future." At least it will not be so easy to starve to death.

   King Anyang looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Lin Dongjia's move can be called saving the country and the people." After speaking, he bowed to Lin Xiaoyue and gave a nod.

  Lin Xiaoyue quickly returned the gift.

   "Your Highness is serious."

   "Promoting sweet potatoes to the whole country of Dayan is not that simple. This matter has to be done by the court."

"However, in Anyang County, since the prince can make the decision, I can donate 50,000 kilograms of sweet potatoes and potato seeds each to Anyang County in the name of Liu's Industrial Park. A gift.

Since the plan of the    industrial park is about to be put on the agenda, it is time to do some planning in advance.

   Not to mention, the meat tenderizer powder workshop and the vermicelli workshop can be prepared first.

   In the spring of the coming year, sweet potatoes will be planted, and then she will not have to worry about running out of sweet potatoes in her workshop.

  Sweet potato flour is currently only supplied to the Liang family, and the demand is not large.

  Co vermicelli, in the current and next year of food shortage, will definitely make her a fortune.


  Lin Xiaoyue couldn't help looking at King Anyang.

   There may be another war at the border in the coming year. If the situation is bad, the king of Anyang may also raise troops and go to Beijing.

   In this way, King Anyang will also need a lot of rations.

   King Anyang looked happy.

   "The king thanked the Lin Dong family for the people of Anyang County." Chong Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Liu's Industrial Park?

   She does have a name.

   By the way, he heard his brother-in-law mention it before, this is called advertising.

   But, forget about that. Lin Dong's family is willing to donate sweet potatoes and potato seeds, which is a great good thing for Anyang County and even the people of the world.

  Lin Xiaoyue responded politely.

   Continue to take King Anyang back to the Liu residence.

   King Anyang felt that chatting with Lin Xiaoyue benefited a lot, and wanted to continue discussing the people's livelihood with Lin Xiaoyue, but Lin Xiaoyue walked away.

   went to watch Liu Wuji and others play mahjong.

   King Anyang saw Princess Anyang calling him, but he had no choice but to go to the table.

   "Did Grandpa win?" Lin Xiaoyue smiled and leaned over to Liu Wuji's side, and asked Liu Wuji with a mischievous face.

  Liu Wuji didn't have time to answer, Princess Anyang said, "Can we not win? The National Teacher has a clever plan, as if he can see the cards in our hands!"

   Liu Shi and Li Wan also followed suit and looked at Liu Wuji with a bit of caution.

   As if in doubt, his eyes can see through.

   In this scene, Lin Xiaoyue and King Anyang were both happy.

   "Nonsense, this old man didn't open his eyes, what kind of cards can I see from you?!" Liu Wuji pretended to be annoyed.

   "It's clear that you don't pay attention to the cards you draw and play your cards. People with discerning eyes will know which cards you have in your hands."

   The old man at this time, where is the solemn appearance in the National Teacher's Mansion, just like a lovely old man.

   "Hehe, yes! I also don't think my grandfather cheated." Lin Xiaoyue put her hand on Liu Wuji's shoulder.

   "Grandpa knows how to keep cards and count cards. It's a real skill. You are not wronged when you lose to my grandpa!" Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

  Liu Wuji listened very well.

   "Yue'er is right! You won't win me, you won't lose!" Followed proudly.

   Immediately, he turned his head to look at his granddaughter.

   "Be good, when grandpa wins the money, I will buy you and Xiaozhi delicious food!"

   "Hey, good! Then grandpa wins more!" Lin Xiaoyue's eyes lit up, and she actually cheered Liu Wuji.

   "Haha! Good!" Liu Wuji readily agreed.

   This interaction gave the rest of the audience a toothache.

  In this way, in front of their face, is it really okay to say that you want to win their money?

The arrival of   Lin Xiaoyue made the poker table lively.

   Laughter and laughter filled the courtyard.

   In the evening, the game finally ended in Liu Wuji's reluctance to part.

   As a result, the three families were unified, and the National Teacher became the only winner, winning more than 200 taels of silver.

   After counting the silver and silver notes, the national teacher happily put the silver notes and silver into his purse.

   He is an old man, and now he is considered a rich man.

  Tomorrow he will go to town with his granddaughter.

   Then spend money on granddaughters and grandchildren.

  The people who haven't withdrawn from the arena have some toothache when they see the appearance of Master Guoshi.

   This old man who is greedy for money is really the high-ranking national teacher in Kyoto?

   Lin Xiaoyue was not surprised, she just stepped forward to congratulate his grandfather on winning the money.

   Sweet's words made Liu Wuji feel at ease, he even took out five taels of silver and gave the prize to Lin Xiaoyue.

   also explained that he was going to go to town with him and pay for their siblings.

  Lin Xiaoyue actually cooperated, saying "Grandpa is so nice", coaxing the old man's face to almost bloom.

   After a while, Lin Xiaozhi came back from school.

   also got the old man five taels of silver.

   Then I heard that the old man was going to town tomorrow to spend money for him and his elder sister, and Lin Xiaozhi was also very happy.

   One sentence from my grandfather, so amused that the old man did not close his mouth.

   King Anyang and Princess Anyang got used to it after being shocked for a while.

   After finishing dinner at Liujia, we set off for Qingshi Town.

   It’s not that they don’t want to stay in Liu’s house, but that there are too many people in Liu’s house, and they can’t accommodate more people.

the next day.

   Liu Wuji got up early.

   After having breakfast with everyone, I took Lin Xiaoyue and Lin Xiaozhi to the carriage.

   Yesterday he agreed, but today he is going to take the two children to town and pay them money.

   He will not break his promise.

   As soon as the carriage set off, Liu Wuji asked Lin Xiaoyue what fun and delicious things were in Qingshi Town.

   "I don't know if it's fun, but if it's delicious, it should be our fast-moving snack." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   This is really not her boasting.

   She is very famous now in Qingshi Town, and she is loved by young and old.

   Even some people who go to the town to go to the market in the countryside will go there to satisfy their hunger, or buy some food for the children at home.

   Liu Wuji was startled.

   looked at Lin Xiaozhi, but saw Xiaowa nodding.

   "There are things that go up fast at home, so there's no point in going to eat them. Talk about something else." Liu Wuji said.

  Lin Xiaozhi immediately looked at Lin Xiaoyue with expectation written in his eyes.

   "I don't know anything else." Lin Xiaoyue said unexpectedly, disappointing one big and one small.

   "But it doesn't matter. When you get to Liu Mansion, ask Mr. Fang to take care of them. There will always be someone who knows."

   Hearing this, one big and one small looked better.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Lin Xiaozhi again.

   "You only have one day off, so let's talk about it first. You can't be too tired today, or you won't be able to get up tomorrow." He said.

   is also a coincidence. Yesterday a grandfather won money playing poker, and today he will have a regular holiday when he knows about it.

  Otherwise, even if the grandfather wanted to bring Xiaozhi to the town to play, it would not be possible.

  Lin Xiaozhi's mouth immediately pouted.

   "Understood, sister." replied.

  Liu Wuji froze when he saw this.

   "Since it's a holiday, let's stop playing. We'll talk about tomorrow's business tomorrow."

   Without waiting for Lin Xiaoyue to reply, Liu Wuji looked at Lin Xiaozhi again and said, "Besides, the academy in the town, what can you teach Xiaozhi?"

   "When it is announced that the old man has returned home, I will teach Xiaozhi in person. I must let Xiaozhi become the backbone of Dayan!" After speaking, Liu Wuji reached out and touched Lin Xiaozhi's head.

  Lin Xiaozhi didn't hide, and happily allowed his grandfather to touch his head.

  Lin Xiaoyue couldn't hold back her smile when she saw this.

   Immediately, his face became stiff again.

   "You know that grandpa hurts you. But your way of education is unacceptable."

   "Before you return to your hometown, know that it is necessary to go to the academy."

   "Also, with your obedient attitude towards him, are you sure you can cultivate him into a pillar?"

   Being questioned by his granddaughter, Liu Wuji's eyes were a little sad.

The reason why    was just plaintive was because his granddaughter told him with a smile on his face.

   And he also felt that the granddaughter was right.

   He regretted that he had not been by his daughter's side for so many years, and that he had missed the growth of his granddaughter and grandson, and now he wanted to make up for the two siblings in revenge.

   The granddaughter's son has been raised, so it's okay for him to pamper him.

   But the grandson is still young, it is really not suitable to spoil her too much.

   "Cough - let's talk about it later!" Liu Wuji said awkwardly.

   "I can train Xiaoer to be so good, can't I know?" Glancing at Lin Xiaoyue, Liu Wuji muttered again.

  Humph, questioning the old man?

   You, this girl's relative, was trained by my novice.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at the smug old man and felt helpless in her heart.

   It's getting older and younger...

   Soon, the town of Bluestone arrived.

  Liu Wuji took his siblings and got off the carriage directly on the street.

   Immediately, we went shopping.

  The old man with a childish appearance next looked like an old urchin, pulling Lin Xiaozhi around on his own.

   When you encounter street food, you want to buy it, and when you see a street stall, you also want to buy toys.

   The key is that he doesn't take it himself after buying it.

   As a result, everything was in Lin Xiaoyue's hands.

   After walking down the street, Lin Xiaoyue was left behind by the grandfather and grandson.

   And she also carried a large bag and a lot of things in her hand.

   Seeing the grandfather and grandson, he was about to go to the next street.

  Lin Xiaoyue hurriedly spoke up and stopped the two of them.

   Then he rushed up out of breath.

   "Wait - you two, stop!"

   Liu Wuji and Lin Xiaozhi looked at each other and looked back at Lin Xiaoyue who was out of breath.

   One after another, "Your body is not good".

   Then, the two looked at each other again, with a wicked smile in their eyes.

  Let her teach people a lesson!

   Finally arrived in front of the grandfather and grandson, Lin Xiaoyue directly put all the large and small bags on the ground.

   "Enough is enough for you two!" Immediately, he rushed to the two of them panting heavily.

   One big and one small, this kind of revenge is too heavy.

   Liu Wuji and Lin Xiaozhi looked at each other, and immediately, one big and one small laughed again.

   "You should practice more with your body." Immediately, Liu Wuji said to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue almost couldn't help rolling her eyes.

   "My body is very strong." He replied angrily.

   Immediately, as if remembering something, Lin Xiaoyue said again: "I suddenly remembered that there are some things to deal with at the Liu residence."

   "It's fine to see you two go shopping by yourself, then you two can make arrangements by yourself. Go to Liu Mansion to find me at 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon, and let's go home together."

  Humph, originally she had good intentions and wanted to take these two to visit Qingshi Town.

   This is good, one big and one small united to bully her.

   is successful, then her eldest lady will withdraw, and they can play whatever they want.

  Lin Xiaozhi immediately looked at Liu Wuji.

  Xiaowa's mind is pure and simple, and I wish that my elder sister, who likes to manage people more and more, should not be with them.

   Liu Wuji hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

   "That's it. You go to work, Xiaozhi and I will pick out a present for you." He said immediately.

   Remembering something, Liu Wuji hurriedly said, "But you're gone, who will help us get things?"

   As soon as these words came out, Lin Xiaozhi also quickly looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   Obviously, in the eyes of big and small, her role is to carry things.

   Depressed in her heart, Lin Xiaoyue became more and more determined that she had to leave quickly.

   "I'm going back to Liu Mansion to arrange for a man and a carriage to come over. You guys bought something for someone to carry or put in the carriage." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Okay, since the old man is arrogant, just buy it. It's better to spend all the money so that you can save it for the next time.

   Liu Wuji and Lin Xiaozhi looked at each other.

   "Well. Then let's go to the tea stall in front and wait." Then he said to Lin Xiaoyue.

  It’s good to have a carriage, a carriage can hold a lot of things.

   And when he and his grandson were tired from walking, they could get on the carriage to rest.

   Hearing the old man agree, Lin Xiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief.

   Then he looked down at the large and small bags on the ground.

   "Then I'll give you these things—" There was still a long way to go back to Liu Mansion, and she didn't want to take them back.

   But before he could finish speaking, Liu Wuji interrupted him.

   "Take these things to Liu Mansion first."

  Lin Xiaozhi also agreed.

  Lin Xiaoyue:——

   "Okay! Then I'll go now!" Lin Xiaoyue said after holding back.

  Forget it, in order to escape safely, she gave it up today.

   Immediately, under the gazes of one big and one small, Lin Xiaoyue picked up the large and small bags again, turned and left.

   (end of this chapter)

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