Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 428: 428 Accidents in the Palace

   Chapter 428 428 Changes in the Palace

   "Some of the internal worries before the state of Chu no longer exist for the time being."

   "I think that Yuchi Tianqiong can be attracted." Zhou Shen said, and bowed to Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao nodded.

"it is good."

   "The matter of contacting Yuchi Tianqiong will be handed over to you. After contacting the other party, I will talk to him in person."

   Zhou Shen looked happy.


  Li Xiao discussed with everyone for a while before letting everyone back down.

   After the house was quiet, I got up and walked to the window.

   At this time, the bright moon is already hanging outside the window.

   This month, it seems to be the same as what I saw in Dayan, but I always feel that it is not as beautiful as what I saw in Dayan...

   At this moment, his Yue'er has returned to Qingshi Town.

  Is his daughter-in-law thinking about him?

   Dashi Village, Willow House.

  Lin Xiaoyue finished washing up, did not go to bed, but also walked to the window.

   Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, there is also a faint longing in my heart.

   I don't know if the husband's side is going well and when he will be able to return home.

   These days, she can only use her busyness to numb her thoughts, fill her time as much as possible, and avoid worrying and missing that person in Chu country...

   It's the end of November.

  The weather is getting colder and the winter atmosphere is starting to thicken.

  Kyoto, the imperial concubine's palace.

   Hearing the news that the palace maid came to report, there was a burst of anger on the imperial concubine's face.

   "Hmph, a little **** who has only entered the palace, dares to show the face of this concubine?!" She reached out and patted the table, and the concubine said angrily.

   Immediately, his thoughts changed, and the imperial concubine quickly suppressed the anger in her heart.

   "Bring me ink." He said.

  The emperor didn't know what evil he had been in for a while, but he didn't care about his body and frequently visited the harem.

  Especially the jade talented person who just entered the palace, because his appearance is three-point similar to Concubine Shu, he is favored every day.

   Now it has reached the point of not giving her face and going against her will.

snort! What kind of storm can a folk woman create without a mother's relationship?

   Do you miss Concubine Shu? Well, she will fulfill him...

  The pen and ink were sent, and the imperial concubine wrote quickly.

After writing   , he handed the letter to the maid.

   "Hurry up and send the letter to the prince." He instructed.


   When the maid left with the letter, the concubine raised a sinister smile on her face.

   Three days later.

   Anyang Palace.

   King Anyang opened the letter and saw the content of the letter from the imperial concubine.


  The father emperor now not only wastes the government, but also prostitutes with his concubine every day. Even condone a little talented person to bully his mother and concubine.

   His eyes sank, and King Anyang's heart quickly turned around.

   then looked towards the door.

   "Come in." said solemnly.

   He seems to understand the words of the former national teacher.

  Father's behavior is so absurd now, I'm afraid his body won't be able to last long.

   Master Guo Shi said that he would return to Beijing in half a month. Is that the time?

  No, just to be safe.

   He had to do second-hand preparations.

  The housekeeper heard the voice of the prince, pushed the door and walked in.

   "Your Highness." He bowed and saluted the King of Anyang.

   King Anyang nodded.

   "Arrange the Wu family to come to Beijing." He said.

   The mother concubine had already made arrangements with him, recruited Li Xiao from him, promised to send Concubine Shu out of the palace, and made such preparations.

  I found a woman from the people who looked like Concubine Shu.

   And after training, now this woman even looks like Concubine Shu.

   He didn't believe what the concubine said before, that the royal father had affection for Concubine Shu, and his affection was extraordinary, but now he believed it.

   If the jade talents in the palace were really favored because they were similar to Concubine Shu, then the Wu family, who was more like Concubine Shu, would definitely be able to replace him when he entered the palace.

   "Yes!" The butler saluted.

   turned around and left.

   King Anyang took the letter from his concubine and didn't return to his senses for a long time.

at the same time.

  Liu's Industrial Park has officially started.

   Two hundred workers were busy on the construction site, and there was also a foreman directing the scene.

   The wasteland is buzzing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Liu House.

  Lin Xiaoyue was reading the account book in the study, when Li Jie suddenly came to ask for permission.

   "Let Mr. Li come in." Lin Xiaoyue said quickly.

   The fast-growing expansion is now suspended, but there are too many branches. Li Jie spends most of his time in Nan'an County, but he actually came back today.

   Li Jie came in as soon as the servant serving in the study went down.

   "I've seen the county chief!" Li Jie stepped forward and bowed to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "Mr. Li doesn't need to be polite, just sit down and talk." As she spoke, she looked at the chair next to her.

   "Xie County Master!" Li Jie then went to the next chair and sat down.

   "Mr. Li has been working hard for a while. I came back this time, but what happened over there?" Lin Xiaoyue asked with concern.

   The construction of an industrial park requires a lot of financial support, and the quick profit is now one of the biggest sources of income for Liufu.

   At this time, you can’t have an accident if you go fast.

   "Don't worry, the county lord, there is nothing serious." Li Jie said quickly.

   "However, the sales of hot and sour noodles and wolf tooth potatoes have surged in various branches now, and the sales plan formulated before is still unable to meet the demand."

   He has urged Liu Mansion many times in Nan'an County, but here he has never replied to him.

   This was also because he had to wait in a hurry, so he hurried back.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

   "This matter, Shanshan told me before." He said.

   This wave of rapid sales growth is actually mainly related to the reduction of surplus food in the hands of the people.

   Fast snacks are not expensive, and the hot and sour noodles and wolf tooth potatoes are more satiety.

   At this time, there will naturally be more people willing to go to the snack bar to consume.

   Li Jie felt a little nervous when he knew that Lin Xiaoyue already knew.

   The county magistrate knew but did not give any materials, only to explain that the situation in the rear was not as good as he imagined.

   "If...if the stock is not enough, it is better to raise some price." After thinking about it, Li Jie said.

  As a high-level executive of Liufu, the county owner sent sweet potato seeds and potato seeds to Anyang Wangfu, and he also knew.

   If these seeds are planted next year, there will be no shortage of these two crops in Anyang County.

   But for now, in the entire Anyang County, except for them, there is no vermicelli and potatoes for the time being.

   Even if the price rises quickly, there will still be a large number of customers to consume.

   is nothing more than a decrease in the number of customer orders and fewer sales per day.

  Lin Xiaoyue frowned.

   "No." Directly rejected.

   "Going fast is the cheap route and doing the fast food business."

   "Even if you can make more money by increasing the price now, it will not affect the brand well."

   After thinking about it, Lin Xiaoyue said again: "When it's time to make money, you can't help but make money."

   "Let's go, then triple the supply of hot and sour noodles, and double the supply of wolf tooth potatoes."

  In the past, there was a huge stock of noodles and potatoes, and the Chiwu Army in each village almost used these two ingredients as staple foods.

   This led to the fact that despite the huge output, everyone still felt that the ingredients were insufficient.

  The Chiwu Army has been eating vermicelli and potatoes for so long, and it's time for them to change their taste.

   In addition, some of the fat pigs in Zhuangzi are about to be released, which can also save a lot of sweet potatoes.

   When the time comes, this part of the sweet potato will be made into vermicelli, and the yield will not be small.

   "Yes!" Li Jie looked happy and quickly responded.

  There is this sentence from the county owner, and the franchisees will not come to urge him every day.

   "Regarding investment promotion, after the new regulations are released, can someone ask?" Lin Xiaoyue thought about it and asked again.

   It’s growing fast now, although expansion has been suspended, but there is a huge funding gap in Liu Mansion.

   It is still necessary to recruit some franchisees with strong intentions in advance.

   "Yes." Li Jie said quickly.

   "In the past eight days, a total of no less than twenty people have come to the door in person or through a person to inquire about the situation."

   "Oh?" Lin Xiaoyue's eyes brightened.

   "How's the situation?" asked with a smile.

  Li Jie's complexion was much duller.

   "Only two people are willing to sign with us." A little disappointed.

   Actually, he can understand.

  Because of the new constitution, not only the joining fee is expensive, but also a thousand taels of silver.

   And the opening time of the store has to be postponed to the second half of next year, and the location of the store can only be dealt with nearby according to the arrangement of the headquarters.

   According to the current situation of the headquarters, all chain stores in Nan'an County have been opened.

  Get up fast. The next store opening will spread around Nan'an County and bloom everywhere in Anyang County.

   In other words, new franchisees can only go outside Nan'an County to get the franchise.

   The two people who signed with him this time are not from Nan'an County.

   "Not bad." Lin Xiaoyue said something after listening.

   "The franchise policy remains unchanged, and we will continue. In the next year, we can recruit a total of 100 franchisees. Try to ensure this number, of course, not more." Lin Xiaoyue continued.

   It was to raise the Chiwu Army before, so she released a large number of chain stores at low prices.

   There are 70 or 80 chain stores in Nan'an County.

   Next, for other counties in Anyang County, she only gave a total of 100 places.

   For 100 franchisees, the total franchise fee is 100,000 taels of silver.

  With this money, she probably doesn't need to go to Mr. Liang or Mr. Zhou again.

   After all, those two won't help her in vain.

   As for Liu's Industrial Park, she doesn't want others to share the benefits.

   Lin Xiaoyue, who thought of all this, couldn't help but sigh.

   She has worked so hard for so long, but she was able to build it up quickly, and she still has a great sense of achievement.

   A big brand can not only bring her a steady stream of income. More importantly, there is a lot of added value. Just like the financing method she is using now.

   Only give franchise rights, not equity, which is really the most ideal financing method.

   In the future, when the industrial park is completed, she will build a workshop again, and the equity will be given carefully.

   Come on, do it well, the Liu family will not have to suffer from poverty for generations to come.

   "Yes." Li Jie replied.

   One hundred franchise stores are released a year, and the probability of completion is still not small.

   That's right, maybe he has to release the news.

  After all, the quantity is limited, so it is beneficial for the intended customers to make a decision as soon as possible.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked Li Jie about some quick things before letting Li Jie leave.

   The next day.

   Each village has started to improve the food.

   Potatoes and vermicelli began to be greatly reduced, replaced by rice, flour and cereals and some seasonal vegetables.

   Potatoes and vermicelli changed from a main dish to a side dish all at once.

   This kind of change, everyone actually likes it.

   The Chiwu Army accepted it quickly.

  At the same time, the sausage and bacon workshop started to get busy again.

   On each village, live pigs of suitable weight began to be slaughtered one after another, and a lot of them were slaughtered every day.

   Liang's and Zhou's got more sausages and bacon respectively, which made Shopkeeper Liang and Zhou Ye very happy.

   In addition, with the release of live pigs, the vermicelli workshop started again.

   Those Chiwu Army who did not need to participate in training entered the vermicelli workshop, and the vermicelli on the Zhuangzi gradually began to increase.

   It's half a month in the blink of an eye.

   Liu Wuji, who had shied away from the imperial decree to return to Beijing several times, finally set foot on his way home.

   Before leaving, the Liu family saw them off, and they all showed their reluctance.

   Especially Liu Shi, she kept wiping away her tears, but she couldn't stop it.

   "Okay! She's the mother of two children, and she's still crying like this." Liu Wuji comforted Mrs. Liu.

   "Old man, I won't come back if I don't go back to Beijing!"

   "Wait to go back to Beijing, deal with the matter, take leave of the father and the emperor, and come back." Having said that, Lin Xiaoyue noticed that there were tears in her grandpa's eyes.

   "Woooo, grandpa——" Lin Xiaozhi made a "wow" and rushed directly into Liu Wuji's arms.

   "Grandpa, don't go!" He pulled Liu Wuji.

   This month, my grandfather spent the most time with him. Doted on him like a baby bump, and took him to do a lot of things.

   He likes his grandfather and doesn't want to be separated from him.

  Liu Wuji's eyes turned even redder, and he hugged Lin Xiaozhi.

   "Ouch! Grandpa's good grandson!"

   "Grandpa is back in Beijing to do a big job, how can he be delayed?"

   "You obediently wait for your grandfather at home. When your grandfather finishes the affairs in Beijing, your grandfather will come back and accompany you every day!"

   "In the future, your grandfather will teach you. We know that we will become the most talented people in the entire Qingshi Town, oh no, the entire Dayan."

   "After Grandpa, he still pointed at you to take the champion exam!" Liu Wuji said with a smile.

  Lin Xiaozhi heard a little excitement in his heart.

   Grandpa told him more than once.

  From the mouths of his mother and elder sister, he also knew that his grandfather really had such ability. Therefore, I have been expecting my grandfather to live at home forever and never leave.

   But how long has it been, grandpa is leaving.

   woo woo... He didn't want to be separated from his grandfather.

  Liu Wuji reached out and wiped a handful of tears from the little child's eyes.

   "Heh, a man doesn't cry easily. What does he cry like? I'm not afraid of being laughed at." Liu Wuji laughed again.

   Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Lin Xiaozhi began to chomp on tears.

  Liu Wuji was relieved.

   then looked at the crowd again.

   Finally, his eyes fell on Lin Xiaoyue.

   "With you at home, grandpa can rest assured." He said.

   "However, you are busy in the industrial park, and your family has to be more distracted. Xiao'er is not here, you have to work hard."

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded quickly.

   "Don't worry, Grandpa, I will take good care of my mother and Xiaozhi." Guaranteed.

   Liu Wuji felt at ease.

   looked at everyone again.

   "Okay, let's go back. It's not too cold to stand here." He said.

  Everyone listened, but did not move.

  Liu Wuji frowned, then put Lin Xiaozhi down and handed it over to Lin Xiaoyue.

   Immediately, he turned and got into the carriage.

   (end of this chapter)

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