Chapter 429 429 Huiguang Dan

"Set off."

   With a high and cold voice, the coachman drove the horse away.

  Everyone watched the carriage leave.

   At this moment, the kind-hearted old man of the Liu family disappeared.

   Instead, the majestic National Teacher reappeared.

   is night, Kyoto.

   Concubine Shu's palace.

  Emperor Yan covered his face and was chasing a woman in tulle who was smiling wildly.

  Yes, because the charcoal basin was lit in the house, the woman actually only wore a tulle.

   The half-hidden tulle highlights the woman's exquisite figure.

   As soon as he walked, he revealed a large area of ​​white and tender skin.

   The woman's silver bell-like laughter made the palace full of spring love.

   "Giggle, Your Majesty, come after me!" The woman smiled coquettishly, and hooked her finger at Emperor Yan who was not far away.

   Hearing the gray-haired Emperor Yan's heart rippling, "Little goblin, wait for me!"

   muttered something in his mouth, and then rushed in the direction of the woman.

   "Cuckoo, the slave's house is here..." The woman avoided it in time, jumped not far away, and continued.

   Emperor Yan listened to this voice, but felt more and more intolerable in his heart, and continued to rush in the direction of the woman.

   Soon, after a few rounds.

   Seeing that Emperor Yan was out of breath, he looked exhausted. The woman finally stopped hiding and stood on the spot, letting Emperor Yan rush over and grab a full bosom.

   "Haha, let's see where you're escaping! I caught you!" Ignoring the sweat on his forehead, Emperor Yan tore off the blindfold covering his eyes.

   "Hmph, it was clearly the slave family who let the emperor catch him." The woman snorted and twisted in Emperor Yan's arms.

   This small appearance made Emperor Yan react instantly.

   immediately slapped the woman horizontally and hugged him.

  Because of his poor health, he swayed a bit and almost didn't hug him.

   There was a slight panic on the woman's face, and then she returned to normal, and continued to wink at Emperor Yan.

   Seeing that Emperor Yan suddenly gained strength, he carried the person to the big bed not far away.

  Yes, this woman is Mrs. Zhang who was arranged by the King of Anyang to enter Beijing not long ago, that woman who is 80% similar to Concubine Shu.

  After entering the palace, Mrs. Zhang really lived up to the expectations of the imperial concubine and the King of Anyang, quickly attracted the attention of Emperor Yan, and pushed aside the originally favored jade talents.

   Not only that, but Emperor Yan even gave Concubine Shu's previous bedroom to Mrs. Zhang, and had already decided to make Mrs. Zhang the new Concubine Shu.

   Soon the figures on the big bed overlapped, and the ambiguous voice spread throughout the inner hall.

  The palace maid and the **** who were vigilant outside the hall looked at each other and lowered their heads ambiguous.

   Their future Concubine Shu, although she has the same gentle appearance as the former Concubine Shu, is too bold in this respect.

   I don't know if it is because of this, the emperor has been staying here for several days.

   And occasionally hang out with her during the day, and even abandon the government.

   At the same time, the imperial concubine's palace.

   When the imperial concubine received the report from the palace maid, a flash of happiness flashed in her eyes.

   "Bring people in." He glanced at his armor and said casually.

   "Yes!" The palace maid immediately withdrew.

   After a while, he walked in with two eunuchs and a woman who was described as haggard.

When    and the others arrived, he could see the face of the person who came.

   was actually the most favored jade man in the palace before.

  Yucairen was very stubborn when he reached the imperial concubine, trying to break free from the shackles of the two eunuchs.

   "Let go, you dog slaves!" he scolded.

  But he was held by the **** to death and could not break free.

   Helpless, Yu Cairen could only stare at the imperial concubine angrily.

   The imperial concubine was not angry, but smiled and was in a good mood.

   "I am the emperor's favorite talent, how dare you treat me like this?!" Yu talent said angrily. In the face of the imperial concubine, there is no respect.

   She thought that the imperial concubine would make concessions to herself as usual.

   But this time, there was only a smile on the face of the imperial concubine.

   Yucai felt something was wrong in his heart, and the imperial concubine spoke up.

   "Hehe, 'the most beloved talent'? Maybe it used to be, but now..." Saying this, the imperial concubine showed sympathy on her face.

   "You don't know about Yucai yet, there will be another concubine in the harem."

   "Although they are all from civilians, hehe, but you are different from Yu Cairen. As soon as people come, they will be concubine."

   Yu Cairen's eyes narrowed.

   quickly remembered the rumors in the palace. And the fact that the emperor hadn't looked for her in the past few days.

   Civilian woman? Concubine Feng?

  The emperor actually wanted to make that woman a concubine?

  The emperor loved her in every possible way, but only gave her the status of a talented person.

  The new talent served him for a few days, and he was going to make her a concubine?

   Thinking of the rumors about the woman in the palace these days, Yu Cairen's face panicked.

  No, the emperor said that in the harem, she was the only one who got his heart the most. He will love her forever.

  Impossible, the emperor cannot change his mind...

   Seeing Yu Cairen's pale face, he shook his head in denial, and the concubine's smile grew even stronger.

   "It's really stupid. You would believe the promise made before the man's bed." The imperial concubine covered her mouth and chuckled, her words full of irony.

  Yucairen, like being struck by lightning, wanted to refute the imperial concubine, but had no courage.

   She had gotten carried away with the emperor's favor before, but she was not stupid.

   Otherwise, he will not be selected and enter the palace.

   Now, her dream has been broken, so she has to recognize the reality.

   Yes, if the new woman had not completely replaced her, the imperial concubine would never have dared to attack her directly.

  Thinking of this, Yu Cai's heart flashed another panic.

   "You—what do you want?" Immediately, he looked at the imperial concubine in fear.

   The imperial concubine covered her lips and smiled.

   caused Jade Talent even more panic.

   "I—I am from Xianshi Guo. Now Xianshi Guo has won the emperor's trust. You can't touch me with him." He said immediately.

  Yes, she was selected by Guo Xianshi and sent to the palace.

   As long as the emperor still needs to take Guo Xianshi's elixir and respects Guo Xianshi, no one can move her.

  Thinking of this, Yucai felt a lot more stable in his heart. There was a little more calmness in the eyes of the imperial concubine.

  Unexpectedly, it only attracted a chuckle from the imperial concubine.

   "Guo Xianshi? Hehe... but a swashbuckling warlock."

   "Master Guoshi has returned to the National Teacher's House. After the face of the Holy Spirit tomorrow, what do you think that Jianghu Warlock will have a good end?"

   Yucai trembled.

   "You are talking nonsense! Xianshi Guo has a profound Taoism, refining the elixir for the emperor's health and fitness. How could the Master of the National Teacher attack the Xianshi?"

   "Huh, elixir?!" The imperial concubine's face finally turned cold.

   "It's just a Huiguang Pill that overdraws people's blood."

  Yucairen's eyes shrank, and he fell to the ground when he heard the words "Huiguang Dan".

  Yes, she knows Huiguangdan.

   When she discovered that the emperor's white hair suddenly increased and his mental state was not right, she asked the immortal master.

The    Immortal Master had an extraordinary relationship with her. Seeing that she kept asking questions, he told her the truth.

   It turned out that the medicinal pill that the immortal master gave the emperor was not some kind of elixir to strengthen the body, but a kind of Huiguang Pill that could overdraw human blood essence.

  The so-called Huiguang Dan, which means "returning light and returning light".

The more    is used, the more serious the overdraft of **** and blood will be.

  According to the amount of one Huiguang Pill the emperor had two days ago, the emperor could actually last a long time.

  According to their plan, as long as she is pregnant with a dragon heir during this time, she will not have to worry about the rest of her life, and she can even rely on her son to aspire to the throne of Dayan.

   But the emperor was addicted to Huiguang Dan.

The dosage of    also quickly changed from one pill every two days to one pill a day. This caused his body to decay faster.

   Even more, I heard that during this period of time, the emperor spent every day with the new woman in the palace. Perhaps the dosage has been increased again.

   This matter, she thought it was a secret between herself and the immortal master.

  I never thought about it, the imperial concubine actually knew!

   Injures the dragon body, how can she afford it once it is found out?

  Yucairen was instantly surrounded by fear, and even his body couldn't help shaking.

   "Gui--the imperial concubine--" Immediately, as if remembering something, he quickly crawled towards the imperial concubine.

   But before he touched the imperial concubine's feet, he was kicked away by the imperial concubine.

  Emperor Yu wanted to go forward, but was pulled by two eunuchs and dragged back.

   A look of disgust flashed across the face of the imperial concubine.

   "As of now, the evidence of Guo Xianshi's murder of the emperor is conclusive."

   "And you were recommended by Xianshi Guo to enter the palace. It is impossible not to know about it. There is a high probability that you will be guilty of the same crime as Xianshi Guo."

   Seeing Yu Cairen looking up at him, the imperial concubine smiled again.

   "According to Dayan's law, in your situation. You have to be late."

  Yucai was startled, tears flowed, and his body trembled even more.

   "Niangniang, Niangniang... Uuu, Niangniang was my fault before, Niangniang, please help me. This matter......"

   "This is all done by Master Guo Xianshi, and it has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me..." Yu Cairen hurriedly kowtowed to the imperial concubine.

   One after another, the knock made a "bang bang".

   "Giggle..." Seeing this, the imperial concubine embroidered a handkerchief to cover her face and smiled very happily.

   "It has nothing to do with you? Ha ha, will anyone believe it?"

  Yucairen became even more panicked when he heard this.

   "Please help the lady! If the lady is willing to save me, Yu'er will be shattered in the future, and she will repay the lady!" He hurriedly kowtowed to the imperial concubine again.

  Since the imperial concubine sent someone to arrest her, things would definitely turn around.

Yes! Otherwise, why would the imperial concubine bother?

   The corner of the imperial concubine's mouth twitched, and she finally stopped her laughter.

   "This concubine can't save you. But you still have a chance to save yourself." Then, he spoke leisurely.

   "Please enlighten me!" Yu Cairen hurriedly said. He knocked his head again.

   The imperial concubine felt pain when she looked at it.

   "Tomorrow, the national teacher will enter the palace to face the holy, and with the ability of the national teacher, you can definitely see that the emperor has taken Huiguang Pill."

   "At that time, Guo Xianshi will be investigated, you can't escape the relationship."

   Yucai shuddered.

   "For today's plan, you can only meet the emperor before the national teacher enters the palace. Then report the crime of Guo Xianshi to the emperor in person."

   "Only in this way can you get rid of the relationship and escape death." The imperial concubine said slowly.

   The reason for this arrangement, of course, is not to save the little **** in front of him. Instead, she had to try to get rid of the National Teacher as much as possible.

  Yes, since she received her son's letter and then investigated Guo Xianshi and Yu Cairen, I thought of a lot.

  Although there is no direct evidence that the emperor took Huiguang Pill, it was related to the national teacher.

   But she just knew that this matter must be arranged by the National Teacher behind the scenes.

   As expected of the national teacher, after leaving for more than a month, he quietly destroyed the emperor.

   Come back at this time, the emperor should have been unable to return to the sky. Even...the time is running out...

very good.

  Dayan was in the hands of the emperor and was managed in a mess.

   For her son to succeed, Dayan can prosper.

  Jade was surprised and quickly figured out the joints.

   I didn't even think about the concubine's plan, and responded quickly.

   "Thank you madam, thank you madam!" He quickly kowtowed to the imperial concubine in thanks.

   The corner of the imperial concubine's mouth raised.

   "Next, do as this concubine said..."

   Immediately, he told Yu Cairen his plan.

  The more Yu Cairen listened down, the more terrifying it became.

   Sure enough, the imperial concubine had no plans.

   But even so, Yucai people did not dare to object, and could only write down what the concubine said one by one.

   An hour later.

  The jade talent who finished grooming left from the imperial concubine's bedroom.

   did not return to his own bedroom, but headed towards Concubine Shu's bedroom.

   "Your Majesty has rested, please come back to Yucai people." The **** in Concubine Shu's palace rudely said to Yucai.

   Although this man was the favored man in the palace before, the situation is different now.

   Now, the emperor's favorite is their master.

   And the emperor has already asked people to plan, after tomorrow, their master will be the new concubine Shu.

   In the middle of the night, this jade talent dared to come to their palace to **** the emperor.

   "I'm bothering my father-in-law, just say I have something to report." Yu Cairen was rejected, but he didn't get angry.

   Instead, he took out a purse from his arms and handed it to the eunuch. His face was also very anxious.

   When the **** received the purse, he felt that the purse was heavy, and his complexion improved a lot.

   But in just a moment, he suddenly returned the purse plug to Yucairen.

   "I said that the emperor has rested, don't you understand? Hurry up!"

   "Stunned the emperor and our master to rest, so you can't eat and walk around!" The **** said angrily.

  Silver is good, but the future is more important!

   Today, if he goes in to report and disturbs the emperor and master, what if he is blamed? What's more, the master's side will no longer value him in the future.

  Yucai's face turned pale.

   Thinking of the imperial concubine's instructions, I couldn't care less.

   His heart fluttered, and he shouted loudly.

   "Your Majesty! Your Majesty, Yu'er has something to report! Yu'er has something to report!"

   "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Yu'er has something to report!"

  Yucairen shouted loudly, trying to use this primitive method to let Emperor Yan hear his own voice.

   "What are you doing?! Shut up! Hurry up and shut up!" The **** tried his best to suppress his voice and reprimanded Yu Cairen, for fear that Yu Cairen would disturb the people in the palace and affect him.

   Seeing that Jade Talent did not restrain himself, the **** hurriedly called a team of guards not far away.

   "Quick, stop her mouth and throw her out!" he commanded in a shrill voice.

The    guards didn't hesitate and came forward quickly.

   Yu Cairen looked flustered, and continued to howl loudly while dodging.

   "Your Majesty! I'm Yu'er! Yu'er has something to ask for! Your Majesty!" The voice was so loud that it was almost mournful.

  The ears of the guards nearby were aching.

   At this time, Emperor Yan, who was already asleep in the hall, was finally awakened.

   (end of this chapter)

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