Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 430: 430 The National Teacher Returns to the Palace

   Chapter 430 430 The National Teacher Returns to the Palace

   frowned, seeing that the woman beside him had already sat up, and was looking outside, he asked, "What's going on?"

   Mr. Zhang quickly restrained the flickering irritability in his eyes.

When    looked down at Emperor Yan, there was already tenderness in his eyes.

   "Nothing, the emperor has a good rest. The slave family will deal with it." She said softly.

   Emperor Yan's frowning brows relaxed.

   Feeling exhausted, I didn't think about it any more and closed my eyes.

   A gloom flashed in Mrs Zhang's eyes, and she rolled over and got out of bed.

   What a waste, it makes people noisy at night.

   "Your Majesty! Yu'er has something to report! It's about the Emperor's dragon body! Your Majesty!" At this moment, a sharp voice came from outside.

  Emperor Yan who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes.

   Immediately, he sat up.

   When Mr. Zhang turned back, this was what he saw.

   At this time, Emperor Yan's eyes were gloomy, completely different from the previous appearance of indulging in his own beauty, which surprised Zhang Shi.

   "Bring people in." Before Mr. Zhang could recover, he heard Emperor Yan say in a deep voice.

   "Yes." Mr. Zhang quickly returned to his senses and responded with a look of fear.

   Immediately, he walked out of the hall with an uneasy mind.

   At this time, Yucairen had been caught and gagged, and was being held by the guards and was about to be thrown out.

   Mr. Zhang frowned when he saw this.

  What a bunch of rubbish. That's when people are restrained.

   "Stop it!" Rao was reluctant, but Mr. Zhang still opened his mouth.

  The guards put Yu Cairen down.

   "Master—" When the **** saw Mrs. Zhang, he quickly ran towards Mrs. Zhang.

   "Master, this person disturbed the master, sin—"

   Before he could finish speaking, Mrs. Zhang glanced over, and the **** shut up.

  It was over, and it really caused a quarrel between the master and the emperor.

   Mr. Zhang looked away from the **** and looked at Yucai Ren.

   "The emperor wants to see you, come with me." Immediately said.

  Yucairen looked happy.

   hurriedly walked towards Mrs. Zhang.

After    approached, the two could see each other's faces clearly.

   The results are all surprising.

   But it was only a moment, and the two quickly looked away.

   Mr. Zhang took the lead to turn around and entered the inner hall.

   She was cultivated by King Anyang. Having seen the portrait of Concubine Shu, even a real person, she naturally knew the meaning of her existence.

   And the person following her at this time, she may not have been sure just now, but now she has confirmed the identity of the other party.

  Jade talent, really so...

   For the past two days, she was still a little complacent, and she felt that she could charm the emperor, not only because of her appearance similar to Concubine Shu. turn out to be……

   That's all, her mind wasn't on that old man anyway.

  Yu Cairen quickly followed.

   The moment she saw Mrs. Zhang, some of her thoughts were completely dissipated.

   When she was favored, there were rumors in the palace because she looked a bit like the deceased Concubine Shu in the palace.

   She always scoffed at this.

   After seeing the portrait of Concubine Shu, although I had some doubts, I didn't take it seriously.

   But just now, the moment she saw Mrs. Zhang, she almost thought it was Concubine Shu.

   If her appearance is two or three points similar to Concubine Shu, Mrs. Zhang looks almost exactly like Concubine Shu.

  It is no wonder that Zhang Shi was fascinated by the emperor after only a few days in the palace.

   Concubine Shu... She was favored at the beginning, but it was because of her...

   At this time, Jade Talent was a little unwilling in his heart, but more relieved.

   That's fine. After she recognizes the reality, she can lose a little more convincingly.

   After a while, Jade Talent entered the inner hall with Mrs. Zhang.

  Emperor Yan had already got up from the bed, but did not leave, but sat domineeringly on the edge of the bed.

   "I have seen the emperor." Before Zhang could speak, Yucai quickly stepped forward and bowed to Emperor Yan.

   Seeing Jade Talent, Emperor Yan raised his eyes.

   "It's you?" said with some displeasure.

   He knew this woman, her eyebrows and eyes were like Wanyue, and he looked good, so he spoiled her for a while.

   In the past few days, because Mrs Zhang entered the palace, he forgot about her and didn't care about her anymore.

  The courage is not small, and the big night actually found it.

  Yucairen felt Emperor Yan's displeasure, and his small body couldn't help but tremble.

   Some didn't believe it, the man opposite was actually the emperor who had sweetly talked to her before and loved her so much.

   But seeing the impact of Zhang Shi just now, she quickly stabilized her mind.

   "The emperor forgives his sins, and disturbed the emperor at night. It's really Yu'er who has something to report." Yu Cairen quickly knelt down.

   "When Yu'er learned about this, she was so anxious that she didn't dare to delay. I disturbed the emperor and asked the emperor to forgive me." After speaking, Yucai kowtowed to Emperor Yan.

   Emperor Yan frowned.

   remembered what he just heard.

   "What?" asked.

  Yucairen did not answer, but raised his head and looked sideways at Mr. Zhang who was not far away.

   Emperor Yan frowned again when he saw this.

   "You go down first." Chong Zhang said.

   Mr. Zhang glanced at Emperor Yan sadly, and then glanced at Jade Talent again.

  Unwillingly, he blessed Emperor Yan and retired.

   This small appearance made Emperor Yan feel much better.

   After Mr. Zhang left, Emperor Yan looked at Yu Cairen.

   "Tell me, what are you going to report to me?" he asked.

  Yucairen saw the change in Emperor Yan's demeanor throughout the whole process, and once again sighed that the emperor was fortunate.

   quickly calmed down, and told the Emperor Yan what the imperial concubine had told him.

   The more Emperor Yan listened, the more angry he became.

   "Cough--" He coughed suddenly and vomited a mouthful of blood.

  Yucairen was frightened and quickly got up to help Emperor Yan.

   took a handkerchief and wiped Emperor Yan's mouth.

   Emperor Yan looked at the blood-stained handkerchief, and his body trembled.

   He coughed up blood, he actually coughed up blood...

   "Someone, someone here—" With a panicked expression on his face, Emperor Yan waved Yu Cairen away and shouted outside.

   After a while, Mrs Zhang arrived with a group of guards.

   After entering the inner hall, what Zhang saw was that Emperor Yan's hair seemed to have turned white again, and a few broken hairs that fell on his forehead were swaying messily, and the whole person looked old and weak.

   "Pass the Imperial Physician!" Emperor Yan said sharply.

   "Yes!" The guards responded quickly.

   "Wait—" But just for a moment, Emperor Yan stopped the guards again.

  The guards stopped and turned around to salute Emperor Yan.

   "Proclaim the national teacher again, let the national teacher come to see me immediately!" Emperor Yan said again.

   Imperial Physician, those incompetent **** didn't see Huiguangdan's abnormality before, so what's the use of calling them here now? !

   Mr. National Teacher! By the way, his national teacher mastered astronomy and geography.

   He must know Huiguang Pill and how to remove the harm of Huiguang Pill.

   At this time, Emperor Yan's expression was panicked, and there was still a generation of emperors who looked like an old man who was afraid of death.

   Upon seeing this, Mrs. Zhang glanced at Yucai who fell to the side, and had some guesses in her heart.

   went forward, supported Emperor Yan, and lightly stroked his back.

  Emperor Yan trembled, subconsciously trying to hide.

   When he turned around and saw that it was Mrs. Zhang, his eyes moved, and then a fragility flashed in his eyes.

   Immediately, Mrs Zhang was allowed to take care of herself.

   Mrs Zhang showed a distressed look, and helped Emperor Yan to half lie down on the bed.

   then ordered the maid to bring hot water and cloth towels.

   After the hot water came, he wiped it off for Emperor Yan himself.

  Under Zhang's care, Emperor Yan's mood slowly recovered.

   Seeing this scene, the Jade Talent on the side realized his status more clearly.

   Even if it was just a substitute, she was the worst.

   "Someone." Emperor Yan recovered, and soon shouted outside again.

   "Yes!" Immediately a guard entered the door.

   "Pass on my oral order to put Guo Xianshi in the heavenly prison."

   "The third prince and the fifth prince's mansion are also blocked. No one is allowed to enter or leave without my edict." After speaking, Emperor Yan closed his eyes tiredly.

   The Jade Talent's eyes moved slightly.

   Sure enough, the situation went as the imperial concubine thought.

   beat the king of Anyang to seal the king, and after going to the fief, the seven princes also followed them out of the capital.

   Now in the capital, there are only the third prince and the fifth prince who have the ambition and the strength to fight for the crown prince.

   The imperial concubine linked the matter of Guo Xianshi's murder of the emperor with the third and fifth princes.

   As long as the two princes can't handle it well, they will be destroyed.

   Without these two, even if King Anyang could not ascend the throne, the probability of success in winning the heir would be greatly increased.

   "Yes!" The guards ordered to leave.

   Mrs Zhang sighed and continued to wipe Emperor Yan's forehead with a handkerchief.

   "Everything will wait until the National Teacher arrives. Don't worry about it, Your Majesty." He said with a distressed expression.

   Emperor Yan opened his eyes and saw the worried look on the woman in front of him.

   Through this face, I seem to think of the scene when Concubine Shu took care of herself when he fell ill shortly after she entered the palace.

   Concubine Shu at that time really loved him.

  It's a pity...he ruined this love with his own hands.

  There is also Qinger, the child was born in his incomparable expectation.

   He named him Murongqing to express his affection for Concubine Shu.

   At that time, in this Shuanghua Palace, they were almost as simple and happy as a family of three.

   But everything is gone...

   In order to destroy the Nangong family, he gave up his son.

   Concubine Shu also hated him and became a stranger to him. In the end, even escaped him.

  Do you regret it?

   He kept telling himself that he had no regrets.

   But from the moment he met Zhang, he knew that he regretted it...

   He knew that Mrs. Zhang was not his Concubine Shu, but he treated her as Concubine Shu.

   Even wanted to make up for the debt to Concubine Shu to Mrs. Zhang.

   But he knows that in this life, maybe he won't be able to see his Wanyue again...

  Nangong Wanyue, your heart is so cruel.

   Emperor Yan felt a pain in his heart and closed his eyes.

   Seeing this, Mrs. Zhang thought that Emperor Yan was going to rest, so he didn't bother.

   After a while, people from Tai Hospital came.

   Mr. Zhang went up to ask Emperor Yan for instructions.

   Emperor Yan opened his tired eyes, but waved his hand.

   "Let them wait in the side hall first. Call me when the national teacher arrives." He said.

   He had given up hope for the imperial physicians.

   Right now, the only thing he can count on is the national teacher.

   "Yes." Mrs. Zhang responded and made arrangements quickly.

   Just arranged the imperial physician to go to the side hall, and the national teacher finally arrived.

   Mrs. Zhang looked happy, and then went to invite Emperor Yan again.

   Hearing the arrival of the national teacher, Emperor Yan, who had been tired all the time, seemed to regain some anger and asked Mrs. Zhang to help him up.

   "Quick, let the national teacher come in." He said.

   "Let the National Teacher come in!" Mr. Zhang hurriedly rushed outside.

   After a while, Liu Wuji finally entered the door.

   "I have seen the emperor." Walking not far from Emperor Yan, he bowed and bowed to Emperor Yan.

   Liu Wuji's eyes fluctuated slightly when he discovered Zhang's, but there was no abnormality.

   As soon as he returned to the palace, he knew that King Anyang and his concubine had arranged for a woman who looked very similar to Concubine Shu to enter the palace.

  I didn't expect it to be so similar, even to the point where it could almost be faked.

   "Quickly flatten your body!" Emperor Yan said quickly.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   Seeing Liu Wuji get up, his mental state was better than before he left Kyoto, and he looked younger than before, and Emperor Yan was full of envy in his heart.

  Why did he listen to the advice of the third child and take that Guo Xianshi into the palace?

   In the whole of Dayan, besides the national teacher, who else is better at health preservation?

   "I called you here because I wanted you to help me take a look at my body." Emperor Yan spoke quickly.

   Liu Wuji looked surprised.

  Emperor Yan had a bitter expression on his face.

   "I was ill before, and my body was weak. I couldn't figure out the cause at the Tai Hospital."


   "Afterwards, the third child recommended a person to me, named Master Guo Xianshi."

   "Master Guo made elixir for me. After taking the medicine, my physical weakness was quickly relieved, and I felt that my mental and physical strength were stronger than before."

  Liu Wuji nodded and listened, but when he looked at Emperor Yan, his brows kept frowning. Obviously doubting his words.

   Emperor Yan also understood that although he felt that after taking the medicine, his mental and physical strength were stronger than before, but he also found that his hair was turning white faster and his skin was aging rapidly.

   But Xianshi Guo told him that those were all caused by elixir, and after a period of time, those bad situations would be reversed, so he didn't care too much.

   But now, when Yucai people came to expose Guo Xianshi in front of him, he was shocked that something was wrong.

   He is extremely hopeful at this moment, all this is nonsense from the jade talents.

  Guo Xianshi didn't lie to him, and the elixir he took these days was not a Huiguang Pill.

   "But we have learned that the name of the medicinal pill Guo Xianshi gave me is called Huikuangdan—"

  Emperor Yan's voice had not yet finished, when Liu Wuji's expression changed drastically.

   "Huiguang Dan?!" Liu Wuji looked at Emperor Yan in shock.

  Emperor Yan only felt his heart sink quickly.

   "Yes, Huiguang Pill. Can the national teacher know this medicine?" Trying to stabilize his mind, he asked Liu Wuji.

  Liu Wuji frowned, did not answer, but asked: "Does the emperor still have this medicine in his hand?"

   "Yes." Emperor Yan said quickly.

   then looked at Mrs Zhang beside him.

  Clan Zhang blessed Emperor Yan and retired.

   After a while, he brought the medicine pill.

  Liu Wuji glanced at the uneasy Emperor Yan, and stretched out his hand to take the wooden box that Mr. Zhang handed over.

   opened the box, put the medicinal pill under his nose and sniffed, then opened the medicinal pill and looked at the inside of the medicinal pill.

   Immediately, under the nervous gaze of Emperor Yan, he nodded solemnly.

  Emperor Yan seemed to lose his strength in an instant, closed his eyes, and fell weakly on the pillow.

   After a long while, Emperor Yan opened his eyes again.

   "I have been taking the medicine for over a month, can the properties of the medicine be resolved?" Chongliu Wuji asked.

   It was confirmed that it was Huiguang Pill, and he no longer doubted the efficacy of Huiguang Pill.

   For now, the only way is to find a way to remove the medicinal properties of Huiguang Pill as much as possible.

  I only hope that it is not too late.

   Liu Wuji stretched out his hand.

   "Wei Chen asked the emperor for his pulse." He said with a solemn expression.

   (end of this chapter)

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