Chapter 431 431 Quitting Drugs

   Emperor Yan cooperated and gave Liu Wuji his hand.

  Liu Wuji felt the pulse of Emperor Yan.

   His face was solemn.

  Emperor Yan was so uneasy in his heart that he didn't dare to take a deep breath.

After a long time, Liu Wuji finally let go of Emperor Yan.

   "I, what's the situation—how is it?" asked the nervous Chongliu Wuji.

   Liu Wuji looked embarrassed and did not speak.

   "It's okay to speak bluntly." Emperor Yan asked Liu Wuji again with a sigh of relief.

   Liu Wuji sighed.

   "The foundation of the emperor has been damaged, and his lifespan has been consumed at least—"

   "At least how much?" Emperor Yan squeezed the thin quilt on his body and looked straight at Liu Wuji.

   "At least ten years." Liu Wuji said sadly, and turned his head away when he spoke, without looking at Emperor Yan.

  Emperor Yan's complexion turned pale, and he was exhausted again.

   In ten years, he is over fifty years old, and his health is not very good.

After    wasted ten years of his lifespan, how much time would he have left?

   Seeing that Emperor Yan's eyes were blank, Liu Wuji continued: "This minister can prepare some Yangshen pills for the emperor to relieve some of the medicinal properties of Huiguang Pill. But the damage that has been caused is irreversible, and the effect will not be very good."

   "In addition, as far as I know, Huiguang Dan will not only overdraw one's strength, but also addictive."

   "The emperor has been taking medicine for more than a month, and it is very likely that he has become addicted."

   "The process of quitting medicine is very difficult." After speaking, Liu Wuji looked at Emperor Yan worriedly.

   Emperor Yan clenched his fists. Only in this way can he keep his posture.

   "I know."

   Liu Wuji's expression was still heavy.

   "The process of quitting medicine is difficult. If you can get through it, you may be able to quit within a month. After that, I will ask the Taiyuan Hospital to prescribe some nourishing prescriptions, which can be slowly adjusted."

   "But if you can't quit and touch that medicine again—" Liu Wuji paused.

   "What will happen?" Emperor Yan asked.

   "At that time, the emperor is afraid - there is not much time."

  Emperor Yan only felt the darkness in front of him, and he actually felt suffocated.

   Liu Wuji clenched his fists at Emperor Yan.

   "For the sake of Jiangshan Sheji and the people of Limin, I also ask the emperor to abstain from Huiguang Dan according to what his ministers said."

   "I, I listen to you." Emperor Yan stretched out his hand and placed it on the back of Liu Wuji's hand.

   "Also, what else should I pay attention to?" Immediately, he asked Liu Wuji again.

   Liu Wuji spoke again: "The matter of quitting drugs is very important and will take a long time."

   "In order to ensure that the emperor can get rid of the drug properties smoothly, the minister suggested that the emperor declare the disease to the outside world and quit the medicine with peace of mind."

   "For the affairs of the imperial court, leave it to someone you trust to preside over it."

  Emperor Yan's expression changed slightly.

   looked at Liu Wuji.

   Seeing Liu Wuji's expression as usual, the guard in his heart dissipated a little.

   "Who does the national teacher think can take on this responsibility?" Chongliu Wuji asked.

   quitting drugs is about his life. In the next month, he really needs to concentrate on quitting drugs.

   But at the moment, Chu and Jin are looking at Dayan, and the former dynasty can't ignore it.

   If it's only a month, it shouldn't change the sky...

   Liu Wuji's expression remained unchanged.

   "I feel that the third prince and the fifth prince are acceptable, and then arrange for the Prime Minister to assist him. The previous dynasty will definitely be stable."

   Seeing Emperor Yan's face turning black, Liu Wuji did not evade, and continued: "As the national teacher of Dayan, I have the obligation to persuade the emperor to establish a prince early."

   Emperor Yan was instantly furious.


  Liu Wuji was not afraid.

   just got up and bowed to Emperor Yan.

   After a long while, Emperor Yan suppressed the anger in his heart.

   "Let me think about the matter of establishing the crown prince." Finally said.

   The performance of the national teacher today, although it made him angry, but... he is indeed doing his duty.

   If he hadn't listened to the words of Master Guo, he would have lost his life by taking Huiguang Pill. Now he has to get rid of the medicinal properties again, and the national teacher will not let him establish a prince at this time.

  The national teacher is Dayan's national teacher, not his...

   But this is fine, the national teacher serves the country. And he is Emperor Yan, as long as he reigns for one day, the national teacher is also for him.

   Before the National Teacher went to Qingshi Town, he was also worried that the National Teacher would turn to King Anyang because of the people in Qingshi Town.

   Now it seems that he thinks too much.

   "Besides, the third child and the fifth child are not considered. Then Guo Xianshi was recommended to me by the third child. Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with the fifth child!" Emperor Yan then said to Liu Wuji.

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yan hated even more in his heart.

   He sealed the eldest and the old seven out of the capital, leaving only the third and fifth princes who were suitable for age in the capital.

   They are so good, they actually arranged for Master Guo Xian to kill him!

   Liu Wuji was surprised.

   "Yes, the matter of the East Palace must be arranged as soon as possible." Then, he bowed to Emperor Yan again.

   Emperor Yan glanced at Liu Wuji.

   "The matter of the East Palace will be discussed after I return from recuperation."

   "Also, during the period of my recuperation, the government will be presided over by the National Teacher and the Prime Minister. With the National Teacher here, I can rest assured."

  Liu Wuji suddenly raised his head and looked at Emperor Yan.

   Emperor Yan saw that Liu Wuji was about to speak, and raised his hand to stop him.

   "That's it."

  Liu Wuji acted helplessly and bowed his hands to Emperor Yan.

   "Yes." Answered.

   Emperor Yan was relieved when he saw this.

   It’s fine if he doesn’t refuse, he certainly trusts the national teacher more than setting up the prince and then letting the prince supervise the country.

   And there is a national teacher, Dayan will be safe.

  Emperor Yan asked Liu Wuji some precautions for quitting medicine before letting Liu Wuji leave.

   After Liu Wuji left, he summoned the imperial physician from the Imperial Hospital.

After   diagnosing his pulse, he determined that his physical condition was indeed not good, and his Shouyuan had been damaged, so Emperor Yan completely gave up the fluke in his heart.

   After letting the imperial physician retire, he began to arrange the next thing.

   The next day.

  Emperor Yan did not go to the morning court.

   Eunuch Dahu announced that the emperor was unwell and needed to rest for a period of time.

   During this period of time, the government was handed over to the National Teacher, and the Prime Minister was assisted by the Lord.

  The ministers received the imperial decree, and their hanging hearts fell to the ground.

Before   , the emperor had abandoned the government, which led to many things that they could not report at all.

  It's all right now, the National Teacher is back.

   And there is a national teacher in charge of government affairs, and the government believes that the Qingming will soon be smooth.

   In short, Liu Wuji seemed to be the needle of the sea in the hearts of the courtiers. At this juncture, he stabilized everyone's minds.

   The third and fifth princes were imprisoned, and the emperor was seriously ill and recuperating. Everyone only dared to talk secretly, and no one dared to move for the time being.

After   Liu Wuji came to power, he quickly dealt with Emperor Yan's backlog of memorials during this period of time.

After   , the border was allocated again to continue to strengthen the border guards.

   After a series of policies, the courtiers were all convinced.

  The originally terrified court quickly settled down.

   Ten days later.

  Emperor Yan entered the middle period of abstinence in the Palace of Concubine Shu.

   "No way, I can't hold it anymore! Go and get me that pill! Go!" Emperor Yan, whose gray-white hair was fluttering on his cheeks, roared at Mrs. Zhang and Yucai like a bereaved dog at the moment.

  The two girls hurried forward to help Emperor Yan.

   "Your Majesty, take care of your body!" Yu Cairen cried.

   "Today is the tenth day, be patient, Your Majesty, please be patient, and you will pass!" Mr. Zhang followed.

  Emperor Yan only felt as if his heart was being bitten by ten thousand ants, and faced with the two women he loved most in the past, his heart was also full of anger.

   But he still managed to control his anger, he didn't have the heart to attack Mrs. Zhang, but pushed Yu Cairen away.


  Yu Cairen didn't stabilize and fell to the side.

  Bai Nen's hand rubbed on the floor tile, and blood came out.

   "Ouch—" I couldn't help wailing. Yucairen looked at his hand, tears streaming out.

   Mr. Zhang had already helped Emperor Yan up and imprisoned Emperor Yan with his own body, constantly comforting him and preventing him from going mad again.

   ignored Emperor Yan's roar, and Mrs. Zhang just hugged Emperor Yan tightly.

   "It's alright, the emperor will be alright! Just bear with it, and bear with it... With the slave family and the slave family..."

   Emperor Yan felt the woman's care and regarded the woman in front of him as a concubine Shu.

   Thinking of Concubine Shu's sincere love for her, she forcibly suppressed the torture of her body while crying.

   No matter how uncomfortable your body is, no matter how badly you cry, you still control yourself and don't shoot at Mrs. Zhang.

  The two hugged each other like Beauty and the Beast, but they also seemed sincere.

  Yucairen shed a burst of tears, looking at this scene, he only felt that he was superfluous.

  The emperor stopped taking medicine for ten days. She ate and lived with the Zhang family and the emperor, and accompanied the emperor for ten days. In the emperor's office, the treatment received is very different.

   Mrs. Zhang was the emperor's treasure. Even if the drug addiction hit the hardest moment, the emperor never acted rough on Mrs. Zhang.

   But for her, the emperor did not have much affection for her.

  It was fine when the drug addiction didn't break out, and I still had some love for her.

   But once drug addiction breaks out, treat her like an enemy. Often beat and scold.

  In the beginning, she knew that she was not as good as Zhang Shi and Concubine Shu, and she could still convince herself to accept it.

   But after a few days, this kind of different treatment forced her to feel jealous, and it was no longer difficult to balance.

   Thinking of the instructions that the imperial concubine had given him recently, an impulse surged again in the heart of Yucai.

   Her righteous brother, Guo Xianshi, was executed three days ago.

   Even if she can get out of here in twenty days, with Mrs. Zhang around, she will not be able to regain her former glory.

   Without the help of her righteous brother, there would be no place for her in the harem.

   Come again, the emperor saw that she had done a good job in reporting, but she has not been held accountable for the time being.

   But when he recovers and investigates Guangdan thoroughly, it is inevitable that he will not take anger on her again. How will she handle herself then?

   Looking at Emperor Yan, whose emotions gradually calmed down, and Mrs. Zhang, who was still crying with Emperor Yan, a grim look flashed in Yu Cairen's eyes.

   Getting up from the ground, Yucairen left the hall and let the palace servants guarding outside the door deliver hot water.

  Wait until the hot water is delivered, then take the hot water and send it into the hall.

   At this time, Emperor Yan had ended his drug addiction and was arranged by Zhang to go to bed and fall asleep.

   Mr. Zhang saw Yucairen come in with hot water, so he got up and walked to Yucairen.

   "Give it to me." He said.

  Yucairen turned his head and glanced at Emperor Yan on the bed, and gave the water basin to Mrs. Zhang.

   It is clear that she is a talented person, and Mrs. Zhang is just a common girl with no rank.

   But for several days, she has become a servant of the Zhang family and can only listen to the Zhang family.

   Not only is it difficult to serve the emperor personally, but he also has to fight for Zhang.

   Seeing Mrs. Zhang, he didn't even look at himself, he went to the bed with the water basin in his hand, and Yucai's heart was even more angry. The eyes also lit up fiercely...

after a little while.

   Mr. Zhang finished wiping Emperor Yan, sighed, and threw the handkerchief into the basin.

   Immediately, he stroked his forehead tiredly and got up.

   Then, come out with a water basin.

   "The emperor has fallen asleep, you can take Yangshen pills when you wake up."

   "Excuse me to take out the water and pour it out. By the way, take the Yangshen pills that will be used later." After speaking, Mr. Zhang directly handed the basin to Yucairen.

   Yu Cairen's eyes flashed gloom, and he reached out and took the water basin.

   Immediately, he turned and left.

   When Mr. Zhang saw Yu Cairen's reaction, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What about    dissatisfaction? The emperor only needs her to take care of her, and the meaning of her existence in this Shuanghua Palace is to serve her and the emperor?

   Mr. Zhang didn't know, but the eyes of Yu Cairen who turned around were already hideous.

   Carrying the water basin to the gate of the palace, Yu Cairen gave the water basin to the palace servant.

   Then, he took the Yangshen pill that Emperor Yan was taking today.

   No one noticed, and on the way back to the hall, Yucairen dropped Yangshen Pills.

   Replaced the pills, and Yu Cairen had a sinister smile on his face.

  Your Majesty, you are not kind to me, but don't blame your servants and concubines for being unjust to you...


  Because Emperor Yan was busy quitting drugs now, and because of his poor health, he was either suffering from drug-induced seizures or sleeping, and he had very little time to wake up.

   Now that I have completely lost my mind, I will pay attention to the previous situation.

  Liu Wuji took this opportunity to have a firm grip on the government.

   "National division, urgent report at the border! Recently, the army of Chu and Jin is on the verge of gathering at the border! Generals Zheng and Wu implore the national division to send troops to support in advance!" The Minister of War stepped forward.

   As soon as these words came out, the court was in an uproar.

  Chu and Jin are preparing to start another war, and there have been rumors in the DPRK for a long time.

   And before, the imperial court has been making arrangements and dealing with it.

  Unfortunately, the imperial generals were few and weak, and the treasury was not full enough. No matter how you prepare, it is difficult to be thorough.

  Liu Wuji sat in some positions below the throne of Emperor Yan, his eyes swept across the courtiers one by one.

   "Everyone, what advice do you have?" he asked.

   As soon as these words came out, the hall was quiet.

   Immediately, the Ministry of War Minister said: "The soldiers that the Ministry of War can call have been dispatched one after another, and all of them will go to the border."

   "The rest of the guards and the Kyoto armaments are not allowed to move without authorization."

   "But the new border defense line requires too many places to guard. The current manpower at the border is not enough to resist the Chu and Jin cavalry."

   A few cities were ceded out. Dayan's new border line is now stretched, and the cities that need to be strengthened have not yet been strengthened.

   Really want to fight at this time, Dayan will be very difficult to defend.

   "Therefore, the minister suggested. Dispatch soldiers from various fiefs to go to the border to fight against Chu and Jin!"

   As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of discussion in the hall.

  To transfer troops from fiefs, indeed, each fief has soldiers, but the number of soldiers is not large.

  Is it appropriate to let the enfeoffed prince participate in the border battle rashly?

   Seeing that Liu Wuji did not speak, the Minister of War continued: "This move will not only solve the problem of insufficient soldiers."

   "Let the fiefs send troops, and the fiefs are self-sufficient. It can also save the state treasury's military expenditure, food and wages, and reduce the pressure on the state treasury."

   His eyes lit up when he heard the minister of the Ministry of Finance.

   "This minister agrees!" He quickly stepped forward.

   Following in the footsteps of Lord Shang Shu, several officials from the Ministry of Household also stepped forward.

   "The minister also agrees!" Followed.

   (end of this chapter)

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