Chapter 432 432 Poisoning

   There is no way, the war is only money.

   In the previous battle, almost 20% of the silver in the treasury was burned in a few days.

   Afterwards, there were peace talks and reparations and preparations for new wars. The silver in the treasury was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   It’s winter again, and if the snow disaster hits, the Ministry of Household might not even be able to get the money for disaster relief.

   As soon as the Ministry of Household supported it, many courtiers also stood up and expressed their support.

   There are still objections.

   Some ministers felt that the feudal lord had limited troops and the war had not yet started, so there was no need for the feudal lord to participate in the war. Otherwise, once the feudal king has a rebellion, it is easy to cause chaos.

  Liu Wuji raised his hand.

   Eunuch Da Hu immediately spoke up to silence the courtiers.

   When the hall was quiet, Liu Wuji opened his mouth and said: "The border issues must be guarded against."

   "But there is something wrong with rashly letting the vassal king join the war."

   "After retreating from the dynasty, the old man went to the emperor in person. This matter is up to the emperor to decide."

   As soon as these words came out, all the courtiers responded and saluted Liu Wuji.

  Liu Wuji announced his retirement.

After   , let Eunuch Hu take him to the Shuanghua Palace.

   "Your Majesty!" As soon as he reached the door, he heard a shrill cry from within.

  Liu Wuji's expression changed, he ignored the guards and pushed the door directly—

  The guards followed Liu Wuji and quickly entered the hall.

  I saw Emperor Yan, who had not seen him for more than ten days. His hair had changed from gray to white, and the corners of his mouth and body were stained with blood.

   There was also a pool of blood on the ground, which looked particularly terrifying.

   Mrs. Zhang was holding the old emperor who seemed to have died, and wept bitterly.

   On the other hand, Yu Cairen looked terrified and did not dare to step forward.

   "Pass the Imperial Physician!" Liu Wuji quickly ordered.

   Immediately stepped forward to feel Emperor Yan's pulse.

   Zhang Shi, who was in a panic at first, saw the arrival of the national teacher, and quickly cooperated and helped to help Emperor Yan's body.

   Liu Wuji's complexion changed quickly.

   looked at Zhang Shi like a knife.

   was so frightened that Mr. Zhang almost fell.

   "The emperor is poisoned." Only Liu Wuji said.

   "Ah—" Mr. Zhang exclaimed, his legs softened, and he supported the chair that Emperor Yan was sitting on, so that he didn't let himself fall.

   Immediately, as if he remembered something, he turned back quickly and looked at Yu Cairen.

  Yucairen's face was pale, but he forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart.

   Immediately, he rushed to Liu Wuji and knelt down.

   "National Teacher, Lord National Teacher! It has nothing to do with me, it's Mrs. Zhang! The emperor's food and daily life have always been in charge of Mrs. Zhang! She must have poisoned the emperor!"

   Mr. Zhang's face turned pale, but he didn't react for a while.

   When Liu Wuji looked at her, she wanted to explain, but found that her throat was dry and she couldn't speak.

   This appearance only makes people feel her guilty conscience.

   "Someone—" Liu Wuji suddenly said.

   "Ah—" Mr. Zhang exclaimed again, and knelt down to Liu Wuji.

   was about to give an order, but one hand grabbed Liu Wuji's wrist.

   is the dying Emperor Yan who woke up.

   "National teacher." Emperor Yan raised his heavy eyelids and called Liu Wuji.

   Although he fell into a coma just now, he heard everything after the arrival of the national teacher.

   Right now, he was poisoned, and the only people who poisoned him were Zhang and Yucai.

   But he believed in the Zhang family and couldn't watch the national teacher take a shot at Zhang.

  Liu Wuji glanced at Emperor Yan and then at Mrs Zhang. Understand the mind of Emperor Yan.

   "The emperor's poisoning is of great importance and must be investigated strictly." But he said solemnly.

   Seeing that Emperor Yan looked up at him again, the seriousness on Liu Wuji's face became less serious.

   "Take the two empresses to the side hall for strict supervision." Immediately said.

   Emperor Yan nodded slightly and felt relieved.

  The guards came in quickly to bring people.

   "Your Majesty!" Zhang Shi panicked and looked at Emperor Yan.

   "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It's not a concubine, it has nothing to do with your concubine! Your Majesty, help!" Yu Cairen was even more flustered, reaching out to pull Emperor Yan.

   was stopped by the guards who came forward.

   Emperor Yan frowned.

   only gave Zhang Shi a look that reassured her, but he didn't even glance at Yu Cairen.

   After a while, the two daughters were taken out by the guards.

   There was no more noise, and the hall finally became quiet.

   "I-what poison did you get?" Emperor Yan asked Liu Wuji in a hoarse voice.

   Liu Wuji's expression was solemn.

   "A chronic poison. Although the toxicity is not strong, it is difficult to remove."

   "Furthermore, the medicinal properties of Huiguang Pill that the emperor took before have not disappeared, and the body may not be able to hold the detoxification." Speaking of this, Liu Wuji frowned.

   hesitated for a while, then stood up.

   rushed to Emperor Yan and clasped his fists and saluted: "I urge the emperor to issue an decree to summon the king of Anyang to return to the capital."

  The hall was instantly silent.

   Even the small breathing sound seemed to disappear.

   Emperor Yan leaned back on the chair weakly, trying to keep an eye on Liu Wuji.

   But he found that his eyes were slack, and he couldn't even stare at people.

   After a while, Emperor Yan finally gave up, closed his eyes tiredly, and let himself lean on the chair to breathe.

   After a while, Emperor Yan opened his eyes again, a bitter smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Liu Wuji, who was standing still not far away.

   "Before, you went to Qingshi Town - met King Anyang." This is not a question, but a statement.

   "Yes." Liu Wuji replied without any intention of covering up.

   "Did King Anyang win you over?" Emperor Yan asked.

   "Yes." Liu Wuji replied again, still frankly.

   "Hmph, you answered succinctly." Emperor Yan suddenly smiled and said in a playful tone.

   "This minister is loyal to Dayan and to the emperor. The emperor asks questions and answers honestly." Liu Wuji replied.

   When Emperor Yan heard this, his expression finally improved.

   Immediately, his complexion slowly became solemn again.

   "I really can't hold my body anymore?" Then, Chong Liu Wuji asked.

   Before, he refused the national teacher's request to establish a prince, and the advice of the prince to supervise the country, and handed over the responsibility of supervising the country to the national teacher, and the national teacher agreed.

   That's because it is difficult to quit Huiguang Pill, but the national teacher feels that the probability of his success in quitting the drug is not small, and he will still be able to sit on the throne of Dayan after that.

   But now…

   After quitting medicine for more than ten days, he knew his own physical condition. Don't say that the national teacher has no confidence in him, he is almost losing confidence now.

   Huiguang's medicinal properties have not been eradicated, and now he has a new poison. In fact, he can understand that the national teacher is anxious to let him establish a reserve for Dayan.

   Liu Wuji did not answer immediately this time.

   Instead, he paused for a moment before opening his mouth: "If you can survive the remaining nineteen days, wait for the Huiguang Pill to completely dissipate and then detoxify, and under meditation, there may be a period of half a year."

   Emperor Yan's pupils shrank.

   After a while, he calmed down again.

   "At most... only half a year?" Immediately, Chong Liu Wuji asked.

   "Yes." Liu Wuji raised his head and glanced at Emperor Yan.

   Seeing that Emperor Yan was looking at him, he lowered his head again.

   "The premise is that the emperor can survive the next nineteen days." Liu Wuji hesitated and added.

  Emperor Yan lost his strength instantly and let himself lie down on the chair.

   "Hmph, instead of struggling for 19 more days to get that half a year of longevity. I—" said with some resentment.

   But before he could finish speaking, Emperor Yan stopped on his own.

   "Your Majesty must not give up lightly." Liu Wuji said, his voice cold and indifferent.

   Hearing that, Emperor Yan was a little ashamed.

   He regretted what he just said.

   As the king of a country in Dayan, what he said just now was indeed inappropriate.

   At this moment, Emperor Yan has thousands of thoughts in his mind. I finally remembered my identity and my responsibilities.

   He was the emperor of Dayan, and he succeeded the throne for more than 20 years, but he did not achieve much.

   On the contrary, he did a lot of wrong things, causing Dayan to fall into war and ceding land to pay indemnity.

   Now, the heart of Chu and Jin is not dead, and the war may break out at any time.

  If Dayan was killed by his hands, and he went underground, how should he face his ancestors?

   He has always been reluctant to admit that it was wrong to kill Nangong Zhan himself and destroy the Nangong family. But now that I think about it, I really regret it.

   Knowing that his time is running out, he is panicking now.

   He wanted to rebuild the mountains and rivers and manage Dayan again, but he had no time.

   "How is the battle preparations at the border now?" Thinking of this, Emperor Yan asked Liu Wuji.

   Liu Wuji was taken aback.

   Immediately, tell the truth.

   "In the early morning today, the Minister of Military Affairs, Master Liu, advised that all fiefs should send troops to the border to help."

   "This will not only save the imperial troops, but also the food and grass of these soldiers will be spent by the fiefs, and the expenditure of the national treasury will also be saved."

   "How many people agree?" Emperor Yan asked again.

   "The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household pressure are the most, and they are all in favor. As for the other ministries, there are a few people who are against it."

   "There are certain hidden dangers when the feudal king leads his troops to leave the fief. The old man came to the emperor to make a decision."

   Emperor Yan glanced at Liu Wuji with a heavy heart.

   "What does the national teacher think it should be?" Chongliu Wuji asked.

  Liu Wuji paused slightly.

   replied immediately: "If it was before, the old man agreed with Master Liu's advice."

   "With the emperor sitting in Kyoto, the vassal kings will not dare to make trouble."

   "But now—"

   Emperor Yan frowned, "But it doesn't matter."

   "Now the emperor is poisoned, and he has not appointed a prince. Once there is a change in the capital, I am afraid that before the army of Chu and Jin can be launched, the army of the vassal king will be in chaos."

  When the emperor died, he left no heir. The various vassal kings are bound to have ambitions to compete for the throne.

  At that time, internal and external troubles will be the end of Dayan.

  Emperor Yan was shocked.

   Guo Shi's remarks are actually relatively restrained.

   Even if the vassal kings from all over the world are not allowed to send troops, as long as he dies without leaving an heir, the vassal kings will also cause chaos.

   What's more, even if he left an edict, some people wouldn't believe it. Ambitious people will also look for opportunities to make trouble.

   At that time, Dayan will also have internal and external troubles.

  The only more secure way is to establish Prince Li.

   And, while he was alive, he had to help the prince to establish as much prestige as possible and reduce the ambitions of the lords.

  The King of Anyang... The national teacher is optimistic about his eldest son.

   His eldest son, Murong Xuyang, although his talent is average, he knows how to make good use of it, and indeed has the talent of an emperor.

   In addition, he has the Liang family as the Yue family, and the noble concubine's mother family as the support. Among the many princes, he is indeed the most powerful.

   At the same time, in other words, if the eldest son is not chosen, let his other sons be the crown prince.

   After his death, the new emperor's throne may not be stable.

   And now, Dayan, can't stand these...

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yan closed his eyes.

   Do you really want to make King Anyang the crown prince and pass the throne to King Anyang?

   He can't bear it...

   "Summon King Anyang, go back to Beijing..." Finally, Emperor Yan spoke up.

  I don’t want to let it go, so I have to let it go.

   I can't let Dayan be buried with him.

   King Anyang succeeds the throne in the future. If he is able to turn the tide, he can be regarded as a confession to the ancestors.

  Liu Wuji's expression changed slightly.

   "Yes!" He immediately saluted Emperor Yan.

  Emperor Yan raised his eyes wearily, "Also, except for the King of Anyang, all the vassal kings will not participate in the war for the time being."

   "The king of Anyang was ordered to send his generals to send 10,000 elite soldiers to Tiemenguan to defend against the army of Chu and Jin before he entered the capital."

   Liu Wuji was taken aback.

   "Yes." Immediately, he saluted Emperor Yan again and replied.

  10,000 elite soldiers, this is almost all the troops that the feudal kings can mobilize.

  The emperor is still worried about the king of Anyang.

   At this time, let King Anyang pull the army to the border and call him into the capital.

   Isn't he taking King Anyang as a hostage and controlling the army of 10,000 people at the border, so that they dare not act rashly.

   But it doesn't matter, after all, according to his original plan, Anyang County had to send troops.

   Now, there are a total of 4,890 Chiwu troops that can be dispatched in Qingshi Town.

   King Anyang only needs to add another 5,000 people to make up the number of people.

   The key is that the Chiwu Army is brave and good at fighting, and they all exist as one against ten.

   As long as the Chiwu Army reaches the border, he will be relieved.

   As for Kyoto.

  The emperor is running out of time now. With him around, the king of Anyang will be able to successfully inherit the throne.

   Emperor Yan looked at Liu Wuji again.

   "Also, the classics of arithmetic..."

  Liu Wuji quickly raised his head and looked at Emperor Yan.

   Emperor Yan smiled weakly when he saw this.

   Sure enough, only when it was about his granddaughter did the national teacher act more like a mortal.

   "The Classic of Arithmetic has been implemented in Kyoto for more than a month. How is the response now?" Emperor Yan asked.

   Liu Wuji surrendered.

   "The response was very good. The master of the academy and the students all highly respected it, and the people also praised the classics of arithmetic after a meal."

   "Okay." Emperor Yan nodded with a smile.

  Liu Wuji looked up and saw it, a little puzzled.

   "Tomorrow morning, I will make a decree on my behalf to popularize the entire book of the classics of arithmetic throughout the country."

   Liu Wuji was surprised.

  Kyoto has only tested for a month or so, and only tested the first fourteen volumes of the Arithmetic Classic. This will be implemented nationwide.

   Emperor Yan looked at Liu Wuji weakly.

   "I have been on the throne for more than 20 years, and I have not made any achievements. Instead, I lost the city, ceded the land and paid indemnity, leaving a disaster for Dayan."

   "The time is running out... I have to hurry up."

   "When you can't let future generations read history books, just remember that I am an incompetent king who cedes land and pays indemnity."

   "The Book of Arithmetic..." Emperor Yan gasped and smiled.

   "I have read it myself, and I have read it more than once. It is a good book, a good book that can be passed down through the ages."

   "I have to promote it before I die. Let future generations know that this book was written and promoted by my order."

   Emperor Yan looked at Liu Wuji and smiled brightly.

   "This book can be written, and I would like to thank the national teacher."

   At this moment, he is sincerely grateful.

   (end of this chapter)

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