Chapter 433 433 Return

   There is no arithmetic scriptures, maybe after his death, only infamy is left.

   "Your Majesty, your words are serious." Liu Wuji's tone became a bit heavy.

  When Emperor Yan saw this, he remembered the past events, which was rare, and a look of shame appeared on his face.

   Immediately, he quickly put away his expression.

   continued: "Before the King of Anyang enters the capital, you will have to work on everything in the court."

   "When he takes over the government, you and the prime minister should help him a lot."

   At this time, Emperor Yan seemed to have changed a person, and was really ready to decentralize.

   "Yes." Liu Wuji replied.

   Emperor Yan finally felt relieved.

   After a while, he said again: "Besides, the matter of my poisoning has nothing to do with Mrs. Zhang. You should let her go."

   "With nineteen days left, if she's not here, I won't be able to last."

  Liu Wuji raised his head instantly and looked at Emperor Yan.

   Emperor Yan smiled.

   "Although I am old, my heart is not confused."

   "Mr. Zhang has taken care of me these days, with all my heart, and there is no falsehood."

   "I...can't do without her..." In the last sentence, Emperor Yan sighed and regretted.

   He misses Concubine Shu, or in other words, he misses her since he started taking Huiguang Pill.

   The weaker the body and the worse the mental state, the more he misses her. I miss the years they spent together.

   Liu Wuji's face flashed a touch of complexity.

   "We will make arrangements after we find out the ins and outs." He said.

  Emperor Yan looked at Liu Wuji, originally a little angry, but put away his anger.

  Since Mrs. Zhang is innocent, Mrs. Zhang will be able to come back sooner or later when the matter is found out.

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yan didn't bother about it anymore.

   "Okay. Let the imperial doctor come in, you go down." Chongliu Wuji said. With two points of irritability.

  Liu Wuji didn't respond either, so Emperor Chongyan bowed his hands and left.

   That night, under the interrogation of the officials of the Ministry of Punishment, the poisoning of Emperor Yan came to a conclusion.

   The poisoner was a man from Yucai, who was angry with Emperor Yan for killing Guo Xianshi and his family, so he poisoned him.

   At this time, everyone learned that there was actually a younger brother of Yucairen in Guo Xianshi's family.

After    painting and holding, Yu Cairen committed suicide.

   Emperor Yan received the testimony, and his face was very gloomy.

It took    a long time before he discarded his testimony and accepted the fact.

  The only thing that pleased Emperor Yan was that the national teacher sent Mrs Zhang back to him.

   Looking at Zhang's face, which is very similar to Concubine Shu, Emperor Yan once again had the motivation to persevere.

   The imperial concubine's palace.

  A **** knelt in front of the imperial concubine and reported the situation in Shuanghua Palace.

   Knowing that the poisoning of Yucai people had been exposed, the imperial concubine was relieved.

   "Continue to stare at Shuanghua Palace, and report immediately if there is any situation." The imperial concubine said solemnly.

   At most half a year of life? too much...

   However, there are still eighteen days to come... It's not that easy to survive.

   When my son enters Beijing and ascends to the throne, he should die too...

   is night, Dashi Village.

  Liu Zhaifang had dinner, and because the weather was cold, everyone went back to the room early.

   A fast horse suddenly descended from the official road and galloped into Dashi Village.

   One person and one horse quickly galloped down the village road until they reached Liu's house.

   "Uncle, Uncle is back!"

   "Madame, miss! Uncle is back!" After a while, the doorman suddenly burst into cheers.

   As the sound approached, Lin Xiaoyue, who was preparing to take off her clothes and go to bed on the kang, also heard movement outside.

   When he heard the content of the noise of the servants, Lin Xiaoyue looked happy, grabbed a big cloak and put it on her body, and went out.

   It was only when she came to the yard that she realized that it was not only her, but Liu Shi and Li Wan also came out.

   All three of them walked towards the front yard with joy on their faces.

   At this time, the front yard was already lively.

Everyone got up and asked Li Xiao to go inside.

   The little servant led the way with the lamp and took things for the uncle.

   Zhao Fu quickly arranged for the cook to go to the kitchen to make **** soup for the uncle, and prepare hot water and meals.

   went and called for a charcoal basin.

   The front yard was busy.

   "Master!" Lin Xiaoyue was the first of the three women to go to the front yard. Seeing that Li Xiao had come back, he immediately shouted aloud.

   Seeing the figure under the corridor, Li Xiao's originally cold face seemed to melt away, and he walked towards Lin Xiaoyue quickly.

  Lin Xiaoyue couldn't wait any longer, so she ran up and plunged into Li Xiao's arms.

   The man was windy and frosty all the way, and his embrace was a little cold, but Lin Xiaoyue only felt warmth and solidity.

   "I'm back." Feeling the unease of the person in his arms, Li Xiao murmured.

   Negotiated the matter with the State of Chu six days ago, and then galloped all the way. After two horses ran away, I came back tonight.

   After leaving home for a month and a half, I realized what it means to miss my bones.

   After that, he never left his wife again.

   "Well." Lin Xiaoyue cried and replied.

   felt that this was not in line with his character, but couldn't help shedding tears.

   When the people saw this, they lowered their heads or turned their heads one by one, each snickering.

  The relationship between their young lady and uncle is really good.

   Liu Shi and Li Wan looked at each other with a smile.

   then tacitly turned around and went back.

  The young couple have been separated for so long, and now they are finally reunited. They are mothers and sisters, so don't disturb them.

   If you have anything, you can ask your son-in-law/brother tomorrow.

   Hearing the secret laughter, Lin Xiaoyue quickly came back to her senses and quickly released Li Xiao.

   "Cough, if I have something to ask you, go back to your room and tell me." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   grabbed Li Xiao's big hand and walked to the backyard with him.

   On the way back, Lin Xiaoyue was very excited. She didn't see Liu Shi and Li Wan, so she didn't care.

   took Li Xiao into the house, and Lin Xiaoyue hurriedly asked Li Xiao to take off his cloak again.

   "Take off your coat and get on the kang to get warm." He even helped Li Xiao with his hands.

   His whole body was as cold as a sliver of ice, could he bear it?

  Li Xiao did not refuse, and was very cooperative.

   looked down at the busy people in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were full of smiles.

   As soon as he took off his underwear, Li Xiao suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Xiaoyue.

   stopped Lin Xiaoyue's chatter.

   "Don't move, let my husband give her a good hug." Immediately, Li Xiao's voice came from above Lin Xiaoyue's head.

   Then, Lin Xiaoyue stopped moving.

  The couple enjoyed the joy of reunion at this moment.

   Until there was a knock on the door.

   "Uncle, miss, we're here to deliver hot water and **** soup."

  Lin Xiaoyue seemed to wake up in an instant, and then she quickly released Li Xiao.

   caused Li Xiao to laugh out loud.

   "Come in -" and then shouted out the door.

After    finished speaking, he took Lin Xiaoyue with his big hand and went to sit aside.

  The maid and the old woman entered the door and brought hot water and **** soup into the house.

   noticed the reaction of his young lady and uncle, with smiles on their faces.

   "Put it down and go out." Seeing this, Li Xiao said again.

   "Yes!" The maid and the old lady responded and went out the door with a smile.

   When someone went out and the door was closed, Li Xiao turned to look at his daughter-in-law.

   "Trouble my lady." He said with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked up, saw Li Xiao's beard stubble, and was amused by the man's expression.

   "Drink the **** soup first." Jiao said.

   Immediately, he got up and prepared a shaving tool for Li Xiao.

   She used to help him shave from time to time, from unfamiliar to familiar, and now her skills are pretty good.

   "Yes." Li Xiao replied with a smile.

   He reached out his hand and took the **** soup and drank it with a "gulu".

   Then I took a face towel and wiped my face.

   When the food was delivered, the young couple just finished.

  Li Xiao pulled Lin Xiaoyue again and asked her to accompany him to dinner.

   Lin Xiaoyue had already eaten, so she only drank two glasses of warm wine with her.

  The small room is as warm as spring.

  After the meal, the couple was tired and crooked for a while.

  Li Xiaocai took a shower.

   Put on clean clothes, get on the kang, and hold your daughter-in-law presumptuously.

  After finishing the matter, Lin Xiaoyue lay softly in Li Xiao's arms and asked about Li Xiao's trip to Chu country.

   "Have you finished the waiting for the foreign bus?"

  Li Xiao lowered his head and kissed Lin Xiaoyue's forehead with his hot lips.

   "Rest assured, everything is going well."

   " there any danger in this trip?" Lin Xiaoyue asked again.

   She was actually very curious about what happened to him in Chu, but she didn't dare to ask more.

   "Dangerous—" Li Xiao's eyes flashed.

   Facing his daughter-in-law's suddenly tense gaze, he finally nodded.

   "Naturally it's not all smooth sailing."

   "The lady wants to hear it, so the husband will tell the lady one by one." Then, he said.

   They were husband and wife as one, and there was nothing that could not be said to their daughter-in-law about their mission to Chu.

   "Yeah!" Lin Xiaoyue replied.

  Li Xiao then explained everything that happened after he went to Chu State.

   Lin Xiaoyue was very nervous when she heard that Li Xiao was in danger several times in Chu State and was almost betrayed by Chu courtiers.

   "Simply Yuchi Tianqiong and Emperor Chu are not confused."

   "They borrowed my hand to get rid of Liang An and changed the situation in the court."

   "When Liang An fell, it was very involved, and it had a great impact on the state of Chu."

   "Next, Emperor Chu has to be busy cleaning up the mess, and has no time to fight again."

  Although, he failed to persuade Emperor Chu to unite with Dayan during this trip to fight back against Jin.

   can make Chu withdraw from the next battle, which is also a success.

   Lin Xiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Without Chu, even if Jin attacks, the pressure on Dayan will be much less." He said.

   "Well." Li Xiao replied.

   "Grandpa is in charge of the imperial court now, and Dayan made preparations in advance. It is not so easy for the Jin army to invade the border." A sharp look flashed in Li Xiao's eyes.

   The Chiwu Army had already started training before he left, and with Henry Zhang there, the Chiwu Army must have recovered its combat power now.

   If the Jin army dares to come, they will surely come and go.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Li Xiao suspiciously.

  Li Xiao raised the corner of his mouth and hugged his daughter-in-law tighter.

   "Emperor Yan was poisoned, and the grandfather took over the administration the second day after he returned to Beijing. Now, the grandfather decides all major affairs in the court." explained.

   That faint monarch, seeking his own death.

   The grievances and hatred of their Nangong family will finally be revealed to the world.

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised.

   "Poisoned?" There were some guesses in my heart.

   Such a coincidence? As soon as Grandpa returned, Emperor Yan was poisoned?

  Li Xiaochong smiled at Lin Xiaoyue and nodded.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes were startled again.

   "The war is inevitable. It is estimated that King Anyang will have to enter Beijing next."

   "Afterwards, if the imperial power in the capital can be smoothly alternated, great things can be accomplished!" At this point, a ray of light flashed in Li Xiao's eyes.

   Lin Xiaoyue was shocked.

   figured out many joints in an instant.

   "Then you—" Then, he reached out and grabbed Li Xiao's arm.

   "Wait for the imperial edict to go to the border gate for my husband with the Chiwu army to guard the city."

   "At that time, if the lady is free, you can go with the army." Li Xiao smiled.

  Lin Xiaoyue's face was instantly filled with joy.

   "Okay! Of course I have to go!" He said quickly.

have time? Even if she doesn't have time, she has to make time for it.

   And, anyway, now she has no other projects to do except for the industrial park project.

The construction of the    industrial park is now on track. With elder sister and them watching, she was very relieved.

  Li Xiao smiled contentedly and raised the quilt again.

   "Ah—Li Xiao, stop—"

  The house is full of spring.

   In the middle of the night, the air was fluttering, and the first snow of the year fell.

  Dashi Village is peaceful.

   The next day.

   Liu Shi and Li Wan got up early in the morning, and went to the front yard to make arrangements.

   Or order the servants to remove the snow, or order the kitchen to do things, so that the kitchen prepares a hearty breakfast.

  Unfortunately, when the time came, Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao did not come out.

   Liu Shi and Li Wan looked at each other and smiled.

   "Xiao'er must be tired after rushing back all the way. We won't wait for them." Liu Shi said.

   "Auntie is right." Li Wan replied with a smile.

   Immediately, he helped Liu Shi to the main room for dinner.

   As a result, the two took Lin Xiaozhi and finished breakfast, but the young couple still did not show up.

   Liu Shi saw Li Wan looking at the door from time to time, and said, "Those two children have worked hard these days."

   "Now that I'm going home, I should rest more."

   "Don't wait, just do your own thing first."

   "When they get up, I'll let them go to the town to find you." Liu Shi smiled.

   Li Wan hesitated.

   "Alright then." He said.

  Brother is also true, just came back...

  It was a loss to find such a mother-in-law. Instead of blaming him, he spoke for him.

   However, this kind of thing cannot be used to. When she meets someone, she has to talk about it well.

  Li Wan put down the chopsticks after finishing speaking.

   "Auntie, Xiaozhi and I will leave first."

  Xiaozhi has been waiting outside, so the child cannot be late for school.

   She also has to go to Liu Mansion, there is no time to wait for anyone else.

   "Okay." Liu Shi replied with a smile.

  Li Wan just went out.

   At this time, Lin Xiaoyue was in her room.

   As soon as she opened her eyes, a certain woman saw a certain man who was looking at her.

  The man's eyes are full of tenderness and affection.

   A certain woman's thoughts quickly sobered up, and her first reaction was to hold on to the quilt and pull it up.

   This reaction made the man laugh directly.

   saw that the woman had covered her head with a quilt and remained motionless.

   The man smiled, stretched out his hand, and pulled the woman's quilt back.

   "Are you hungry?" He suppressed a smile and said.

   "I'm hungry!" Lin Xiaoyue said quickly.

   with an expression of "you hurry up and help me get something to eat".

  Unexpectedly, he saw the man's eyes instantly deep.

   "I'm hungry! My stomach is almost flattened!" Lin Xiaoyue screamed badly and said quickly.

   "Pfft——" Li Xiao was teased.

   "Lady and rest well, go get some food for your husband." Immediately said.

  Lin Xiaoyue was made a big red face.

   Seeing Li Xiao lifted the quilt and got out of bed, he quickly turned his face away.

   This guy is getting more and more embarrassed.

   After Li Xiao went out, Lin Xiaoyue looked at the roof for a while, then turned over and got up.

  You can't rely on it, otherwise, when the guy comes back, I'm afraid it will be endless.

   Lin Xiaoyue got up and put on her clothes a while later, Li Xiao came back.

   (end of this chapter)

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