HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 14 - Mall of the Dead

A/N: As many of you know that I am back as of today. I will be changing back to my previous writing style since I personally think that this is much nicer.


Nick heard noises of things being removed and a few minutes later the door was opened by a police woman with black hair and blue eyes pointing her police revolver towards Nick. Nick didn't mind that since he cannot be killed and mortals pointing guns at him were quite normal for him.

P.Woman: What do you want?

Nick: It would be nice if you don't point that gun towards me.

P.Woman: I am only going to move it away after you answer my question.

Nick: Fine… our group is going to the airport to make that a permanent base. So, here I am to get some resources.

Some students from other schools shouted from behind.

Student: You can't take our resources.

Nick lost patience when he heard that and grabbed the police woman's weapon before she could even react and took it away from her. All the peoples inside gasped at Nick's speed and started to back away.

Nick: Actually I was feeling slightly intimated by the gun.

Nick walked away from the door and called Yuriko and handed her the gun.

Nick: Mother, you would be able to talk nicely, better than me so I will be leaving this matter to you.

Yuriko: Ok… I guess I can do that. But Soichiro is currently facing some problems think you can help him?

Nick: Yeah ok.

Nick then left Yuriko to talk with the shopping mall's group and headed towards Soichiro who was ordering some of his men.

Nick: Father, what's the problem?

Soichiro: I don't have enough men, if I use some of my men to carry stuff from the mall into the trucks then I am lacking men to guard the perimeter.

Nick: Ask the survivors to that.

Soichiro: I can't do that, they are completely scared after the Hunter attacked them here.

Nick: So what? All of your men are scared too. So what is the difference between your men and them?

Soichiro: They were normal civilians, we need to protect them.

Nick: So what do you expect in return from them?

Soichiro: A thank you would be enough for me.

Nick: Soichiro… you are really stupid.

Soichiro was taken aback since Nick called him by his name, after meeting Nick he never called him without any honorifics, and after he accepted Nick as his son-in-law after that Nick always called him father. All his men were taken aback with Nick's outburst too but they didn't react because Nick was doing this for them.

Nick: What about your men? What would they get from fighting always without your support? These men are fighting on your orders, risking their lives on your orders and instead of getting the special treatment, you are treating those civilians nicely? How is this fair to your men?

Soichiro understood what Nick was saying and looked over to his men and they turned their heads away or looked down. Soichiro needed to see only this that his own men thought similar to what Nick was saying.

Nick: Your men should stop fighting and get in those trucks like those pampered civilians.

Soichiro: …I understand. You are right, I have unfair to my own men who supported me all these years through thick and thin. I am going to ask them to help.

After that Soichiro went to a truck where civilians were sitting nicely and pampered.

Soichiro: We need some help, we are lacking some men to carry things from the mall into our trucks.

Soichiro asked nicely, really nice but all the civilians who heard that instantly frowned.

Civilian1: What are you saying Soichiro-sama?

Civilian2: It is really dangerous outside… you need to thrive to protect us.

Soichiro: You have nothing to worry about, my men are guarding the perimeter so you will be completely safe.

Civilian3: No, no we can't do that.

Civilian: Yes… it is so scary outside.

Nick heard all these from the sides including Soichiro's men, they started to growl in anger.

Nick: Can you lend me a gun?

Nick asked one of Soichiro's men who readily gave him his suppressed pistol. Nick walked towards Soichiro and stood beside him.

Nick: Father, you tried nicely… now let me try. All of you get down from the vehicles and help to carry the stuff.

Civilian1: Who are you kid?

Civilian2: We cannot go out there… it is not safe.

Nick pointed his gun towards the Civilian1 and shot a bullet, the bullet passed by the man's head. The man immediately dropped on the ground completely terrified and scared. All the civilians in the truck got scared.

Nick: Get down now or the next bullet will be between your head. Anyone below 14 and older than 55 can stay on the vehicles but the rest will help.

Nick gave the order, he thought that if he left everything over Soichiro and Yuriko's shoulders then it will be fine. But now he knows that he can't be passive anymore. Nick told Soichiro's men to give a similar orders to other trucks. Those men looked towards Soichiro who nodded.

Nick gave the weapon back to that man but Soichiro stopped him.

Soichiro: Looks like you can be a better leader than me…

Nick: I don't know about that but seeing all this I can't stay passive anymore.

After saying this Nick walked away to look for his wives and found them chatting near the Humvee with their whole group. Nick lit up a cigarette and walked up to them.

Nick: So guys what's up?

All of them turned towards Nick and greeted him. Saeko, Shizuka, and Saya kissed him one by one which shocked the other members of the group but they decided to stay quiet.

Saeko: I was just telling them about the evolved zombies we encountered back in the Mansion.

Saya: If Nick didn't have those powers then none of you would have returned alive.

Takashi: Yes… this might be the only salvation for humans.

Rei: But… since Nick here has superpowers, others can have that too right?

Saeko, Saya, and Shizuka knew the truth but they decided not to speak it out loud since they didn't need to know that.

Saya: Yes, there are chances but don't keep your hopes up.

Shizuka: Nick-chan is the best.

Shizuka jumped over Nick and hugged him tightly. Nick hugged her back and sat down in her place and placed her on her lap and started to chat with the group.

Yuriko: Nick, can you come over here?

After some time, Yuriko called Nick from a slight distance, Nick picked up Shizuka and placed her down and walked towards Yuriko. Shizuka was slightly unhappy but she knew that Nick had many duties. Yuriko was standing there with the same policewoman and another younger policewoman was also with her, she had blonde hair.

Matsushima: My name is Shion Matsushima and this is my junior Asami Nakaoka.

Yuriko: I have talked with them and they have agreed to join our group. I have to say, Nick, how you treated the problem with the Civilians I am impressed.

Matsushima: But that is against the law, you cannot support that Yuriko-san. I thought that you would scold him.

Both Nick and Yuriko chuckled hearing that.

Yuriko: Shion-san I am sorry to beak you to this but all the laws of this world are gone.

Asami: You must be joking right? There must be someplace where the law is still being upheld.

Nick: Before we left the Takagi mansion, we contacted with the base outside the city. And as of now, we are sure that there is no longer any government power in this city. The base outside the city is being controlled under anarchy.

Both Shion's and Asami's face turned completely pale, a few days before they were law enforcers and for them to hear that law doesn't exist anymore it is too much of a bitter pill to swallow.

Nick: So mother, did you need anything?

Yuriko: Yes, Shion-san here was the maintainer of the armory in the nearby police station so it would be nice if you could get them.

Shion: Please remember Yuriko-san that I only agreed to this if anyone there is no longer there.

Yuriko: Yes, I know don't worry.

Nick: Ok, we will go tomorrow. Mother, you should take the responsibility of inventory and ask someone old and experienced to handle the sleeping arrangements for today.

Yuriko: Ok, then I will be leaving, come Shion-san, Asami-san let's leave the kids to do their things.

Nick noticed that Asami was looking towards someone in his group, he followed her eyes and was shocked. She was looking at Kohta and looking at her Nick was sure that this was love at first sight. Nick might have to play matchmaker later, but that can wait for later.

He returned to the rest of the group and continued to chat.

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