HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 15 - Police of the Dead (I)

After evening Nick pulled all the men inside the shopping mall. Nick had noticed previously that the zombies become very active during the night and the evolved zombies could also pop out here and there. The evolved zombies were very dangerous for the humans since they can infect anyone with just a simple scratch and if an evolved zombie gets on you then it is the end for you.

So, to minimize the human casualties Nick called all of them inside, even if some zombies gather within the night Nick could easily kill all of them without even batting an eye. Currently, Nick was sitting on the roof puffing a smoke along with his girls. Saya was sitting beside him with a suppressed sniper rifle and she was practicing her aim.

Nick: Saya-chan, you have improved quite a lot.

Shizuka: Saya-chan is a genius after all~.

Saya: You know, you should also do this to improve your aim.

Shizuka: Yes~, but I don't like doing that~.

Saeko: You should at least know how to protect yourself Shizuka-chan, even if you are the nurse, the situation can turn messy sometimes.

Shizuka: Fine~… give me that~.

After that Saya gave Shizuka the sniper rifle and she started to practice her aim, with each shot Shizuka's huge chest would jiggle and Nick was quite entranced by the sight. Saeko noticed where was Nick looking and started to giggle.

Saeko: Fufufu… looks like Nick-kun likes what he sees.

Saya: Nick, stop drooling…

After Saya brought out Nick out of his trance he noticed that he has been drooling. Nick swiped away the drool but was again entranced by the scene and started to drool. After Shizuka emptied the magazine she moved away from the gun and started to pop her shoulders.

Nick: You really worked hard Shizuka-chan, well done.

Shizuka heard that and jumped on Nick and kissed him.

Shizuka: Nick-chan, thanks for the compliment~.

Nick put aside Shizuka and about to kiss both Saya and Saeko but stopped when he heard some voices from the stairs. Soon Takashi, Rei, Misuzu, Kohta, and Toshimi came up with some bags.

Takashi: Guys… we brought some food.

Nick: Thanks, guys.

Toshimi: What have you guys been doing?

Saya: I was practicing and improving my aim.

Shizuka: I was doing the same~.

Kohta: Ooohhh… can I join too?

Nick: Of course, but let's eat the food first.

After that the whole group sat down and started to eat food, Shizuka asked Nick for some alcohol who happily handed her a bottle, the rest of the group didn't mind that. After dinner all of them got up from that place, Nick and Kohta went to throw the plates.

Nick: Kohta-san, you know I have noticed something very interesting today.

Kohta: It must be really good for you to get interested.

Nick: Yes, while I was making rounds I saw someone stealing some glances at you.

Kohta just froze at his place and was looking at Nick with hope in his eyes.

Kohta: Are you sure? Are you sure that you were not mistaken?

Nick: Nope, I am completely sure.

Kohta: Nick-san must be joking, right?

Nick: Why don't come with me tomorrow, you can see that for yourself.

A different kind of fire lit up in Kohta's eyes and posture completely changed. Nick understood that Kohta must have been looking and waiting for someone to like him. Kohta nodded his head agreeing with Nick. Both of them soon returned to the group and saw that Misuzu was already shooting zombies and it looked like Toshimi was next in the line.

Nick took out another suppressed sniper rifle and handed it to Kohta. Nick looked at the group and saw that Takashi and Rei were standing behind.

Nick: Aren't you two interested?

Takashi: Well… I myself like shotguns.

Rei: I like normal rifles more… I tried to take one shot from this but the power is too much for me.

Nick: Oh… ok.

After sometime Takashi and Rei returned downstairs while after another half an hour Kohta also went downstairs.

Saeko: So who are you taking tomorrow?

Nick: You will be obviously there, Kohta, Saya and Shizuka don't need to go. Misuzu, Toshimi do you guys want to go?

Misuzu: Yeah sure.

Toshimi: You just needed to ask.

After that, both Misuzu and Toshimi went to kiss on Nick's cheeks but this time he knew what the girls wanted to do. So, he looked over to his wives and all of them had smiles on their faces so he didn't stop the two. Both of them kissed on each of his cheeks and went downstairs while blushing.

Saeko: Fufufu… looks like we are going to have more sisters in the future.

Shizuka: Yay~, sisters~.

Nick: Looks like you guys know already.

Saya: Obviously we knew, only a girl can truly understand another girl. You saved them and you are continuously protecting them so it is kind of hard not to fall for you.

Nick: Glad you think so highly of me.

All of them laughed after that and went downstairs to sleep. Saya knew their sleeping arrangements, so she took them to the room and some blankets were already prepared there. They decided to sleep for today and skip the naughty stuff.

The next morning Nick woke up and soon the girls also woke up, after getting freshened up they went downstairs to have breakfast. They were early than the other peoples since Nick needed had a mission to complete. Nick found the two police ladies also on the table waiting for food.

Nick: Good morning, Matsushima-san, Nakaoka-san.

Shion: You can call me by my first name, Nick-san.

Asami: Same with me.

Nick and the girls also sat down on the table after getting their food. Soon Soichiro and Yuriko also joined them. After breakfast, Nick opened the doors and exited the mall, and saw the zombies roaming everywhere. Nick swiped his hand and the zombies were ripped apart.

Shion: I wouldn't believe this if I didn't see this.

Nick: You don't look too shocked.

Shion: I heard from several peoples about your insane and mind-boggling powers but I didn't believe it at that time. But now that I have seen it I believe it.

Saeko: So, then should we go.

After that Nick, Saeko, Kohta, Misuzu, Toshimi, Shion, and Asami got on a Typhoon VDV. Asami looked really nervous for whatever reason, Shion also noticed this. She thought that Asami was nervous because of the zombies but Nick knew the actual reason. It was due to the presence of Kohta.

Shion: Don't worry Asami it will be fine.

Asami: H-Hai… senpai.

Nick took out his phone and searched the way towards the Police Station. Both Shion and Asami were shocked to see that his cell phone was still working and the unusual design of the phone.

Shion: What kind of phone is this?

Nick: A normal phone.

Asami: That isn't a normal phone and how is your phone still working after that explosion happened in the sky?

Nick: This is an apocalypse proof phone… glad I invested in this stuff.

Both Shion and Asami didn't but that excuse but since they didn't know much they decided to give up.

Misuzu: Can we use your phone to call someone?

Nick: Yes, but that person must also have the apocalypse proof phone.

Everyone's hope was just shot down like that. They really wanted to know that if they could call other peoples with it.

Soon the group reached the police station and started to look around.

Saeko: This place has a kind of weird vibe.

All of them looked around and saw police officers turned into zombies that were loitering around. Nick opened the door and lit up a cigarette and every zombie present there were ripped apart into several pieces.

Asami: Eeep… can't you kill them in a more subtle way?

Asami squeaked when she all the blood and gore that flew around, Misuzu, Toshimi, and Kohta have already seen this so they decided to look away. Saeko didn't mind but an excited smile appeared on her face and started to kill zombies on the other side with a grin on her face. Shion was disturbed since they were her co-workers but she knew that nothing can be done for them now. She just looked away and prayed that they would find peace in the afterlife.

Nick, Kohta, and Saeko cleaned the outside quickly and the rest of the group also exited the vehicles. They entered the building and they heard noises of wailing and crying. Shion was about to run inside but Nick grabbed her arm and stopped her.

(A/N: Left for Dead fans should already know what is coming, right?)

Nick: Don't rush… if that is a survivor then we will save her.

Shion heard what Nick said and reluctantly stayed, Kohta, Misuzu, and Toshimi pulled out flashlights and handed them to everyone except Nick and Saeko. The armory was downstairs, they walked downstairs and the noise of crying and wailing increased more and more. Nick, Saeko, and Kohta could feel an unusual chill around this place. They turned a corner and found a skinny pale woman sitting on the floor crying and wailing. Shion went forward before Nick could stop her.

Shion: Mam… are you ok?

The woman raised her head and showed her huge claws and glowing eyes and screeched loudly and lunged towards Shion.

Everyone: Oh my God…

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