HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 21 - Airport (II)

The giant swung its huge arm on Saeko who just backflipped and dodged the attack. Saeko immediately kicked the ground and slashed the giant's neck but the result was nothing she expected. Her sword shattered like glass, Saeko cursed inside her mind and stabbed the giant in its eyes with her broken sword. The giant roared in pain which made a grin appear on Saeko's face. Saeko jumped away from the giant and again dashed towards the zombie but this time she didn't attack it. She grabbed the broken blade on the ground and moved away.

The giant again swung both of its arms on Saeko but she rotated her body and dodged the attack and stabbed the giant in its other eyes completely blinding it. But the zombie was still not dead. Saeko backed away and the giant started to swing its arms blindly, Saeko saw the broken blade still sticking out of its eyes. Saeko jumped in the air and kicked the blade inside, the blade pierced the brain this time and the giant dropped dead on the ground.

Saeko leaned on the side by the wall and let out a heavy sigh if she was a human she could have never defeated this thing with a broken sword. Saeko heard footsteps and turned around to see Nick coming towards her. Nick saw the giant zombie and immediately rushed towards Saeko and hugged Saeko.

The other others were completely frozen when they saw the zombie. They couldn't even start to imagine how to kill a zombie-like this and a high-school girl took it down alone. She didn't even use a gun, she used a sword… what kind of insane thing is this? Saeko didn't have any superpowers like Nick so her skills must be insane. All of them gulped unconsciously.

Nick: Are you ok?

Saeko: Yes, but my sword broke.

Nick: Don't worry, I will get you another one.

Saeko: I know but still hard to part with a nice sword that supported me throughout these battles.

Saeko said and took a water bottle from one of the survivors and drank it completely.

Nick: I guess this makes the whole building is completely clean. Saeko-chan, you go and take rest.

After that Saeko kissed Nick and went downstairs, Nick picked the giant's body with the telekinesis while the others picked up the other zombies. The news of Saeko's recent conquest spread throughout the whole camp like a wildfire. All of them started to congratulate her and thank her. Everyone was gobsmacked when they saw Nick carry the body outside.

Saya: What are we going to call this?

Saeko: Tank… due to its defense and power to mow down anything.

Saya: Gosh…

Soon the 3rd floor was also cleared completely and all the bodies were dumped outside. Nick took out a barrel of gasoline from his storage and poured it over the bodies. He threw his lighter on the bodies and it caught fire immediately. Nick entered the lobby and saw Yuriko and Soichiro discussing something with their team.

Nick: Did we have any casualties?

Soichiro: Three men died.

Nick: If they any family, we must take of them. Arrange for a small party today.

Yuriko: I also agree.

Nick: Mother, assign the rooms as soon as possible, and did you see the girls?

Yuriko: Yes… I gave them the first-class waiting room.

Nick: Ok, I will be heading there.

Nick went upstairs and when he saw that nobody was around, he disappeared into black flames.

Nick appeared in his mother's realm in front of his mother. Ashley got up from her throne and hugged her son.

Ashley: That girl is really strong. Even though she is an immortal she didn't have any special powers but still, she was able to kill that thing easily, tell her I am proud of her.

Nick: I will mom, do you mind if I go into the treasury?

Ashely: No, I don't mind, take a good sword for her.

Nick walked towards the treasury and entered the sword treasury and started to look throughout the whole storage. He looked throughout hundreds of swords but didn't like any of them. Suddenly a certain scarlet katana caught his eyes. He took the katana and pulled it out of the sheath. The sword was completely red like flowing blood. The sword was named Cursed Neptune. Nick already knew that the katana was a cursed katana but it didn't matter for them.

Nick smiled and stored the sword inside his storage. He then disappeared into black flames and appeared at the same place at the same time. Nick walked towards the 1st class waiting room and knocked on the door and the door was opened by Saya. Saya welcomed Nick by kissing Nick on the lips.

Nick entered the room and saw that Saeko was smoking while looking out of the window. On the other side, Shizuka's friend was sleeping while Shizuka sat beside Saeko. Nick took out the sword from his storage and handed it over to Saeko.

Nick: Do you like it? This is completely compatible with your bloodl.u.s.t.

Saeko's eyes were completely glued on the katana. Saeko pulled out of the Katana and looked at the beautiful katana.

Nick: Drop some of your blood on the katana.

Saeko immediately bit her finger and dropped a few drops of her blood on the blade. The katana started to shake and the grin on Saeko's face became more feral. Soon the sword calmed down and Saeko's grin turned into a small smile.

Saeko: Cursed Neptune… from now on you are going to be my Eternal Partner.

Saya: The word looks really powerful.

Saeko: Yes… this is a mythical level sword. It can repair itself by the blood of enemies.

Saya: How did you know that?

Saeko: The blade told me when I made a connection with the blade. This is a perfect sword for me… normal humans would go insane by the bloodl.u.s.t if they even grab the sword for once.

Shizuka: Wow~, that's insane~.

Saya: Nick do you a gun like this?

Nick: Nope… but I can ask Uncle Tony to make some awesome guns and bullets for you.

Saya: Ok thank you.

Saeko put down her sword and immediately hugged Nick and started to smother him with kisses.

Shizuka: Nick-chan, can I request something too~?

Nick: Of course.

Shizuka: I was thinking that if my friend can stay with us with she is completely healed?

Nick: Ok.

Saya: But you promised me some private time.

Saeko: Yes, me too.

Nick: We can do it in the next room.

After that, they just did that in the next room. Shizuka didn't mind even in the slightest because Nick promised her to give her some alone time after her friend is healed. Soon Nick, Saya, and Saeko returned to the room and decided to sleep before the celebration.

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