HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 30 - Some of the Truth (II)

A/N: This chapter is kind of dark and filled with blood and gore. Warning beforehand...!!!!


Soichiro: Man-made??!! Made by who?

Saya: Umbrella Corporation, I only know that. Nothing more about that is given here. Why they made it, how it was released, nothing is given here.

Everyone who heard that cursed at Umbrella corporation. Immediately the room became completely chaotic.

Nick: Shut up...!! After we leave this place, all of you can rage all of you want.

Immediately everyone shut up their mouths and didn't say anything more.

Nick: What are these guys doing here?

Saya: Apparently S.T.A.R.S. is Umbrella Corporation's private army and they were here to monitor the progress of the virus.

After hearing all this everyone was completely enraged, all of them were gnashing their teeth. All of them were completely enraged that they were treated as test subjects by these guys. Nick didn't mind that much because he was completely neutral about this matter. Like his mother, he was completely passive about mortals. If someone asked his honest opinion then he cared about humans and didn't want them to die meaninglessly.

Nick: Ohh... so were they the one to release this virus?

Saya: Most likely, not... nothing like that is mention. These are all the notes of some random scientist. Nothing here points that these guys released the virus but by only this, I can't a concrete answer.

Rika: So why did they run away?? If they wanted to test these things they needed to stay here right?

Saya: Yes, these logs say that they are still here. Their plan was that they are going to wait until the virus spreads nicely and they will stay here holed up and continue to gather data. It is clear that these guys knew about the virus would come here and they did nothing.

Soichiro slammed his hand on the table. The metal table creaked under his power.

Soichiro: Those bastards...!!!! How can they do this??!!!

Everyone has similar thoughts to that, they didn't voice out their opinions and waited for Nick or Soichiro to take a decision.

Rika: So what happened?? Where are those bastards now?? I will break their bones one by one...!!

Nick didn't mind any of them and lit up a cigarette.

Nick: Is it not apparent that their plan went haywire after they closed the gates.

Nick said pointing towards the blood marks on the ground. All of them understood what had happened here. Some zombies might have gotten in and everyone died one after one.

Nick: Saya, stay here and gather all the data on a single laptop. All of you stay here, me, Soichiro, and Rika will head inside. There is only one way coming up so it won't be a problem for you guys. Even Saeko is also going to stay here...

Saeko nodded her head in understanding, she knew that she needed to stay back if Nick was going into the deeper parts. Soichiro also nodded his head hearing that.

Nick: Let's go...

Nick waved his hand and walked inside following the drag marks. Rika and Soichiro both turned on their flashlights on their guns and followed Nick, while didn't need light to see in the darkness. They didn't find a single zombie here, all of the rooms were completely empty. They found the armory and it was completely untouched. They reached the backyard and saw that it was the place where they kept all their vehicles.

Nick decided to check them later. They finally reached a massive room filled with flickering lights and broken computers. The room only led to a single place which was apparently an elevator. Nick pressed the elevator button calling the elevator up.

Rika: Is this even safe?

Nick: Yeah...

Nick was cut off when the elevator stuck in the middle and was unable to come up. Nick pressed the button a few more times but the elevator didn't seem to budge from that place. Nick ripped apart the elevator doors and a pungent smell assaulted their nose. Soichiro and Rika both covered their noses in disgust. Nick raised his hand and pulled up the elevator. After they saw the insides of the elevator, Soichiro and Rika were even more disturbed. It was completely bloody, the blood was rather old since the blood was dried up.

Nick: You both head back, I don't think that whatever I find below will be pretty.

Both of them knew that but they didn't want to back away, they wanted to know whatever the f.u.c.k happened here. Nick saw them shrugged their shoulders and entered the elevator followed by them. Nick used his power to lower the elevator and the smell began to become more intense by each moment. The elevator reached the bottom and Nick opened the elevator doors and Rika and Soichiro immediately puked out.

The room was completely filled with blood and dead bodies of humans. The bodies were completely ripped apart in pieces. Blood and intestines were scattered all around the room. Nick saw blood dropping from the roof and looked up and found about twenty lickers crunching on human bodies.

Nick: I think this is their nest... They found some other way to leave this base. Nick found several holes on the walls big enough for Lickers. Nick looked at Soichiro and Rika and found them continuously puking by the sight they saw. The Lickers have already noticed Nick and started to come down but Nick didn't wait for that much and raised his hands since they were out of his 10m range and ripped each of them apart. Blood and body parts of Lickers dropped on the ground.

Nick: Both of you stay there...

Saying that Nick took out a few barrels of gasoline and used his power to fill this room with the gasoline. Nick lit up cigarette using a match stick and threw the match stick and the room was immediately filled with raging flames.

Nick reached the elevator and used his powers to go up.

Nick: Are you both fine?

Rika: No...

Soichiro: What the f.u.c.k is even happening...

Nick: First let's go upstairs.

After reaching upstairs, Nick first went towards the armory and stored everything inside his storage. He didn't have time to correctly inventory them and returned to the room they entered this base from.

Nick: Father, tell all of your men that whatever they saw and know they should not tell anyone. Only the leaders needed to know this, and whatever you both saw downstairs keep to yourselves.

Both Rika and Soichiro nodded, both of them had strong minds so Nick was sure that after a few days they would be completely fine. They reached the main room and saw that Saya was holding a laptop within her arms.

Nick: All of you follow me...

Nobody said anything and followed Nick, who took to the backyard towards the vehicles. These guys didn't have any tanks, they only had 10 APCs and 10 Typhoon VDVs and a Balck Hawk chopper. Nick didn't wait and stored all of them in his storage space. Everyone noticed that Nick was hurrying for some matter but they didn't say anything since all of them also wanted to leave this place and head back to their base.

Saeko: Don't we need the weapons?

Nick: I have already taken them.

Saeko didn't say anymore and entered the vehicles. Nick asked Soichiro to enter his vehicle and he asked Saeko to drive. All of them entered the vehicles and left the base. Nick, Soichiro, and Rika were sitting at the backside of the vehicle.

Nick: Father, Rika, care for a drink?

Soichiro: Make something strong for me...

Rika: For me too...

Nick nodded his head and took out three glasses and poured whiskey in them. By seeing this Saeko understood that they had seen something inside of the base which had really hit them hard. Soichiro and Rika immediately chugged down their drinks and asked Nick to pour again.

Rika: What the hell was that...??!!

Nick: That was their nest and feeding grounds. They made holes in the walls to reach the surface and they dragged food inside. Both of you stay in the base for a few days... don't even try to go on a mission.

Soichiro: I guess a few days are needed for rest.

Rika: I also want to stay in our warm and cozy base for now.

Nick's group heard what they were talking about and by hearing only this all of them knew that whatever they saw inside wasn't at all pleasant. Nobody asked them anything while Saeko drove calmly, Nick kept driving along with Soichiro and Rika. Soon both of them were drunk and Nick laid them down on the seats.

Nick: Saeko-chan, can you head towards that building?

Saeko: The building in which you found those survivors??

Nick: Yes...

Everyone else was confused to hear that but didn't mind much and sat calmly in their seats.

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