HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 29 - Some of the Truth (I)

Nick spent the whole day by looking throughout the base. Lastly, Nick went to Soichiro's department so that he could ask him about casualties and stuff that has been happening among the soldiers.

Nick found out that they had some casualties per day but that only happened when someone underestimated the zombies or they have overestimated themselves. Soichiro has already made a rule that no matter what any soldier shouldn't fight with an evolved zombie on their own. But there are many who try to do that and lose their lives. This is the only reason they are having casualties.

Nick told Soichiro that he should get some squad leaders who are experienced so that they can stop the newbies from losing their lives like that. Soichiro immediately agreed with Nick with that and Soichiro had many experienced men who could take this responsibility.

The day just passed like that since Nick didn't want to have any mission because of the weather. The next day Nick has decided to raid the S.T.A.R.S. base. Nick woke up in the morning followed by his girls. They had an important duty today so they had decided to leave early. This time they didn't have a guide with them so they needed to search throughout the base.

Nick kissed all of his girls one by one and went to take shower together. They didn't do the deed in the shower today since they needed to leave for the base. After the shower, they directly went downstairs to have breakfast. They reached downstairs and saw that everyone was already busy with their duties. Nothing much was needed because Nick would be there but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Nick: Mother, is everything ready?

Nick asked Yuriko who was having breakfast with Soichiro.

Yuriko: Yes, everything is done… take care of my husband out there.

Nick: You don't need to worry about that mother.

Soichiro looked at both of them and sweatdropped, usually the daughter asks her father to bring her loved one safe and sound but this was completely opposite. Soichiro didn't know how to react and only smiled wryly.

Saya: Nick-Kun, can I join you guys today?

Nick: … it is fine but always stay by my side…

Shizuka: Mou~... Nick-chan, take me too~

Nick: Why don't I take you next time??

Shizuka thought for a few moments, she wanted to go with Nick today but suddenly thought something.

Shizuka: Fine~, I will wait for that~...

Nick knew that Shizuka thought something but decided to leave it alone for now… after breakfast they left. Nick decided to take Saeko, Kotha, Saya, Rika, and Asami today from his team. Tokimi and Misuzu were called by Yuriko to help with some things. Like the previous mission, Soichiro took his same men along with him on this mission. They didn't need to do this raid but Nick didn't want to leave those military weapons and vehicles for someone else. Nick decided to take a typhoon VDV today. He didn't know why but his intuition was telling him that he was going to need more space. Soichiro took a new humvee which they took from the military base.

Saeko: I want to drive… can I drive??

Saeko asked expectantly, Nick nodded since he didn't mind. Nick took the shotgun (not a gun but it the seat beside the driver) so that he could stop the car before something happens. Nick gave Saeko instructions on how to drive and Saeko diligently followed his instructions. At the beginning everyone was worried but Saeko drove completely fine while Nick kept killing the zombies with his telekinesis.

Kohta: Nick-san, do you know how to use guns?

Nick: I don't need to since I have my powers. Good idea… I will try using a gun today.

Nick took out an assault rifle, the same model of assault rifle he gave his group, and opened the roof. Rika took the shotgun and helped Saeko.

Nick started to shoot the zombies and each one was a headshot. Each headshot gave him a sense of satisfaction. Kohta was shocked by Nick's proficiency in shooting and blasting skulls of those zombies.

Nick: Kohta... care to accept the challenge of this newbie shooter?

Everyone who saw Nick's shooting skills except Saeko almost puked blood when they heard that. Nick calling himself a newbie? Ha, if he was a newbie than none of them including Kohta would dare to take the number one spot. Suddenly Nick turned towards a building and smiled. Only Saeko noticed that, even if she was driving but her perception was already inhuman. After seeing that Nick was smiling she didn't care anymore with that continued to drive.

POV (???)

???: He just smiled at me right?

???: How could a normal human even notice us here??

???: I don't know Mika-chan.

Mika: So Kato-chan, do you think that they are from the army??

Kato: They should be.

Two girls were standing by the glass of the building and were starting at Nick's convoy. They were slightly older than Nick's group and they wore the clothes of Women's University (A/N: Too lazy to think of a name, so simply Women's University). Suddenly an older woman came beside them and saw Nick's convoy. The woman looked very fit and tall, her abs were showing and she also had some muscles on her arms.

???: I don't think that they are from the army.

Kato: Why did you think that, Kiyomi-sensei?

Kiyomi: Before I became your sports teacher I have trained in the army and I know that their conveys arent this small.

Mika: Can't it be because of what is happening everywhere, sensei?

Kiyomi: That might be the case but they would never use aa Private Army's vehicles, if they use that in an emergency then they would hoist a flag of JSDF. Also, if they would have been army then they would absolutely wear their uniforms so if they find any survivors they could recognize them immediately.

Kato: You really know your stuff, sensei.

Kiyomi: It is good that they don't know we are here.

Mika: Uhmm... I think they know, that guy looked directly towards us and smiled.

Kiyomi didn't say anything but she knew that there were many people with incredibly high perception and they could easily notice someone even if they were hiding behind thick glass. The thing that worried her most was that those kind of people were usually old with a lot of experience on the battlefield or simply fighting. There were also some younger ones but they were middle-aged people but this boy was young very young. Younger than her own students.

Kiyomi: This might be a problem, but let's wait. Don't signal them, if we leave this place now then we won't find a nice sanctuary like this.

Kiyomi turned around and saw a canteen full of food, they found this place by chance, this used to be an office canteen. They had a revolver which they took from a policeman who died. They were eleven in total, Kiyomi glided her hands-on gun and promised herself that as long as she was alive she wouldn't let anyone get hurt.


They had reached the S.T.A.R.S. base and Nick asked Saeko to hold her horses. He wanted to kill zombies using a gun today, Saeko pouted slightly but didn't mind much and started to walk beside him while he killed those zombies. They found that the main entrance was completely sealed.

Rika: Reinforced Steel doors??!! What the f.u.c.k were they even doing here??

Rika was completely shocked to see this kind of door here, it was mostly used in missile bunkers. Rika describes them about these doors and all of them started to get even more shocked, this was obviously except Nick and Saeko.

Rika: We need C4 if we want to break into this.

Nick: Nah...

Nick casually said and the concrete around the door started to crack and the whole thing was crushed open by Nick's sheer force. Nick threw away the whole concrete block and entered the base and found a few laptops running and showing some data. Saya was the specialist in all this stuff and he was glad that he brought her today.

Nick: Saya-chan, can you check all these data?

Nick started to check around the room followed by the other men and all of them found some blood on the floors. It was like drag marks, someone has dragged human bodies.

Nick: I think we aren't alone here... everyone keep your eyes and ears open.

Saya was checking the doc.u.ments and her face changed expressions with each second. Nick went to her and stood beside her, soon Saya was surrounded by Nick, Saeko, Soichiro, and Rika.

Nick: Did you find anything??

Saya: This is much more than anything... this virus is man-made. It is called T-Virus...

(A/N: I will be only using T-Virus, other viruses are really confusing.)

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