HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 28 - Base Management

A/N: I don't exactly know that timeline of Highschool of the Dead but since I am making it coincide with Resident Evil Movies so I will be making the current year 2006. Resident Evil Apocalypse happened in the year 2004 in which Umbrella tried to bury the event of Racoon City but was unable to. So two years have passed after that and now the whole world has been infested. Eastern countries were the last to be infected.


Nick woke up the next day when he felt someone shivering against him. Nick opened his eyes and saw that Shikzuka and Saya were hugging him tightly and they were shivering whenever lightning cracked. Nick looked towards the window and found that it was raining heaving and lightning cracked from time to time. Nick pulled out his hand which was taken by Saeko and tightly hugged Shizuka and Saya. Saeko felt Nick's arm missing in her sleep and hugged him tightly. On the other side, Shion was sleeping peacefully. Shion and Saeko didn't seem to care about the thunderstorm. Last night Shion decided to sleep with Nick, he was thinking all of this when suddenly a thunder cracked and woke up all of them.

Saeko rubbed her eyes cutely and kissed Nick followed by Shion while Shizuka and Saya were still slightly scared. Nick found it really cute how those two big girls were scared of lighting. They were even immortal now, so being scared of a thunderstorm like this was completely meaningless. Nick thought that their fear when they were human was still carried on by them even after they became immortal. Nick thought all this and started to rub both their backs to calm them down.

Saeko: Good morning Danna-sama...

Saeko then sat up and checked the time on her mobile phone. It was still early morning and the thunderstorm made the sky even dark. Shion also checked the time and got up from the bed.

Shion: This also brings back some nice memories before everything went to shit.

Nick: Yes, that's true but are you both fine??

Nick looked towards Shizuka and Saya who were still hugging him tightly.

Saya: N-No... Lightning is scary...

Shizuka: Ni-Nick-chan, don't leave me alone here...

Nick: Fine fine I won't leave you... don't worry...

Both Shion and Saeko got up and started to stretch, Saeko took a cigarette and lit it up. Nick tried a lot of times last time but was unable to corrupt Shion like the other three but it was fine since he liked her that way.

Shion: I am going to shower... I need to go and check the armory again.

Nick nodded hearing her and she went to take shower. Nick knew that Shion was very diligent in her duties and she was very serious about her responsibilities. Nick liked that about her, what he didn't like was that she would sometime overwork forgetting about the time. Since she was an immortal now, it didn't matter that much but Nick would be damned if he let her overwork.

Saeko: She is really nice...

Nick: That she is...!!

After sometime Shion came out of the shower and started to wear her clothes and before leaving the room she again kissed Nick and bid everyone farewell. After a couple of hours, the thunderstorm dissipated and Saya and Shizuka were fine now. The fours of them took a shower together so it was obvious that it was a long a passionate shower session for them. After that, they went to the cafeteria for breakfast, it was still early so there weren't many people in the cafeteria.

After having fulfilling breakfast Nick left the girls and went to the roof to check how everything was going, it was still raining lightly. Nick reached the roof and saw the soldiers in their post, all of them had either umbrellas or raincoats. All of them noticed Nick and postured themselves. All of them respected Nick because he was the reason a lot of their colleagues came back from the frontlines.

Nick: At ease guys... what's the situation?? Is there anything unusual?

Soldier1: No, just like always. They are attracted by the noise and they gather around the concrete walls. We have spotted a couple of evolved ones but all of them were soon taken care of by us...

Nick: Ooh which one??

Soldier2: Two smokers and a hunter... though the hunter was agile but a headshot solves everything.

Nick: If you spot the giant, witch or the licker then inform me... the three of them cant be killed by normal weapons.

Soldier1: Understood.

After that Nick left the roof and went downstairs, he decided to check on Shion's department. Last night she was with him but he didn't want to ask anything about her office life and duties. So, currently, he was heading towards Shion's department since now she has one of the most important duties, managing the weapons and armory. Nick reached Shion's department and started to look around for Shion's office. Everyone in the base knew Nick so he was being wished by them when he passed by them. He finally found Shion's office and knocked on her door, after getting Shion's permission entered the room and found Shion looking at her laptop. After Nick entered only after that Shion looked up and saw who it was.

Shion: Why are you here?? I am working now...

Nick: So its fine when you aren't working, right?

Shion didn't mind his teasing and snorted at his question and turned away her face from Nick.

Shion: Are you here to tease me?

Nick: Of course not, I came here to check if everything is going fine in your department.

Shion didn't say anything and handed Nick her laptop. Nick took her laptop and started to check the doc.u.ments. According to these, the weapons storage was completely fine. None of them were issued except the tasers.

Nick: Why tasers??

Shion: Simple, I don't want someone to kill anyone if that person commits a crime. Criminals are also now a working resource.

Nick thought for a few moments and nodded on her decision. Criminals needed to posted in the front lines so that they can serve their time. Nick continued to check the doc.u.ments and found that Shion has sent three men to the front lines.

Nick: What did these three commit??

Shion: One of them stole food because he didn't like how we differentiated between the three categories and the other two decided to make factions and rile them up against us.

Nick: Good, we can't let them have factions among our ranks but why are their crimes not recorded here?

Shion: I thought that won't be important.

Nick: Note them down, keep a record so if they try to do something in the future we can punish them more strictly. If they commit the same crime again then double their time on the frontlines. And if they are stupid enough to commit the same crime the third time then post them permanently on the frontlines but their rations will be given as we do to citizens.

Shion nodded in understanding, it was fine in her opinion. They can easily commit their crimes after they come back and they also don't need to receive similar provisions like the soldiers. After discussing a few more topics Nick left the room and went towards the Water Pump room. Nick went to the room and saw that it was locked, so it meant that it still wasn't time to use the pump.

Nick was about to go outside but was stopped by Yuriko.

Yuriko: Nick-chan, why are you here?

Nick: Oh... I thought you would be here so I came to check up on your department.

Yuriko: Ohhh... then come with me, I am going to turn on the pumps now.

Nick followed Yuriko while she went to the pump room and turned them on one by one.

Yuriko: So, Nick-chan, what do you want to do?

Nick: Nothing, I just wanted to check up on my mother.

Yuriko just nodded and started to chat with him on a lot of simple matters going on within the base. After sometime, Nick decided to help her with some stuff and went to her office.

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