HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 36 - Primary School

POV (Nick)

The whole field was completely silent. Nobody spoke anything they just pointed gun towards each other. Takashi wanted to speak anything but I decided to stop him, I gestured him to stay quiet which he did. I was about to speak up but Rika spoke up. Well I am never good at these situations.

Rika: We come in peace...

Rika lowered her gun and handed it to Saeko who just dumbly took the gun, she didn't know what to do with that.

Rika: We came here to look for survivors, that guy's mother is a teacher here and her sister studies here.

Rika pointed towards Takshi who just dumbly waved his hand. I guess he is even worst than me in these situations. Thank God... I was here or he would have become the leader the School group.

Takashi: Can you please tell me if Kumoro Himiko is here or not.

After hearing that all the policemen lowered their weapons. I guess they knew Himiko.

Police1: Lower your weapons and come inside... we don't want scare the kids now, do we?

All of them lowered the weapons and we followed them. I went towards Rika.

Nick: From now on you will take care of these situations...

Rika just nodded in understanding. We went to the 1st floor and saw a few rooms filled with kids. All of them were peeking through the windows, well kids are always curious.

Those men took us to a room where several a.d.u.l.ts were talking with each other about food. Two were women while the other was a man. The man had a disgusting shade in his soul, he must have committed several heinous crimes.

As soon as we entered the room they stopped discussing and looked towards our group. Rei and Takashi immediately shot out towards both the women and hugged them.

Takashi: Mama!!! I am so glad that you are fine.

The woman also returned the hug and thanked God that Takashi was alive and fine. I guess she is Himiko. The other woman must be Rei's mother. I saw her speak with her and my doubts became clear.

Rei: I scared so Mama... I am so glad that I found you here.

Kiriko: I am also happy that you are fine and living well.

Himiko: Where have you both been?

Takashi: We have really been fine... mama where is Aiko??

I think they forget about us. I guess that is only natural, family reunions are really nice.

Rei: How are you here mom?

Kiriko: I came here to get them out but was only able to send half of the students while we stayed back. They were unable to come back because of that damn bomb.

Himiko: Well... are these your friends Takashi??

Himiko asked pointing towards us.

Takashi: This is Nick-san, only because of him we were able to make our safe heaven.

Nick: Hello my name is Nickolas Morningstar, nice to meet you all. Well the base was everyone's effort.

Well I can't take the whole credit since everything wasn't done by me. After that I introduced everyone, so the policemen were brought by Rei's mother Kiriko. Then one of the policeman spoke up while irritated me slightly.

Police2: Where did you kids get these weapons?? This is completely illegal.

Nick: F.u.c.k the law...!! Laws aren't going to save you...

Police2: You...

But he was cut off by Kiriko, I guess she has much more brain that stupid shit here.

Kiriko: He is right... those weapons helped them to survive this long and there aren't any laws now... surviving is the top priority now.

Himiko: I guess that's that. So I wanted to know that if we can move into your base or not...

Nick: Yes you can... that is the reason we came here but you have to follow our rules...

Kiriko: What rules?

Nick: If you are older than 14 than you have to work to get food or you will be only given enough to survive. If you go there you will be under someone's command.

???: This is outrageous...!!

The man who was speaking before with Kiriko and Himiko spoke up. Well to be correct he shouted and ended up with a sword on his throat. I guess Saeko also felt his nature, Saeko is getting more and more stronger each day. Maybe in future she can be a Death Knight or something.

Nick: Saeko you can lower your weapon... let the man speak up.

Everyone was still stunned at how fast Saeko was, if she wanted she could have killed the man before anyone could even react. The policemen were also scared of her now. They were all looking towards Kiriko for order, she was still stunned at how fast Saeko was. Saeko took her sword back and put it in the sheath.

I decided to let the man speak, if I don't do this then I won't be a concept. A simple mortal without any powers responsible to ruling up Death... a funny joke.

Nick: Come on I don't have whole day...

???: You can't do this... why do I have to work under someone to get food? It is my right to be fed...

Nick: Well f.u.c.k your rights... is that simple enough. I am not running a charity association. If you don't like the rules then don't come but if you are there then you have to follow the rules or I post you on the front lines... capise??

???: You can't do that... that is the reason this policemen are here. You must protest this outrageous thing.

Nick: My previous statement stays even for them...

The policemen were completely quiet along with all the others in the room.

Himiko: As long as you don't make the children work... I am fine with working.

Kiriko: I am also fine with it...

Takshi: Don't worry mama, there are several kids in our camp and none of them have to work.

Rei: Yes mama, let me tell you about our base in details...

I guess they will deal with it really nicely... I don't understand how can people be so stupid. I guess some humans are born with stupid genes. I went towards the window and turned towards Himiko.

Nick: Can I smoke here?

Himiko just nodded while Kiriko walked towards me.

Kiriko: Can I have one?

I handed her a cigarette and lit up mine and handed her the lighter. Himiko took Takashi to meet her sister. After sometime Himiko returned alone. She must have left Takashi with his sister. Himiko joined Kiriko was chatting with her daughter about several matters. Himiko also joined the discussion while the policemen were giving their opinions too.

Saeko: They are really thinking this through... It feels like they are about to make e a life insurance deal...

Nick: Haha... very funny Saeko-chan...

Rika: They are only being careful... being careful is is good especially in these situations. Better be safe than sorry.

Kohta: Yes...

Nick: Asami... do you know anyone of them?

Asami: No... all of them are from different prefecture.

Nick: Oh... I keep forgetting about that thing...

Saya: You can be really stupid sometimes...

Nick: Well I can be stupid... that is why I have you here my genius Saya-chan...

Saya: Hmph...!!

Saya blushed slightly and snorted before turning her face away. She is really cute when is does that. I heard everyone snickering around me.

After sometime their discussion finished. Kiriko came towards me followed by Himiko.

Himiko: Then I guess we will be under your care...

Nick: Well I will inform them to send a convoy.

Toshimi took out the radio and informed the base to send out the convoy. They decided to send five trucks and Soichiro will be leading the team.

We made small conversations after that, Himiko and Kiriko went to help the kids and pack up along with the other teachers. That man also left the room but I was always keeping eyes on him. As long as he doesn't do anything stupid we will keep breathing but as soon as he tries something funny well I guess we all know how he will end up. Saeko was also keeping her eyes on him, even when he was out of her sights she was easily following him through her senses and instinct. Well I am definitely proud of her.

An hour passed when the whole convoy was here. The policemen wanted to know from where did we get the weapons are vehicles so told them. Even if they wanted the weapons we took from Police Station they can't do anything about it.

Kiriko: Have you guys visited the base made my General Amami?

Rika: No... we have not.

Soichiro: If we want to go there we will need to go through the whole city. We will have to get past the city centre meaning more zombies. More zombies means chances are high that we find several evolved zombies.

Nick: Either that or we go around the whole city.

Kiriko: Can you give me a car?? I will leave with my men.

Well that's a hard request, if it was someone else I would have rejected it but she is Rei's mother. But before I could decide anything Rei came as my savior.

Rei: No mama... don't do that... it is very dangerous. There are several zombies who couldn't be killed by normal bullets.

Kiriko and her men were shocked to hear this, they turned completely pale and turned towards Soichiro for confirmation.

Soichiro: Unfortunately that's true... because of these kind of zombies we are unable to launch any big missions.

Kiriko didn't know what to say after that. Rika toom out a small diary and handed it to Kiriko. Kikiko and the policemen started to read the diary and by each page they turned more paler and their eyes kept getting wide. Don't open your eyes that wide you dumb people... your eyes will pop out...

Nick: What is that??

Rika: That is a zombie encyclopedia I am making... it is still in beginning phases but everything is detained with drawings.

Well that is good... I never thought of doing this.

Nick: Drop all your work back at base. Finish this thing as soon as you can. I will speak to Yuriko and get you helping hands. Soldiers should have these, they better know what they are taking on before shooting on them.

Rika: That was my actual aim you know...

While this was happening all the kids have boarded the vehicles along with teachers. We entered our vehicle at the last since we had no hurry. This time Saeko took the steering while Rika sat beside her so that she could correct her if Saeko makes any mistakes. It was already dark when we were returning but it was a good day except the stuff happened in morning.

Like this another day passed in this apocalyptic world.

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