HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 43 - Nest?? (II)

The place was completely dark and silent. Neither of them could even feel a rattle around them or movement in air. It seemed it was unnatural. The place brightened when Nick lit up a cigarette and handed the lighter to Saeko.

POV (Nick)

Rika: This place seems eerily quiet...

Nick: That it is...

Saeko: Let's head inside...

Rika: Wait..!! You guys can see in the dark?

Ooh... I forgot that she was a human. I took out a night vision googles from my storage and handed it to Rika. Glad I kept a few for emergencies. Saeko-chan took the lead while I and Rika were walking side by side. The humans are under us... did they decide to dig a cave here? Is this a f.u.c.k.i.n.g human colony who decided to live like ants?

Nick: I don't even want to know how were they able to dig so much...

Saeko: I too have no idea...

Rika: What are you talking about?

Nick: I can feel humans below us... several kilometers below us and yes... they are all alive and kicking.

Rika: How can that be possible??!!

Nick: I have no f.u.c.k.i.n.g idea...

Rika didn't say anymore and we kept walking.


A man with a sick smile on his face was looking at the three humans on his screen. There were several similar screens inside the room. The only light in the room was from the screen.

???: Lure them inside...

The man spoke to thin air because there was no one inside the room. The room was completely empty.


POV (Nick)

Nick: Motherf.u.c.ker... we reached the next station. Where the f.u.c.k is the entrance?

Neither Rika or Saeko said anything, they were also annoyed by walking so much. Nick suddenly noticed something and looked below.

Nick: Stay sharp... someone with ill intentions are watching us.

Saeko might not have felt it because it is way to far for her senses. The question is how is he able to see us. The only option is that he has cameras around us. Let's see if I can find some or not.


(A/N: Well Nick's power is based on life so he can't feel a simple camera, he can sense if someone watches him through the camera like he did now. Now don't say that I am nerfing the MC, Death cannot kill a terminator even if it is a cybernatic organism using his power over life since it is inanimate. Nick could kill the the hybrid one from Terminator Salvation but the other need to be dealt by using his brute strength or his telekinesis)


Saeko: Why don't we go the the place from where we could feel the nearest human. We can blow a hole from there...

Nick: Good idea... let's go.

I decided pulled out a gun from under my shirt. Actually I took it out from my storage but I wanted to show that bastard that I took it out from my shirt. I need to hide my powers so that he would underestimate me.

We decided to return the same way we came from and this time we saw a gate. It wasn't there when we crossed it first time so we were sure that someone did this to lure us in. We entered the gate, it was a big gate. It was beside a power terminal. All three of us entered side by side and I saw the logo.

Nick: Umbrella.

Ooh this isn't good... I look over to Rika. I know that nothing would happen to me or Saeko but I was worried for Rika. After all, she is just a normal human. I decided to return, I grabbed both their hands and turned around but the gate was already closed and the room started to fill with a gas. I don't know what the gas was but it was similar to the thing in the zombies and Jin. It is the T-Virus, those motherf.u.c.kers are using us as lab rats.

Nick: Rika don't breathe... just nod your head to answer.

I raised my hand and ripped apart the door, no longer need to hide my powers. Rika is much more important than anything else. I immediately picked up Rika and exited the room followed by Saeko.


???: Interesting... very interesting. I want them captured... alive. All three of them.

The man spoke in the darkness.


POV (Nick)

Rika: I am not feeling so well...

I decided to check her condition. If the virus is that fast than it could have already infected Rika. My eyes turned black while I looked at Rika. F.u.c.k... she is infected and the virus is spreading in her system by each passing seconds.

Saeko: She is infected...

Rika: F.u.c.k...!! Fine kill me... I refuse to die after I become one of them...

Nick: I have a way to save you but you need to become my wife...

Rika: ...Fine... I agree. I was already planning to sleep with you after this mission. I like you but it isn't upto love... will it work?

Nick: Yes... it will work... we can work on love later...

I decided to make her an immortal, I touched her forehead and she was covered in a similar black flames. The flames dissipated and she had similar changes like her skin became slightly pale, she still had a tan skin tone but it became paler than before. Her skin became more smooth and she became much more beautiful after her transformation.

Rika: Why do I feel so strong and I don't feel the previous uneasiness... my skin has become so smooth...

Saeko: We have company... should I greet them?

Nick: Yes... I will speak with Rika slightly...

Saeko just nodded and went towards the room... I can also feel several men coming up here... well they won't be alive longer since Saeko decided to greet them.

Rika: So... I am vampire now? Do I need to drink blood and will I burn to ashes under the sun?

Nick: Pfft... Hahaha...

I started to laugh... well that was a good joke. Rika-chan seems to believe in vampires.

Rika: Stop laughing... this is a serious matter... I like to sunbathe in a bikini...

Nick: Well Rika-chan... you won't have a problem sunbathing in a bikini.

Rika: Phew... then what about blood?

Nick: Well if you were a vampire then you would need that... but unfortunately you are just and immortal.

Rika: Immortal... just an immortal... I don't think that it is a just thing.

Nick: Well it is funny... I am Death... well to be exact Death's son.

Rika: This isn't a joke, right?

Nick: Nope... I will explain everything later... why don't we go and check on Saeko. It seems that she is done...

I pulled up Rika to her feet, she dusted off her clothes. I could feel the emotion of the man who was watching us. He seems afraid, scared, intrigued, worried but something about the man is unnatural. He seems alive but dead at the same time... not like these f.u.c.k.i.n.g zombies but its like he is a human without soul... can it be? human without soul?

We entered the room from the broken wall and the whole room. was splattered with blood. Saeko was cleaning her sword using the clothes from these men. She was also covered in blood.

Saeko: They came up using a lift... it went inside when I started to slaughter them...

Nick: Well I guess... this is the base of Umbrella Corporation... so it is common that it is well hidden.

Saeko: Then let's go inside...

Saeko lifted up her sword and sliced apart the floor. It was a tunnel beneath the floor which goes way down.

Nick: Why don't we go and greet them??

Both Saeko and Rika nodded their heads. I grabbed both of their hands and all three of us jumped in the tunnel...

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