HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 42 - Nest?? (I)

POV (Nick)

I decided to take the APC today. This has become my new favorite, even if I kept the Range Rover as my personal car. I used the Range Rover to travel everywhere within the base. When the base is compared to the whole airport it doesn't seem much but if you walk around it you will know how big the base is. Saeko-chan was driving... I have asked her why she wanted to learn how to operate all these vehicles and her answer was "Danna-sama, I want to always stay by your side and support you in every way". Well this is why I love her so much. She is a diligent bloodthirsty housewife...

The last line seemed wrong but it is what it is and I love her. No matter how bloodthirsty she is, she isn't a yandre. I learnt of that term from Kohta. Yandres are scary beings who will kill anyone who comes between her love... fortunately I can't be killed, thank Death. But I know that Saeko-chan ain't a Yandre sice she shares me with other girls willingly and I really love her bloodthirsty nature.

Nick: Saeko-chan, do you want to kill all of them on your own?

Saeko: Danna-sama, I want to... but you are bored so I will leave them for you... I will just stand behind you.

Nick: No... let's kill them together...

Saeko: Hai... danna-sama.

Nice girl... though she didn't show it on her face but a fire clearly lit up in her eyes. Let her kill something and she becomes happy, simple girl. I just smile at her and pat her head.

Rika: Will you two stop flirting?

Nick: Rika-chan... feeling jealous?

Rika: Yes... I am so jealous of Shizuka, she is happily satisfied and here I have to scratch my own itch.

Saeko: Fufufu... do you also want to join our group?

Rika: ...Saeko-chan... I didn't thought that you will let me so easily.

Saeko: None of us mind... we will like to have a new sister and you are a nice woman Rika so we all approve of you.

Like I said not a yandre. A yandre would never let any other woman near her lover willingly.

Nick: My opinion should be the most important here, right?

Saeko: So... Danna-sama don't you want Rika in your harem?

Nick: ...If Rika wants...

At first I decided to stay quiet and ignore the question but I saw that Rika was waiting for my answer with hope in her eyes. Does she really want to be with me? Well, let's dump the responsibility on her.

Rika: I want to but first we need to talk about some stuff, right?

Nick: Like?

Rika: What are you??

Does she knows? How can a human know what I am? F.u.c.k.i.n.g hell... is her perception that high? She never heard her conversations or I would have noticed her. I don't care if anyone knows I just want to cause mayhem. Saeko looks similarly shocked.

Nick: How did you find out?

Rika: I didn't know much... I just saw Shizuka hit her hand with a knife once and the knife broke, then I saw Shion crush a stone when she was fixing the wall after the tank attack. She thought nobody saw her but I did. Saeko here is like a superhuman with superspeed and super strength so she didn't bother me so much because martial artists can have those attributes but when I thought the three of them together, well you can understand that. Three of them are your lovers so obviously you have some connection.

Nick: Bravo... Rika-chan, bravo... I never thought that Shion would be so stupid. Well I can understand Shizuka...

Rika: I shouldn't say this... Szikuka is my friend but she is an airhead...

Saeko: Both of them need punishment...

Nick: Nah... don't bother. It's not like I am hiding... well Rika I will tell you everything but aren't you scared? I mean you knew we aren't humans at least...

Rika: I am not scared... I have seen you fight for us. Protect us... so I didn't thought that you will hurt me...

Nick: Well, we can talk after we return... we are almost there...

We have already reached the wall, the guards saw our APC and let us enter. The told us that Amami was already waiting for us at the gates. We saw several man with guns standing in front of the gates with weapons. The man in the center only had a pistol strapped around his thigh so it seems he is Amami. We stopped the APC and we got down.

Nick: Its nice to meet you General Amami...

Amami: One man and two women? It seems you really underestimate that place...

I thought of shaking my hands but he decided to do that... well arrogant men die soon. Maybe he will die soon... who cares... he is mortal and if I refute than I am no better than him. Amami you need to do better than that. I will try again to give you respect but if you deny it again then forget any respect from me.

Nick: No... Rika here came to meet her friends.

I pointed towards Rika who saluted Amami. It seems that he recognizes her... well f.u.c.k him.

Amami: Then you are you more arrogant I have to say... return kid or you will die there.

Well he is stupid I have to say... but since he

Nick: Oldie you don't need to care about that...

Soldier: How dare y...

Stupid soldier shouting in front of me. I decided to close his gun and took out a gun from my storage and point it towards Amami.

I stopped anyone from moving.

Nick: See oldie... this is power. Put up a leash on your dogs oldie or you will regret feeding them...

Amami: It seems you have quite strength but you sure you want to point a gun at me at my home?

A laser should up on my hand than moved on towards my head. I still kept pointing my gun towards Amami.

Nick: You are naive oldie... let's see what he can do...

I shot at the ground between Amami's leg. He smiled smugly but nothing happened. Amami looked back towards his sniper and found him laying on the ground lifelessly.

Nick: See oldie... naive. You see I am a nice guy... so I just knocked him out.

Amami was gritting his teeth but he could do nothing.

Nick: Come here oldie... take the list. I want them... you see we are nice guys so I won't force you to give me anything... but the previous deal remains. I clear the nest you give me an APC and parts on this list... right oldie?

Amami: Fine... I lost kid...

Nick: Rika-chan, you wanna stay here or come with us?

Rika: I will be coming with you after all this happened... I don't think I can meet any friends after this.

Nick: Sorry Rika-chan... I blew my fuse I guess.

Rika: It's fine... none of them are from my unit... let's go now.

Nick: Oldie better hold your end of the deal.

All three of us got on the APC and drove out towards the subway station. Well it is true that I blew up my fuse but that was needed to do that since he didn't want to show weakness in front of Amami. I was still friendly that is the reason I didn't kill anyone. Let's see that of the oldie understands or tried to show off his force more.

Rika: That wasn't good you know?

Nick: I don't care about him... he is after all a human and all his soldiers are all human too.

Rika: You must not underestimate him that much... he has so huge force... even if you can subdue half of his army the rest will kill you...

Both Saeko and I start to laugh. Rika was stunned to hear that.

Saeko: Rika don't worry so much... they can't kill us because simply we can't be killed...

Before Rika could say anything Saeko stopped the APC.

Nick: We are here... let's go.

The three of us got down and I stored the APC in my storage space. The subway looks really dark, but why the f.u.c.k do I feel humans down there. There are so many of them, it shouldn't be what I think it is...

Saeko: Why do I feel humans do there?

Rika: What... humans?? We need to help them...

Nick: No... wait. This seems wrong...

Saeko: Whatever it is... let's go inside...

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