HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 52 - Camping in Wasteland (III)

POV (Alice)

At least Carlos and L.J are still alive and well. They made a pretty nice group here if I have to say. Only Jill Valentine is missing from this reunion. Last time I remember she was with them so let's ask.

Alice: Carlos, where is Jill?

Carlos: Don't know... after you left the group she also left saying that she needed to check her family or relatives...

L.J: We are the only group who are currently holding out here...

Alice: Yes with all those evolved zombies I have also had some problems. Thankfully I never had to face a tank or witch...

Claire: Yes... thankfully we also were able to avoid the witches. They are like tanks but they are really hard to hit cause they are just insanely fast...

Alice: That is the reason I was shocked in the book Nick gave me that someone has killed those witches multiple times...

I just saw everyones reaction after that. It is truly funny about how they reacted. Well I reacted like that too...

Carlos: You must be joking right??

Claire: How did that person even kill something so fast and bulletproof in addition?

Nick: Well she is speaking about Saeko... she is a swordswoman and she likes to behead her enemies.

Nick decided to join the conversation since it was about someone bhe knew. That woman must be also his lover. I don't even have any idea how he manages so many women.

Nick: Well she also killed a tank with a sword...

Claire: I don't belive it...

K-Mart: Is that even possible?

Saya: Well I can't show you how she killed the tank but I can show you how she hunts zombies and witches.

Saya took out her phone... well her phone looks really modern. She played a video... I am also quite interested in this Saeko woman's sword skills. If what Nick and Saya said are true than it must be really nice.

The video started and we saw Saeko exit an APC, they are really equiped. Their claim of being a safe heaven looks to be true.

Saeko pulls out her sword from the sheath and started to cut apart zombies. Well that is very gory if someone asks my opinion. Then I saw Saeko turn her head once towards the camera and saw the bloodthirsty grin on her face. I have never seen a face like that, it seems that she is enjoying all this bloodbath and she didn't even mind being drenched by blood.

The video ended when the field was cleared but before the video ended we all saw her bloodthirsty grin turn into a gentle and caring smile.

Saya plays another video and we could already hear a Witch's cries. We saw Saeko take the lead and she calmly walk towards the Witch. The witch was sitting on the concrete floor crying, the witch notices Saeko and rushes towards her but as soon as she reached in front of Saeko its head was detached from the body. The Witch's body fell while its head rolled away. Saeko keeps walking forward and the video ends.

Alice: She is badass and scary...

Nick: Yes... she loves killing and fighting... other times she is the most gentle woman you can ever see.

Claire: After I saw her skills I have to believe that what you said is true... fighting them with a sword is suicide but she kills the most strongest zombies with just a sword like it an walk in park for her...

Carlos: Well this was really eye opening.

LJ: I can't even imagine how many years she trained just to reach that level.

Saya: She has been practicing since she was a small child.

Nick: Apparantly her whole family is filled with great swordsmen and women.

K-Mart: So she is still alive, right?

Nick: Yes... why do you ask?

This can be problematic, I don't know if Nick to tell them the truth or not but it would be better if he didn't tell them. They might attack him like I did.

K-Mart: Then why are you here?

Nick: We are just roaming around the world... to tell you the truth I am from the Japanese base, which Alice told you about.

I guess he decided to tell the truth at least it is better that if they try anything they are going to try now. At least the risk of their founding out later is gone.

Claire: You are far away from home if you ask me...

Nick: No... I am originally from New York, so after out base was stable I took a plane and came here. I met with Alice near New York...

Oo... he is smart, I have to give him that much credit. He completely avoided the matter of Umbrella Corporation and me. At least he told me the whole truth... but why did he tell me? He could have hidden that from me... it means that he trusts me.

Carlos: Ooh...

Everyone looks towards him with sad face. They must be thinking that he came here to look for his family but didn't find anyone since he has no one with him except Saya and Rika. Speaking of Rika, she didn't even speak or try to do anything perverted. This doesn't seem like her from what I have seen. She must be really loyal to Nick, then she is only perverted in front of him.

Nick also noticed that they were looking at him with sympathy.

Nick: Oh... its not like that. I don't have any family in this world from the beginning. I just came here to see how post apocalyptic New York looked like.

He could have at least tried to think something better. I along with the others were completely dumbfounded after we heard that. He can't be serious, right?

Claire: Well you seem to be really eccentric...

Nick: That I am...

Carlos: So where is the plane you brought?

Nick: Well that is in New York... I left it there since there is no way that zombies would know how to fly that.

I was again stunned... he didn't do that right? I don't think so. Everyone was again stunned.

K-Mart: But someone else could steal it!!

Well thank you K-Mart for pointing the obvious which Nick decided to ignore when he left the plane in New York.

Nick: Uhmm no... I took out the GPS system and disconnected the control board, so if they want to fly that firstly they would need to reconnect some wirings or they would never reach full power to take off.

F.u.c.k... that shit. He is evil... he is pure evil. I looked towards the others and all of them had their jaws hanging. They also must be thinking about how insane Nick is. Well I guess there is nothing more to say.

Carlos: ...So... are we heading towards New York then?

Carlos asked while he was still unsure how to react.

Claire: Can you fix the plane Nick?

Nick: Yeah... but why don't we head towards Nevada. Rika could fly any plane... so you don't have to worry about that.

Alice: I think we should head to Nevada too... it is obviously more close to us.

Claire: I guess it is... we spead the whole day while chatting like this.

Alice: It will be best if we left tomorrow...

Nick: So let's call it a day...

I think I should spend the night in Nick's car but that perverted woman might want to have some action today. If I am there maybe I could join too... what the hell I am even thinking. Bad Alice... take your head out of the gutter. But it has been so long since I slept with someone. Will they let me join too... f.u.c.k it. Let's wing it...

By the time I finished with my decision and my mental rant. The three of them were already gone. Well I don't know what to do... I am not going to interrupt them. I was about to walk away when Saya called me.

Saya: Alice... why don't you join us...

Ok... now I have a reason to go there. At least I should go there and see whatever happens afterwards.

I entered the their car or truck or whatever this is. All I know that this is some military vehicle, I don't know much about that. They were preparing food... it feels so nice nowadays if someone gets some food for you.

I sat down beside them after I took off my shoes and decided to pray like they do.

Alice: Thanks for the food...

Nick/Saya/Rika: Thanks for the food...

After that they dug in the food... Nick pulled out four bottles of beer and handed me one. No matter how many times I see that it still surprises me.

Alice: Thanks.

Nick: No problem...

We spend the whole dinner while smiling, talking and laughing. It has been so long since I ate food like this. This is really nice... I would give anything to keep this feeling. Even if I have to join his harem I will do that... but it is still too soon. There is still time...

Soon the dinner was done and we decided to take rest when suddenly Rika spoke up.

Rika: Let's play strip poker...

She spoke in English... for the first time she spoke English and she asks everyone to play strip poker. I should have known, this depraved woman is hopeless. Nick and Saya didn't even bother to answer her and Rika looked towards me. What the f.u.c.k di you want me to say here? You depraved woman... she must have decided to rope me in.

Ahh... f.u.c.k it... I also want it. I can have s.e.x... having s.e.x once doesn't mean that I am going to join his harem. Yes... that's it, I am doing this to relieve my stress nothing more... and maybe pleasure.

Alice: ...Fine... let's play...

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