HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 53 - Menace from Sky

POV (Nick)

I woke up and found myself entangled with women. I opened my eyes and found Alice's face resting over my chest. Oh yeah... I did with her yesterday. Well even if she isn't my wife now... I will make her in the recent future. She is a nice woman it is just that western culture is very different than eastern culture. Well I can wait a few months before telling her the truth and inviting her into the fold. Or if she asks for serious relationship then it will be much sooner.

Saya was on my other side... well Saya-chan is a responsible woman. Now where the f.u.c.k it that depraved woman? I slightly tilted my head and found Rika sleeping beside Alice. I look outside and it was still very early, I decided to return to dreamland again.

I woke up again in a few minutes and found Rika's face hovering over mine. What the hell is this perverted woman thinking again? Rika immediately gave me short kiss and backed away. It is really odd that she backed away only after that.

Rika: So hubby, how did you like my gift?

Nick: I wouldn't lie, it was nice.

Rika: Hehehe... now let's wake them up. It is already morning...

I looked outside and it was true that it was already morning. It isn't that we are early risers but this place is isn't out base so we have already decided to wake up early.

I was about to wake up Alice and Saya when sirens suddenly started to blare. Shit... how the f.u.c.k this many zombies enter the f.u.c.k.i.n.g perimeter? We didn't make any noise to attract this many. I don't know how much noise we made last night but I don't think that it was enough to attract so many zombies.

Hearing the sirens Saya and Alice immediately shot up. Alice forgot about getting cleaned up and started to dress. Well I still remember the spell Mom showed me a few years ago. I used the spell and all four of us were immediately cleaned.

Alice: What was that?

Saya: It is one of his powers.

Alice: Tell me the truth... how many powers do you even have?

Nick: Many... maybe I will tell you someday in future.

Alice: Then future it is...

We didn't waste anymore time and got immediately dressed. We exited the car and didn't see any zombies anywhere. I suddenly looked up because the sky looked dark out of the sudden.

Nick: Oh f.u.c.k...

Followed by my Saya, Rika, and Alice also looked up.

Saya/Rika/Alice: F.u.c.k... (Saya and Rika in Japanese and Alice in English)

The sky was filled with crows and I already knew that they weren't alive. If they were I would have noticed them sooner. A lot sooner. All of these were zombie crows.

I saw everyone coming outside the car and this was a huge mistake if I have to say. This attracted all the flock of zombie crows towards the ground. They immediately dived like the eagles when they hunted. Everyone started running for cover. I raised my hand and made a force field to stop them from reaching the ground.

Alas not everyone was lucky. Some stupid guys thought it would be really nice to run away from me. Alice looked towards me and nodded her head in appreciation. A lot of lives were saved because of me.

Alice immediately ran towards the oil tankers that Claire's group had. I have already started to kill the crows with my powers but they were just too many. Saya and Rika were also shooting the crows that were too far away from me. Alice used the oil pump and lit up the whole sky which made all the crows left flock in one direction. Well this is all that was needed. I raised my hand in that direction and turned the remaining flock into meat paste.

Well with that over everyone finally decided to walk out of their cars and trucks. Some guys were already dead and many were infected. All of them knew what fate awaited them. I watched L.J come towards us along with Claire and Carlos. I have already noticed that L.J was infected. Then why the hell is he here and why is he reacting like that it didn't happen. Did he not notice that he was infected?

Claire: Thank you for your help... but you could have told before about your super powers.

Nick: Well it is natural that I would help and I didn't know that you knew about people having super powers, that is why I didn't tell you.

L.J: We have one with us... he died last month when he overused his powers.

Saya: What power did he have?

Claire: Well he could spread his senses... I told him to stop doing that so that he won't have to overstrain himself. He was really old... so his heart gave in.

Nick: Ohh... so what will happen to these men?

I asked pointing towards the people who were infected.

Claire: They have two choices... we either kill them so that they can die like normal human or we leave them behind.

I looked over towards L.J and he still wasn't reacting like it didn't matter to him. I knew he was hiding it. No matter how nice this guy was... when he decided to hide this he lost all the respect. I don't care about mortals but I am not going to let him stay with the group so that he can infect someone else.

Nick: So... L.J shouldn't you be along with them?

I asked him pointing towards the infected group. His face turned completely pale and everyone backed away from him. Saya, Rika, and Alice were already pointing guns toward him.

Carlos: Is it true? You were infected?

L.J: Yes...

Claire: Why? Do you want to be someone who infects his own friends?

L.J: What should I have done? I was scared... I don't want to die like this...

L.J then let go off his jacket and the puncture wound made by a crow could be seen.

Claire: So, what do you want to do?

L.J: Give me a gun and leave me behind...

Claire and Carlos nodded in understanding and walked away to round up the remaining group. L.J was walking towards the infected group.

Alice: This was your power related to emotions, right?

Nick: Yes... you are learning quite well.

All the vehicles were soon packed and we were ready to go. We immediately drove out from that place towards Nevada. Alice was still travelling in our car. I watched Alice place her hand towards the window and mumbled something. Well from her emotions I knew that she was sad. She was really sad.

Nick: Rika... are you continuing your book?

Rika: Of course... we never faced zombified animals but if they are dangerous like this then the base is needed to be informed.

I just nodded hearing her and sat relaxing quite a bit.

Alice: So Nick... what did you do in Japan??

Nick: I was a student in highschool if you may...

Alice immediately became distressed when she heard that I was still a student.

Alice: I can't imagine that I slept with a someone so young...

Nick: Does it really matter? Didn't you enjoy our romp?

Alice: Yes I enjoyed it... but that's beside the point. Aren't I too old for you?

Nick: Well honestly I don't care about age... Rika is also older than me. Two of my wives back in home is also old like Rika. Does my being younger bother you?

Alice: Well now that you say it like that... it doesn't.

Saya: Then it is good isn't it?

Alice: Fine... you win. So what's your base is like?

Nick: Nothing special except the safe environment. We currently have a working society of you may... like schools, medical wards and offices.

Alice: That seems very nice... you worked really hard of I have to say.

Saya: That we did...!! It was only because of Nick and Saeko. They worked really hard or we would have lost many men when we were cleaning the zombies from our current base.

Alice just nodded in understanding. Suddenly the car jerked up. I looked towards Rika who was driving. What the f.u.c.k did she just hit? This vehicle is heavier than any other vehicle except APC and tanks.

Nick: What the f.u.c.k did you hit?

Rika: Ooh... it was a charger. It was just strolling through the street.

Well that is why I didn't sense it. It didn't pose any danger when it wasn't charging so it didn't matter I guess.

Alice: I have to say all of you are really eccentric...

Nick: You didn't understand what Rika spoke, right?

Alice: Well I understood that she said charger and I remembered it was the one with one arm. So, I understood that she hit a Charger.

Nick: That is exactly what happened...

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