HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 65 - Underground Problem (I)

POV (Nick)

Rika: Are you sure that there are bugs in there?

Nick: I am completely sure... now if you are scared of bugs then I think that you should leave with them...

I said while pointing towards the men they brought along with them from the base. I told them about the bugs and I didn't want them to risk their lives because I don't even know exactly what kind of bugs are actually down there so that's that.

Rika: No... no... I just wanted to make sure... I don't care so much about bugs you know...

Alice: You don't look and sound so convincing tough...

Saeko: Yes... if you want to go back you can go back... but I will stay by Danna-sama's side.

Nick: Saeko-chan, you are trembling...

Saeko: What...?? No no... you must be imagining things.

I just gave her a blank stare... Alice also did the same. She could be more honest, it's not that I would think any less of her if she is scared of bugs.

Nick: Both of you don't have to force yourselves... its not like that I will think any less of you because you were scared of bugs. Alice can accompany me while both of you will go back to the base along with them.

I said with a stern expression on my face, well I need to be stern with them sometimes. They have to know that they can't always put my missions ahead of their own wellbeing.

Rika: Ok... I guess, I will return... come on Saeko-chan.

Saeko: Fine... take care of yourselves both of you.

Saeko said while I kissed her to reassure her that I will be fine. Nobody can do anything to me so it is quite stupid for her to worry about me but honestly I like it. When someone really cares about you no matter if you are immortal or whatever it feels nice...

After that I kissed Rika and told her that we will see each other tonight which made her beam in happiness. I always know how to please this perverted and depraved woman. Soon Rika and Saeko left along with the whole team leaving behind only me and Alice.

Alice: So... let's head down and see...

Alice nodded and both of us entered the subway station. The station was filled with dust and huge skid marks along the floor. This showed the bodies were dragged down this path. As soon as we reached the tracks a disgusting smell assaulted our noses.

Nick: F.u.c.k!!!

Alice: What the hell is this smell... ugh...

Just after that Alice emptied her breakfast on the floor, I was right behind her and I also emptied my stomach on the tracks. Even if I am concept this smell is outrageous... this can even kill Gods. I somehow pulled my senses back and took out two gas masks from my storage. I handed one to Alice which she put on her face in an instant. I also wore the mask and released a sigh when the smell stopped assaulting my nose.

Nick: Are you ok?

Alice: Ya... ya... just give me a moment to get back my bearings.

I nodded in understanding. I have to say this was the most disgusting experience I ever had. After a few moments Alice was able to calm down and we both started to walk towards the inside of the tunnels and we could see filth increasing. I could feel some bugs near us so I told Alice to be ready. Both of us saw a huge vent which connected the subways with the sewers.

Both of us walked towards the vent and what we saw shocked us, stunned us, and disgusted us. We saw about dozen of c.o.c.kroaches running around. This could have been normal for any sewers but the size of those c.o.c.kroaches disturbed us. They were huge... they were big enough to be compared with small couches.

Alice: What's the plan?

Alice: I guess... then let's get out from here.

But before we could turn around my phone started to ring which immediately alerted the c.o.c.kroaches of our presence. All of them unfurled thier wings and flew towards us but I crushed them as soon as they took flight.

Both I and Alice shrugged and started to walk towards the surface. The c.o.c.kroaches kept coming towards us but all of them met the same fate of being crushed. While walking I pulled out my phone and received the call, it was from Shion-chan.

Nick: Hel...

Before I could even finish greeting her she cut me off.

Shion: Where are you now?

Nick: City Centre subway... do you need anything?

Shiin: Yes! The army base is being attacked by a swarm of giant c.o.c.kroaches.

Nick: Ok... do I need to drop by the base or go directly towards them?

Nick: Ok...

I said and cut of the call, by this time the c.o.c.kroaches have stopped attacking and we have reached the station.

Alice: Looks like we were quite late to find out about this underground problem.

Nick: Better late than never... and it is good that we sealed all the sewers near our base due to those lickers.

Alice: Yes... that helps too.

Soon both of us came to the surface and both of us released a sigh. Hah... I finally took off the mask and breathed in fresh air. Never in my short immortal life I was this much happy to breadth in fresh air.

I took out my vtol out from my storage and both of us entered the vtol. I took the pilot seat while Alice sat down beside me in the co-pilot seat.

I powered up the engine and soon the vtol took flight towards the Army base which was under the rule of General Amami.

Alice: So do you think that we can save all of them?

Alice: He should have listened to you when you told him about the lickers.

Nick: Yes... stupid proud bastard. He thought that listening to me will bring his reputation down.

Alice: Of course he would think that... after all he is a general of an army and he thinks highly of himself while you are just a high schooler.

Nick: ...It's hard to disagree with your point and logic.

Alice: How long will it take us to reach there?

Nick: About 10 minutes max I guess...

Hearing me Alice started to check her guns, I don't know why she always does that but I can't fault her since it is a good habit. A soldier should always check his equipment before the fight starts because I a small malfunction could cost him his or her life.

The army base came into our view but it was complete mayhem all around there. Fire could be seen burning in several places. Six vtols were flying in the air while shooting towards the sewers from which the c.o.c.kroaches were coming out. The whole place was filled with flying c.o.c.kroaches, a few soldiers could be seen using flamethrowers to burn the c.o.c.kroaches. I reached the place and I could already see people running around for cover.

I raised my hand and used my power to crush as many c.o.c.kroaches I could which were in my range. I have to say it was quite hard since the whole place was filled with humans and c.o.c.kroaches. I don't want to crush a human by mistake.

Nick: It's just tiring to pin point all these c.o.c.kroaches and only crush them without affecting any humans beside them.

Alice: That is why I am saying don't push yourself too hard.

We reached an open area and I landed the vtol and I could already see the the c.o.c.kroaches retreating. They had huge losses after I entered the battle. The whole place was littered with carcasses of c.o.c.kroaches and humans. Though the humans were less but still there must be hundreds of human bodies too.

Both of us left the vtol and looked around... it was quite hard to believe that how many c.o.c.kroaches attacked this place.

Alice: Well Shit...

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