HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 66 - Underground Problem (II)

POV (Narrator)

Nick and Alice looked all around and saw several people screaming for help from everywhere. Soon the other vtols also started to land and soldiers immediately got out from the vtols and started to help all around. Everywhere was completely littered with bodies of humans and c.o.c.kroaches. The could already smell iron in the air and disgusting smell which came from the bodies of c.o.c.kroaches.

POV (Nick)

Well I have to say this is disgusting, even though as a concept, I don't exactly care about death of humans but this is something else.

Nick: Let's help the survivors...

Alice just nodded and went towards a woman who was asking for help. I went the other way and found a soldier try to lift up a huge beam which fell over another soldiers legs.

Soldier1: Please help me... help me pull him out...

I didn't even bat an eye and used my powers to raise the beam. The soldier was shocked for a few seconds but then immediately pulled the soldier out and started to thank me profusely. I laid down the beam slowly and moved forward.

One hour passed while I kept helping all around the base, I was brought out of this trance only when I heard the sound of several vtols and trucks coming in this direction. By that time I was already standing outside the improvised command center. I entered the building and saw Soichiro was already there. Soichiro also noticed me and gestured me to come towards him.

Soichiro: Nick, glad you are here.

Nick: So father, what's the status?

The others in the room grimaced, I didn't know any of them so it was quite clear that they were from this base.

Soichiro: Currently we don't even have the death count but estimates show about five thousand dead...

Damn... that's a huge number even of this base has about seventy thousand survivors and five thousand doesn't even compare to the total number... but still the loss is great.

Soichiro: And we don't even know how many were taken into the subways by those damn c.o.c.kroaches... the estimated numbers are over ten thousand.

I was stunned... what the f.u.c.k... how did they even took so many peoples so quickly. This doesn't even add up.

Nick: How...? How did they do it?

I saw a soldier came forward, from the looks it seemed that he was currently the first in command. He was quite young if I have to say... not young like a high schooler but still young.

???: They had already started taking peoples from a few weeks ago... we started to find that peoples are missing from two weeks ago. I notified General Amami about the matter but he put it off and told us that a few people missing didn't matter... we also didn't thought about that much because they were going from the inside the base.

???: But today it was an all out attack... they came from every where and there were thousands of them. We couldn't even point our gun... they were just too many and too fast. We lost several men... good men along with the General.

Nick: Take some rest all of you... get some medical attention...

???: No... I want to fight... at least I want to take down as many of them I can before I go down.

Soichiro: What's your name kid?

Genma: Sir, Kuroi Genma.

Nick: I am guessing that you are currently the first in command now.

Genma looked around to the whole room and everyone nodded at him giving him confidence he needed.

Genma: Yes.

Soichiro: Good... so Nick, what's the plan now?

Genma: But... what about those bugs.

Nick: Do you have a map of this city?

Genma gestured towards a man who immediately pulled out a military map of the city and spread it over the table. I pulled out a marker from my storage and marked several locations at the edge of the city. Everyone looked at me full of confusion.

Nick: First we need to seal these outlets pf sewer so these bugs can't leave the city. I don't care what you use... just seal those damn holes. Next I want all the subway stations sealed. After that we will move onto the manholes.

Genma: But it will take a lot of time...

Nick: I know... but I want to kill and destroy their colony at once. If we try to torch only one place then they will move over to other place or simply leave the city but all their exits are closed then they will be sealed inside no matter what.

Soichiro: We might need to work day and night over this but this plan is the most feasible...

Everyone nodded in understanding and agreement.

Nick: Genma... gather all of your men who can still fight. Father, you stay here and watch over the transport. You also keep the map, everyone inform him after you seal a point so that we could do this more efficiently.

I left the command room and immediately went to search for Alice and found her along with some kids. I immediately went towards her, she noticed me and gave me a smile and came towards me.

Alice: So what are we doing now?

Nick: We will be going back to base to inform about the plan to all the soldiers. We will need all the help we can get this time.

Both of us walked towards my vtol which was still at the same place where I landed the thing. This time Alice took the pilot seat and I sat beside her. We soon took flight towards our own base.

Alice: How many died?

Alice suddenly asked me in a solemn voice.

Nick: They aren't exactly sure but they have estimates of five thousand dead and over ten thousand missing in total.

Alice: ...F.u.c.k!!!

Alice screamed, well it is a genuine reaction if someone asks me. Alice have always thought about saving people. Even someone tried to ambush her she would always try to help them. I placed my hand over her shoulder which seemed to calm down her rage slightly.

Nick: I know... to tell you honestly I don't care so much about humans. None of our kind does that either... but I care about you... and all of my wives. I don't want you girls to leave in a world filled with death and terror. I at least want to built a safe haven for us... what happened today was really bad.

Alice: Thanks...

Nick: You don't need to... it's my duty to protect you girls and give you a nice place to live.

After that we didn't spoke much because we were already at our base. Alice quickly landed the vtol, we could see the soldiers and several civilians helping to set up tents. I soon found Yuriko and Shion. Both of them were giving instructions. I went towards them and greeted them.

Shion: What happened there was really bad...

Nick: Yes... it was really bad.

Yuriko: We are still setting up tents... we don't have enough place to accommodate all of them but we are currently working on it.

Nick: Good... can you lend me some men. We will be sealing the sewers so that those bugs can't escape...

Yuriko nodded and immediately asked someone to bring all the men that she could afford to give me now.

Shion: If you mean Saeko-chan, Rika-chan, and Shizuka-chan then the first two are in the room and Shizuka-chan is helping the medics.

Nick: Good... tell everyone to wait here... I will go and greet them slightly...

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