HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 7 - Night of the Dead (I)

"Takashi-san, Kohta-san, Rei-san stand guard around the bus, and the rest of you help me." Nick said and headed inside the store killed any zombies he saw. Saeko took care of the other side. Nick checked the whole store and saw that there was no sign of 'them'. Nick called the others and asked them to gather every necessary thing at one place so Nick could store them. Nick stood at the side and lit up another cigarette while Saeko came towards him.

"I think this is enough thrilling for you?" Saeko asked Nick. "Obviously this leader this Leader thing is new for me, so it is interesting" Nick told her. Soon all the necessary stuff was gathered in one place. Nick touched them and stored them in his personal space, "Ok let's talk where should we go next on the bus" Nick told them. All of them returned to the bus again.

"I know all of you want to check on your relatives or parents" Nick said to them. "My parents live near Takagi-san's house" Misuzu spoke up, "Mine too" next was Toshimi. "My father is the police chief so I think he is safe for now and he is another side of the city" Rei spoke up followed by Takashi "My mother is a school teacher in other prefecture". "Both of my parents are abroad, so I have no one in the city" Kohta spoke up next. "My grandfather is abroad so I am no one to check upon" Saeko spoke up followed by Kazu Ishii "My parents live near Takagi-san's house". Hearing all these Saya also spoke up "All of your family might be in my Family's protection now if I know them they have already started making a base and gathering survivors". "So we will be heading for Saya-chan house, does anyone have a problem?" Nick decided, none of them protested. "What about your parents and Marikawa-sensei's?" Misuzu asked. "My parents have long died~, so I have no family~" Shizuka spoke up in her usual humming tone. "None of my parents are in this world" Nick said. Everyone became sad hearing but only Saeko and Shizuka that those words were actually true. "Shizuka-chan head for the bridge" Nick said and Shizuka drove towards the bridge while humming.

All of them reached the bridge but now they face another problem, they saw the police were shooting people who were trying to cross the bridge. Rei was the most disturbed by seeing this "How can they do this?" Rei said not believing. "They are trying to protect the other side of the bridge, this kind of thing will become normal from now on" Nick said while a puff of smoke escaped from his lips. Everyone gulped understanding that what Saya said in the school was right. "Do any of you know any place where we can spend the night?" Nick asked and everyone started thinking. Suddenly Shizuka spoke up "Nick-chan my friend's house is nearby, she has a huge car in her house and she has guns too.~ We can spend the night there~" Shizuka showed huge car by spreading her arms. "What does your friend do Shizuka-chan?" Saeko asked Shizuka. "She is some kind of military or something~ Shizuka answered Saeko. "Ok let's head there" Nick said and Shizuka drove towards her friend's house while humming.

Soon they reached a nice double-story house, zombies were walking all around aimlessly. When they reached the house it was almost dark, Nick and Saeko exited the bus and started killing all the zombies around them. Kohta and Takashi were helping them too. Soon the place was completely clean of 'them'. Shizuka walked up to the house and pulled a key from under the mattress. Nick facepalmed seeing such a cliche place to hide the key. All of them entered the house and Shizuka flopped down on a nearby couch. "Hau~, so relaxing. Nick-chan, can I have a beer~?" Shizuka spoke up and Nick pulled out a beer bottle and handed it to Shizuka. "Who can cook food?" Nick asked and Misuzu, Toshimi, Rei, and Saeko raised their hands. "Ok, we will be leaving the canned food for later since they can stay well for longer." Everyone nodded in understanding and Nick took out some meat and some vegetables and placed them on the table. "Girls you can use the bath first, after that you can prepare the food. All of you come with me we need to check the weapons and car" Nick said the first part the girls and the second part pointing towards the boys. The boys nodded in understanding and followed Nick upstairs.

The boys checked the whole house and a metal locker was the only thing that had some kind of lock. "This is the only place weapons could be kept" Kohta said. Nick looked at the locker and it was immediately pried open. "Isn't this illegal?" Takashi spoke what he thought. "No, buying separate parts isn't illegal, assembling them is" Kohta said with stars in his eyes and started to put the weapons together. "Kohta-san knows a lot about weapons" Kazu complimented Kohta. Kohta then handed the guns to Takashi and Kazu and showed them how to use it. Kohta gave Nick an apologetic look "Don't need to look at me like that, I don't need weapons" Nick told Kohta who nodded in understanding.


"Hau~" Shizuka m.o.a.ned while entering the hot water bath. Every other girl was looking at her figure with jealousy and envy in their eyes except Saeko. She has become even more beautiful after becoming an immortal. Suddenly Misuzu spoke up "Marikawa-sensei what is your relationship with Nick-san?" Shizuka looked at her "I am his girlfriend~" Shizuka said in a singsong voice. Everyone else has seen Nick kissing Saeko so their eyes automatically turned to Saeko who was rubbing soap on her body. Saeko noticed all the eyes were on her and instantly knew what they wanted to know "We are sharing him". This small sentence made complete chaos inside the bath. "How can you do that?" Rei screamed, "This is not how our society works" next was Saya. Saeko looked at the genius with doubt in her eyes "The society knew is already gone, do you really think that there will be still laws outside?". Everyone became quiet when they heard what Saeko said. They themselves have seen the police shooting at normal people.

"If we decide to share Nick between myself and Shizuka-chan, none of you have any rights to stop that even if the society was working completely" Saeko said making everyone swallow their words. Saeko entered the tub and sat beside Shizuka enjoying the warm bath. The rest of the bath was completely silent.


"Wow... this looks like a monster" Takashi said looking at the car. "This is a Humvee and it is a monster through and through" Nick said opening the car's hood. They checked the car and entered the house and saw that the girls have already started to prepare food. Nick saw Saya helping arranging clothes he walked up to her "Can I talk to you privately?" Saya looked at him with anger clear in her eyes but still nodded. Nick went upstairs and entered a room and closed it. "So what do you have to say? How both Saeko and Shizuka are sharing you?" Saya said with rage clear in her voice. "No, I have hidden something from you, firstly I want to tell you that" Nick told her and unfurled his wings. Saya looked at his wings and fainted "I should have expected this." Nick said rubbing the bridge of his nose.

After a few minutes, Saya rubbed her eyes and woke up and saw Nick puffing a cloud of smoke and sitting beside her. "So it was a dream, right?" Saya said but Nick again unfurled his wings and brought them towards Saya. "No, as you see I am not a human" Nick told her and Saya started touching his wings and found them extremely soft. "So are you some kind of angel?" Saya asked him, "No, I am Death if you want the simplest answer" Nick answered and Saya looked at him with unbelieving eyes but after a few moments she again relaxed and continued petting his wings. "You seem to believe it now" Nick said, "Yes with everything happening around yes, it is not unbelievable. Yes, it may be harder to believe than the walking dead but I know you are not a liar at least." Nick nodded in understanding. "Actually my mother is Lady Death" Nick said while petting Saya's head. Saya looked at him "Does your mother have to do anything with this?". "Nah... we might be Death but we don't kill people and these people are already dead, their would have already passed on" Nick answered her. Saya nodded in understanding "So Saeko and Shizuka already know about you?" Nick just nodded. "I wanted to tell you but I was not sure you would believe me or be ready to share me, that is why I kept this from you" Nick told Saya.

"Tell me everything and don't hide anything this time" Saya said still petting his wings.

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