Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 110 Old Father Daola

Ayna Wood's long chestnut hair fell on a white vertical skirt. She stood in front of the window, holding a blue iris in her hand, looking at the wild flower fields outside the window. The sky was gloomy, just like her sad face. face.

"Miss Aina, his injury has stabilized, but he has lost too much blood and will be comatose for a while." The doctor's voice came from behind her, which relieved her tense heart.

"Thank you." Aina smiled happily.

"He was lucky. The robber's knife missed his heart by just a few millimeters." The doctor guessed. "It should be that the sleep gas he released earlier made the robber's consciousness blurred and he was unable to accurately execute the knife." ”

"I send you."

"no, I'm fine."

The doctor resigned, and Aina did not insist on sending him away. She walked to the bedside, looked at the pale man with a pointed chin on the bed, and then looked at the blue flowers in her hand. She saw Obsward's hand on the bed quilt again, and suddenly she wanted to hold his hand, as if this could reflect her inner anxiety and care.

But she stared at the hand for a long time, and finally did not hold it, but gently lifted it and put it into the quilt.

"Sister. What are you doing?" Harvey Wood's voice sounded at the door of the room, "He is just a servant."

"Brother Harvey, he saved my life."

This room is a valet's room. It occupies a small area and has some scattered objects. There is only one window that allows light to come in. It is gloomy outside at this time, so the lights here are dim. .

"He is my servant. I think it's fine as long as he's fine." Harvey also approached the bed and looked at Obsward lying unconscious. "Come on, my father still wants to ask you something."

Aina did not raise her eyes to look at him, she just smiled and said: "Brother Harvey, I will ask my father to ask Xiao Ao to help me."

"What? The lady still needs a male servant?" Harvey was a little unhappy. He had seen his sister treat a servant better than herself, and he became unhappy with Obsward. At this time, I felt that my sister was trying to steal my things, and I felt unhappy with my sister again.

"Exclusive coachman, bodyguard, etc., there is always a position that is more suitable for him than staying by your side." Aina started to walk out, stopped at the door before looking at Harvey, who was staying motionless by the bed, and continued Said, "Brother Harvey, if I come back from my father and Xiao Ao dies, I will definitely hate you."

"I want to go with you!" Harvey shouted in response, angrily passed Aina and left quickly.

In Daora Wood's study, all the relatives who were going to the boat tonight have gathered here. They have finished saying what they need to say, and now they are waiting for the most important person to appear - only Lord Wood's favorite Ai Ina is late for this qualification.

The study door opened dullly. After Aina Wood came in, she sat down in the last row according to her seniority. Harvey Wood sat sullenly beside her. The whole place fell into silence again. Everyone watched as the pipe-smoking man behind the desk lit a match, lit the tobacco and flicked it out.

As the smoke cleared, Daora asked: "Aina, they all said the same thing. You were the kidnapping target of the robber. Did the robber say anything to you?"

"No, father. He threatened me with a knife and kept silent except for giving directions."

"So you don't know what he's going to do?"

Aina shook her head: "I don't know."

Daora was silent for a while, then he clicked his pipe on the table and shouted: "Harvey and Aina stay, everyone else goes out."

The evacuation of the crowd was not noisy. They stepped on the carpet and left the study in an orderly manner. The study door was closed.

"Aina." Daora walked out from behind the table and sat down two chairs away from Aina. "You are my youngest daughter, and I am very concerned about your safety. If I say , I want to kill that Xiao Ao, what do you think?"

"Why?!" Aina cried out in shock, "Tell me, you haven't done anything yet!"

Daola turned to Harvey and asked, "Did that person named Xiao Ao also save you?"

"Yes, he was originally a temporary coachman. I met two robbers at the gambling house that day. Later, he rushed in and used sleeping gas to save me." Harvey did not dare to tell lies. He hesitated, but still Everything is clear.

"You can go." Daora tilted her head towards the study door, signaling Harvey to leave.

The door opened and closed, and Aina was a little irritable: "Father, is this the reason why you want to kill people?!" Aina's expression showed that she couldn't understand, "Just because a person who is loyal to us saved us twice, Are you going to kill someone?"

"Aina, I have met too many people in this position, many of them are very powerful and want to bring me down, but I still insist on sitting here and have you and have this Family, do you know why?" Daora took his pipe in his hands and placed it on his knees.

"Father, I don't know. But..." Aina tried to argue, but was interrupted by Daora.

"That's because I will never use someone with unknown origins. If this person with unknown origins has deep entanglements with my family, then I will never use him."

"Then why did you kill him?"

Daora sighed and said seriously: "Aina, I don't want you to be sad. I know that a man saves a woman and pays his life for it. That is such a fatal touch for a woman. So. I called you here because I hope I can tell you clearly why I wanted to execute Xiao Ao - I have evidence."

With that said, Daora walked back to the desk and took out a simple-looking box from the drawer. He picked it up, handed it to Aina, and said: "This was found from Xiao Ao. Tell me why there is a psychic mailbox on a servant, an expensive item used to deliver messages quickly. Woolen cloth?"

"Father." Aina looked at the psychic mailbox, biting her lower lip, her eyes evasive, the fingers of both hands were intertwined, twisting and entangled, she finally looked up at Daora and said firmly , "This psychic mail box was given to him by me!"

Daora Wood's mouth was slightly open, but she was stunned and didn't speak.

Aina raised her head and said stubbornly: "If you don't believe it, you can use it to write a letter now. I will ask someone to fetch my mailbox. I can guarantee that the letter will appear in my mailbox."

At this time, her clear eyes were looking at Daola, like a calm lake. After realizing that Daola did not respond, Aina swallowed her saliva and continued: "Xiao Ao, he is a very different man, different from the men I have met! He is very sincere, And he gets along well with me.”

After finishing speaking, Aina lowered her head, and her intertwined fingers were almost tied into knots.

"Oh." Daora responded blankly. This response had a somewhat complicated tone. He looked at the wall in front of him, and then at the window next to him. He turned around and returned to his desk, but he still didn't know what to say, because he suddenly realized that the matter seemed to be more serious than he thought. .

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