Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 111 Follow-up

In the Blue Flower Bar, Thorard, who was wearing plain glasses, felt that the psychic mail box on his body was emitting a signal, so he took it out, placed it on the table, and held it with both hands to open it.

"Hey, is this mailbox yours, or is it Obsward's?" Polanyi sat here to kill time while drinking his favorite juice.


"That's the message coming from Jetro?"

"Can't you learn to call him brother?"

"Let's talk about it later."

Thorad did not respond. He had already opened the mailbox, and inside lay a transferred letter. He unfolded the letter and saw:

"Obsward, you told me about Sander's visit to the Wood family. We have already discussed it. We believe that Sander Hill will definitely take some tough measures against the Wood family, because he is currently the only one The way to break the situation is to get a new ancient dragon-level psychic control medium.

Whether it was the stalemate war with the Dragon God Sect in Shuangdan Province, the threat from the Hebrew Empire on the border, or the covetousness of other nobles from the Great Chik Empire, he could solve it after obtaining the psychic control medium.

The intimidating power of the Corpse Dragon can solve all his troubles, so he is bound to take action within this year, because after this year, the Corpse Dragon will break off the contract with him because it does not have enough spiritual energy.

In other words, our actions in Zhongsilan District may have a competitor.

There are many signs that Daora Wood is a person who values ​​interests more than emotions. The method you proposed to use children to threaten him as a medium of exchange may not work, because he has seventeen children, and his family relies on The cornerstone of survival - psychic control medium, but at most two.

Therefore, I hope you can assist Thorad and help him find the whereabouts of his wife. The trading method you proposed can also be used to trade information about his wife. Thorad is not my subordinate, and he does not owe me anything. You can provide him with the support he deserves.

As for the psychic control medium, based on the information you have provided so far, the hotel has decided to use force to seize it at the Pandora Conference. The specific plan will be informed to you on the day of execution.

I hope you will pay more attention to your own safety and do everything to ensure your survival. "

After Thorad read it, he handed the letter to Bolani, who was looking at it sideways. The latter quickly shook his head and refused. So Thorard put the letter back into the mailbox and closed it.

Today is the day that we meet every once in a while at the Blue Flower Tavern. The two of them sat there from morning to night, but there was still no sign of Obsward. Bolanni couldn't help but ask: "Solade, you Are you sure that knife won't kill him?"

Thorad turned to look at him and then back again without answering.

"It's not that I don't believe you." Bolanni scratched his head, "But didn't you already inhale the sleep gas when you took out the knife? Can you guarantee that you didn't stab it wrong?"

"Sleep gas has no effect on high-star monsters and hunters."

"But I saw you swaying a bit."

"I was acting."

"Oh." Polanyi drank the juice, "Good acting."

In the carriage that was tightly wrapped in iron sheets, Obswold groped for the body. He could only slightly see the inside of the body through a few small holes punched through the roof of the carriage - there was nothing here, only He alone.

He felt the car body shaking, probably while he was speeding. Obsward slumped. He touched the wound on his chest and found that it was well bandaged and a little painful. The dark space and confused situation made him a little scared. He knew that if a person was imprisoned in such a closed carriage and transported to a mysterious place, the chance of his death would be much higher than that of a successful person.

He tried to think back, but he didn't know which step he had made wrong. If his life was saved, why would he execute himself after the treatment?

The bandages on his chest seemed to be his only comfort at this time. He put his hands on his chest and stared at the darkness with his eyes open, thinking deeply.

Could it be that Aina really revealed her secret of secretly spreading news to the outside world? Obsward thought about it and found that the only place where his secrets were exposed was this. But why should it be like this? He obviously tried desperately to save her. Or is it really like what Thorad and the others said, that the noble lady is just interested in common people like him for fun? So what are the flowers they planted together?

The more he thought about it, the darkness and fear amplified all the bad thoughts in his heart, and two lines of tears also flowed down. Obsward covered his face and cried.

He didn't know how long the carriage had been jolting. When a bang was heard, Obswold was startled by the dazzling sunlight outside the carriage. He raised his hands to block the sunlight coming in from outside the carriage, and squinted through his fingers. I saw two or three people standing outside.

"Come out!" The people outside the carriage shouted loudly.

Obsward stood up on the floor, hunched his body and walked outside step by step. Before his eyes could adjust, he asked: "Where is this?"

"Hunting in the forest."


"See for yourself."

Obswald's eyes adjusted to the light, and he saw a busy crowd surging a hundred meters in front of him. Several piles of wood were placed on the side, as if a group of workers were building something. Obswald saw cages being carried forward by huge trucks. And those cages contained different monsters one after another. They howl and are transported to certain places.

Obsward was pushed forward, and he watched in amazement as groups of monsters were locked in cages and transported to the distance. The roars continued to echo in his ears. The people escorting him chatted:

"Have you heard? The Pandora Conference is confirmed and will be held in the fall, that is, September."

"Wow, then we're going to go bankrupt again!"

"Oh, that's you, your money must belong to me."

"What? Which game are you betting on this year? Which end are you betting on?"

"How could I possibly tell you."

Obsward listened to this and saw a person coming towards him. She was a beautiful woman with shining silver hair. She seems to be the general manager here, with many assistants and the like around her.

Silver hair? !

Obsward was shocked when he heard the person escorting behind him say: "Ms. Belinda, this is the prisoner Lord Wood ordered us to escort. Lord Wood said that he would be used as a bait to lure monsters. As for him, Whether he can survive or not depends on him. Then, we will leave it to you."

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