Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 112 Seducing the Rock Dragon

At the end of July 1802, the capture operation of Rock Dragon, which had been planned for some time, was carried out, and Afu, who possesses space psychic powers, became the main attacker of this operation.

"Afu! Come on!" Afu encouraged herself in her heart. She knew that this was a test for everyone to test her learning achievements. "Just treat it as a final exam!"

According to Dao'er's suggestion, the Black Eclipse Dragon did not appear in the arrest operation because she believed that the developing Rock Dragon was timid and might not show up when facing dragons that were more powerful than herself, so everyone could only Riding a small fire dragon and rushing to the volcano.

The little fire dragon grew stronger day by day and became a qualified mount.

Afu sat on the dragon's back and looked around curiously. Hunter Daniel also became a part of this operation. He was even more excited than Af, but he was holding the Charmander's back armor with both hands and looking straight into the distance, looking calm.

Daniel was very handsome, with his slightly curly bangs hanging sideways on his forehead. Afu accidentally caught a glimpse of him and subconsciously looked for a topic and asked: "Daniel, you look very nervous."


"You got on the dragon's back and didn't even move."

Daniel glanced at Afu, and the frame he had finally put up fell apart. He took a breath and said to Afu: "Do you know that what you are facing this time is a medium-sized dragon?"

"I know."

"Then you're not afraid?"

"Hmm..." Afu thought for a while, the fire dragon clan is medium-sized, right? So she replied, "It's okay."

The conversation between the two continued, filled with curiosity and awe about the world.

After walking around the lush side of the volcano, they stopped from the back of the fire dragon. Yetro came to the place where they last found the rock dragon last time and found that all the battle holes in the hot spring area had been filled. .

"It seems that this dragon loves to be 'clean'. It attaches great importance to the familiarity of its living environment. It came back specially to clean up the holes it made and other potholes." Qiu Guang searched on the ground. There are traces of the existence of rock dragons, but it rained here a while ago and wiped out a lot of traces, which makes tracking a little difficult.

"Could it have escaped?" Jetro asked.

"The rock dragon is very timid. As long as he can survive, he will not go to a place he is not familiar with to survive." Qiu Guang carried his shield ax on his back and put his hands in his pockets, looking very comfortable.

"Okay, lure it out."

After giving the instructions, Daniel began his work.

He took out many palm-sized ores from his backpack. They were irregular in shape, and the crystals on the surface spread out to form various strange postures, a bit like swallows or other birds. Therefore, they were called As "Lanquestone".

This is the rock dragon's favorite food, but in order to attract the rock dragon to come out, Daniel also made other preparations.

He took out jars one after another from his backpack, and after throwing the ores on the ground, he opened each jar and took out various plants from them. Many plants were used for flavoring, mixed them together, and sprinkled them on The surface of chanchite will greatly increase the "fragrance" of chanchite.

After the bait on the ground was prepared, Daniel took out piece after piece of triangular stools from his large backpack. These were not triangular stools placed on the ground, but specially used to be fixed on trees. They were called "folding stools". Stacked tree stand.”

Daniel selected a few large trees with a good view. After climbing up, he hammered nails into the tree trunks one by one through the fixed plates of the folding tree stands. Only one person could stand on each tree stand, so he had to Installing four tree stands is enough - this is to prevent the rock dragon from being too sensitive to human activities on the ground, causing it to not appear. After all, it was beaten away before.

After preparing all this, Daniel finally took out a can of odor eliminator from his backpack. He went over one by one and sprayed everyone from top to bottom. Afu sniffed his wrist and found that he had carefully selected it today. She could no longer smell the perfume, which made her a little sad.

Jetro watched Daniel finish all this skillfully, gently touched Qiu Guang with his elbow, and whispered: "Why haven't I seen you take so many steps when hunting?"

Qiu Guang coughed twice in embarrassment and hesitated: "According to the standards of the Hunter Guild, this is what it should be..."

"But you're lazy?"

"No, no, no, no. It's just..."

"Say it."

Qiu Guang unbuttoned his black robe, pulled it open with both hands, and let Yetro look at the various bottles and jars in his robe, most of which were potions that enhanced attack, defense, and sensitivity. Then he Embarrassedly said: "Daniel tends to the tracking faction, and I tend to the 'strong man' faction."

Looking at Qiu Guang's wheat-colored skin and slim figure, Ye Teluo always felt that the word "strong man" was a little inappropriate when used on him. No wonder Qiu Guang was a little embarrassed.

After everything is done, they will go up to the tree and squat. Climbing a tree is not difficult for the three of them, but Afu found it difficult standing under the tree and looking at the tree stand on top. She said in a low voice: "I can't climb trees."

Daniel heard it. He climbed halfway, slid down again, took off a small, strange-looking crossbow from his wrist and handed it to her: "This is the hook, I will help you put it on."

As he spoke, Daniel pulled Afu's hand up, and in response to the latter's red face, he put a hook on her left hand. After that, he raised Afu's hand and aimed it at The tree stand on the top said: "You aim at the edge of the tree stand, fire the hook, and after hitting the hook, release the trigger, and it will pull you up. You are very light, so you don't have to worry about falling."

Daniel's voice blew gently next to Afu's hair. While she was in a daze, Daniel had already launched the hook for her, and the rope flew out with a whoosh.

"Okay, let go."

Afu was still a little confused. After listening to the "release" command, she let go of the trigger, and her whole body rose quickly, a little too fast. This made her scream in fright, and she immediately covered her head. He shut his mouth, and finally struggled to hold on to the edge of the tree stand to climb up.

Time passes bit by bit, and waiting for the fragrance of lanchite to fill the area is a long process, because no one can guarantee that the rock dragon will definitely take the bait. Among them, Daniel is the most anxious. This is his first time working with the Eight-Star Hunter. This will have a significant impact on his entire future hunting career, and can even make his upgrade assessment much easier, so he has been praying for the Rock Dragon. Hurry up and show up - fishing, mining and mushroom hunting are fun, but hunters have to have a higher goal, right?

No one ate anything for fear that the smell of food would scare away the prey. The little fire dragon also wandered around on his own during this period. Everyone waited from noon to nightfall. Finally, the sound of some turning of soil came from the mound near the lanchite.

The armored dragon cub, whose shell resembles rocks, the Rock Dragon, poked its head out from the dark trees. Its head was lowered in front of it and sniffing, as if searching for its favorite food. Suddenly, it raised its head. When he came, he saw a piece of chanchite lying on the open ground. He howled excitedly, flew over with his strong body, and gnawed on the ground where the chanchite was placed.

"Afu! Trap it!" Jetro ordered.

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