Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 113 Thirty-two tons of baby

On the big tree stand next to the bait clearing, Afu took action. Her spiritual energy gathered in the palm of her hand, and she consciously shaped it into a ball. The ball-shaped blue-white light ball flew out and hit the ground. Chirp, chirp, chirp on the forehead of the rock dragon eating chanchite.

The latter was still a little baffled by the ball of light hitting its head, because it felt that it had not been harmed in any way, so it kept chewing on the stone and wanted to take a few steps with its little feet to see if it was okay. .

Taking one step or two, it felt like it hit a barrier. It tried to bypass the barrier and went out from another direction, but it kept making a banging sound. Blue and white light flows through this invisible barrier, trapping the rock dragon inside like a ball.

Oh, I can’t get out, so let’s finish eating before leaving. Yanlong returned to the starting point and sat down obediently.

Yetro saw that it was quite calm and was eating something, so his hand also lit up with purple spiritual light - he wanted to control the rock dragon.

A large amount of spiritual energy spread out and shot towards it. These spiritual energies penetrated Afu's space barrier and were imprinted on the rock dragon's forehead. In the world of consciousness, the spiritual light cluster also rotated rapidly, slowly extending a bridge to the star cluster that lit up, representing the rock dragon's consciousness.

The rock dragon stopped chewing. It felt that someone didn't want it to eat well, so it got angry.

"Daniel, do you know that Rock Dragon is actually a baby?" Qiu Guang stood on the tree stand, folding his arms and shouting to Daniel.

The latter was holding his bow and arrow, nervously staring at the rock dragon's movement against the space barrier. Faced with Qiu Guang's words, he happily responded: "I know! The cub of the 'Volcano Overlord' Kailong, Kailong After the dragon lays the egg, it doesn't care about the offspring. Judging from the appearance of this rock dragon, it must have survived for more than ten years, so it may not be considered a baby..."

"Ha, I know." Qiu Guang responded with a smile, "But it will take at least a hundred years to grow into an armored dragon, so it is still a baby. However, it is surprisingly heavy. The average weight of a rock dragon is Thirty-two tons, about the same weight as an adult male fire dragon."

"Senior, then..."

"I mean, when it starts to charge, if you're not a tough guy, don't fight it."

When Daniel heard these words, he seemed to understand something. He turned to look at Afu and saw that her face was pale. A large amount of spiritual energy connected to the space barrier from her hands to maintain its durability, but the furious rock dragon Each collision was harder than the last, and the space barrier had cracked, and Afu would soon be unable to hold on.

"Afu! Open the portal for me!" Qiu Guang shouted.

When Yetro was under psychic control, he could no longer move. Daniel had done everything he should do. Qiu Guang knew that he could only go down and restrain Yanlong by himself. Capturing and killing are not the same. With Afu's spiritual energy body, there is no way he can withstand the long-term impact of the rock dragon.

Afu accepted the instruction. She stopped maintaining the space barrier and used her spiritual energy to quickly make an arched door in front of her. Then, she held the small door made of spiritual energy and imagined where she wanted to open the door. . The remaining spiritual energy in his body flew away quickly, and an arch emitting blue and white light suddenly appeared in front of Qiu Guang, who was only taller than him.

He took a big step, and after passing through the arch, he came directly to the inside of the space barrier. Suddenly, people's eyes widened, and the thirty-two-ton grumpy baby stuck in front of his face.

It seems that Afu misunderstood his meaning slightly.

Qiu Guang originally wanted to teleport outside the barrier and set up some paralysis traps to pull it away. But in this way, he really becomes a fierce man. Enhanced ghost medicine, enhanced hardening medicine, and enhanced strong-moving medicine. Qiu Guang lifted his black robe with both hands, and drank three bottles of medicine into his mouth instantly. His strength, defense, and agility were greatly enhanced by the effects of the medicine.

All three medicines are very expensive. Originally, there was no need to waste it when facing a rock dragon. However, because Qiu Guang was teleported into the space barrier, the space for movement was too small. Using the shield ax would be even more restricted. He was not An agile hunter who wields two swords.

The thirty-two-ton violent rock dragon kicked off his left leg on the spot and leaned over to crush Qiu Guang! There is absolutely no place to hide!

Daniel watched with fear from the tree stand. He didn't know how Qiu Guang, an eight-star hunter, would respond, but with his three-star level, he should have even thought about his epitaph at this moment.

There was nothing flashy about Qiu Guang's reaction. He just set up the horned dragon shield and huddled back against the shield. Yanlong's body crushed him and plowed him out on the ground. After suppressing Qiu Guang to the edge of the space barrier, Yanlong finally couldn't hit him anymore and rolled down from the shield to stand still.

At this time, the star cluster representing the rock dragon's consciousness in the world of Yetro's consciousness has begun to be almost eroded by spiritual energy, and its protective aperture is slowly extinguishing.

In reality, Qiu Guang knew that he wanted to capture the rock dragon alive, so he did not use powerful moves. He knew what attack method was most suitable for the rock dragon now, so he dropped the machete, bent his knees, jumped suddenly, and with the increase of the potion, He jumped directly into the air and raised his shield with both hands.

Yanlong looked up with his small eyes and saw a huge horned dragon shield quickly zooming in his field of vision - Qiu Guang swung the shield with both hands and hit it on the forehead from the air!

The dull sound of impact echoed in the skull of the rock dragon. It staggered and was a little dazed by the blow.

Qiu Guang took a breath and prepared to do it again. He learned this from some high-star hunters who used katana swords. The katana sword is a combination of a machete and a small shield. It is known for being cheap and mediocre, because hunters who cannot afford the equipment can call themselves katana hunters just by buying a machete and a log shield. . It is average in all aspects, with no shortcomings or longboards, and it can block and cut. It is the best choice for many civilian hunters.

However, there are always some hunters who will take this equipment to its extreme. Among them, this shield method falling from the sky was developed by a high-star hunter. It takes advantage of the more agile maneuverability of the sword hunter and ejects it into the air. Smash it down with a small shield, and then attack its head with a machete, which can quickly cause dizziness and damage.

But Qiu Guang's shield was too big and heavy, and he couldn't jump that high, so he had no choice but to give up the machete and just hit him with the shield. Of course, the bigger and heavier the shield, the better the stun effect will be.

He was preparing to strike a second time, but it seemed that the first strike was too hard and knocked the rock dragon covered in thick carapace unconscious. After shaking on the ground for several times, he finally hit it. He landed on the space barrier, dropped his head to the ground, and snored loudly.

The protective aperture of the Rock Dragon Star Cluster in the world of consciousness quickly disappeared, and Yetro's spiritual energy invaded and lit up the star cluster! The thirty-two-ton baby rock dragon was captured successfully! Jetro will use it to dig holes in the earth!

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