Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 116 The beginning of the gluttonous harvest festival

The Pandora Peninsula is located in the northern part of the Dark Sea and west of the city of Zali. The way it extends into the Dark Sea is like a girl's raised temples sticking to her cheek. The largest Colosseum in the world is built on the top of this temple.

A speeding four-wheel carriage ran from the spacious white brick road of Zali City towards the Colosseum of the Pandora Conference.

The wheels moved forward against the white bricks, the sea breeze on both sides slapped the windows, and the ivory lampposts on both sides of the road cast long, slanting black shadows in the bright sun. At the end of the field of vision is the huge, towering bright white circular building. It has a brilliant surface and stands like a palace in the Kingdom of God.

The carriage gradually approached, and the sound of the sea wind and waves beating against the windows was gradually suppressed by the cheers and shouts of humans. Indistinctly, the words from the Colosseum entered the carriage——

"Ladies... men... let us... bloom this... gluttonous harvest festival!"

On September 23, 1802, the Pandora Conference in the Central Silan District of the Great Chik Empire officially opened.

"Hello, madam, please show me your invitation."

The carriage, drawn by beautiful white horses, stopped at the entrance to the Colosseum, and Feifei Bird, wearing a wide hat, waited for the servant to open the door. Her long golden wavy hair was pulled back, and the wide hat on her head was filled with rare black and white feathers. A golden ribbon was also coiled around the wide hat and finally scattered behind her. She wore a white high-collared shawl. Covering her white neck, with the help of the servant, she bent down and got out of the carriage.

Wearing a white dress is not flashy, it is just embellished with more gems and pearls to make it look graceful and luxurious. In her hand she held a golden invitation with her name written on it and stamped with the seal of the Wood family. The pearl Jetro gave her, which showed different psychedelic colors under the light, was made into a ring and worn on her finger.

When she handed the invitation letter to the doorman, the professional doorman couldn't help but stare at Feifei's hand a few more times, but he quickly reacted from his dazed state and handed over a small The bag explained: "Welcome, here is the key to your stand and the program directory of the conference. If you have other needs, there will be dedicated people waiting outside the stand."

After Feifei nodded her thanks, the servant behind her stepped forward to take the bag. They walked into the venue from the passage, and the host's loud voice immediately reached everyone's ears.

"Friends from the audience! We! Organized a small opening event for everyone!"

The auditorium of the Colosseum is not row after row of seats, but one layer after another, one box after another.

"This year, it's 'Gluttony's Harvest Festival'! We will let the audience see what 'Gluttony' is and what 'harvest' is! But is it gluttony of monsters? Or is it a harvest of humans? Ladies and gentlemen Guys! Let’s invite today’s opening guest—Big Thief Dragon!”

Through the elevator, Feifei came to the fourth floor. She didn't know how many floors and how many private rooms there were in total, but the private room she got was in the south room on the fourth floor. This was one of the private rooms with the best view. The Wood family were on the north side.

"The Big Thief Dragon, a Tooth Dragon monster. This is a Big Thief Dragon that has been hungry for several days and is eager to eat something. Its strength ranges from 2 stars to 6 stars. We cannot give the most accurate After all, guessing the unknown and guessing the future is the most exciting moment of this grand gambling banquet, isn't it?

The structure of the box is a large bedroom with a large viewing balcony. The Pandora Conference lasts for a whole week, and every day's program is fully scheduled. In addition to the highlight such as the monster fight, during the rest time and entertainment time, the fight below There will also be other shows taking place at the Colosseum, so guests can stay overnight at the Colosseum, or go to Zari's City for some fun.

"Now! Let us invite the hunters of the great thief dragon, or in other words, the food of the great thief dragon! They are the hunter Xiao Ao and the hunting group Epiphyllum Gathering! Let us welcome them on stage with applause!"

Tables and chairs have been placed on the balcony. People can watch everything happening in the center of the Colosseum and the entire Colosseum through the transparent glass fence around the balcony.

When Feifei came out of the bedroom, the cheers were deafening, and she instantly felt like she had become a part of the sea of ​​people, rising and falling with this crazy wave.

Dazzling light shines down from the sky above, extending from the south room to the left and right, up and down. There are vivid characters standing on countless balconies, and countless colored papers fall from the sky. They bring them with them. I came here for money, carousing, and wanted to slow down the happy time here.

In the box in the north room on the fourth floor, Daora Wood tilted his head and said to Belinda on the other chair: "You came up with a good idea, let this man show his bravery or despicability, win. By letting him die quietly in the forest without me seeing him."

"Master Wood, in fact, in my opinion, the final result of these two disposal methods is to make this man named Xiao Ao die. However, my method can use waste to add a program to the banquet." Beilin Da seemed a little indifferent.

Daora laughed, put down the pipe in his mouth, and said to Belinda: "I heard that you did a good job in the hunting forest, and the efficiency of catching dragons has increased a lot, so, do you know? Belinda, I always listen to capable people, not to mention..."

Daora paused intentionally and exhaled a white breath, "When this person was still a beauty, I obeyed her words even more."

Pandora Convention, in this carnival season, many people behave a lot more unrestrainedly. On the balcony, public kissing and other behaviors that are usually scorned are not prohibited here at all. Looking to the left and right along the north room, many powerful people hugged their significant other and made intimate gestures, but in Aina Wood's place, there was only heartbreaking dullness.

She looked at the people around her shouting, and she couldn't wait to see human bodies torn apart by monsters in the next moment, and she felt that she was out of tune with this world. And the man she had been looking for for a long time actually appeared at the dirty banquet of mankind at this moment, and was about to be sacrificed to these ugly desires. When this made her heartbroken, her feelings for Obsward increased a lot. cut.

Aina didn't dare to look, she got up, opened the door and ran towards the house where Daora was.

"Father! Please! Let him go!" Aina rushed into Daola's house, knelt down in the bedroom, and begged Daola sobbingly.

"You have disturbed the guest's interest." Daola stood up and looked at Aina majestically with the light behind her, "Take the lady back."

"Father!" Aina struggled and roared. She had always hated this family, but it had never been as strong as now.

Daora Wood sat back in the stands. Seeing that everything in the Colosseum was ready, he made a gesture to the host to start the trading.

The host's loud voice resounded throughout the audience: "Ladies! Gentlemen! Now, the battle between the big thief dragon and the warrior has been opened for betting! Write your bet money on the paper and throw it into the metal around you. Pipe! It will slide through the pipe to our accounting team!

You can also choose special betting methods! For example, which side will win within a certain amount of time, and which side will die in what manner? The specific betting methods are recorded in the manual on your table. However, this is just an opening event, so the amount of our bets is capped, and we will gradually release the cap as the conference progresses. Anyway, I wish you have a great time! "

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