Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 117 The Little Secret of the Colosseum (Part 1)

The sun was shining directly from the sky above Pandora's Colosseum, and the ferocious iron gate in front of me was slowly rising. Obsward held a wooden buckler and an ordinary machete in his hands, staring at the boundary between darkness and light in a daze.

There were three people beside him. According to a brief exchange, these three people were a hunting group hired by the Wood family for a long time. Because they were labeled useless by Daora during the operation to capture the Tyrannosaurus, they were arrested and treated as Pandora's opening show.

"Hey! Xiao Ao!" A person with commanding ability in the Epiphyllum Hunting Group shouted to Obsward, "We are on the same front now, cheer up and concentrate."

"Okay, okay!" Obsward recovered from some memories. He clenched the machete in his hand and regained his humble level as a two-star hunter.

The sound of the gate chain locks clanging echoed in everyone's ears, and several people tried to take deep breaths to calm down.

"Listen to me." The man who initially called Obsward spoke again.

Obsward turned around and saw that the speaker was a woman with very fair skin. One of her eyes was blind and covered with an eye patch. She had a crew cut and the other eye had a brown pupil. .

"The Big Thief Dragon is a fang dragon type monster. It moves very slowly. You can easily kill it by avoiding its frontal bite and side roll. It doesn't matter whether it is a two-star or a six-star - dodge, draw a knife, and hit the vital point. .understand?"

The other two people quite trusted the one-eyed woman and nodded in agreement.

"But if we escape today, there will be monsters waiting for us in the next six days." Obsward murmured. He did not want to destroy the current morale, but he had not fought against monsters for a long time.

"That's tomorrow." The one-eyed woman took her double swords and stepped out of the clear duel line.

The flying sand is warm when your feet step on it. Obsward felt the warmth of the earth coming up from the soles of his shoes, and couldn't help but open his arms to embrace the sunshine. He saw the sea of ​​people roaring wantonly, and heard the crowd urging the blood in his body to spill into the air.

The clattering sound of the gate rang again, and at the gate opposite the Colosseum, a giant beast came out.

"It's over!" A man with a big sword in the hunting group was wearing a super thick plate armor with his whole face covered in it, but his fearful voice came out, "This big thief dragon is the thief dragon king. ah!"

Obsward has seen the Great Thief Dragon, which is a kind of tooth dragon monster that is very common in the forest. They all appear in small groups and are the first teachers for many monster hunters when they first enter the workplace.

Generally speaking, this kind of monster is only one and a half people tall and only five or six meters long. Its whole body is green and yellow in color, with some red and blue stripes. The mane from the head to the back hangs down on both sides. Like a giant lizard with a rock n roll haircut. Its biggest threat is its corrosive saliva and developed swallowing ability - it can directly swallow a herbivorous dragon alive to increase its size and crush its opponent.

But the one in front of him in the Colosseum was as tall as three people, twice his normal size.

"Just think of it as the Thief Dragon King. It won't exceed six stars anyway." The one-eyed woman shouted, "A Thief Dragon of this size will spit acid, so everyone should avoid it!"

When the giant thief dragon moves slowly, its lower abdomen will be close to the ground. It walks slowly to the center of the field with all four limbs, hungry saliva dripping from its mouth, causing a burst of screams from the audience.

Daora, who was sitting in the stands, always looked at Belinda who was sitting on the same balcony from time to time and said, "Ms. Belinda, how long do you think he can last?"

"You can survive the first day." Belinda was wearing the brown-green hunting clothes she often wore in the hunting forest, and her feet were still boots that were easy to walk in the forest. Obviously, she did not believe in this invitation. welcome.

"Oh? Are you so optimistic about him? I personally don't think he can last an hour." The wrinkles on Daola's face were intertwined with his fat, and the white hair between his temples was neatly combed back by him. .

"I heard that you prepared the opening event for seven days. How could you be willing to let him die on the first day?"

"You don't have to worry about it. There are as many people as you need for performing."

The balcony fell into silence again, everyone was waiting for a good show of a monster tearing human bodies apart.

Feifei Bird regretted that she didn't bring a male companion, which made waiting for the beast battle to start a lot less fun. She looked at the two sides blocked by a giant gate in the venue, and listened to the host who was updating the odds in real time. , thinking that just betting some money on monsters would be enough to entertain her - the upper limit of bets in the opening event did not interest her.

But suddenly, there was a knock on the door of her room. After her servant opened the door, he walked to the balcony and handed her a note with a strange sentence on it: "The hotel feels that people have great advantages."

The corners of Feifei's mouth curled up, and her fair face outlined an attractive pear dimple. Now, she felt that the lack of a male companion had been replaced by other more interesting things. She took the paper used to write the bets - the types and amounts of the bets were marked on the papers. After writing the name of the event she wanted to bet on, she circled the word "all-in" and put it next to her seat. metal pipe.

This means that she has directly hit the upper limit of the personal amount of money for this battle, which is a lot of money.

"Ladies! Gentlemen! In this Pandora Conference, the first 'all-in' guest has appeared! She is the VIP from the south room on the fourth floor! She is betting on the brave to win, and the odds are so high in the brave In this case, let’s wish her good luck!”

People in other rooms and other floors all moved their eyes to Feifei's balcony. Feifei Bird felt like she was sitting in the middle of the world stage, with countless spotlights shining on her - she was sitting on a chair, He held his hands on both sides of the chair, straightened his back proudly, and looked towards Daola who was facing the north.

The huge gate in the center slowly retracted into the ground. The two of them greeted each other from afar across the large space in the middle, and the beast fight began.

When Obsward was in the waiting room, he had a brief exchange with these three people and learned that they were hired hunters from a private hunting group. Such hunters were quite strong.

The one-eyed woman with a flat head and two swords is a six-star hunter, wearing leather armor. She lost her weapon when being chased by the Terror Tyrannosaurus. Now she only has two ordinary iron swords, codenamed "Daohua" in the hunting group; The sword man is a five-star hunter. The plate armor all over his body is made of the hard bones of the four-star Skeleton Hammer Dragon, which is more resistant to beatings. He is codenamed "Sword Flower". The last man holding a spear is also wearing plate armor. He is also a five-star hunter. His spear is made of three-star flying thunder dragon material. It is blue and white in color and has a handsome shape. It is codenamed "Gun Flower".

Only Obsward, a mediocre swordsman hunter with two hands, was a two-star hunter.

Two-star hunters would always step aside when facing monsters with at least six stars. But this is a fighting beast. As a commander, Touka must let him play his role, so Obsward never escaped the fate of becoming a monster bait - he held a round shield in his right hand and walked towards the big thief step by step. The dragon approaches, trying to attract its attention so that others can deal the first wave of damage from the side.

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