Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 130 Long is also seasick? !

In the spacious cabin, bright lights illuminated a silver-haired woman. She was locked in the hatch, and there was no porthole to see what was happening outside, but she could hear the anxious sailors coming and going on the deck. They kept yelling at each other to speed up the ship.

"What happened outside?" Belinda frowned and put her ear to the door, trying to hear more clearly. Sound traveled through the wood and air into her ears.

"Oh my God, it's turning! It's turning!" the captain yelled in panic.

Daora held the rudder of his ship and said coldly: "Take us out of here, captain."

The captain was startled by Daola's eyes, but the feeling of being stared at by the ancient dragon behind him made him even more frightened. He tried to make a request to Daola: "Sir, maybe you can use your ability to speed up the ship. ”

Daora is a proud nobleman and is always proud of his abilities. He understands that the captain means to let him get some wind to give the ship a tailwind advantage, but this is like asking him to go to the kitchen to add some light to the fire. He felt insulted like the wind.

But he also saw that the black dragon seemed to have its desire to attack locked here, so he raised one hand, and the silver spiritual energy surged in his hands, and the fierce wind blew up, blowing the sails full. , the speed of the ship finally increased.

"No! We need to lower the sail!" The navigator of the ship ran to the helm from the other side of the ship and said in panic, "A big storm in the Dark Sea is coming!"

Everyone raised their heads and glanced at the distant sky. Everyone could see a large dark cloud floating over them.

This large dragon-carrying ship built by Da'olaling experts can withstand most storms in the Dark Sea, but only if it slows down!

But what comes faster than the storm is the giant dragon behind that has spread its wings.

The Black Eclipse Dragon flapped its wings, slowly lifted into the air, and then began to flap its wings and fly over vigorously. The private port was in a mess, and no force could pose a threat to it. Everyone watched it fly towards the ship, and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The giant black dragon wearing a black windbreaker swept across the sea. The sailors picked up their bows and arrows to fight back symbolically, and then they all held their heads and found a place to hide. Daola also panicked. He raised both hands and poured out his spiritual energy, trying to create strong winds to speed up the ship's departure.

The big storm in the Dark Sea is very scary. When you see it, it is just on the horizon, but when you look up again, it has floated above your head.

First, strong winds began to lift the sea around the ship, causing it to sway. Daora had to allocate part of his energy to resist the natural wind. He kept calling the name of the steel dragon in his mind, but according to the consciousness transmitted back by the steel dragon, it seemed to be entangled?

Pandora's Colosseum is currently hosting the most exciting battle of beasts in history - Steel Dragon, one of the ancient dragons, versus Sander Hill, one of the lords of the Great Chik Empire.

There were no cheering spectators or gamblers around this stunt-filled battle. It became a real life-and-death arena, with no vulgar money to lower its value.

Sander, who had been prepared for a long time, had no intention of confronting the steel dragon head-on. Fighting with a weak human body against a huge monster body was a matter of seeking death. Sander, whose main purpose was to drag the Steel Dragon away, kept escaping in circles. He used the Steel Dragon's large attack movements to judge its attack intentions. As long as the Colosseum was big enough, he could keep hiding.

With a gray-white light shining on Sander's body, these spiritual energies spread out like a bridge, and the other end was linked to the steel dragon's body. This method of using psychic energy is to draw physical strength from the steel dragon to make up for the physical energy consumption caused by running and dodging for a long time.

This kind of absorption can be completely ignored for Steel Dragon, but for Sander, it actually replenishes his physical strength, allowing him to last longer in this delaying action.

Many small tornadoes blew up in the Colosseum. They were created by the spiritual energy of the Steel Dragon to stop Sander's movement. In addition, the Steel Dragon frequently used its huge body to collide. Sander had to admit that it would delay the ancient dragon. This kind of behavior is no different from suicide. Any other person would be exhausted soon after starting to dodge the attack. That is to say, he relied on the strength of the corpse dragon to survive.

But he had to do this. This was the only chance to keep him alive. Now he was just waiting for the Corpse Dragon and the troops sent to the Steel Dragon's habitat to send back the news that the control medium had been obtained.

The Steel Dragon was also tired of its prey's frequent avoidance. It obeyed Daora's words and wanted to flap its wings and leave here, but as soon as it flapped its wings to leave the ground, a bright and dazzling light exploded in front of its eyes like the sun. The take-off action was suddenly interrupted, and it fell to the ground with a plop.

Flash bug bombs can always create unexpected control effects. Unless it is a dragon that has experienced hundreds of battles and has been educated by flash bombs many times, it will be immune to it - that kind of dragon is called "experienced in battles".

Obviously, this young steel dragon, whose skin is not rusty, has not experienced the ill will of flash bombs from birth to now.

Sander turned back and looked at Kilder who had been accompanying him on the fourth floor of the stands. Both of them breathed a sigh of relief and smiled - Sander listened to Kilder's advice and brought enough flash bombs.

The flying speed of the Black Eclipse Dragon is not outstanding among monsters, but even the first dragon that can fly is faster than a heavy ship.

In the waters surrounding the dragon ship, patrol fleets came to support vaguely, but they did not dare to approach at all. They could only linger nearby to show that they had worked hard.

One of the reasons why it is difficult for humans to expand their territory is that if they are attacked by monsters in terrains that require crossing the sea, most ships can only sit and wait for death. This is also an inertial thinking of the Great Chik Empire. They believe that the risk of crossing the sea is too great, so they rarely delve into the field of ships and instead focus on land warfare.

Daora asked himself that if he were on land, he should still be able to fight against the ancient dragon, but on the ship - when the black dragon flapped its wings and hung on the mast, tearing the sail and falling down to the deck. , there is only despair in people’s hearts.

Sibinai sat on the neck of the black dragon and ordered it to find a silver-haired woman. A large number of sailors who did not meet the appearance requirements were picked up from the ship and thrown around.

Daora removed his resistance to the natural wind, because it was no longer necessary to resist the swaying waves or speed up the ship. He focused all his attention on this ancient dragon of unknown origin, trying to find a chance to turn defeat into victory.

But when the Black Eclipse Dragon rolled over with its huge body, Daora found that he had no place to hide. He gathered all his strength, pushed forward with both hands, and the silver spiritual energy in his body exploded, forming a wall of wind in front of him. This wall of wind hindered the Black Eclipse Dragon's impact and temporarily blocked it on the deck. But his psychic powers can't last long.

Belinda, who was locked in the cabin, only heard the screams and howls of people above, and what seemed like the roar of monsters?

monster? This is a ship on the sea, and this ship didn't transport any monsters? Is it a flying dragon?

"Come on! Black Eclipse!" Xibinai roared loudly. She felt a strong natural wind blowing over, lifting the waves under the ship, and the ship was rocking like a small boat.

Heavy raindrops poured down, violent lightning split the sky, and the big storm in the dark sea was never late.

When the rocking of the ship became more and more violent, the Black Eclipse Dragon's body swayed twice as if it was drunk, and it lay down in discomfort. Sibinai, who was sitting on the dragon's neck, heard the Black Eclipse Dragon make a few slight whimpers, and her eyes widened in surprise. She shouted in disbelief: "What?! Are you seasick?!"

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