Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 131 The End of the Great Storm in the Dark Sea

The violent dark sea will never pity the people on the sea crying for mercy. It shakes its body willfully, trying to play with these small lives.

Daora's dragon boat became a toy of the sea, bumping and undulating in its hands. The violent storm covered up the screams of the rainmen. Daora stared at the black eclipse dragon attentively. He keenly discovered that the black eclipse dragon was in a state of being unable to move. He didn't know why, but he knew how to grasp this. Chance.

So he used all his strength, and a ball of wind pressure bullets formed by silver light took shape in front of him. He pushed forward hard, and the attack of this wind ball that concentrated a large amount of spiritual energy hit the black corrosive dragon.

"Hide!" Sibine shouted.

But the Black Erosion Dragon felt uncomfortable all over now. It saw the wind group coming, and its whole body was slow to react. As a result, it couldn't put up a good defensive posture, and was hit hard on the side of its face. The dragon's body leaned back.

Cybine slipped as the Black Eclipse tipped over, and she fell to the deck, her weak body out of place with the others on the ship.

Daora saw a girl falling out of the dragon's back, and she was so excited that she shouted loudly: "Grab that girl! Quick! We can survive if we catch her!"

When the sailors around who were begging for their lives heard this, they did not hesitate at all. They rushed forward in a group, trying to catch Sibinet, but Sibinet jumped away nimbly and ran along the deck towards the bow of the ship.

The heavy rain wetted the wooden planks, and the slippery floor made Sibinet stagger several times while running. However, the sailors behind were no better. They were crowded together, and their hands stretched forward desperately scratched the air, just like the territory. The tentacles stretching out are just as scary.

The Black Eclipse Dragon was severely seasick, and the ship was traveling unsteadily in the storm. The Black Eclipse Dragon fell on the deck, waving its claws desperately to try to stand up. Sibinai, who had already ran onto the bow of the ship and had nowhere to escape, saw this scene and shouted loudly: "Xiaohai! Collision with the ship!"

Her childish voice seemed to be endowed with magic power, passing through the barrier of the storm and the sea water, and fell into the mind of a giant creature in the sea - the little sea dragon You Ge came over.

The large dragon boat suddenly shook violently. Daola thought it was a big wave, but the successive shaking made him feel something was wrong. All the sailors clung to everything around them to prevent themselves from being thrown out, but Daola floated slightly, which allowed him to see his surroundings better and reduced the risk of damage caused by the shaking of the ship. Influence.

He only saw the surface of the Dark Sea making the ship bumpy and undulating, but did not see the huge waves crashing over him. Therefore, the ship shaking like an earthquake could only be because it hit something underwater. This gave him a very bad feeling.

The suspension could not last long. When his psychic energy was about to be exhausted, Daora could only fall back to the rudder and grab the railing with all his strength.

"My lord! My lord!" A sailor ran up from under the cabin and said in horror, "Something is hitting us! The bottom of the boat is broken! I saw a big horn!"

The ship is sinking? Daora looked at the violent sea around him. He couldn't think of any way to escape from the dark sea of ​​the big storm. But he was not a person who gave up easily - "Lay down all the lifeboats!" he shouted, and he ran to the side of the ship and began to cut the ropes of the lifeboats.

Xibinai hugged the corner of the collision. The raindrops had blurred her windshield. She took off the windshield and squinted in the direction of the messy cabin. The fallen body of the Black Eclipse Dragon blocked most of her vision. She saw Daora put the lifeboat down and then jumped down.

After the sailors on the ship saw Daora running away in the lifeboat, they all scrambled to grab the remaining lifeboats. Xibinai wanted to cross the long deck and go down to the cabin to see if she was there. mother.

But the ship made another loud noise and began to tilt. The waves from the big storm hit and followed the holes in the ship to help tear the frame of the ship.

As soon as Xibinai ran a few steps, she saw that the deck of the ship began to crack from the middle. The breaking process was very fast. When you saw the cracks, the entire ship had already turned into two halves and began to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Sibinai hugged the mast tightly and shouted the name of the black dragon, hoping that the seasick dragon could come to save her now. But the Black Erosion Dragon slipped from the deck faster than she did and fell into the sea.

The big storm in the Dark Sea scattered and engulfed the ship. Daora was grateful for his decisive decision. He used his spiritual power to resist the wind and waves that were not good for him, so that his boat could swing towards the shore. Just maintaining the stability of a small lifeboat was an easy task for him, which made him smile triumphantly and lament that he was about to survive another crisis.

The storm in the dark sea also blinded Daora's glasses, and a huge black shadow followed the boat that he could not detect - the little sea dragon jumped out from the water, opened its huge mouth, and The ship and the people were swallowed together.

Among the ships surrounding the Daora dragon ship, a large ship flying the flag of the Dark Sea Channel appeared. From the ship, Gordon loudly commanded: "Afu! Open the portal to save people!"

"Copy that!" Afu took off the pointed hat that looked like a wizard's hat on her head, revealing the phantom light ball in the middle of her forehead. This light ball attracted many people's attention like a star in the storm. Afu put her hands together and worked hard to form an arch shape. And the spiritual energy in her hand continued to be injected into the formed arch-shaped spiritual energy group, making it bigger and bigger, more and more expanded, until Afu reached the limit, she looked at the sinking in the distance. At the ship, blue and white light flashed in her eyes. She clasped her hands in the middle, and the arch-shaped psionic mass instantly appeared above the sunken ship she was looking for, and evolved into a stable door.

A door also appeared in front of Afu. They were only big enough for two people to pass through side by side. Sis Raya next to him didn't say anything. As soon as the light door was formed, he rushed in directly.

Above the sunken ship, Sith jumped out and landed directly on the sinking deck. The armor on his body had been taken off, leaving only a pair of white trousers on, revealing his strong muscles and body. Scars big and small. Sis soon found Xibinai's figure holding the mast. He slid over diagonally, grabbed Xibinai's hand and carried her behind his back.

"And my mother! My mother!" Xibinai shouted loudly, but Sissi did not hesitate for a moment no matter what she shouted. He used his hands and feet together and allowed Xibinai to strangle his neck nervously without making a sound. I saw him using the boxes and other supplies that slid down the deck to quickly jump up to the cross-section of the broken ship. At the highest point, he jumped hard, grabbed the stable space door with both hands, and moved up with both arms. After lifting it, he turned over and rolled in.

The portal on the big ship instantly spit out the figures of Xibinai and Sith. They rolled around on the deck twice. Sith was breathing heavily, and Afu finally lost control of the portal. She was so tired. He collapsed on the ground. Xibinai climbed up and helped her to the side of the boat, crying: "Mom..."

In the blue water, a woman with silver hair floated to the surface with the current and floated into the distance.

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