Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 164 Subsidence? ! Zhansu's choice

Yetro and Jansu Ilhan had a fulfilling afternoon tea, and they went to the hot springs again with full stomachs.

Zhansu was surprised by this. He thought that Yetro would have other reasons to drag him after afternoon tea. If he did that, Zhansu would be 100% sure that there was an anomaly in the hot springs with Raphael. evidence of death.

But now that he was sitting on the back of the floating dragon again, this idea was shaken again. Jetro sat in front of him, and the two of them were bathing in the afterglow of the setting sun, looking at the scenery of the New World in the sky, which indeed had a special meaning.

Zhan Su looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance and felt somewhat conflicted. In fact, he received two orders from the Holy Word Family - one was for him to thoroughly investigate the truth about Raphael's death, and the other was for him to negotiate with Jetro Things to do together to develop the New World.

Both orders are difficult to disobey and full of contradictions, which means that he must either show favor to Jetro or find out the truth and break up with Jetro. Of course, the truth may also be that Raphael really died in an accident.

Zhansu tended to choose the first command, and that was because it was a woman who issued the command.

If the truth is that Raphael died of murder, can he use this as a threat to negotiate with Jetro? That was the last measure that the people of the Boyero Empire would not consider. They were good at developing territories and understood the principle that a strong dragon would not overwhelm a local snake.

Of course Zhan Su understands what the upper class thinks. The Shengzi family wants to use the safe port of the Alpine Hotel to enter other areas of the New World, and then find places from other areas that can be used as ports to build the first colonial city. .

The lessons that humans have learned over thousands of years have told people in this world that unfamiliar waters are the most dangerous and irresistible. Especially in a place like the sea where behemoths live, if a monster breaks through from the bottom of the ship, even if Blue Star comes, he will die on the sea.

And Jetro has already established a firm foothold in the New World. If he does not cooperate sincerely, he will cause greater losses by secretly doing evil.

Cooperation brought about by coercion is always a bomb that explodes at any time.

Flying through the small forest on the other side of the Xingdeng River, and then flying over the gloomy swamp, the floating dragon carried the two of them and flew half a circle around the small volcano, and finally landed on the lush mountainside on the back of the mountain - the hot spring. The pavilion is right in front of you.

But the floating dragon can't land now, because there is still a floating dragon waiting there at the entrance of the hot spring pavilion.

Zhan Su looked down and found that all the guests in the hot spring resort had come out. It seemed that the hotel was hosting a dinner party tonight. These guests knew that they would have to go back to the hotel early to dress up.

They filed out of the hot spring pavilion, talking and laughing, and walked into the big basket held by the floating dragon. Zhan Su thought this was fine. He didn't want anyone else to be present when he looked back in time.

The hot spring hotel seemed to have closed early, and all the employees inside had come out. Gordon walked at the back, passing by the ruins that had been cleaned up, and raised his head and waved to Jetro. When Jetro saw this gesture, he was relieved. He believed in Golandon's ability to do things.

Zhan Su watched Golandon slowly walk out of the hot springs, suddenly! Zhan Su saw that the wall of the hot spring hotel behind Golandon was cracked! The crack cracked the entire building in an instant! There was only a loud "bang", and as the earth trembled, the earth beneath the hot spring pavilion collapsed!

The deep pit exposed by the collapse swallowed up the building of the hot spring hotel in an instant. Zhan Su felt like he was in a dream - what about such a big building?

"The sinking?!" Jetro said in surprise from the side.

All the guests who had not yet taken off screamed "Wow wow wow wow". After the initial explosion, the scope of the earth's collapse began to slowly expand outwards. Tufts of soil collapsed from the edge and flowed into the abyss.

The "frightened" Golandon quickly ran out of the sinking area. He stood on the basket carried by the floating dragon, "calmed down" for a while, and began to take care of the emotions of other guests.

The breadth and depth of the subsidence can best be seen from the air. The entire hot spring pavilion collapsed into a pit that was at least forty meters deep under Zhan Su's eyes. The diameter of the entire collapse is larger than that of the hot spring pavilion and is approximately elliptical.

"Glandon! Check if anyone is still in the hot springs!" Yetro shouted downwards from the floating dragon. After the initial shock, Gordon and the staff were already investigating.

Of course, this investigation was just a formality in front of Zhan Su. Gordon knew very well that he had brought out all the people in the hot springs, including coaxing and deceiving them.

"How could this happen?" Zhan Su muttered on the back of the floating dragon. The collapsed pit is like the entrance to hell, and no one dares to approach it.

"We should be thankful for our good fortune now." Jetro could probably guess how this was done.

He glanced at the mountains near the hot springs, but could not find the rock dragon. It must have been that Golandon had the rock dragon hollow out the land under the hot spring pavilion, which caused such a violent landslide.

The rock dragon is a large monster that can move in the ground. Its body structure makes it very suitable for digging through the earth, so Yetro is not worried about whether the rock dragon is also buried underneath. Even if it is buried, That should be able to find a way to survive.

Zhan Su watched all this blankly, knowing that he could no longer investigate. He really wanted to connect the scene before him with Jetro - but how? Is there the power under Jetro that can create such a large-scale subsidence?

The earth that swallowed everything collapsed just to prevent him from investigating? To be honest, Zhan Su felt that if Jetro had such strength, which Holy Word family would still care about Raphael's life and death? !

Zhansu didn't want to believe that Yetro's men had this kind of power, but just before the hot springs collapsed, everyone was safely evacuated as if they knew what was going to happen. This kind of coincidence is impossible.

So he was silent for a long time, feeling that he had to make the right decision.

One day in May 1803, Zhansu boarded a new passenger ship returning to the Old World. After the collapse of the hot spring resort, he canceled all investigation plans, conveyed goodwill to Jetro, and revealed the wishes of the Holy Word Family. and his intention to develop the New World together.

Zhansu walked in a hurry, because his time psychic power could still reproduce a certain event he had seen in front of others, but he must rush back to the Boyero Empire before this period of time "expires".

He wanted to use the facts to convince the people of the Holy Word Family, so that a certain woman he loved could understand why he no longer pursued the real cause of Raphael's death.

Far away in the Central Silan District of the Great Chek Empire, Obsward returned to the prosperous city that was burned by fire.

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