Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 165 The Situation in Zhongslan District

On the ground that was still paved with stone tiles, several young people in shabby work clothes approached from a distance. Their faces were covered with sweat and dirt, chatting, and passed by a person sitting on a wooden bench.

"The city center is about to start repairing."

"Well, it's just like building a city. There's a lot of life waiting there."

"The Wood family actually still has the ability to build the city."

"Then, they are also the chief family of Zhongsilan District."

"However, I heard that their situation is not very good..."

"Well, there are several families..."

As the pedestrians moved away, the sounds became blurry. The person sitting on the wooden bench put down the book he was holding flat, supported the round black hat on his head, picked up a bag of bread from the seat and walked in the other direction.

The houses and shops on both sides of the road gradually turned from the still popular bustle to silence. The man wearing a round black hat walked to the end of a street - it was a circular square, the center of several avenues, at the end of his field of vision, It was a charred city scattered with dilapidated buildings.

This man was tired of seeing the city scorched by fire, but today, he found that many workers began to demolish the dilapidated urban area under the command of the man. So he took a second look, then turned around and walked towards a building next to him holding the bag of bread.

This building is at the corner of the street and is not affected by the city's fires. When Zali City was still prosperous, this building could be regarded as a golden area. But at this time it also lost its former bustle and was only crowded with poor residents.

The shop downstairs has long been closed. A man wearing a round black hat walked upstairs from a staircase, his shoes creaking on the wooden stairs. It wasn't until he reached the top floor that the tormenting noise stopped.

The door to the room on the top floor had already been opened. Obsward took off his black hat and hung it on the coat rack at the entrance. His hair was still hanging on his forehead and on the top of his head like that. The hair is more fluffy and slightly raised.

Besides him, there were two other people in this room, a man and a woman. The man stepped forward and reported in a low voice: "Sir, that person is willing to speak."

Obsward looked towards him. The man's face was covered by a hood, leaving only the narrower eyes and straight bridge of his nose. The man has a lean build and is two meters tall, but his name is just the number "7".

He is No. 7, the captain of the seventh team of the hunting team.

And the woman sitting on the windowsill with one leg bent is No. 3, the captain of the third team of the hunting team. She also wore a hood, revealing her big bright eyes and delicate nose bridge.

Number Three didn't like to talk. When she saw Obsward coming back, she just nodded in greeting, then raised the heavy crossbow in her hand and continued to look at the scenery outside the window sill.

The two captains were the first members of the hunting team to survive the Battle of the Black Eclipse Dragon. As Jetro's absolute trust, they were assigned to Obsward to assist Obsward in his activities in the Old World. .

This is a supreme reward for them, because legally, they are death row prisoners and are not allowed to return to the Old World for the rest of their lives. But now, Yetro has fulfilled the vow he made to them and allowed them to set foot on the land of the Old Continent again, which means that their family and everything in the past have a chance to get back.

Even if they have to cover their faces, they must obey Obsward's command.

"Let me go see him." Obsward's voice was calm. He held the bread bag and followed No. 7 into a secret room with excellent soundproofing. There was a table and chairs inside, and a young nobleman was tied to the chair.

Obsward sat down on the chair on the other side of the table. He placed the bread bag flat on the table, letting the aroma of freshly baked bread float out, and was slowly inhaled by the young nobleman.

"Cavan Richter." Obsward said the name of the kidnapped person, "Are you hungry?"

As he spoke, he took out the food from the bread bag, "Milk, bread, sausage." He took them out one by one and pushed them in front of Calvin.

Kavin, who had been hungry for two days, grabbed the food with disheveled hair and wolfed it down, coughing from time to time. The gorgeous clothes on his body also smelled bad and were stained with black mud.

"Tell me, what are you going to do to the Wood family?" Obsward's tone became very friendly, and he leaned forward in a listening posture.

After drinking the milk in one gulp, Calvin let out a pleasant burp. He no longer wanted to resist. The feeling of being starved was too uncomfortable.

"Those people..." Calvin's face is still very young, and his voice always feels a little immature, but he is the eldest son of the Richter family and has the right to know some inside information, "Several families are preparing to unite to overthrow Aina. ·Wood’s Reign.”


Calvin Richter hesitated and slurred, but he finally made things clear.

In the laws of the Great Chik Empire, the status of the chief family is unshakable. No matter what happens to them, they are still the ruling class of the country in name. Just like Noah, the former emperor family.

Therefore, even if the Wood family declines, the families below will not openly stand up to resist Aina's rule, because even if the rebellion succeeds, they will be purged by other chief families - the chief family is maintaining its own rule. In terms of status awareness, they are very consistent.

However, Aina Wood colluded with the Dragon God Cult.

Obsward frowned, leaned back in his chair, and looked at the candlelight on the ceiling in deep thought.

According to Cavin's description, there is a mysterious organization that has joined the Wood family. With the surname "Wood", it has penetrated into major industries in Zhongshan District and used dirty and despicable means to give actual control of many industries to Got it.

Afterwards, those families found out that this organization was called the "Dragon God Cult" and wanted to go to the Wood family to question it, but the Wood family remained silent about it. The Dragon God Sect soon became the shadow of the Zhongsilan District, and gradually developed into the actual leader of the Zhongsilan District.

The large and small families in Zhongsilan District have gathered together to fight against this trend. However, they did not plan to eliminate the power of the Dragon God Cult in Zhongslan District. Instead, they planned to kill Aina Wood.

Because they understood that it was Aina Wood who acquiesced in the erosion of the Dragon God Cult. Aina is the symbol of power in the Zhongsilan District and the puppet of the Dragon God Cult. As long as Aina exists, it means that the Dragon God Cult with the surname "Wood" can expand its industry in the Zhongsilan District - -Euphemistically called "expanding the influence of the Wood family" - and those families cannot openly resist with force - because the rule of the chief family is inviolable.

But as long as Aina dies, the Dragon God Sect will no longer have a powerful spokesperson, so it can no longer be so arrogant.

Of course, the families in Zhongsilan District can tell the news about the Dragon God Sect's erosion to the chief families in other regions, and let other chief families intervene in the affairs of Zhongsilan District.


After these families had tasted the benefits of the decline of the Wood family and saw the Dragon God Cult's massive expansion of power with the help of the Wood family, they no longer wanted to have another powerful leader family riding on their heads.

Obsward rubbed his brows and understood the crux of the problem——

To put it simply, the Dragon God Cult regards Aina Wood as a puppet, and the big and small families in the Central Silan District want to kill Aina and cultivate a puppet themselves.

Obsward stood up, walked back to the coat rack at the door of the room, took off his round black hat, put it on squarely, and walked out of the room - he decided to see Aina... Wood side.

Wow, I wonder if anyone else is watching this. Sorry for not updating in the past two days, there are always a lot of delays.

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