Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 188 Volcano Battle (2)

When other monsters approached in the blue sky, the ice unicorn had already stopped its pace and pointed its body at the invading enemy.

Shirley Swank raised his palm to cover his forehead and squinted to see clearly the appearance of the enemy - it was a strange facility pulled by four floating dragons. This seemed to be what was reported in the newspaper recently. A mysterious spaceship that has received much coverage.

But this doesn't make Ciri care. After all, the opponent only has the combat power of four floating dragons at best. What makes Xili feel a little troublesome is the flying dragon rushing in front of the spacecraft - four legs and two wings, a standard ancient dragon shape. Its pitch-black body and the black gray mist that surrounds it all the time make the ice unicorn confused. The cold air began to spread.

After the solidification of the bare volcanic lava, the ground began to be covered with a thin layer of frost.

The Black Eclipse Dragon swooped down from the sky, and its flight was not fancy at all, just like a stupid young man standing straight and drawing a knife to demonstrate to an old-timer.

The Ice Kirin has been with the Swank family for hundreds of years. Its combat experience tells it that as long as a wall of ice condenses in mid-air, the idiot opposite will be knocked to a stop in mid-air and then fall to the ground. .

In fact, this was exactly what happened. The Black Eclipse Dragon's swooping momentum was quickly shattered by a thick ice wall condensed in mid-air. It whined, lost its balance, rolled and fell to the ground. A dent was made.

Shirley Swank changed from sitting sideways to riding. She drove the ice unicorn and rushed towards the black eclipse dragon that landed on the ground. I saw the sharp horn on the top of the ice unicorn's head emitting a bright brilliance. It was accumulating energy, preparing to freeze the head of the black eclipse dragon before it could straighten its body, and directly complete a killing blow.

The ice unicorn's black mane flew in the wind as it ran wildly, looking majestic and ferocious. The ancient dragon with ruthless methods would not make stupid attacks like the black dragon.

And at this moment, a door with blue and white brilliance suddenly appeared on the road where the ice unicorn was charging forward! This sudden change made Shirley Swank quickly hug the ice unicorn's neck and stop it suddenly to avoid breaking into the unknown forbidden land.

The ice unicorn hissed, dragging a deep mark with its four hooves, and finally stopped in front of this strange door.

"What is this?" Xili was confused. She gave other instructions to the ice unicorn, preparing to bypass this psychic door.

At this moment, an ordinary orange wooden barrel penetrated from the other side of the door and hit the ice unicorn's head at an extremely fast speed, making a deafening explosion!

"Hit!" Afu waved her left fist excitedly, turned around and shouted to Thorad who was standing behind the weird machine, "Quick! One more shot! One more shot!"

This is the war between ancient dragons and the war between humans and dragons.

Jetro ran around in the cabin. He lifted up the canvas covering a pile of wooden barrels and exposed all the orange barrels covered underneath - these were gunpowder barrels, made of tungsten powder planted on the mainland coral platform. Made in batches from gunpowder.

Jetro moved the barrel to Thorad's feet, and Thorad quickly placed the barrel of gunpowder into one of the barrels of the strange machine in front of him. As he vigorously closed and locked the valve of the gun barrel, the gunpowder barrel ejected from the machine with a loud bang!

The machine was built by the blacksmith Simba and the engineer Charles. It combines psychic technology with wrought iron technology, extending from the military's artillery technology to create an "airborne" cannon that can fire powder barrels. Among them, the most advanced and unique modification is the "psionic control console" extended through a precision-structured iron pipe next to the gun barrel.

Afu pressed one hand on the psychic control console, and her psychic energy continuously converged from the console to the barrel, forming a space door in front of the muzzle.

As long as Afu points his other hand in the direction of the enemy and uses the other space door, the gunpowder barrel can be directly stuck into the enemy's face from the barrel.

Xili was thrown away by the air wave of the explosion, and flew away from the ice unicorn and onto the rocky ground not far away. The ice unicorn, which had suffered all the damage from the gunpowder keg, was exuding a cold air, its eyes were full of anger, and the purple spiral tip on its head condensed a dazzling brilliance.

As the ice unicorn raised its front hooves and stepped hard on the ground, the brilliance condensed on its sharp corners suddenly dispersed. But at the same time, the plane carried by the four floating dragons shook violently. one time!

"What's wrong?!" Afu, who hurriedly stabilized his body, cried out in panic. Yetro stumbled to the window and took a look, only to see the body of a floating dragon frozen into an ice sculpture, falling straight down. go. In Yetro's mind, the star cluster representing a floating dragon went out.

"We can't stop." Yetro responded, "The ice unicorn has the ability to attack from a distance! Quick, you continue to attack, and I will control the flight direction!"

With only three floating dragons left, the aircraft quickly changed its position while tilting slightly to avoid being frozen into an ice sculpture by the sudden cold air.

Before the Ice Qilin could even take a breath after performing this move, he heard Shirley Swank yelling "Be careful!".

Its body was violently knocked away by the recovered Black Eclipse Dragon. After falling to the ground and quickly struggling to get up, the four-legged and two-winged Black Eclipse Dragon sprayed out a psychic cannonball and bombarded it.

The ice wall instantly stood up to block psychic attacks.

The ice shards dispersed from his eyes, and his vision was filled with an equally angry black dragon.

Two purple spiral horns were also protruded from the top of the head of the black eclipse dragon. Black mist surrounded it like a whirlwind. Its wings were stretched on the ground, showing a six-legged galloping posture and once again rushed to the ice. In front of Qilin's eyes.

Kirin is an ancient dragon that excels in agility. It does not have the huge size of other ancient dragons, so if it is hugged by a huge ancient dragon, it will be at an awkward disadvantage - it will be caught on the wings of the Black Eclipse Dragon. With its claws pressed down, the Black Eclipse Dragon opened its mouth and bit into it.

But Kirin is also an ancient dragon with strong defense. Its cortex is very special. Not only does it have a layer of ice and snow to protect it, but its own cortex structure will also make many natural enemies helpless.

The Black Eclipse Dragon felt that it had bitten an ice lump, and its teeth were not broken. However, a cold air only hit its mouth, causing it to quickly let go of its mouth.

The Ice Qilin took the opportunity to summon an ice edge, pierced the Black Eclipse Dragon's hand, and escaped.

But the attacks that followed from the plane were continuous, opening a portal in front of it. Several gunpowder barrels were fired rapidly from the other side of the door, leaving the ice unicorn with no time to prepare and was knocked to the ground again by the gunpowder damage.

Creatures with ice attributes are always much less resistant to gunpowder. This is also the attack method that Yetro has specially prepared for this emperor's battle.

The current ground-air coordination tactics perfectly restrained the Ice Kirin. Yetro finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as this cycle continues, Yetro believes that he will soon be able to drain the Ice Kirin's spiritual energy and attack it. Perform a killing blow.

But what caught people off guard was that Shirley Swank, who had been observing the situation from the side, actually strode towards the portal. She jumped hard and passed through to the other side - in front of the stunned people.

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