Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 189 The Fierce Volcano Battle

Jetro never expected that his first meeting with Shirley Swank would be in such an exciting way - that woman with only a few wrinkles on her face half-crouched on the barrel of a gun sticking out of the cabin. She looked surprised, but it did not hinder her next actions.

I saw her legs and feet exerting strength, and she rushed forward suddenly. In the blink of an eye, she crashed into the cabin and got into a mess with Thorad who was at the gunner's position.

"Ah!!!" Afu just realized now and shouted in panic, "She, she, she, she came through!"

"I - got it -" Thorard struggled to say something from his mouth. His hand was firmly pressed against the dagger that Ciri Swank stabbed at his neck. This dagger was not made of iron. , but a weapon embodied by ice spiritual energy.

It was sharp and cold. One of Thorad's hands was firmly stuck on the dagger blade, while the other hand was desperately pressing Ciri's face, trying to pinch her eyeballs.

In this situation, three or four seconds had not passed since Shirley Swank appeared. It was the first time that Jetro saw a powerful enemy flashing in front of his eyes. Although this made him a little panicked, Not so scared that he couldn't move.

I saw Jetro was about to rush over and give Ciri an ordinary kick. The agile Ciri had already changed her posture - she dodged to the side, slid out, and kicked Sora. De's waist and abdomen were blocked by Yetro and others.

The cabin was narrow and filled with explosive barrels of different properties. The huge turret took up half of the aisle, which made Ciri feel like one man was in charge.

Her whole body also began to exude a cold air. From her head to her feet, the power of ice formed a pair of armor covering her body, setting off her heroic figure, while her hands showed a pair of The two swords didn't give anyone a chance to react, and they attacked all of a sudden.

Shiri surrounded Jetro and the others alone.

Thorad shook his stiff arm that had just been frozen, and took the brunt of the attack. However, as a hunter, he did not have a sword by his side, so his combat ability was compromised.

Jetro also saw clearly that it was difficult for Thorad's bare-handed skills to defeat Ciri Swank, who was obviously good at close combat.

"Kill that ice unicorn quickly!" Thorad hurriedly shouted this after being kicked back to Jetro by Xili, and then rushed forward, preparing to block Xili's attack with all his strength, "Her The power comes from the ice unicorn, I can’t stop it!”

Thorad roared, hugged Ciri from the waist, and pushed her back, but the other party took advantage of the situation and hit his head with a knee. Thorad was already unconscious and covered in blood.

Jetro ran to the window, looked towards the ground, and found that the violent black eclipse dragon was now exchanging damage with the ice unicorn without flinching. They attacked frequently, and the power of ice was mixed with heavy melee postures. Both sides They all showed real fire.

"Afu! Open the door to the ice unicorn!" Yetro gave the order to Afu who was hiding aside and didn't know what to do.

"Oh oh oh!"

The latter was in a hurry, and finally managed to live up to his expectations and threw out a small door in front of Yetro. Another door opened its door more than ten meters above the ice unicorn's head.

Jetro took a deep breath, and only the word "be careful" from the dream echoed in his mind. He closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and when he opened his eyes, he stepped into the portal without fear.

A burst of blue-white light circulated, and the cold wind slapped Yetro's face coldly. The moment he stepped out of the portal, his body began to fall straight down.

Below his field of vision, the Ice Qilin was once again pinned to the ground by the Black Eclipse Dragon, and it was exuding cold energy. The irritating Black Eclipse Dragon could not suppress it for too long.

Jetro stretched out his ordinary palm, and he mobilized a large amount of the spiritual energy that had been stored in the conscious world for a long time and gathered it in his palm. He didn't know what the technique of using psychic energy was. He only understood that as long as he had enough energy, he could just throw it out at once.

Both the Black Erosion Dragon and the Ice Qilin sensed the danger coming from above their heads. The Black Erosion Dragon, whose body had already withstood a large amount of ice power, took the lead in releasing its claws that were suppressing the ice unicorn. It fluttered its wings and retreated a large distance.

As for the Ice Kirin, it stood up and looked up. The purple-lighting palm of the ordinary human being but containing terrifying energy had appeared in front of it. It only had time to cover its body with a layer of frost armor before its head came into close contact with the palm.

Jetro only felt a cold feeling coming from his palm. The touch at this moment was so slow. It was so slow that he felt his energy pouring out and his vision was enveloped by an almost pure white light. A huge thrust surged towards his clothes, causing him to bounce up lightly and fall not far away in the air.

At this time, the roaring sound that was about to burst his eardrums reached his ears. The ground cracked open, and a tremor shook beneath him. Jetro lay down on the ground, using his elbows to prop himself up weakly. The burst of brilliance at the position of the ice unicorn slowly dissipated.

Jetro found himself on the edge of a huge pit. And at the bottom of this pit, stood stiffly an ice unicorn with its head held high.

Jetro looked at it in horror, and the latter's red bloodthirsty eyes also looked at him. Jetro wanted to run away, but a beam of extreme light shot out from the sharp corner of the ice unicorn's head and struck straight towards it. Yetro.

The ice ray containing the breath of death was getting bigger and bigger in front of Yetro's eyes. He thought he could escape from it at an extremely fast speed, but now he was completely exhausted and could not even run a few steps. problem.

Die here? Died by an ancient dragon's counterattack?

When Yetro's thoughts slowed down and the scenes of his life began to flash through his mind, a huge black shadow blocked his face - the black eclipse dragon jumped over, wrapped its wings around Yetro, and that The ice ray hit its black wings.

"Black Eclipse?!" Jetro said in shock.

He struggled to stand up and looked at the eyeless head of the Black Eclipse Dragon facing him - the latter could no longer open its mouth, and a slowly spreading line of ice covered its wings from its wings like a rising tide. The head turned his entire body into an ice sculpture.

"Black Eclipse..." Yetro murmured. He couldn't believe that the Black Eclipse Dragon who was not enslaved by him would save him like this, and he couldn't even believe that the ice unicorn's blow would actually directly kill an ancient dragon. Freeze.

Yetro climbed out along the gap under the wings of the Black Eclipse Dragon. When he looked at the bottom of the pit again, he found that the ice unicorn's eyes had lost their luster, and its body was actually segmented one after another - from the top of its head. The sharp corners began to shatter like ice cubes.

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