[Ahem, I almost choked to death. What is this smell? Is there really anyone who likes this smell? I doubt my life.

Wow, I can't stand it. Hongli is still standing there laughing at me? If you can do it, come and have a sip and let me see! ]

[I was wrong. This girl was drunk and almost smashed the innkeeper's head. It was scary. I will never let her touch alcohol in the future. She is dangerous and others are also dangerous!

Well, in exchange, I promised her that I would not drink anymore. ]


[This is the first time I saw Xiaoli crying so sadly. I asked her and found out that the old lady who sold juice did not survive the New Year and was gone...

Alas, life and death has always been a topic that people don't want to talk about. How can I comfort this girl?

Got it. I heard that the grandson of the old lady has also started selling juice for a living. I took Xiaoli to try it. It's really good! 】

"Heiyang, one day..."

The girl looked worried and scared, and whispered to the boy in front of her, and asked in a crying voice: "Will you also be gone, and then leave me and never see me again!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang was stunned and fell into silence for a moment. He rarely promised things that he was not sure of, because he felt that breaking his promise was a kind of deception, but...


Heiyang said firmly: "Don't worry, I will always be by your side and will not leave!"

"Haha, that's good!"

The girl laughed happily.

【Hongli has been getting more and more naughty recently. I don't know who learned it from. It's really...

No, I have to find a way to retaliate, otherwise I can't swallow this breath! 】


【No way, there are still guys who kidnap children in Wushe City?

I will beat him half to death with Hongli. Okay, to be honest, I thought I was going to kill someone for the first time, but my parents came and pulled us apart. It was really a bargain for him! ]

[The reversal, my father took that guy to see the city lord, and after a severe torture, the Five Colors Family took the lead and dispatched together, and none of them escaped! ]



[I am so happy, Hongli finally realized that it was not a healthy lifestyle, but just pure laziness?

It’s a pity, girl, you woke up too late. Looking at Hongli’s completely dimmed dead fish eyes, I laughed without concealing my laughter, and ended up being chased and stabbed by her with a gun...

Wait, you will always have to pay for what you have done. Just look at how I will retaliate against you! ]


[I, I, what did I want to write a diary for? ]

[It seems that there are some deviations. It should have been "Remember! Those pasts that should never be forgotten!" .

As a result, it became "My daily life with my big enemy Hongli"? It’s outrageous! ]

[But, but, this world is really great, I really like this world! Everything I longed for in my previous life is here! ]

[I can’t go back anymore. I, Heiyang, have become the shape of this world (sad). ]


[So, is there finally a reason not to waste time writing a diary every day? ]


[Let’s stop here. I declare that Heiyang’s diary ends here - 573 years of the Water Calendar. ]

When I turned to the end, there was another sentence.

[Here, I record the secrets that I dare not reveal. Perhaps I will be the only one who reads this diary in this life, and there will never be another person.

Unless, one day I find that I have really met someone who can be unconditionally and completely trusted, someone to whom I can confide all my secrets and to whom I can entrust everything. At that time, there will be a second person to open this diary, right?

But how is that possible? Hahaha, at such an old age, I still like to fantasize...】


Hongli lay on the bed in a daze, looking at the ceiling, chewing her boyfriend's name in her mouth, and his voice sounded in her mind again...

Gently holding the diary in front of her chest, Hongli closed her eyes and was speechless for a long time...

Chapter 132 Recycling old mobile phones, old refrigerators, old appliances...Replace basins, scissors, kitchen knives...

Name: Dama

Race: Black Shadow Horse of the Returning Dust Empire

Realm: Fourth Level of Body Forging

Identity: Domestic Horse of the Hei Family in the Royal Capital

Name: Dashe

Race: Wangchuan Soul Devouring Python

Realm: Ninth Level of Qi Refining

Identity: Python in the Underworld of the Other World, Wangchuan River, Heiyang Contracted Spirit Beast


Heiyang hummed a song and slowly opened the door of the house, followed by Dama, with the snake's head sticking out of his sleeve.

Pushing the door and entering the courtyard, the courtyard is quite large, but a little empty. It seems that when my aunt lived here, she was not in the mood to take care of it.

However, it is not empty. A walnut tree with a huge crown grows in the west of the yard, looking full of vitality.

In a few days, I can move a recliner and lie under the shade of the walnut tree. What a wonderful thing.

Heiyang thought happily in his heart, but he needed to pay attention to the possibility of walnuts falling when they are ripe, so as not to be killed by headshot.

Practitioners are stubborn, but this is not the way to use it!

"Wait until October, when the walnuts are ripe, and it can also supplement Hongli's pig brain with IQ, killing two birds with one stone."

Heiyang whispered to his girlfriend, but then he thought: "No, if Hongli is too smart, then I will be in trouble. Let her continue to be stupid..."


Seeing the environment of his new home, Da Ma neighed with some joy, and Hei Yang couldn't help but sigh: "No, I wanted to sneak into the house secretly, take a peek at what Hong Li was doing, and give her a surprise." Attack or something like that, Dama, forget about the attack."


Hei Yang shook his head and looked at Dama: "You can run around and play in the yard now. I have prepared food rations and other things for you, as well as a place to live. Wait until I give you the entire simple shack and so on, and then I will slowly improve the big villa for you..."

Dama didn't worry too much. Before Hei Yang finished speaking, he was already wandering around the yard, looking at the novel environment curiously.


The copper snake emerged from Heiyang's sleeves, and with a flash of movement, it climbed up the walnut tree in the courtyard and entangled itself on the branches, looking carefree.


Hei Yang shook his head and laughed, gently opened the door and walked into the house.

But the moment he entered the door, Hei Yang felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room.

I saw Hongli standing on the bed with her bare feet, her arms folded across her chest, her face calm, looking down at the black sun condescendingly.

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang was stunned for a moment. Unable to figure out the situation, he cautiously asked, "Xiao Li?"

"Close the door!"

Hong Li said in a tone that could not be criticized: "Hurry up!"


Hei Yang obediently closed the door tightly, moved to the bed, sat down on the bed, and squinted at Hong Li: "So, what are you making?"

"Hey, be serious!"

Hongli looked dissatisfied: "Didn't you see that I looked like I was going to punish you? You should be more serious, you bastard!"

"Ah, you rested in bed for most of the day, but I kept running outside."

Hei Yang lay down on his back and looked up at Hong Li with dull eyes: "Aren't you exhausted from this pose?"

"Wow, that must be tiring!"

Hongli broke through in one second, her legs went weak, and she collapsed on the bed: "Who told you not to enter the house quickly? I have been in posture since I heard the noise, and it has been five minutes now!

Five minutes! Because of your slow movements, I was forced to stand for so long. Doesn’t my conscience hurt? "

"Ah, yes, yes."

Hei Yang sighed: "Have you finished reading the diary?"


"Then write a 10,000-word review and submit it tonight for me to check."

Teacher Heiyang carefully assigned the homework and said: "The requirements are: neat writing, sincere feelings, and a certain degree of understanding of the meaning of the article. Think about the author's mood when he wrote this article.

At the same time, the frequency of ellipses in the article is obviously due to the author's own considerations. Please briefly answer what the ellipses mean in this environment.

Tip: You can refer to the background of the time and the author's experience. "

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with you."

Hongli rolled her eyes, twisted her body, moved next to Hei Yang, sat up cross-legged, and poked Hei Yang's cheek with her finger, looking unhappy.

"So, aren't you going to explain it to me? Regarding reincarnation in previous lives, are you sure you didn't leave me a first-person novel biography or something?"

"Can't you tell if it's my diary?"

Hei Yang was too lazy to move and let Hong Li pull his face: "Is it clearly written on it?"

"No, I want to hear it from your own mouth."

Hongli couldn't wait to urge: "Hurry up, hurry up, tell a story, tell a story!"


Hei Yang drawled a long voice and said helplessly: "I don't have any stories. My stories all started when I met you..."


Hongli couldn't help but shiver, and got goosebumps all over because of Hei Yang's little flirty words: "Be serious, don't mess with those who have nothing!"

"Well, it's very simple. It turns out that I was born in another world and lived another life."

Black Sheep's words were concise and concise: "Then he grows up, then he burps, and then he prepares to be reincarnated.

There is no such thing as reincarnation in our world, but in that world, after people die, their souls are absorbed into the underworld.

Then drink the soup given by Meng Po, forget all about this life and the past, and be reborn with a new identity. The good ones will become adults, and the evil ones will be reborn as animals...

Because of some minor accidents, I was unable to drink the Meng Po soup properly at that time, so I was squeezed into the reincarnation team in a daze.

Then, because I couldn’t drink soup seriously, people didn’t want me as a second-hand commodity in reincarnation, so they threw me out again in a daze, and I ended up in our current world.

That old lady with all the question marks is Granny Meng who came over to make up the soup for me. You will know what happened next. "

"Is this... gone?"

Hongli tilted her head: "Go on, what about your previous life? You won't talk about it, right? You still have to hide it, right? You don't love it anymore, right?"

"Don't worry, there's really nothing to say about the past life."

Hei Yangxian glanced at Hong Li and sighed: "It's not enough to cover a chapter or two."


Hongli looked suspicious: "Are you sure? Is it because you were not a good person in your previous life, so you didn't dare to tell the truth...wait a minute!"

Hong Li suddenly reacted and thought of a crucial question. She looked at Hei Yang with horror on her face.

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