"You kid, if you lived in a time of war, you might have led the way for the enemy."

Meng Poxun glanced at Hei Yang and complained: "It's just like "let's travel the world", right? You really know how to integrate into the world.

Moreover, grandma, I didn’t take the initiative to find you, so don’t accuse people randomly. "

"What is integration?

My home is here, I was born here, I will also get married here in the future, and the mistress of the family is also from here, so aren’t I a native born and raised here? "

"You really like it there, but you will become a wild ghost who cannot be reincarnated. Don't blame grandma for not wanting you."

"Absolutely not!"

Hei Yang waved his hand: "Okay, okay, since grandma you didn't take the initiative to find me, then put me back!"

"It's just because I didn't take the initiative to find you, so I can't let you go."

Po Meng slowly explained: "This is your dream, because you happened to dream of me, and you have some connection with me because of those things before, so I lowered my mind and responded to your call."

"Ah, so I'm dreaming?"

Hei Yang's expression suddenly became strange: "So...?"

"Because grandma tortured you before, you want to hit the old man in your dream?"

Po Meng said faintly: "Huh?"

Hei Yang: "!"

Suddenly having a bad premonition in his heart, Heiyang directly attacked Ochumelov.

"Hey, no, no, how can I? Even in my dream, I am still a good boy who respects the elderly, and I won't have any bad thoughts!"

"It's best this way."

Po Meng replied angrily: "This is your dream, but your dream is false. My thoughts are true.

It was because you subconsciously thought of me in your dream that I thought something had happened to you and wanted to come over to help you, but you are still here thinking of bad ideas! "

"Ah, how could this happen..."

Hei Yang waved his hand, a little scared in his heart: "I just dream about you, can you sense it?"

"Is it weird?"

Po Meng said of course: "Didn't you also learn how to prevent others from making assumptions?

As long as others make assumptions about you, you will notice it, and that's just anecdotal evidence.

For some people with advanced cultivation, as long as others have ill intentions towards them, or mention their names, or even insult them in their hearts, they will be able to sense it and impose corresponding punishments.

Grandma, my cultivation is not very good, so I can only sense your call in dreams, and this is because you have interacted with me, and other people would not be able to see me. "

Having said this, Po Meng paused and comforted Hei Yang and said, "Don't be afraid all day long, afraid that this big boss will come across the world to catch you, or that big boss will come across the world to beat you or something like that.

When you travel around the world, you can't just come if you want. Someone is protecting you!

The clone I let in before was only allowed in after permission. "

"Then when will you leave...uh, I mean, when will I wake up..."

"How will I know when you wake up?"

Po Meng had a question mark on her face and an expression as if you were kidding me: "Don't you just lie down on the bed to sleep by yourself?"

"Ah, is there a possibility..."

Hei Yang whispered: "Did I actually faint?"

"Wait a minute, let me see..."

Po Meng blinked her cloudy eyes and looked Hei Yang up and down: "Tsk, tsk, good boy, you don't drink grandma's soup, but you dare to drink that thing?"

"Ah, this, this is not the case, the situation is different!"

Hei Yang scratched his head: "Think about it, she cooks with all her energy, and no one dares to eat the food, it always seems a little bad...

But when I wake up, I must teach her how to cook. I really can’t imagine why cooking can be like this! "

"Well...how should I put it...the heat is getting low..."

Po Meng said casually: "The pot is not very good. She can't let go, so it naturally becomes like this."

"Let go?!"

Heiyang's pupils were shaking: "She is almost sent to your place to try her best, and you still want her to let go?"

"Tsk, grandma, I'll just say it casually, and you just listen casually."

Po Meng blinked and smiled cheerfully: "I think it will take you three or four hours to wake up. Do you want to go somewhere else with grandma to have some fun?"

"Where to play?"

"Naihe Bridge."

After Meng Po finished speaking, Hei Yang fell into a trance. A dark wind howled in his ears, and he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar scene in front of him.

Zhen Wangchuan River, Naihe Bridge, Meng Poting, Huangquan Road...

At the bridge entrance, there were many ghosts and ghosts, and countless dead souls were either numb or excited, and were urged to move forward towards the bridge.

In the pavilion at the entrance of the bridge, an old lady with a kind face was serving bowls of soup, letting the souls with different expressions drink them, and they turned into the same confused faces. The previous joys, sorrows and joys could no longer be remembered. clear.


Hei Yang couldn't help but shuddered: "I really forgot everything!"

"How about it? Do you feel nostalgic when you visit your old place again?"

"is a bit……"

Hei Yang looked helplessly at Po Meng who was smiling evilly. The figure in the pavilion was probably her true self: "My legs feel a little weak."

"Come closer and take a look."

After Meng Po's words fell, the scene in front of Hei Yang changed again, but he found that he had actually appeared in Meng Po Pavilion. The old woman serving soup was too busy to look back, and stretched out her hand to hand over a large spoon: "Anyway, you still have three more It will take four hours to wake up, come over and help grandma do some work."

Hei Yang: "!!!"

Chapter 156 Every day when I open my eyes, I work hard to code, work hard and never complain, without even a hint of lies!

"Wow! This, this, this..."

Hei Yang pointed at himself with a big spoon, with an unbelievable expression on his face: "Do I look like a wronged person? Why do you want me to help?"


Po Meng tilted her head and asked curiously: "You don't want to?"

"Ah...even if you threaten me..."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth twitched, but his tone was firm: "I will not give in!

I am now a free man who abides by the law and you have no reason to order me around!

Even if you want to use your strength to oppress me, I will..."

"Will you still fight to the end?"

Po Meng was a little surprised, but she kept moving her hands, repeating the action of scooping soup and passing bowls: "Good boy, you are brave..."

"I will also do it obediently..."

Hei Yang shrank his head: "But you are considered an official, an underground employee of an official organization, and you shouldn't do things like that to innocent little boys at will..."

"Tsk tsk..."

Po Meng couldn't help but laugh. She gently moved her fingers to stop a dead soul who was trying to get away before drinking the soup. The soup turned into a stream of water and poured into the other person's mouth: "You are right, grandma will definitely not How about you? I just want to hear the reason for your refusal? "

"Does this need a reason?!"

Hei Yang's eyes widened: "Do you need a reason to refuse to work? Workers should have their own leisure time!

I'm so tired when I'm awake, and then I finally get some sleep, and you still have to work in my sleep? This is going to get stuck...ahem!

In short, I can't be thrown into things that don't belong to me for no reason...

Well, yes, you should do your own thing. Grandma, you can't be lazy! "

Hei Yang said earnestly: "Think about it, now you ask your classmates to help you with your homework, but when you go out into society, you still..."

"So what?"

Po Meng looked at Hei Yang with a smile but not a smile: "What will happen if you enter the society?"

"It will make your life more comfortable...ahem..."

The look in Granny Meng's eyes made Hei Yang a little scared, but as a matter of principle, he couldn't give in!

Today he gave in and did the three hours of work, but what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?

Could it be that every day after he fell asleep, oh, no, after he dreamed about Po Meng, he would be pulled over and bullied?

He is a black sun and will never be a tool!

Speaking of which, why did he dream about Grandma Meng?

Sure enough, it was Hong Li's bowl of soup that gave him a bad association...

Well, yes, it’s all Hongli’s fault!

"I won't do this anyway!"

Hei Yang sat down cross-legged: "Of course, if you want to hurt me, you must tell me in advance so that I can beg for mercy in time!"

"Then if I don't want to hurt you..."

"Don't do it!"

Po Meng: "..."

What kind of player is this? He first told her that as long as she made a move, Hei Yang would immediately surrender.

Then he told her that it's wrong to hit someone, but as long as you don't do it, I won't move no matter what you say...

"Do you think this kid deserves a beating?"

Hei Yang beeped in a low voice: "So drive him away quickly, it looks so upsetting!"


Po Meng sighed: "Now I suddenly begin to doubt whether you can complete the task assigned to you on time..."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot if you didn't tell me..."

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining: "That's too cumbersome, right? There are so many dead souls and so many steps. I have to get up early and work late at night to do it. When it reaches a certain stage, I have to work the night shift? This is too torture. Come on!"

"Aren't today's young people tired of being tired?"

Po Meng didn't look back. While boiling the soup, she quickly and skillfully handed the soup to the souls on the bridge.

"Grandma, I repeat this work day after day. Some dead souls have been reincarnated countless times in front of me. They all look familiar to me, but grandma, I'm not complaining about being tired, right?"

"Why are you retiring if you don't feel tired? Just keep working..."

Po Meng: "..."

"Ahem, that's not what I said just now..."

When Hei Yang saw that Grandma Meng looked wrong, he immediately stopped and said, "Just now, it was my other personality. Yes, I have multiple personalities. Just now, another personality came online to speak!

Well, that personality was only born a few years ago. As a child, grandma, don’t be as knowledgeable as him! "

"Go down with a spoonful of soup..."

Po Meng said faintly: "No matter how many personalities you have, I will destroy them all for you."

"Ah, that poor Heiyang personality will be accidentally injured..."

"I think that's the one who deserves to be eliminated the most!"

"How can you think so, ha, ha ha ha..."

Hei Yang laughed twice and changed the subject, but still guided the conversation in the direction he wanted: "Look, I've been talking nonsense to you, which must have disturbed your work efficiency, so you'd better hurry up and let me Climb!"

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