The inheritance rooted in the soul tells me that the lazier our family is, the stronger we can become. "

"Damn it, such a racial talent that makes people envious and jealous!"*2

Black sun, red glass, and lemon, some otters are born right at the end...

"At that time, my limbs were weak and it was difficult to move, so I rested instinctively. I found that I didn't need to eat because the energy I gained from being lazy was enough to sustain life."

The sloth ignored the two jealous men around him and kept talking to himself.

"Just like that, day by day, I feel that I have grown up, become stronger, and have the ability to act on my own, but I don't want to move at all. That's nice, isn't it?

Well, some members of the same race don't seem to think so. When I hear the rustling sounds, there are always some members of the same race who can't bear the loneliness and want to run, jump, communicate with other creatures, and see more of the world.

Why go against your natural instincts?

I don't understand. Why do you do unnecessary things when you just need to be lazy?

They go to eat, make friends, travel, reproduce... I don't have that kind of worldly desire.

Of course, occasionally I will open my eyes curiously and take a look... Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm a serious creature, okay! "

A tic-tac-toe popped up on the sloth's head, and he clenched his fists and roared angrily at the two guys wearing tinted glasses.

Damn it, obviously because their own heads are full of waste, do they treat it like that? !

"I'll take the liberty of asking."

Hei Yang raised his hand: "Are you a boy or a girl?"

"I'm a female! Climb!"

A good-natured person like a sloth cannot resist the urge to curse.

Take a deep breath, adjust your mood, and continue talking.

"I'm so angry, damn it, where did I say it?"

"Look at it once in a while."

Hongli raised her hand to remind.

"Oh, yes, I take a look occasionally."

The sloth shook his head and continued.

"There is nothing interesting to see. A group of people of the same race who were born earlier than me are not as strong as me. They are all of low level. At first glance, it seems that they are not diligent and lazy!"

"Why does this sound so strange..."*2

The corners of the two audience members' mouths twitched.

"Sure enough, what happened later proved that I was right."

The sloth said proudly: "Not to mention those guys who age and die because their realm has not caught up with their lifespan, let's just talk about one day in the future.

That day I was sleeping as usual, when suddenly the earth shook, the wind roared, lightning flashed and thunder - at that time I thought it was the end of the world, but later I realized that it was just two waves of monks fighting.

The impact of the aftermath caused a large number of casualties to my people. If we stay at home, we will still encounter this kind of danger. So, aren’t those who go out even more dangerous? I think so.

I was blown away by the strong wind and injured, but recovered quickly.

I was blown into the lake and swallowed by a big fish without any harm.

Big fish were being hunted, and mudslides were encountered while transporting them, but I was calm and collected.

The soil dried outside my body and solidified me into a sculpture, and I was undaunted.

After I was discovered, I was put on display at the counter and said that I was a specimen of a species that had been extinct for many, many years. I didn’t bother to argue.

A group of robbers rushed in and snatched me and other exhibits away, but I was calm...

I don't care, I go with the flow, I let the torrent of the times sweep me wherever it goes, the people and things around me are changing, but I am still safe.

Many big names who are stronger, smarter, and higher in status than me will also fall for various reasons, but I survived because I don't fight or grab, and I don't have any bad intentions.

It seemed that thinking was useless and would cause me a lot of troubles, so I simply gave up thinking.

Just like that, I don't care about anything, I don't know anything, I occasionally feel itchy eyelids, and the environment is always unfamiliar when I open my eyes, I don't care.

It's like I don't know how I got here, and I don't want to think about what you will do with me. I just don't care. "

The sloth yawned, slowly curled up, his face showed fatigue again, and waved goodbye to Heiyang Hongli.

"Well, I should have said all my words in this life, and I have no regrets...

To be honest, laziness is not without all its benefits. The lazier you are, the lonelier you will be... Probably, who knows?

Well, I wish you two fellow Taoists a long-lasting relationship and a happy life...yawn...farewell..."

Under the gaze of Heiyang Hongli, the sloth fell into a deep sleep, breathing leisurely.

There have been many people or things that tried to make it anxious, but in the end there was still nothing that could be done about it.

After all, no one can win a guy who's too lazy to fight.

"Well, this guy..."

Hong Li frowned and said softly: "This guy lacks a heart. He is not interested in anything and would rather step into nothingness..."

"The world is still very beautiful, but the world in its eyes is all trouble...although it is true."

Hei Yang smiled helplessly and made a faint sound.

"If I hadn't met you, maybe I would have closed myself off like it, and left with my parents after they died.

Even my leaving is meaningless because no one remembers and no one cares. "

"Nonsense, no ifs."

Hong Li took Hei Yang's hand and held it tightly.

"Everyone is here, you are here with me, you are with me."

"I know."

Hei Yang shook his head and laughed.

"I just listened to the story and did the reading comprehension exercises after class."


Hong Li was noncommittal. She looked at the motionless sloth hanging upside down on the branch, speechless.

"How to deal with it? Once you fall asleep, it will start to emit aura again."

"You said it, kill it."

"Oh, then do it."

"Why don't you do it?"

"Too lazy to do anything."

"What a coincidence."

Black Yang stretched out his hand expressionlessly, wrapped the sloth in his soft spiritual power, and shook his head.

"I'm too lazy to do anything. Let's take it away first..."

"After taking it away?"

"Find a place to bury alive."

"Truth and lies."

"What do you think?"

"Tsk, tsk."

"Xiaoyang? Xiaoli? The food is almost ready! Come and eat!

Well, really, where did these two children go to play... If they don't come back, it won't be yours! "

"Hey! Mom, here it is, here it is!"

Heiyang Hongli quickly jumped off the giant branch.

"We're coming! Save two spots!"


When you are walking around the world, you see a group of extremely vicious demon sects, staring at you with evil intentions. At this time, in your eyes...

[Item 1: Get together and publicize to them the ten methods of fire extinguishing, the ten fire prevention strategies, and the ten escape strategies]

[Issue 2: Be proactive and publicize to them the Six Good Standards for Creating Civilized Cultivation]

[Item 3: Be approachable and provide them with civilized conventions, behavioral norms, and ten principles of self-examination]

System: What are you looking at? You have to do it all!

Chapter 282 When moving towards something you like and long for, every step of preparation will make people feel happy

In terms of scale, the family dinner at grandpa's house was even more lively than the previous dinner at Yang Li's house.

Of course, if it were the original Wuse Family, the scale of the family banquet would be not to mention that of the secular royal family. Even in the spiritual world, there would be many people who were greedy and wanted to sneak in and have a meal. That was the time when the Wuse Family was at its most prosperous.

It's just that the Wuse Family is in decline now. Although a lean camel is bigger than a horse, after flourishing for so many years, the Wuse Family has already spread its branches throughout the travel world. If you really want to count them one by one, it will definitely be a big project.

Not to mention that many branches can no longer be traced, some surnames have been changed, some genealogies have been lost, and some have even died without descendants.

But if we really want to be honest, only Heiyang and the others in Five Color City are left, plus some people from the royal capital, and then there will be no more.

On the contrary, the Lan family, which is not a very big family, has grown from scratch in the past hundred years, and its scale is actually larger than that of the Wuse family alone!

There were about a hundred people in total, and a dozen tables were set up. Seats were arranged according to seniority, which was a tradition passed down many years ago.

It is said that there are many reasons, but as they continue to be discarded, there is only one key reason left. People of the same generation will not be so restrained when eating together, and everyone can be happy.

Hei Yang Hongli felt nervous in front of her elders. In fact, most younger generations were like this when meeting their elders, and the elders knew it in their hearts.

Arranged with grandma and grandpa as the oldest generation, the two elders are at the table, surrounded by their children - except for a certain little redhead who doesn't know how to get in!

Naturally, her mother, Lan Yuying, was also at the table, while her father, Hong Xiaochen, was pushed to the table of the eldest uncle and the second uncle. A bunch of old men were toasting and drinking, which was quite enjoyable.

As for the junior Hei Yang Hongli who was at the bottom, they sat at the same table with the other six peers.

The couple Hei Yang Hongli is not very conspicuous, because besides them, there are two couples, one big and one small, at this table.

The younger couple was a cousin who was two years younger than Hongli, and he brought his girlfriend to the banquet.

The older couple was Hongli's one-year-old cousin, who, like Hongli, came with a man.

However, the couple had been married for more than two years and took the child with them. Hongli's eyelids twitched as she looked at her cousin's bulging pregnant belly.

She stole a glance at Hei Yang next to her, then glanced at her cousin. She let out a soft "hiss" in her heart and couldn't help but shiver.

As for the other two, pure little brats, Hongli and Heiyang were leaning against each other. On the left of Hongli was her six-year-old cousin, and on the right of Heiyang was her eight-year-old cousin.

Although they are young, they are of the same generation as Hei Yang Hongli and others. Their parents think that they can take care of themselves, so they let them sit at a table alone.

However, my mother, Lan Yuying, also told me to keep an eye on the two children and so on. Don't worry about anything, and help others if there is trouble.

There are a few little kids of the same generation as Xiao Huo, but they are very few and cannot sit at the same table alone. Except for Xiao Huo who sneaks into grandpa's table, the other kids are also brought by their parents.

Well, how should I put it. Although their Xiao Huo can sing, dance, fly, be cute, talk sweetly, and fight, and he also has some gadgets in his head that Hongli regards as trash, he is really not even one year old and is still a baby...

Hei Yang Hongli simply chose to ignore it. She picked up the juice in front of her expressionlessly and took a sip. It was great!

Ahem, they were so happy, but the two little kids next to them were drooling.

Their parents said it was cold and they might catch cold if they drank juice, so each of them gave a glass of boiled water and held it in their hands...

Tsk tsk, it looked so pitiful and so painful that Hei Yang Hongli couldn't bear it anymore and quickly drank all the juice in the cup.

Well, this way the children won't see it, they are really good brothers and sisters!

As for giving them the juice, Heiyang and Hongli are not their parents, what will they do if they really get sick?

Well, they can use their spiritual power to help them resist, so that they don't get sick.

But if they get home later or after a day or two, the children have stomachaches for other reasons, the first thing the parents think of is "Did they drink the juice and it got cold?" Even if they don't say it, they will feel uncomfortable.

In the end, Heiyang and Hongli are thankless and have to take the blame. Why bother?

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