As for decoration, they definitely didn't just buy this one. There are various colorful umbrellas of the same or different styles in the storage bag, quietly waiting to shine at the right time.

Red ribbons covered their faces, and the circular shadows moved slowly with the team.

As they continued to advance, it was difficult for such a conspicuous team not to attract people's attention.

For example, Hei Yang Hongli and his wife stayed at home for nearly twenty years. As a result, except for direct blood relatives, they could count the rest of the people they knew in their hometown of Wuse City on their fingers.

Moreover, the relationship between the two people they "knew" was not very good. At most, they only knew their full names and exchanged a few words with them.

Most of the rest are the kind of familiar and unfamiliar people who "look familiar, but when asked, I don't know their name, where they live, whose family they belong to, or what I should call them." people!

Probably, he looks familiar and knows that he is from Five Color City, but other than that, I don’t know anything about him. I can only say that he has an impression.

When others mention Heiyang Hongli, they also use words such as "Muguang's son" and "Yuying's daughter" to refer to her, because they don't know their full names...

Occasionally, if I don’t go out for a while, I might go to someone else’s store to buy something, and I might be asked, “Where are you two from? You look a bit unfamiliar.”

Normally at this time, Hei Yang Hongli would show an awkward and impolite smile. Anyway, it wasn't the first time that he was expelled from Wuse City. He was used to it!

But Hei Yang Hongli and his parents were different. They were neighbors and fellow villagers, whose names and addresses belonged to them. They could talk to almost anyone they met on the street, and they always looked familiar.

"Good guy, Yuying, this is your daughter, she's so cute!"

"Ahem, um, this is my granddaughter, and my daughter is behind."

"Damn it, look at my memory, I thought your daughter was just that good!"

"Brother Mu Guang, that's your daughter, she looks so much like her mother, haha."

"Well, that's my sister-in-law, Yiyi's younger sister. Have you forgotten that Xiaoyang is the only one in my family who doesn't have a daughter?"

"Oh, that's what happened, I'm sorry, I always thought your Xiaoyang was a girl, hahaha..."

"Your two children are getting married? Huh? I thought those two of your families had already gotten married!"

"I've always thought that, thinking about how they've been together all day long, and why they haven't had children for so long. I thought they'd been married for many years..."


"It seems like someone is talking about us."

Hei Yang suddenly said quietly.

"What the hell, talking about us has nothing to do with us."

Hong Li showed her half-moon eyes and couldn't help complaining: "But it turns out that we have been socially married for so many years?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang turned the pages wordlessly and said while reading: "Obviously before the year before last year, the two of us were really innocent, but in the end we were slandered by them..."

"I feel like I've lost a lot..."

Hongli curled her lips: "Just like when someone says you did something bad, if you actually did it, there's nothing to say. But if you didn't, you feel like you missed an opportunity to do something bad for no reason."

"What is an opportunity to do bad things!"

Hei Yang taught him seriously: "Don't do evil things because of small things!"

"It's just a metaphor. I didn't do anything bad."

Hong Li rolled her eyes: "I mean, if I had known that we were already impure in the eyes of others, then I might as well have gotten you earlier. Members can buy it first, buy it early and enjoy it early!"

"Ah this..."

Black lines appeared on Heiyang's forehead, and he gave Hongli a look, letting her experience it for herself.

"It's useless for you to look at me. That's what I thought just now. Is it wrong to tell the truth?"

Hongli curled her lips and thought: "When it comes to membership, I always think of that girl Xiaoyun. She said she would come to play with me in a while, and she didn't specify the time..."

"Just wait, it won't be until February anyway."

Hei Yang explained: "I went out to take out the trash after dinner yesterday, and I happened to see my third uncle cleaning bird droppings from his hair next to the trash can. That's not important...

I was so free that I casually chatted with my third uncle, but my third uncle said that he heard from his father, my grandpa, that my grandpa heard from the head of the Medicine King Sect..."


Hong Li patted Hei Yangxia with the back of her hand and said speechlessly: "Just get to the point!"

"Oh, the main point is that I heard that the cultivation world will hold another disciple competition in February this year. It seems to be to celebrate the promotion of the Five Elements Sect to the Holy Land...

At that time, every prestigious sect in the cultivation world will send elders to bring outstanding disciples of the sect to the Five Elements Sect for gatherings.

When the time comes, everyone will have a good time eating and drinking together, watching the disciples playing around, and discussing some business cooperation and other things..."

"Oh, I'm familiar with this!"

Hongli's eyes lit up: "Sect martial arts competitions, based on my many years of experience in reading novels, usually the person who takes first place will be a little-known disciple, and then he will become a blockbuster, slap the face of the geniuses of various sects, and break a bunch of records !”

"Tsk tsk, don't splash blood on me..."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes and complained: "But seeing that you look interested, do you still want to fight on behalf of the Five Elements Sect?"

"Come on, I am now a lord-type NPC who gives out prizes to people. I no longer belong to the younger generation."

Hongli waved her hand and said nonchalantly: "Whoever wants to go can go, it has nothing to do with us anyway."


"Xiaoli Xiaoyang!"

Qing Lianlian trotted over and handed them the two candied haws in her hands.

"My aunt bought this for you, please don't snatch one from each person!"

"Ah, thank you, Auntie Lianlian!"

"Hey, you're welcome!"

Qing Lianlian nodded with satisfaction and quickly turned around and ran away: "Xiaohuo, wait a moment, auntie, don't eat the leftovers secretly..."

"The little fire is gone!"

"Nonsense, what is that on your lips!"

"That's what Auntie let Xiaohuo eat just now!"

"Oh, it seems true, I saw it wrong, hahaha..."

"You two run slower!"

"Stop falling!"

"Muguang pays."

"Hey, don't introduce me yet, Xiaochen is here with you!"


"Hey, Black Yang, try this one, it's so sour!"

"I am sweet, you can eat this."

"Well, then I'll take one, hehe!"

"Any number will do. I remember there is..." in front of this street.

Ahem, hello everyone, eight o'clock in the morning Σ(|||▽|||)

Chapter 304 I’m waiting for tomorrow, I’m so happy today

"I don't know many characters..."

Hei Yang said with a headache on his face: "Looking at it, a name suddenly popped up, as if he is familiar with the protagonist, but I am not familiar with him!"

"Nonsense, those are characters who have appeared in the previous two films. Just watch it and that's it."

Hongli said indifferently: "It won't affect reading."


Hei Yang had a question mark: "How to say?"

"Just imagine that the three-year period has come to congratulate the Dragon King on his return."

Hong Li said casually: "That's pretty much what it means."


Hei Yang took a breath of Hongli and couldn't help but said: "You understand, Sister Hongli!"

"Humph, of course."

Hong Li smiled proudly: "You don't even think I'm..."

"Xiao Li, come here!"


Before Hongli finished speaking, she suddenly heard her mother calling her. She raised her head in confusion, opened the umbrella, and saw her mother waving to her: "What's going on?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? Come here!"

"Oh, okay, here we come!"

Hong Li scratched her head, handed the book in her hand to Hei Yang, and ran towards her mother: "Hei Yang, please help me remember how many pages I have read. Don't fold the corners!"

"Uh, ninety-three pages."

Hei Yang glanced at the number of pages and remembered it in his mind. He took the book back and followed Hongli's footsteps slowly. He walked to his mother Qing Yiyi with a curious look on his face and saw Hongli's family walking into Lu Nan's family. Shop, couldn't help but ask: "What are they doing here?"

"Don't worry about what Xiaoli is doing..."

Mom Qing Yiyi dragged Hei Yang towards another store: "Mom showed you some clothes, come in and try them on."

"Huh? Mom, I can also make clothes. Why do you want to see what they do?"

"Hey, can it be the same? Do you know how to dress? Do you know what the current trends are? I am a professional!"

"I don't want to wear it and show it to others..."

"Don't talk so much, go try on those items!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang subconsciously looked outside the store, trying to ask his father for help. As a result, he saw his father standing next to Xiao Huo and Lian Lian, watching the two play with a look of indifference, completely ignoring his son's look for help. .

Hei Muguangxian glanced at Hei Yang, then turned away as if he didn't care, and continued to act as the child's guardian.

My son is dead but I am not dead, I have to behave better in front of your mother today, stop winking at me, you can’t see, you can’t see...

Who is Xiaoyang? do not know.

Hei Yang: "..."


After one hour.

"Mom, that one is really uncomfortable to wear..."

Hei Yang was dragged around by his mother with a look of despair on his face, muttering: "Design against humanity, okay? Who knows how to sew gems on the collar? Don't you think it's embarrassing?"

"Oh, you don't understand. This is popular this year. Look in the mirror and see how beautiful it is."

"It looks good because your son and I look good. What does the clothes have to do with it? Oh my, this one won't work. Take it off. Comfort is not more important than good looks!"

"But it's popular this year..."

"I am a remnant of the old era, and it is too early for me to come into contact with this kind of art..."

Hei Yang murmured in a low voice: "I think what my grandpa wore before was pretty good..."

"Nonsense, your grandpa only dressed like that when he was old, and you learned from your grandpa at a young age?

Young people should be energetic and energetic. Who do you think is like you? "


"I'll spank you if you talk too much!"

"Mom, I'm eighteen!"

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