Heiyang looked at Hongli in front of him, his expression froze, he sighed and reached out to touch Hongli's head, he couldn't help but sighed: "You dress like this and it's easy for me to be impulsive, didn't you dislike these things before?"

"Ha, it's different now."

Hongli hugged Heiyang and squinted comfortably: "Before, we just started to confirm the relationship, now we are so familiar...ah!"

Hongli jumped away like she was electrocuted, looking at Heiyang with horror, the latter spread his hands, didn't say much, walked to the bed and ate leisurely.

"Good guy..."

Hongli looked at Heiyang's calm appearance, couldn't help but sigh, admiration rose in her heart, shook her head and laughed and walked out of the bedroom.

"Well, let me see..."

Hongli looked at herself curiously in the mirror.

"See if I will become more feminine after marriage? What is femininity?"

Hongli shook her head left and right, but didn't find any changes in herself: "Ha, I'm still so cute!"

Letting out a long sigh, Hongli stretched and lay down on the sofa, facing the door, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the flowers were fragrant.

"Heiyang eats slowly, um, what should I do now..."

Hongli thought about it, took out the communication spirit stone and chose a good sister: "I decided it was you!"

"Beep... Ding."

"Answer immediately?"

Hongli was stunned for a moment, and heard an excited voice from the other end.

"Ha, I knew Sister Hongli would definitely call!"

Xingyun's face appeared on the screen, she smiled and greeted: "Good afternoon, Sister Hongli!"

"Ah? Is it noon?"

Hongli, who had just finished breakfast, scratched her head, well, it must be a jet lag problem, don't worry about it!

"By the way, have you been guarding that communication spirit stone?"

Hongli was puzzled by Xingyun's instant response: "No need to practice? Just guarding the communication?"

"No, no, I'm having lunch now!"

Xingyun showed Hongli the scene of people coming and going behind her, took a deep breath, and laughed: "It's a pity that sister Hongli is not here now, I can only see but can't smell the fragrance... Ugh!"

Before Xingyun finished speaking, her expression twitched, and she turned her head and shouted to the side: "Xing! Yes! Yes!"

Xingyun couldn't help but protest loudly to her cousin who was eating next to her: "Can you not eat your stinky food in the public cafeteria? Damn it, it will affect everyone's appetite!

Wow, how can someone have such a taste It's so unique and strange. You are a pretty and quiet girl, so be reserved when eating this kind of thing!"


Xing Enen turned her head to look at Xing Yun with a confused look on her face, and a question mark popped up above her head: "But Sister Xiao Yun, aren't you the one with the strangest taste?"

"Nonsense! It's you!"

"The bitter taste is really disgusting, I don't want to eat bitterness."

"If you can't bear bitterness, you will become bitter sooner or later, you know!"

"Ah... Then you don't have to eat it every day, right?"

"Ha, this is called habit becomes nature, good habits are formed in this way!"


Hong Li looked at Xing Yun and her cousin Xing Enen quarreling leisurely. Well, Xing Enen is the girl who made Hong Li feel uneasy for hundreds of chapters after only a few shots.

Damn, small is also cute!

Hongli moved her eyes behind them, watching the people coming and going, the fish and meat, all kinds of food, and suddenly remembered that the group of uncles and aunts left a lot of prepared meals for them before they left, saying that they could eat them as long as they heated them up.

But it felt too troublesome to heat them up, and they had to wash the dishes after eating, so Heiyang Hongli let his parents take them home to eat. It was estimated that her cultivation should have increased a lot, and she would have to help her parents build a foundation in a while.

Speaking of which, why doesn't Xiaohuo have a golden elixir yet? She is almost two years old and still hasn't formed an elixir. Isn't she losing at the starting line compared to other children?

But then again...

Hongli thought that their Heihong family didn't put a lot of pressure on her and Heiyang at the beginning, and didn't compare them with other children, so she was relieved immediately.

Xiaohuo just needs to grow up happily like them!

Thinking about it, Hongli suddenly glanced at the delivery port in front of the cafeteria, and her heart moved slightly, revealing a thoughtful expression.

"Hmph, I won't tell you so much!"

Xingyun snorted, picked up the food, picked up the spirit stone, turned around and walked out.

"Then I'll go home and eat. Damn it, how can there be such creatures as the Stinky Party!"

"Ah, Sister Xiaoyun is really surprised..."

Xing Enen looked up at Xingyun's back, shook her head, and continued to eat her meal with her head down: "Well, it's delicious~~"

"Too much, too much!"

Xingyun walked out angrily, complaining as she walked.

"Sister Xiaoli, let me tell you, Enen's grandfather, that is, my grandfather, told her before coming here to listen to me, blah blah, but what was her attitude just now!

She is obviously doing something very bad, and my bitterness will not be smelled by others. I am her cousin, the cousin of the same grandfather, damn it!

This is called a general is away, and the cousin is like a mother. There are three thousand mothers, but I only take one scoop..."

"Okay, okay, calm down, the language templates are all messed up..."

Hongli sighed: "Help me with that..."


Xingyun paused and cast an expectant look: "What, what, help Sister Hongli with what?"

"Ah, forget it, I'll go find that person later..."

Hongli paused and waved her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, Xiaoyun, let's continue chatting."

"Hey, it's very uncomfortable for Sister Hongli to stop talking halfway!"

"Ah, it's nothing actually..."

"Well, anyway, I have prepared a lot of questions for Sister Hongli, hehe!"

"Uh-huh, let's make it clear in advance, I won't answer whatever you ask!"

"Oh, that's not important, hehe, oh, I'll be home later..."

Xingyun paused, waved the token to open the courtyard, pushed the door into the house, put the food on the table, and took a deep breath.

"Ha, it's really the best at home, Gaga, don't sleep in, mom brought you food back!"

"Gaga, here, mom wait a minute..."

The sound of Gaga came from next door.

"Well, that..."

Hongli raised her eyebrows and couldn't help asking a soul-searching question: "Xiaoyun, does your Gaga usually eat the same as you?"

"Ha, of course!"

Xingyun nodded proudly.

"As a mother, how could I treat my son badly? Gaga will always be included. Look how good he is!"

Hongli: "???"

"Ha, just kidding."

Xingyun waved her hand, scratched her head embarrassedly and smiled: "I know, I know that my bitter taste is not normal, but how could I force little Gaga to suffer?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Hongli nodded, watching Gaga come out of the tribe, holding a small cake-like food and gnawing it, showing a look of enjoyment, and then she was relieved.

Xingyun's house was originally decorated very well, if the food tastes bad, wouldn't it be like sleeping on straw and tasting gall...

"Huh, done!"

Xingyun wiped her mouth and looked at Hongli. Before Hongli could speak, she couldn't help but speak.

"Sister Hongli, Sister Hongli, you are now officially married to Brother Heiyang, right?"

"Well, this..."

Chapter 352 Becoming worldly-wise, losing your childishness, giving up your ideals and accepting an undesirable reality, is growing up?

"Ah, yes, of course."

Hongli nodded affirmatively, pointed at herself, and said proudly: "I, Hongli, my husband Heiyang, hahahahahaha!"

"Wow wow! So touching!"

Xingyun wiped the corners of her eyes, and said with a vicissitudes of life: "Do you still remember our "Take down Heiyang, and live a happy life" team?

The team was me, Xingyun, you, Sister Hongli, and Xiaohuo, the three of us.

As a result, now, you have become Brother Heiyang's wife, Xiaohuo is your daughter, and you are still three, only I am missing..."

" God damn, you're the only one missing..."

Hongli had a cross on her head, and couldn't help but corrected: "I've said it so many times, taking down Heiyang and living a happy life is helping me, and the protagonist is me, Hongli, okay!"

"Hehe, then Sister Hongli has taken down Brother Heiyang now, right?"

Xingyun sighed: "I really envy Sister Hongli, you've already achieved your life goals at such a young age, but I'm still on the road."

"Ah, if you set your life goals as low as mine, you can also achieve them, ahem..."

Hongli smiled awkwardly and scratched her cheek.

"How should I put it, um, this thing?"

"This thing?"

Xingyun looked expectant: "What, what is it?"

"Of course Heiyang has taken me down, ugh, I took him down, hahahaha!"

"Good job, Sister Hongli!"

Xingyun gave a thumbs up and suddenly thought of something, counting on her fingers.

"Well, but, Sister Hongli, you have been married to Brother Heiyang for about a month, right?

What have you been doing in this month or so?"

"Well, let me guess..."

Xingyun touched her chin, thinking carefully, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Ha, I know! It must be a very romantic date, what about flowers and moonlight, candlelight dinner, pavilions and towers..."

"Right, right!"

Xingyun said proudly: "It must be like this!"

"Ah, not so many venues have been unlocked for the time being..."


"Ahem, I mean..."

Hongli coughed twice, smiled and said: "That's it, Xiaoyun guessed it really well, guessed it right, you really deserve it!"

"Hehe, thank you..."

Xingyun smiled embarrassedly.

"What exactly happened?"

"Don't ask about things that you shouldn't ask about, kids!"

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