

The concoction of Heiyang Nao is much richer, so it takes shape faster.


Hei Yang covered his mouth and nose, opened the lid of the pot, looked at the gradually forming medicine block, nodded, poured another half bucket of water into the pot, closed the lid again, and reduced the firepower.

Until the black sun opened again, it finally became the square and square "elixir" she imagined it would look like.

"Black Sun, Black Sun!"

Hongli was called away just now, but now she ran back with a handful of meat skewers and handed one to Hei Yang.

"Eat it while it's hot, mom and the others are still baking it!

After you finish eating this, there are still some. I'll go get it for you. "

"Okay, thank you Xiaoli."

Hei Yang smiled and finally was able to eat. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening and almost eleven o'clock in the evening. It was estimated that this meal would last until the early morning.

However, it's not a big problem.

The starry sky on the grassland is also very beautiful. Heiyang Hongli looked up at the sky while eating.

During the day, the sun was still warm in the sky, but now the wind was blowing and the grass was low, causing Heiyang Hongli's hair to drift, and it was actually a little cool.

"Mom is right."

Hongli said while eating: "It's great to come out and play occasionally."

"Then if I let you choose again..."

"I must stay at home! No matter how nice it is outside, there is no home like you!"


Chapter 375 False Good Night: Good night. Real good night: disappear suddenly while chatting


Hei Yang held a big spoon and carefully scraped the red paste from the pot. This was the life-saving medicine he made for Dama. It was colored but tasteless.

It can help Malaysia replenish the body while suppressing impulses, increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. It is not the kind of medicine that hurts the body, but you should not take too much.

So Hei Yang now needs to collect these, pack them into appropriate amounts, and then ask Da Ma to take them.

As for the other steps, there is no need to use them. It took a total of five hours. Hei Yang was not very satisfied with this. After all, the pot was not good and it could not replace a good stove. There was no way.

Just as Hei Yang was concentrating on packing, a small hand held the meat skewer and stretched it to his mouth.

"Heiyang, open your mouth, ah——"

Hong Li's voice sounded from behind.


Hei Yang took a bite of the roasted meat and continued to scrape the ointment from the pot while eating.

"Hey hey hey..."

Hongli squatted on the right side of Heiyang, holding her chin with one hand and looking up at Heiyang. From this angle, the starry sky made Heiyang's face bright and dark, losing some of his usual childishness, and seemed to have become He looks like he is in his twenties.

"Suck, cough, cough..."

Hong Li stared at Hei Yang with a silly smile, and couldn't help but said intoxicatedly: "Hei Yang, you are too handsome, too foul..."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Hei Yang grinned and said with a smile: "But speaking of it, there is no suitable standard for handsome aesthetic appearance. If you think so, Xiaoli, then so be it."

"No, no, I am definitely not the only one who thinks you are handsome..."

Hong Li stubbornly retorted: "This is not just a lover filter, I think it's because you are a good-looking guy, one of the most handsome guys!"

Hongli stubbornly wanted to prove that her husband was handsome in the first place. She was the one who caught this baby at a huge advantage. Others must be envious of him.

"Huh, no..."

Hong Li was startled, her face solemn.

"Hei Yang is so beautiful. If a lustful person is looking at her and wants to steal her love..."

"What are you muttering about..."

Hei Yang curled his lips: "You're talking nonsense again."

"No, I have to find a mask for you Hei Yang to cover your face. Just the King of Lanling I told you about..."

Hong Li lowered her head and started rummaging through her storage bag, and kept muttering: "When you go out, seal your appearance and untie it when you get home..."

"What kind of perverted possessiveness..."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes: "It's really scary."

"It's useless to be afraid, you have to listen to me."

Hong Li snorted and rummaged carefully.

"Well, mask, mask, no..."

"How is it possible?"

Hei Yang clicked his tongue and said speechlessly: "How can things that we haven't bought appear out of thin air?"

"Damn it, if that's the case!"

Hongli made a sound, took out the next storage bag and continued rummaging through it.

"But it doesn't matter. Since you can't find the mask, I can just find a piece of cloth to cover your face..."

"Then I go out to visit relatives. Others think there's a thief, right?"

Hei Yang smiled helplessly and complained about Hong Li teasingly.

If he had just come to this world, he might actually be able to find a way to make a mask or something and put it on, for no other reason than to block other people's eyes.

Wearing a mask, you can remain expressionless when talking to others, and you can occasionally smile when listening to others. As long as it is not obvious, you will not be noticed.

In this way, everyone thinks that this situation is quite good. It can cover up not only the inner feelings, but also friends who have poor appearance or disfigurement. They can also use this to regain their confidence.

Especially when everyone around you is wearing a mask, you suddenly realize that you are no longer the special one and can blend in with everyone, which is great.

Of course, using the mask to steal food in class or something like that, tsk tsk...

It was definitely not a lack of confidence in appearance that Hei Yang had at the beginning, but just the fear of loneliness. It could also be regarded as a way of self-protection, just like some unconfident people subconsciously lower their heads...

But that has nothing to do with the current Hei Yang.

Now he is a successful young man with a wife and children, a happy family, and a happy life. At least he thinks this is the happiness of life.

Every day, he has a smile on his face.

Don't just talk about him, this girl Hongli is the same.

In the past, I just gave him a look, but now I still give him a look, but my smiles have obviously increased.

It's not that she has changed her opinion of Hei Yang or thinks this person's personality has changed or something, but it's that Hong Li still couldn't let go of him before.

To put it simply: Don’t give him too much sunshine, lest he shines brightly and rubs his nose and face.

As for now, hell, just slap your nose and face. Anyway, this guy has done more extreme things...

Hong Li was rummaging around while thinking about it, and kept muttering in her mouth: "It's broken, can't it really be found..."

When I was looking through other things in the past, these piles of debris blocked me, as if everything was there.

As a result, now that I want to use it and look for it, I can’t find anything…”

"Hey, that's so classic."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth raised slightly: "I am the same, this is called the relationship between husband and wife!"

"Ah, yes, although that is indeed the case..."

Hong Li sighed, looked up at Hei Yang, hummed softly, and handed over another meat skewer.

"Seal your mouth! Damn it! Open your mouth obediently! Let me feed you the medicine!"

"Ah, okay, okay, let me give you medicine."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, opened his mouth and ate the meat skewers.

"Look how you poison me to death, you stinky Hongli."

"Don't sell it at a cheap price. I won't even eat it myself."

Hong Li pouted, flipping through the storage bag, and suddenly saw something. She raised her eyebrows, picked it out, and handed it to Hei Yang.

"Honey, hubby, do you think this is okay? I'll give you some grievances?"

"Um, what the hell?"

Hei Yang leaned back and looked at the thing handed over by Hong Li, his eyelids twitching.

In Hong Li's hand, well, there is a pair of black stockings...

"You want me to use this as a mask..."

Hei Yang showed his half-moon eyes, feeling as if he was about to rob a bank.

"Speaking of which, you are a pretty girl, quite talented...

I made clothes that cross the world. You have figured out how to dress across the world, right? "


Hongli smiled coquettishly, scratched her cheek, and whispered: "Didn't I take a look at your previous world pictures a few times before, and then I saw several guys dressed like this..."

"Good guy, I'm so damn good guy..."

Hei Yang's mouth twitched. He calculated that the technology over there had improved a lot compared to when he left. There were domestic robots and the like. But was this creature wearing silk stockings still moving...

I heard that in some places, it is considered rude to go to a robbery without stockings...

Let's just say, you went to rob, are you still rude?

But then again, why do those kinds of creatures still exist? Could it be that the progress of the times has only improved certain aspects of technology...

Hei Yang thought that the era when he could rely on his hands to fight for his future was over.

"What age has it been, but it's still traditional robbery..."

Hei Yang shook his head and couldn't help but complain.

However, Hong Li frowned, thought about it, and said with some uncertainty: "But in the picture I saw, those guys don't look like living people, like those kind of machine beast puppets?"


It took Hei Yang less than a second to understand what his wife was talking about, the machine beast puppet. When he realized that she was talking about a robot, he couldn't help but reveal his half-moon eyes.

Well, this time he is an old-fashioned and backward person. There is no one else who can put a hood on a robot!

Are robots used for robberies in the future?

Then the person who goes to the bank to withdraw money can’t be a robot?

How to capture hostages?

Or do robots also have lives?

A bunch of "correct" remarks flashed through Hei Yang's mind instantly, and he felt bad. He couldn't help but shake his head.

Forget it, luckily he has been reincarnated.

What was the past life? do not know!

He Baiyang has already entered the travel realm, right?

"Tsk tsk..."

Hei Yang continued to scrape the bottom of the pot as he thought about it, but suddenly found that the bottom had been dug out without him realizing it.

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