Xiaohuo yelled: "Probably the ancestors of the ancestors or something, they sat together for a meeting, unified the language and it was engraved in the blood!"

"It's really the universal bloodline!"

Hongli lowered her head to avoid an ice pick, with an angry look on her face: "This bitch wants to kill my hair, I can't bear it!"


"Mom, it said it would shave your head so you can't find a partner!"


Hongli's head burst into flames, melting the incoming ice pick at 360 degrees without any blind spots: "This guy has gone too far. I just want to kill it, but it wants my hair!"

It’s simply unbearable! Does Xiaohuo know how to swear? Swear back at me! "

"Ah, mom, I don't know how to do this!"

"Listen up, I'll teach you, scold it for me!"

"Oh oh oh! Look at me, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!"


"Mom is so angry!"

"Well done, Xiaohuo, keep up the output!"

"Yes! Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!"

Chapter 99 You have a lot of money, I have a lot of ingredients, and everyone has a bright future!

"Huh, uh..."

Hongli squatted on the ground and gasped: "Run, ran away..."

"Mom, mom, look!"

Xiaohuo flapped his wings excitedly: "I can, I can fly! Sure enough, you can break through your potential between life and death!"

"Ah, that's nice, but what's the use?"

Hongli glanced at Xiaohuo expressionlessly: "We can't carry people, huh, if I also had air control, would I be afraid of those stinky pigeons?"

"Ah, then, what should I do?"

Xiaohuo flapped his wings vigorously to prevent him from falling to the ground: "Then let's retreat like this?"

"Absolutely not! Can I swallow this breath?!"

Hong Li gritted her teeth: "We have to put it in the pot and cook it!"

After thinking about it, Hong Li directly took out half of the high-grade spiritual stone that she had been reluctant to use before. She wiped it with her clothes and stuffed it directly into her mouth. She bit her silver teeth and said, "Ah!"

"Kacha! Kacha!"

Hong Li's eyes were on fire as she chewed the crumbs of the high-grade spiritual stone. The manic spiritual energy rushed through her body, breaking countless meridians and causing severe pain all over her body.

[The meridians of your contract partner (Hongli) are broken, and the cultivation level... has failed to decline! 】

[Your contract partner...failed! 】

【……fail! 】

[Your contract partner (Hong Li) is promoted to the fifth level of Qi Refining, and your realm is synchronized to the fifth level of Qi Refining! 】

"not enough……"

Hong Li once again took out a handful of low-grade spiritual stones, rinsed them with water, and crushed them violently!

[The meridians of your contract partner (Hongli) are damaged, and the cultivation level has declined...Failed! 】

【……fail! 】

[Your contract partner (Hong Li) is promoted to the sixth level of Qi Refining, and your realm is synchronized to the sixth level of Qi Refining! 】

"Poof! Poof!"

Hong Li spat out a mouthful of blood, her lips were as red as if she had just eaten a child. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a smile on her face: "Hahaha, revenge does not last overnight!"

My aunt has said that the Qi Refining Stage is the only stage on the path of cultivation that can be achieved by using spiritual stones, and most of it falls into the category of quantitative changes.

When it comes to the foundation building stage, the understanding of supernatural powers and spells is the key, so there will always be people who waste their whole lives stuck in the ninth level of Qi refining and cannot break through, because they suffer from a lack of understanding and opportunity.

Here, Huang Dou is criticized by name and Hei Xiaolong is praised by name.

One is that as long as he can get a magical breakthrough, the other is deliberately stuck without breakthrough and wants to have all the advanced points of magical power. Let's judge!

As for the subsequent golden elixir and Yuanying, my aunt said that she didn’t know either!

However, you need to use the spiritual stone pile step by step, otherwise it will easily damage the meridians, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

But this was not the first time that Hongli had done this. Wasn't it a heartbreaking pain? As long as the pain lasted for a while, she didn't know how much time she could save to be lazy. It was cost-effective!

As for the feeling, well, it's probably equivalent to throwing the whole person into a stone mill and crushing it...

Not afraid, she has red glass and iron will!

The pain was so intense that I shed tears, and screamed for my mother. I dared to do it next time after it was over. It was a typical case of not forgetting to eat but not to fight.

"Ah this..."

Xiaohuo shrank his neck: "Mom is so scared..."

"Come on, let's go back and find a place!"

Hongli stood up suddenly, her heart burning with fire, constantly burning and absorbing the spiritual energy around her to restore her physical strength. She pointed her spear diagonally: "Big pigeon, take your life!"

"Hey, mom, wait for me!"


Ace Pigeon raised his head suddenly, looked at the small black dot that was gradually enlarging not far away, and tilted his head in confusion.

Isn't this the guy who ran away so fast just now? Why is he back again?

She was lucky enough to escape last time, but she dared to come and die this time?

Ace Pigeon narrowed his eyes, spread his wings and flew in the direction of Hong Li.

Hong Li, on the other end, also looked confident.



The two passed each other.

The Ace Pigeon suddenly shrank his head and avoided being picked to fly to the sky. However, the feather fragments on his head fell, and he was shaved bald.


Hongli turned her back to Ace Pigeon, snorted proudly, and waved a shot: "The verdict will be decided!"


"Mom, mom, stop being cool, it ran away!"


Hong Li's eyes widened and she turned around, only to see the ace pigeon flying hard into the distance, and immediately rushed out: "Stop, don't run!"

The ace pigeon flapped his wings crazily: "Cuckoo!"

"Mom, it says that fools don't run away!"


"Mom, if you scold us, you still scold us with the curse words you taught us!"

"What? That makes no sense!"

Hong Li became furious: "Xiao Huo, scold me back!"

"Oh oh oh, chirp, chirp, chirp!!!!"

"Don't run, stop!"

"Hmm... I seem to have heard Sister Hongli's roar. Is it an illusion?"

Hei Xiaolong looked around with a vigilant expression: "You still have to be careful, it may be the voice that the Snow Demon Girl deliberately imitated."


Hei Xiaolong was lying behind a huge ice block, looking at the open-air crystal mine not far away.

"Sure enough, as recorded in the data, the black ice crystal is exposed on the ice, so it is easy to mine.

However, the Heavy Water Ice Rhinoceros in the Foundation Establishment Stage next to it is a bit troublesome..."

Hei Xiaolong looked at the giant rhinoceros wandering next to the spar, secretly restrained his breath, and observed first to see if he could find any flaws in the opponent.

If you can wait until the other party takes the initiative to move, it will be simple.

Of course, there is another way. Hei Xiaolong goes directly up to say hello confidently: "Hey, Old Xi, can you give me a few pieces of the worthless, rubbish, and very useless rocks around you?"

If he's lucky, people will just roll their eyes at him, call him a "common man" or something like that, and turn around and leave.

If he's unlucky, the other side will rush over to beat him to death and send him away.

Thinking about it this way, it’s better to observe in secret!

"Are these, are these all true?"

In the Hei family courtyard, the second grandpa and grandpa Huang Feng looked at the contract in their hands, sometimes surprised, sometimes angry, and sometimes pleasantly surprised.

"If what is written here is true, then as long as it is left to Lao Hong and Lao Bai, they can get in touch with those forces at any time, and then..."

"Ah, that must be true."

Hei Yang directed everyone to place the boxes in categories, and was too busy to keep answering.

These are the money he will need to live in the future. If he saves a little, he may not be able to use them all in his lifetime!

What does it mean once and for all? !

Once robbed, you will live in peace for the rest of your life!

I advise you not to imitate, otherwise the place you lie down may be a little different, hehe...

In fact, Hei Yang originally wanted to leave some for his grandfather and others to replenish his blood, but he was pushed aside by the elders like a child.

The original words are: "Go, go, go, let's go and grab money from you little brat?

You think you are rich, right? Even if you are really rich, you will need no money to marry a wife and raise children for free. You really don’t know how expensive food and rice are when you are not a householder.

We can also directly go to the emperor to blackmail him... Ahem, he wants compensation. He has to pay us back even if his palace is demolished. How much money do you need? "

Well, the old man is right, it’s always good to save more money for emergencies!

Also, by the way, the reason why they are now in the Hei Family Courtyard and not the Qing Family or other families.

The reason is very simple. First, it is relatively remote here, and it is not easy to attract attention when moving a bunch of large boxes.

The second reason is that because Heiyang had a house raid and sale some time ago, this courtyard is relatively empty, making it easier to store these things.

Seeing that everything was arranged in an orderly manner, and the fifth prince's funeral ceremony was already being prepared, Hei Yang nodded with satisfaction, then furtively looked around and took out Teacher Hua Baibai's clothes from his arms Picture book.

Then, skillfully turned to the black silk stockings...

Then, I opened a page without any skill at all, and found that it happened to be black stockings... Ahem, in short, this is God's will!

“It’s hard to go against God’s will!”

Hei Yang sighed: "Just learn this first!"

"Hoo, ho, there's no place to run!"

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