Opening the door, Wang Kewen suddenly froze when he saw the figure outside.

Cao Jing smiled at this time, "Wang Kewen, I didn't expect it to be me. We said that we have stayed abroad for so long, and we didn't say that we met last time. I came here today to visit you on purpose."

"Sorry, I'm inconvenient today."

Wang Kewen slammed the door shut with force. After the door closed, Wang Kewen stretched out his hand and barely supported the wall, his breathing was a little short.

And Cao Jing was about to step into the house when his foot was knocked out by the door, and it hurt a little, and the smile on his face suddenly lost more than half. But he was not angry at all after eating the ashes behind closed doors.

Cao Jing said loudly at the door through the door.

"Kewen, I know I was a little sorry for you before, but don't worry, this time I'm just here to visit, nothing else."

There was no reply in the house, Cao Jing said again

"Since it's inconvenient for you today, I'll come back tomorrow."

After that, Cao Jing left directly as he said, without any nostalgia.

For Cao Jing, his goal today has been achieved, he has met Wang Kewen, that's enough, Wang Kewen also has his shadow in his heart. As for Wang Kewen's attitude, he doesn't care, he thought to himself, there will be time in the future.

In the next few days, Cao Jing still came to visit, and the selected time was still at night.

Wang Kewen never saw him once, but the two colleagues opened the door for Cao Jing several times.

However, after the initial curiosity, the two colleagues gradually understood the identity of Cao Jing. They are not as polite as Wang Kewen to Cao Jing.

"I warn you, Cao Jing, if you harass again, be careful and we will call the police."

"Oh, what are you talking about? We are all from China, and we are all from the same industry. Why do you talk about harassment? I didn't take any drastic actions, I just wanted to meet."

"I advise you to leave quickly, and don't be ashamed."

"How can this be called shameful, I am full of sincerity, it is almost overflowing, I have no malice."

"What's the matter with you, do you really think we won't call the police?"

"Big brother, I just want to see each other. How can it be so serious. We have something to discuss. As long as we meet, I will never come again."

"Why are you here again, didn't you say you can't see it, you can't understand the words!"

"I brought you a bottle of good wine today, please accept it first, and I will leave."

"Go away, who wants your wine."

For a few days, Cao Jing was blasted out, but he still knocked on the door every day as if he was tired of pulling a donkey.

This may no longer be called a visit. It can be said to be a kind of harassment. To be precise, Cao Jing is using a entanglement method to deal with Wang Kewen.

This method is very familiar to Cao Jing. He has learned this trick since he was in school. As the saying goes, a good girl is afraid of entanglement. Cao Jing likes this method very much. Yes, they finally got what they wanted. This time against Wang Kewen, Cao Jing felt that it might take a little longer, but winning is still not a problem.

In the face of Cao Jing's entanglement, the two colleagues were disgusted as if they had seen mouse feces. But the others are nothing, although it is harassment, but Cao Jing's choice is very civilized. Every day he says to leave, he never waits too long, even if you call the police, it is too late.

But Wang Kewen is different. He has been a little distracted recently, and the appearance of Cao Jing has begun to make his previously dusty memories slowly resurface. After it emerged, it did not flash in a flash, but circled in his mind. , ran the horse.

Although Cao Jing only appeared for a few minutes a day, every knock on the door made Wang Kewen's heart tremble.

Originally, Wang Kewen thought he had forgotten about Cao Jing, but when he saw Cao Jing for the first time that day, Wang Kewen burst into flames of hatred. It turns out that things in the world have never been forgotten. Just kidding yourself.

But Wang Kewen controlled himself.

In the next few days, this controlled flame gradually got out of control, turned in one direction, and became a key, a key to open memory, and gradually loosen the valve of memory. Every day when Cao Jing came, he would remind him of what had happened to him in the past.

Wang Kewen's psychology was affected, and his work was a little distracted, which made Smith a little worried. Smith also specifically asked him about it, but Wang Kewen just shied away and said he didn't have a good rest. Could he tell Smith that his boss came looking for him before, after all, he was the one who switched jobs.

A few days later, Wang Kewen was getting more and more powerless at work, and he couldn't sleep well, but Cao Jing seemed to have more energy. He stayed a little longer every day, and one day he just came in and drank it. A cup of water.

Faced with the recent state of Wang Kewen, Smith was very puzzled, and finally he thought that Wang Kewen was living with two colleagues from dreams. He took advantage of Wang Kewen's vacation to call two colleagues over to ask a question. After questioning and understanding the whole story, Smith looked very angry and assured that he would deal with the matter. He had his own way of dealing with such harassment.

On this day, Cao Jing continued to come to the apartment where Wang Kewen lived.

From the moment he went out, he felt a little uneasy. He always felt as if someone was following him behind him, but when he looked back, there was a foreigner of the same color behind him. During his time abroad, he didn't know any foreigners, and there would be no disputes, so Cao Jing put out his mind.

He thought to himself that he might be and didn't care.

As for whether Wang Kewen sent someone to deal with him, this idea flashed in Cao Jing's mind and then floated away. Having lived with Wang Kewen, based on his knowledge of Wang Kewen, Wang Kewen would not have taken this step, even if he called the police. As for whether it was the two colleagues who came forward, Cao Jing thought that it was impossible. He had a good grasp of his proportions, and they had no reason to send someone to follow him.

When he came to Wang Kewen's apartment, after Cao Jing went up two stairs, he stopped suddenly and looked back. There was no one behind him. He let out a long sigh, and it seemed that he really scared himself.

Looking at the closed door, Cao Jing took a deep breath and knocked on it with his right hand.

"Boom boom boom!!"

"Is Kewen there? I'm here. Let's meet. I'm sincere. I have a lot to say to you. I promise that as long as we meet, I will never come again."

In fact, what Cao Jing said was good, but what he thought in his heart was something else.

What does it mean to meet only once? In Cao Jing's view, as long as you are willing to meet once, there will definitely be a second meeting. The first time is often the hardest, but after that, the difficulty factor will decrease exponentially. experience of".

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