After Cao Jing finished speaking, there was no movement behind the door, not even the voices of two colleagues angrily.

After knocking on the door twice, Cao Jing has been a little impatient to tell the truth these days. Wang Kewen's stubbornness is beyond his imagination. In his heart, he should have opened the door long ago.

Looking at the closed door, Cao Jing sighed and kicked the bottom of the door with his toes.

"Kewen, you should have seen my sincerity long ago, open the door, just meet, don't let me be so shameless."

There was still no movement. Cao Jing was about to leave. Not only Wang Kewen and the three lived in this apartment building, but there were also foreigners in other rooms. Cao Jing was a little afraid of those foreigners. will call the police.

After Cao Jing left, nothing happened.

On the second day, Cao Jing still came.

Just like yesterday, he felt as if someone was following him, but after some careful testing, he didn't find anyone, and he felt that it might really be because he hadn't slept well in the past two days.

Came to the door of Wang Kewen's apartment, and after walking through the process, no one opened the door, and Cao Jing left.

On the third day, although he still felt eyes behind him, Cao Jing didn't care at all.

Arriving at the door of Wang Kewen's apartment, Cao Jing decided to make a big move today to speed up the progress.

"Wang Kewen, I know that the past has always been in your heart, and you have never forgotten it. Or you want to forget, but you can't. I tell you, it's impossible to forget, let's sit down and talk , everything is easy to say, you open the door for me and let me in, I will give you leniency. If it is inconvenient for you, you can also let your two colleagues open, and I will wait at the door. "

After waiting for two or three minutes, there was no sound. Cao Jing opened his eyes and looked at the door. He really wanted to kick up, but he restrained himself.

Just as Cao Jing was about to say a few words, he suddenly felt something, looked to his side, and from the entrance of the stairs, three policemen with guns came up.

"Hello, sir, please come with us."

"What?" Cao Jing pretended to be surprised.

"Sir, we suspect that you are maliciously harassing others, please come back with us." The policeman said again.

"No no no!!" Cao Jing waved his hand quickly, "I think you made a mistake, I went through the wrong door today. Oops, how did I find out that this is not my rental place until now, forgive me, I am a long way The people who come here are not familiar with the situation here.”

"Sir, we have your video. We have sufficient evidence to suspect that you have been maliciously harassing others for several days. Please come with us. If you are not willing, we will take coercive measures." Said, two of them The police took out their guns and aimed them at Cao Jing. This was abroad, and the police could shoot at any time. Looking at the three police officers in front of them, Cao Jing stopped arguing and followed along obediently.

But when he was walking, he kept thinking about the video? There are no cameras in this apartment, and no one is following me. How can there be any video footage.

What Cao Jing didn't know was that after hearing the reports of Wang Kewen's two colleagues, Smith paid a professional private detective to follow Cao Jing in order to obtain evidence. After all, with the evidence, everything is fine.

As for how the video was recorded, the private detective was a professional. Following Cao Jing, Cao Jing could only sense someone, but he couldn't find it at all.

In the police station, Cao Jing first explained it for himself, but then after the police showed evidence, Cao Jing changed his tone again.

"Mr. Police, I used to be friends with the people in that apartment. We just had a little conflict. I'm here to make amends."

Cao Jing kept saying that he was innocent and just wanted to meet his friends, not knowing that this would break the law. For Cao Jing, he had already thought about these things on the way here, and the police would not detain him for too long.

But unlike what he thought, the police didn't care at all after listening to what he said, and put him in directly. This is naturally Smith's credit.

After being locked in, Cao Jing began to panic. He hurriedly called his colleagues in the investment company, but it was already night, and no one answered after a few calls. As a last resort, he called the country again. He didn't know what Cao Jing said. After an hour, a lawyer came over and released Cao Jing on bail.

"Mr. Cao, the president is very disappointed with you. I hope you don't do this kind of thing again. If there is another time, don't call." Standing at the door of the police station, the lawyer said to Cao Jing.

"I was wronged." Cao Jing replied.


The lawyer sighed and drove away.

As for Cao Jing, he had to go back. However, after this bail, he basically has nothing to do, and it is not a big problem to walk or ride.

On the way home, the cloud topped the moon, and the dark clouds slowly covered the sky.

Cao Jing was still thinking about what happened just now, it shouldn't be, how dare he Wang Kewen. He even recorded his own video. Did he eat the gall of a bear and a leopard? He dared to do this to himself, and he hurt himself to ask the president for help. I didn't treat him very much, was it so cruel? I really underestimated you before. But since you dare to do this, don't blame me for what I do next.

Cao Jing had a vicious idea in his heart, and he decided to implement it tomorrow.

The dark clouds were blown by the wind and finally covered the moon. The road was dark and dark. Cao Jing walked forward with gloomy eyes. Suddenly, a brick under his feet caught his foot. His feet were soft and his whole body fell down.


With a muffled sound, there was a sudden sharp pain in Cao Jing's right leg, and Cao Jing cried out.


The thigh pain was Cao Jing kept screaming, he barely opened his eyes and looked behind him, only to see a vague figure running around the corner.

In the hospital, Cao Jingzheng tried to explain to the two police officers that his fractured right leg had already been put in a plaster cast.

"I think this is revenge against me. Please be patient and investigate. It must be related to Wang Kewen. This is not a simple fall incident."

The two policemen in front of the hospital bed looked at each other

"No no no, sir, it's just that you fell down by yourself, your bones are a little fragile, we didn't find any traces of man-made, there is indeed a brick where you fell, we have contacted for you Road Administration, they will give you an explanation."

"No, no," Cao Jing said loudly, "It's impossible, it's impossible, you know, my bones can't be so fragile, I think someone attacked me, didn't you extract anything from my pants? Sawdust or something, or the marks of a blow."

The two cops looked at each other again

"Sir, we will investigate what you said, but it seems that your pants have been thrown into the trash can after you came to the hospital last night. They were taken away by the garbage collectors this morning, and they should have left the city by this time. ."

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