After shouting, the next step is the award ceremony. After Wang Dalong shook hands with the aj team, the five people stood at the center of the stage together.

And the figure of aj has disappeared from the crowd, and it is difficult to find their traces in the whole stadium. At this time, no one is paying attention to them.

The award ceremony is still held by Zheng Quan on behalf of the official.

When Zheng Quan put a nearly five-pound gold-plated trophy into the hands of five Wang Dalongs, and Wang Dalong lifted it up together, a deafening carnival sounded again in the stadium.

Putting down the trophy, Wang Dalong took the microphone, and he gave the acceptance speech on behalf of the God of War.

Looking at Mr. Li in the audience, Wang Dalong suddenly burst into tears. He had already brewed so many words just now, but he couldn't say a word at this time.

Tears were wiped over and over again, but could not be wiped away.

Finally, Wang Dalong bit his tongue and said: "I'm sorry, I'm so excited, I never thought that this day would come. The first thing I want to thank is Brother Li, the boss of our God of War team. He took me Coming to this exciting stage, he made it possible for me to become what I am today, he made me stand here, and he brought me unprecedented glory, I just want to say one word at this time."

"Brother Li!!!"

"I love you!!!"

Wang Dalong suddenly shouted to President Li under the stage.

Mr. Li, who was in the audience, was moved. Suddenly, he was a little confused by Wang Dalong's move. It was too sudden, and he was not ready yet.


Of course, Mr. Li naturally knew that Wang Dalong was just too excited, and it had nothing to do with his feelings.

At this time, looking at the excited Wang Dalong, President Li was also interested. Although there was no microphone, his words were so loud that the whole stadium could hear them. President Li said loudly:

"Dalong~ I love you too!!!"



At this moment, there were constant exclamations in the stadium, and a strange look suddenly appeared on everyone's face. Is there such a thing? Let me take a good look.

On the uu live broadcast, the barrages that were gradually becoming scarce suddenly increased.

"What? What? What happened?"

"Damn it, don't scare me! You two are not going to kiss on the spot, it's too extreme, it will kill me."

"It's a good life, although I know it's fake, it's still a good life."

"Niu Niu Niu!! This fairy loves this scene, kiss it, kiss it!!"

"... asked weakly, who is zero between the two of them? I'm just curious."


When the barrage kept beating, An Niu, who had been watching the live broadcast, suddenly pouted at her home. Looking at the computer screen where President Li and Wang Dalong were confessing to each other, An Niu said angrily:

"What are you doing, you're excited when you're excited. Wouldn't you use other words instead? You have to use I love you, thank you and thank you! It's true."

After speaking, A Niu grabbed the mouse in her hand and tapped the mouse cursor on Mr. Li's face several times, as if she was poking Mr. Li with her fingers. similar.

This is not relieved, A Niu poked Wang Dalong's mouth several times.

"It's all you, it's all you, what nonsense..."

After poking for a while, A Niu suddenly came back to her senses, she asked herself in disbelief, "Hey, what am I doing?"

At this time, Wang Dalong's speech continued.

After thanking Mr. Li, Wang Dalong thanked his teammates, his family, and all his friends and fans who supported him. He described the history of God of War since his failure last year. Wang Dalong said a lot, but no one was bored, everyone was listening to him.

Finally finished, it's all over.

And today's spring finals come to an end here.

After the hustle and bustle, it was an endless night.

The audience in the stadium began to exit in an orderly manner. The dreamy staff dismantled the equipment overnight. Xu Zhi and his party did not eat, and everyone was ready to go to dinner.

When going to the dinner, Xu Zhi originally wanted to call the God of War and the others, but he thought about it and didn't open his mouth. Outsiders should not participate in this memorable day, and let the God of War enjoy themselves.

As Xu Zhi thought, President Li took Wang Dalong and the others directly to the most luxurious restaurant in Xijing, and enjoyed a meal that cost hundreds of dollars per cucumber.

Before the meal was over, Mr. Li took the God of War group to the most luxurious hotel in Xijing and packed a presidential suite.

In the suite, Mr. Li drank bottle after bottle. He is very happy today!

Wang Dalong and several others also accompanied Mr. Li to drink. Today, they are bound to stay drunk and drink until the end of the world.


When he woke up at 11 o'clock the next morning, Mr. Li found that several members of the God of War were still sleeping soundly. Mr. Li smiled. It turned out that the amount of alcohol they had was far from his own. It was so fun last night.

After washing up, he was about to leave the suite. Suddenly, President Li thought of something, and he decided to give Wang Dalong and the others another surprise.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when Wang Dalong and the others finally woke up dragging their heavy heads, they suddenly found that each of them had a hard thing in their hands.

Rubbing his eyes, Wang Dalong, who woke up first, looked at his hand.

"I blanch..."

The boss of Wang Dalong's mouth opened, "No way, Mr. Li, this..."

Several other team members heard Wang Dalong's exclamation and stared at their hands with hard eyes.

"I'm going..." All the team members exclaimed.

In their hands, two seaside vacation tickets seemed to glitter golden in the sun.


Since yesterday, this year's Spring Split can be said to have come to an end, but Fantasy Company will hold a wrap-up meeting today.

This Spring Split can be said to be very perfect. From the beginning to the end, there was no trouble. All aspects cooperated very well. In summary, it was full of joy and the meeting was very relaxed.

Huang Meng: "...After accounting, without calculating the company's manpower, after offsetting the other expenses of this spring game with the sponsor's sponsorship fee, there is still a balance of 320,000 yuan. It can be said that, The Spring Split didn't cost the company a penny, and it was all earned back."

clap clap clap! ! !

After Huang Meng finished talking about the cost of the spring game, Xu Zhi took the lead in applauding, and the applause broke out for a while.

Remember that the company invested more than eight figures when it hosted the uu cup league last year. And this year's larger spring game, did not cost the company a penny, but also earned 320,000. This can be said to be an unprecedented success. More importantly, this kind of success is not achieved by cutting corners and cutting costs, but by earning real money.

After Huang Meng finished speaking, Zheng Quan went on to say that what he said was related to uu:

How can you become the richest man by letting you host a game company https://

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