"This spring live broadcast, uu has once again created a new peak. During the live broadcast, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has remained above 10 million, and during the finals, it broke through the peak of 20 million. And the number of uu online at the same time is even higher. It is more than 37 million, and the registered users are more than 300 million in one fell swoop. It can be said that our uu has become a real giant, enough to compete with tt."

When Zheng Quan said this, Xu Zhi seemed to remember something, and he interrupted Zheng Quan:

"Zheng Quan, it's too early to say that we can compete with TT. We still have a long way to go with TT, and this distance cannot be ignored. However, don't worry, we have a great advantage.

Next, I think our uu needs to go further, it's time to take the initiative. I give you a task to vigorously promote uu in the second half of this year, and strive to segment some tt users and gradually eat away their share. Let me give you a goal. By the end of this year, uu will suddenly have 100 million daily active users, and then it will be able to compete with tt. In terms of capital, the company will provide sufficient support. "

"Yes! President Xu, I promise to complete the task."

After listening to Xu Zhi's words, Zheng Quan said confidently, and after thinking about it, he lowered his head to look at Xu Zhi:

"Mr. Xu, I have another request, that is, the scale of uu needs to be expanded. Although there are a lot of people, they are still insufficient. I want the company to recruit at least 200 more people."

"Approve! Discuss this with Gu Wenwei!"

Xu Zhi nodded and said.

"Thank you, President Xu!" Zheng Quan nodded happily again.

After Zheng Quan finished speaking, he sat down, and Ding Xiaomei, who was on the side, suddenly thought of something, raised her hand and asked Xu Zhi: "Mr. Xu, I don't think we had a plan to operate kok before, why is kok still there? In the internal test, can KOK come out this year?"

Hearing Xiaomei Ding asked about kok, Xu Zhi sighed.

"Eh! It will take a while."

Some time ago, Xu Zhi had a discussion with a foreign stone company about kok. After the last internal test, the Stone Company pushed back the release of kok by a few months. According to them, kok still needs to be more perfected, and the balance of many of the heroes needs to be further adjusted. And because of the fantasy acquisition, they have to add several new domestic heroes. These all take time, and a few months are considered too few. It would be good to be able to come out at the end of this year.

However, although the public beta time has gone back a lot, Xu Zhi still responded with a positive attitude, slow work and meticulous work, compared to jumping the line of fire, kok has to invest more energy in some places, these are some very important The delicate work needs to be done slowly.


After the meeting, Xu Zhi worked until seven o'clock in the evening and then got off work.

Different from the gloomy day at five or six o'clock in winter, the sun is still hanging in the sky at seven o'clock in summer, and I don't want to go down for a long time. After leaving the company, Xu Zhi drove to buy some food and planned to cook some food for himself tonight.

He is now deliberately training his cooking skills, because Qin Zishu may have to take the child back to Xijing soon, and Xu Zhi wants to be a father with both cooking skills.

After cooking a bowl of white fungus porridge, paired with local fresh food and lobster balls, Xu Zhi enjoyed it at nine o'clock in the evening.

After eating, Xu Zhi didn't want to sleep. It would be too early, but he had nothing to do at work. He opened the roof door of the villa, took a chair and placed it on the top floor of the villa, lying on it to blow the air. There is a summer wind.

"The summer wind is blowing warmly

through the hair through the ears

you and my summer

the wind whispers


Unconsciously, Xu Zhi hummed a song from his previous life. This song matched the environment around him very well. He hummed and hummed, and Xu Zhi suddenly fell asleep. Looking up at the stars, Xu Zhi closed his eyes slightly.

After ten o'clock in the evening, when Xu Zhi was squinting, the phone rang suddenly.

Xu Zhi picked it up and saw that it was Qin Zishu.



The phone was connected, the two of them fed at the same time, and then they both laughed again.

"Hahaha, husband, why are you so happy!"

"Aren't you happy too?"

I don't know why, Xu Zhi felt very happy when he received Qin Zishu's call at this moment.

"Husband, have you eaten?"

"Of course, did you eat it?"

"Eat, I was going to call you earlier, but the child just fell asleep. The two little guys are only a few months old, so it's really annoying. They've tossed me up and down." Although Qin Zishu was complaining about the child , but the tone was extremely happy, Xu Zhi listened to Qin Zishu's remarks quietly, did not speak, and his face was extremely happy.

"Husband, you don't know. Yesterday, Komori was humming. I don't think it will be long before I can call him Dad. Every time I see them now, I imagine what they will be like in the future. It's strange to say, I imagine the two of them like this sometimes, sometimes that. Komori is sometimes a doctor, sometimes a painter, and my sister Xiaoxi is sometimes a dancer, sometimes a teacher. Sometimes my hair goes numb when I think about it. But I can't stop, looking at the two of them, I miss you very much."

"I miss you too." Xu Zhi said.

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, Qin Zishu laughed.

After laughing, Qin Zishu suddenly thought of something, and asked mysteriously, "Husband, I asked you something quietly, you must tell me the truth."

"You said." Xu Zhi sat up, slightly nervous.

"I also watched the live broadcast yesterday. I want to ask you, do they really have... that?" Qin Zishu said in a gossip tone.

"The two of them? That...?" Xu Zhi didn't react at first~www.readwn.com~ He quickly went through yesterday's events in his mind, and then suddenly remembered.

"You mean, that God of War boss and that teammate??"

"Well, it's them!" Although there was a phone call, Xu Zhi could feel Qin Zishu nodded like a squirrel.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Hearing Qin Zishu's words, Xu Zhi laughed a few times and said, "I said what are you thinking about, how is this possible, they should just be too excited, when did you become so gossipy."

"What, I was just curious when I saw them yesterday."

Qin Zishu said a little embarrassedly, but she laughed again after saying that.

Xu Zhi was a little speechless. It seems that this gossip is really a woman's talent, especially between men and men, they are more curious.

After talking about this topic, Xu Zhi and Qin Zhishu chatted for a long time. After the chat, it was already eleven o'clock.

Hanging up the phone, Xu Zhi looked at the sky with a satisfied smile. The stars in the sky are changing, and the moon is dying, which is more charming than the previous night scene. But at this time, Xu Zhi couldn't fall asleep, he was chasing the starlight with his arms resting on his head, as if he was going to travel in the universe.

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