Xu Zhi looked at Qin Zishu at this time, stood up from his seat, and walked towards her. Qin Zishu saw Xu Zhi's wolf-like gaze, and said shyly, "Husband, don't, wait for the night."

"walk slowly!"

The moonlit night is in the sky, and the summer night is long overdue.

The two children only woke up once in the evening, and then fell into a deep sleep. The children were still young and spent most of the day in sleep, which was very worry-free.

When the cicadas outside the window screamed again and again, when the sky fell into darkness, Xu Zhi and Qin Zishu came to the second bedroom.

The second bedroom is slightly smaller than the master bedroom, but quiet! undisturbed.

Looking at Qin Zishu, whose face was like a flower, and her body was like a beautiful swallow, Xu Zhi turned into a hungry wolf at this time.

Howling to the sky on the night of the full moon.


Without saying three words, Qin Zishu was thrown onto the bed by Xu Zhi.

The clouds in the sky come and go, go and come, the moon is bright and dark, dark and bright, but the stars are still accompanied in the sky.

When the cicadas outside the window stopped tweeting, the second bedroom finally became quiet.

Xu Zhi was lying on the pillow panting, Qin Zishu's hand touched his cheek, and said with concern, "Husband, are you tired?"

"No, I'm fine!"

Although Xu Zhi's waist was a little sore, he didn't practice in vain during this time, and he persisted.

"Husband, put it away, there's more to come." Qin Zishu said with concern, and hugged Xu Zhi after that.

"Okay, for the future, come here today."

Xu Zhi sighed and said.

Picking up the watch at this time, it was already early morning, and I don't know what time I came to the bedroom, but it must have been a long time.

Xu Zhi scored 98 points for his performance.

After lying down for a while, they were ready to sleep, but at this time neither of them could sleep, so they could only lie on the bedside and look at the night view outside the window, talking about the night talk between husband and wife.

In the second half of the night, I was tired and fell asleep.

He slept peacefully all night, and before six o'clock in the morning the next day, both Xu Zhi and Qin Zishu woke up amidst the babbling noises of the two children.

When they woke up, they found out that they had been sleeping in the second bedroom last night, while the two children were still in the master bedroom.

Hearing the child's cry, Xu Zhi and Qin Zishu hurried over, the child should not have any accident.

When they got to the bedroom and looked at the crib in the bedroom, Xu Zhi and Qin Zishu both laughed.

I don't know when the two children woke up. After waking up, not only did they not cry, but they played with each other. The laughter was endless, Qin Zishu smiled and picked up a child and handed it to Xu Zhi, she Holding one myself.

The one Xu Zhi was holding at this time was his younger sister, named Xu Xi. In his father's arms, with long eyelashes and black eyes, spotlessly clean, he was looking at his father curiously and tilted his head.

Qin Zishu was holding her brother, a family of four, standing in the bedroom, at this time, she really looked like a figure walking out of a painting.

After having breakfast in the morning, no matter how reluctant he was, Xu Zhi was going to the company.

After kissing the child twice before leaving, Xu Zhi turned around and drove to the company.

Although he arrived at the company, Xu Zhi's mind was still completely at home. He was a little absent-minded all day, and he was a little paddling in the office, commonly known as fishing in troubled waters, and from time to time, he laughed twice.

The employees who entered his office to report their work did not know each and every one of them, so they guessed, but none of them could guess what happened.

He went to work at nine o'clock, and at six o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Zhi got off work on time.

This made some employees even more surprised. In the past, Xu Zhi usually got off work a little later, but today he got off work earlier than everyone else. Could it be that there is something urgent in Mr. Xu's house?

Of course there is an emergency!

As soon as Gu Xuzhi returned, Qin Zishu called for support.

"Husband, come quickly!"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Xu Zhi quickly rushed to the bedroom.

Entering the bedroom, Qin Zishu was holding two wet diapers and looked at him for help. There was a pool of cakes on the ground. Qin Zishu saw him come in and said to him.

"Husband, husband, child, pull, pull at the same time! I'm too busy."


Xu Zhi stepped forward, a little surprised.

"Don't you have diapers? Didn't you change the baby?"

"I had already changed it, but it was pulled at noon. After I took it off for the child, I forgot to change it. It turned out to be pulled again just now, husband, come and help me."

"oh oh!"

At this time, Xu Zhi listened to Qin Zishu's instructions, and immediately helped to change the diapers for the two children.

After the change, Xu Zhi looked at Baba on the ground and asked in a puzzled manner, "What is there on the bed, why is there also on the ground?"

Qin Zishu was a little embarrassed at this time, "I pulled him when I hugged him just now."

After all, Qin Zishu also showed Xu Zhi her clothes, which were full of the children's "records". Looking at the record on the clothes, both of them laughed, and Xu Zhi said after laughing.

"Change it now!"

"Mmm, okay, by the way, husband, don't forget to turn off the soup I'm cooking in the kitchen."

After saying that, Qin Zishu went to change clothes, while Xu Zhi quickly ran to the kitchen and turned off the fire. Just a few seconds after the fire was turned off, I suddenly heard the child in the bedroom screaming. Xu Zhi immediately returned to the bedroom. After he came back, the two children stopped crying and looked at him with wide eyes.

"You guys, why do you miss Dad so much, you can't leave for a moment."

Xu Zhi smiled and touched the faces of the two children, and sat beside the crib and began to look at the two children happily.

Qin Zishu changed her clothes and went to dinner with Xu Zhi.

During dinner, the two children were put in the crib and pushed to the dining table, and they were taking care of them while eating.

After dinner, it was still early, Xu Zhi and Qin Zishu pushed the child onto the open-air balcony of the villa again.

The summer heat gradually dissipated at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and the evening wind blew, and the two adults and two children were very comfortable on the balcony.

Leaning on the two chairs and sitting down, Xu Zhi and Qin Zishu held hands and watched the sunset together. Next to them were two very comfortable children with squinting eyes~www.readwn.com~ sitting back against their backs on the carpet

Listen to music and talk about wishes

you want me to be more gentle

I want you to put me on my mind


Xu Zhi hummed a song, Qin Zishu didn't care at first, but when Xu Zhi hummed the middle of the song, Qin Zishu looked at Xu Zhi in surprise, and Xu Zhi's voice never stopped

"The most romantic thing I can think of

Just grow old with you

Collect every bit of laughter along the way

Save it for later, sit in a rocking chair and chat slowly


When the song ended, Qin Zishu was moved and asked, "Husband, why haven't I heard this song before, did you write it yourself?"

Xu Zhi looked at Qin Zishu and shook his head, "It's not me, but I want to give it to you."

"Husband, you are so kind!"

Qin Zishu's heart trembled and fell into Xu Zhi's arms.

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