Summer nights are short and days are long, so the day always goes by slowly.

But no matter how slow the time is, it will always flow by.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the end of August.

This is a special day!

During this period of time, tens of millions of college students will be enrolled in the whole country, which will fill the entire campus. At the same time, shortly after enrollment, a team that will shock the enemy will be formed - military training!

The most important thing right now, though, is admissions.

Xijing Railway Station!

When A Niu and her father arrived at the station by train, seeing Xijing City, which appeared in front of her for the second time, and would accompany her for four years in the future, An Niu always felt unreal.

But when she looked back at her father, A Niu's heart settled down again.

Because my mother had a big belly and it was inconvenient to take the train, my father gave it away. At this time, he followed his father out of the train station. A Niu's father looked at both sides of the street and called a car.

A Niu got into the car carefully, and the taxi drove towards the school.

Although someone had been chatting with her for three months and promised to come pick her up, she still refused.

When registering, it is better not to meet.


the next day.

President Li: "Aniu, are you here to sign up today? I'll pick you up."

A Niu: "No, I've already reported it. I reported it yesterday."

President Li: "??? Why didn't you tell me?"

A Niu: "I don't want to bother you~"

President Li: "Why is this troublesome, you are in Xijing now, right? I will go to your school to find you."

A Niu: "Okay, what time do you come, I'll wait for you at Ximen."

President Li: "Now!"

After Mr. Li finished sending the message, he hurriedly got into the car and drove towards A Niu's school.

Last night, he was still thinking about signing up with A Niu in a dream. Who would have thought that A Niu had already entered the school today, Mr. Li was a little angry, and a kind of irritability filled his heart, and he couldn't rush out.

Driving to the west gate of A Niu's school, Mr. Li was about to get out of the car when he suddenly clenched the steering wheel with both hands.

He saw a figure.

A slightly thin figure, leaning against the wall, is waiting for something at the west gate of the school where people come and go. The past students didn't look at her, but she kept looking into the distance.

It's Ani.

All of a sudden, for some unknown reason, Mr. Li's unhappiness just now vanished in an instant. He wanted to rush up to hug A Niu, but he restrained himself.

Parking was not possible at the entrance of the school, so Mr. Li stopped the car on the side of the road not far away. Just as he got off the car and was about to run towards A Niu, he suddenly felt a little empty.

Reaching out his hands and looking at it, Mr. Li was a little annoyed. When he was dreaming last night, he even gave A Niu a bouquet of flowers, why did he forget it today.

At this time, it was already at the gate of the school, and it was unrealistic to buy flowers, but Mr. Li didn't want to go there empty-handed.

Turning his head and looking around, Mr. Li suddenly had a good idea.

In the green belt by the roadside, several unknown little flowers are blooming lushly.

Looking around, Mr. Li found that no one was paying attention to him. He quickly leaned down and pinched a few small flowers, then pinched a long strip of grass and bundled more than a dozen white, yellow, and red flowers. Get up and put it in the palm of your right hand.

Putting his right hand behind him, President Li walked towards A Niu. Valley

When she was ten meters away from An Niu, An Niu found him and smiled at President Li.

With this smile, Mr. Li felt that his heart had stopped beating, but the task of sending flowers was arduous. Mr. Li's heart stopped beating for a second, and then resumed beating.

When he came to A Niu, President Li didn't say a word, his left knee slowly dropped, he half-kneeled in front of A Niu, and then his right hand slowly took out a flower.

"Pfft!" A Niu couldn't help laughing when she saw the flower.

A Niu's smile, Mr. Li thought it was a mockery, and suddenly wanted to slap himself twice, what did he do? I didn't send flowers like this. Look, let Aniu laugh at herself.

A Niu asked, "Are you here to send me flowers?"

"Yeah!" Mr. Li said bravely.

"Are you going to send this flower?"

A Niu said with a smile again, and then took the flower and looked at it in front of her eyes. These dozen or so little flowers that were just picked by the green grass, although they were not big, were exceptionally beautiful in color. It was because of the mud spots that could be seen on the flowers from time to time, probably because the sprinkler had just sprinkled them in the morning.

A Niu carefully peeled off the mud spots at this time, and President Li also stood up.

A Niu looked at President Li and asked:

"Which lawn did you pick these from?"

Hearing A Niu's question, Mr. Li's face almost turned red, and he pointed to the green belt not far away and said, "There!"

After finishing speaking, A Niu glanced at the lawn at the green belt and smiled again. This time, she couldn't close her mouth to laugh. President Li thought she was laughing at herself, and said biting herself, "Today is too hasty. , I didn't have time to buy it, I'll make it up later, if you don't like to throw it away."

"do not!"

A Niu interrupted President Li.

"I like these very much, how can you be so creative!" A Niu chuckled again after saying that.

President Li was a little confused at this time. It turned out that A Niu didn't laugh at me, she still felt creative, and flowers suddenly appeared on President Li's face. But he still couldn't believe it, and continued to ask: "Are you serious? Do you really like these?"

"Hmm! I like it a lot."

A Niu nodded, pulled out a flower, and pinned it to her smooth hair like a different hairpin.

At this moment, Mr. Li stared at A with his fingers rubbing against his buttocks, and he was at a loss.

"Look, does it look good?"

Don't be shy, Aniu asked President Li.

Mr. Li was nodding his head at this time. Mr. Li, who usually chats and laughs with a group of project managers, can't even say a word at this time. He is like a cat being carried by A Niu, only meowing.

"Come on, I'll show you around the campus."

A Niu said to President Li.

"Okay, let's go."

Mr. Li responded for three seconds before answering.

At this time, looking at A Niu who was leading the way in front of him with the little yellow flowers on her head, Mr. Li felt that he was following a goddess, and he had no more thoughts and just wanted to take care of her to the fullest.

On the campus, A Niu introduced Mr. Li like a guide.

Although she only entered the school yesterday, she seems to know everything. Speaking of a certain scene, it can be traced back to its origin, which makes Mr. Li feel a little incredible. A Niu seems to have lived on campus since she was a child.

President Li followed A Niu around. He was a little worried about A Niu's legs, but A Niu said it was okay, and boldly showed him a pair of prosthetic legs, a pair of metal legs.

Mr. Li carefully touched it with his hand. Although it was the hottest time of summer, the two legs were as cold as ice. Mr. Li's hand felt as if it was stabbed by a needle, and it hurt.

"How about it, I haven't seen it before." A Niu said with a smile.

Seeing that Mr. Li didn't answer, An Niu continued: "You don't know, this has tortured me for a long time. When I first put it on, I couldn't keep my balance at all. Later, it got better, but my walking was always a little unstable. This summer vacation, I am at home. I have been practicing all the time, and the neighbors below my house have complained. No, let me practice it. Now it is exactly the same as before, and I will not get tired no matter how much I walk.”

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