The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

Seeing that other star users in the discussion area had no objection to the traveler's proposal, Shikanoin Heizo relaxed a little and took a deep breath.

Does he want the reward on this screen?

Just kidding, of course he wants it. This is the fifth day since the screen came. Everyone has witnessed the rewards given by this screen. All of them are rewards above treasures. Especially for the rewarded person, this reward is tailor-made and perfectly meets the needs of the rewarded person.

Knowing this, Shikanoin Heizo, who is indifferent to fame and fortune, also yearns for the rewards on this screen.

After all, Fengnan has a tragic and regretful past.

——Oh, Manye is excluded. This kid's friend did not die this time.

Thinking of the friend he had almost never seen for the last time because of conflicts and contradictions when he was a child, Shikanoin Heizo no longer hesitated.

After all, this was just a reward for a medium-difficulty quiz, and it was a second quiz, which was just right for him to use to verify the quiz reward grading system on this screen.

[Shikanoin Heizo: Then I choose A, the sad wind. ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

[Wendy: In this game, is there something wrong with the distribution of the wind god's eye? ! This condition is too outrageous! ]

[Ying: Wendy's embarrassing history has added a new page - the wind god questioned the distribution of the wind god's eye. ]

[System: Reward the distinguished four-star user Inazuma Boxing Champion - Shikanoin Heizo, a fragment of the Four Souls Jade. ]

[System: The Four Souls Jade was formed by a powerful shrine maiden, Tsuiko, fusing her soul with the souls of countless monsters in her battle with them. It is a powerful spiritual jade that is said to have the ability to fulfill all wishes. ]

[System: The prodigal daughter Kagome shot the Four Souls Jade into countless pieces with one arrow, but even if it became pieces, the pieces of the Four Souls Jade still have incredible abilities, and it is a piece of cake to resurrect an ordinary human. ]

[Shikanoin Heizo: Oh, that strange title is fine, this screen gave a very clear reward. ]

[Ying: What do you mean, big brother? ]

[Shikanoin Heizo: You don’t have to call me big brother, I’m just a fellow who is a member of the Tenryo, but I have more reasoning ability. ]

[Shinobu Kuki: Plus I can fight a little better. ]

[Ayato Kamisato: Good guy, the Inazuma boxing champion appointed by the screen. ]

[Ying: Mr. detective with a powerful fist, why didn't the screen give you a food that can revive people in the game this time? ]

[Shikanoin Heizo: It should be because my friend has been dead for almost ten years. ]

Everyone understood what Shikanoin Heizo said.

After all, an ordinary person who has been dead for ten years, such a long time, would have only some skeletons left. Some of the more miserable ones don't even have complete skeletons.

And it is obvious that skeletons can't eat food. If you want to use the resurrection food in the game, at least you have to be like Manye's friend, who has just died not long ago and is still warm, so that food can be pushed into the esophagus.

For the skeleton, does it mean that the food is directly placed in the chest cavity through the bony body?

Hiss, it seems that it is not impossible.

[Shikanoin Heizo: And what I said about the clear direction is also reasonable. Look at the reward description given on the screen-"Resurrecting an ordinary human is a piece of cake." ]

[Shikanoin Heizo: This sentence basically tells me that this item can only be used to resurrect my ordinary friend who died. If I dare to use this Four Souls Jade fragment for other purposes, I am afraid that something I don’t want to see will happen. ]

[Konosaimiya: It is indeed very likely. After all, according to the introduction, this Four Souls Jade not only has the side of the miko Tsurugi, but also contains countless monsters. I am not saying that all monsters are bad guys, but it is obvious that the monsters in this Four Souls Jade are not good stuff. ]

[Yae Kamiko: So if this Four Souls Jade fragment is really used in other places, it is possible that a powerful undead monster that does evil everywhere will be born in Inazuma. ]

[Arataki Ito: What? Is there such a pit in the reward on this screen? 】

【Jiuki Shinobu: Don't worry, Boss. The screen master also gives rewards based on the person. Shikanoin Heizo is a detective, so he was given such a subtle introduction. The reward for you must be explained in plain words. 】

【Shikanoin Heizo

Ino Heizo: Ahem, then I will demonstrate it live to see if my guess is correct. 】

It just so happens that today is the day of rest for Ino Heizo, and he is also going to visit his friend's grave after a long absence.

He didn't waste any time and directly added the wind elemental power to his feet. His feet literally ran to the place where his childhood friend was buried.

The speed of the owner of the Wind Elemental God's Eye is still very fast. It took almost less than a minute for Ino Heizo to rush to his friend's grave. It happened that at this time, a diamond-shaped broken jade with a pink and purple light fell from the sky.

[Ying: Oh, this is so beautiful. I can't imagine how beautiful it will be when it is complete. ]

[Funina: Hum, it's okay, similar to the little things in my jewelry box. ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: So beautiful. ]

[Klee: It's twinkling, so beautiful. ]

[Nel: Well, bad, I feel like I will imagine what the Four Souls Jade looks like when I go to bed at night. 】

It has to be said that even if the Four Souls Jade is not considered for its functionality, just from the appearance, the hazy pink and purple light and the seductive glow can be said to have instantly ignited the love of beauty of many female viewers.

Even if it is just a fragment now, they have begun to imagine how beautiful the complete Four Souls Jade is.

However, Shikanoin Heizo, who is only interested in reasoning, is not focused on whether the jade fragment in his hand is beautiful.

He looked at the Four Souls Jade fragment in his palm with some embarrassment. There was an item explanation box floating on it, with more detailed instructions on how to use and precautions for the Four Souls Jade fragment.

Maybe because he is the winner, the so-called temptation of the Four Souls Jade fragments in the introduction at any time and anywhere has no effect on him, but the method of using the fragments to revive the dead is still quite embarrassing for him.

"This, as you can see, is not what I want to do, but I want to revive my friend, so I have to dig him out..."

As he said this, Shikanoin Heizo sighed, and gathered strength in his right hand. Under his control, a large amount of wind elemental force blew away all the soil and rocks on the grave in front of him like a whirlwind.

Lifting the somewhat rotten coffin board, Shikanoin Heizo saw the bones of his childhood friend.

[Konosaiguni: If this thing is not a reward given by this screen, it would be a complete evil item in Teyvat. ]

[Yaejinko: According to the introduction, it is not a righteous thing. ]

[Ying: I deeply doubt whether the resurrection ability of the original Four Souls Jade fragments is really a resurrection ability. ]

[Hutao: Of course, there is only bones left, and it can be resurrected... It is definitely a crooked way! ]

Hu Tao watched the reward live broadcast, where Shikanoin Heizo placed the Four Souls Jade fragment on the center of the incomplete skull's forehead, and then the fragment seemed to come alive and embedded itself in the bone, and then a puff of smoke rose from the skeleton.

When the smoke dissipated and the audience could see the picture clearly, they saw a child with only tattered rags covering his body, opening his eyes in confusion, and looking at Shikanoin Heizo, whose eyes were wide open and revealed complex emotions distributed in a fan-shaped pattern.

[Ganyu: His face is ruddy, and he doesn't feel any miasma. He is really resurrected. ]

[Xiao: Well, it's not some demon... But the rewards given by the screen master will not lead to such a situation. ]

[Xianyun: That's true. ]

[Nashida: So that's it. Is it a high-end application of the power of life? It seems that like the previous rewards, this screen has localized the so-called Four Souls Jade fragments for Teyvat. ]

[Wendy: The power of life... That's fine. ]

[Shadow: It seems that there are also some applications of the power of death involved here, but the amount is very small, just the dosage for ordinary people. ]

[Yae Shenzi: After all, it has been said that this fragment can only revive an ordinary person. ]

This is also to prevent some beings from snatching this fragment in order to revive their friends.

As for ordinary humans, this level of reward, with Shikanoin Heizo's current status and strength, can also protect the resurrected friends from being forcibly taken away by others.

Just when everyone was discussing the topic related to the Four Souls Jade fragments obtained by Shikanoin Heizo, an unexpected person suddenly spoke in the discussion area.

[Servant: Uh, everyone, I have a little problem here. ]

[Clown:? ? ? 】

【Servant: My user star rating suddenly changed from three stars to five stars just now. 】

Ying: Oh, congratulations on entering the pool. ]

[Alice: Congratulations (tsk). ]

[Servant: Entering the pool... refers to the so-called players, can you also use "I"? ]

[Ying: The premise is that the players have to fish you out of the pool first. ]

[Servant: Pool? ]

[Alice: It's the card pool. During this limited period, your chance of extraction will increase. However, no matter how much it increases, most players will probably have to rely on the guaranteed minimum. Tsk, I'm so envious. ]

[Ying: It's still good to rely on the guaranteed minimum. Some games simply don't provide a guaranteed minimum mechanism. Tsk, rubbish games, ruining my youth and wasting my money! ]

[Alice: That's right. If the game "Genshin Impact" doesn't have a guaranteed minimum... then there may really be a situation where the krypton gold bigwigs can't draw the limited characters. ]

[Servant: Hmm, I don't understand. Is this good news or bad news for me? ]

[Alice: It doesn't count. After all, we don't know whether this game has a guaranteed mechanism. ]

[Funina: By the way, we previously speculated that the game "Genshin Impact" should have just advanced to my Fontaine region. Why is a limited card pool for the Fatui Executor open during the Fontaine period? ]

[Servant: Maybe it's because I'm in charge of the Fontaine region? ]

[Funina: Wait (horrified), what are you responsible for? ! ]

[Young Master: I see, then I joined the card pool when the Liyue chapter was opened. ]

[Lady: I...Okay, I died in the game, so only three stars are left? ]

[Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun: This is not fair. Both I and Xueyue Zhuyang have changed from three stars to two stars. Why can you still keep three stars? ]

[Ying: Because the lady is big! ]

[Lady:...Traveler, do you need me to clean up your brain full of waste? ]

The lady twitched her eyes. Although they were all women, this traveler was a bit of a complete traitor.

But unexpectedly, this time the traveler did not admit defeat immediately, but instead explained further.

[Ying: No, no, no, I am serious this time, ma'am. It is precisely because of your image that you may have a lot of XP for most players, so even if you die, you may still win the resurrection match. ]

[Alice: It's just that you are too popular. Even if you die, they will find ways to make you appear in the next chapters to trick players into spending money. ]

[Fire Dragon King: I have a feeling that she will appear in our Nata chapter. ]

[Guo Beng: Then I should appear in the Xumi chapter. ]

[Rich man: Well, the rest of us can only be pending. ]

[Guo Beng: Don't worry, I promise to make Duo Tolei a one-star. ]

[Doctor: Haha, you can try. 】

A reward for resurrecting ordinary people, in the context of the screen having distributed rewards for resurrecting immortals and demons, and even resurrecting demon gods, it can't arouse more interest from the audience except to verify the level system of awarding rewards on the screen.

It's not even as popular as the servants among the Fatui executives, who changed from three-star users to five-star users.

However, there were positive examples like Xianyun and Jiaming, and negative examples like Xueyue Zhuyang and Lishui Dieshan. Apart from discussing which countries the executives would enter the card pool, there seemed to be nothing more to discuss.

As soon as the discussion ended, the second video of the day was served.

[System: Now playing the second video - "Genshin Impact" Wendy character PV-"Four Winds"]

[Wendy: Huh? Is it me? ]

Wendy, who was just watching the ladies' excitement, was stunned.

A shiver rushed to his brain along his tailbone, making him shiver all over.

To be honest, in the past five days, Venti, the God of Wind, has not changed. At least every time he sees the screen playing videos about Mondstadt and himself, he will shudder like this.

In a sense, this screen is also very successful in making a funny person have fun.

[Ying: Great, I can know other people's black history again. ]

[Kong: Do you assume that these videos are all about black history? ]

[Ying: Others are not sure, but most of the ones related to Venti should be black history. ]

[Kong:... Some of them are hard to refute. ]

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