Although it is possible that this video shows the dark history of the God of Wind, Barbara, a fanatic believer of the God of Wind, doesn't care about that.

For this little nun who is loyal to Barbatos, everything about the gods is sacred. No matter what kind of fun happens to Wendy, Barbara will use her superb imagination to beautify and tolerate it.

After all, as long as Mondstadt is still blowing a gentle warm wind and people can still enjoy this beautiful nature, there is no reason for Mondstadt people not to trust the God of Wind.

[Barbara: Long live, Mr. Screen, you are such a good person. ]

[Wendy: Although, in this situation, playing my character PV again should not be a topic, right? ]

[Barbara: Why not? I can never get enough of Lord Bar... Venti's videos. ]

[Qin: Actually, I want to watch them too. ]

[Lisa: People outside are cheering. ]

[Nasida: As expected of Senior Barbatos, you easily did what we juniors can't do! ]

[Funina: This level is just a piece of cake. ]

[Ying: Hiss, Venti, should I call you Mondstadt Succubus from now on? ]

[Kaeya: After all, in Mondstadt, except for a few people, no one should be able to refuse Barbatos' videos, right? ]

[Wendy: Alas, that's why I don't want to reveal my true identity. ]

The video started with Wendy sighing.

At the beginning, the familiar Bilibili game, miHoYo and other logos flashed on the dark screen.

These logos have appeared too frequently these days. Even though people in Teyvat still have no idea about the companies represented by these logos, they are definitely familiar with the names of Bilibili and miHoYo, and they want to settle the advertising fees.

At the beginning of the video, there is a painting in the style of a fairy tale book. The content of the painting is the colored pen painting of Mondstadt, the city of wind and pastoral.

The green lines representing the wind of freedom slowly converge, and countless paper windmills appear on the painting.

The painting becomes a mural, and then becomes a painted window hanging on the wall of the church.

The camera pulls out from the window, and under the layers of countless white clouds, the bard with the sky harp in his arms and his eyes closed appears under the blessing of the wind element.

With the embellishment of the BGM eternal memories, Wendy slowly speaks.

"The story I want to tell begins in the last thousand years."

[Ying: Hmm? Not the current story? ]

[Sora: A thousand years ago... That was before I started my journey. ]


[Jin: Thousands of years ago... Was it about Lady Vanessa? ]

[Wendy: Oh, this story is one of the most impressive even for me, the best bard in Teyvat who can sing anything. ]

[Noelle: Yes, is it the story of the Knights' predecessors? Looking forward to it! ]

[Kaeya: Oh, Lady Vanessa's story is so well-known. I wonder what kind of Lady Vanessa will be described by the Wind God as a witness. ]

[Amber: Wow, great, such a high sky, I want to fly to such a high place too! ]

[Lisa: You, everyone else is paying attention to the story, but you are paying attention to how to fly so high. ]

[Eula:... Well, a thousand years ago... I feel like I have a stomachache. ]

[Mona: Ummmm, a thousand years ago, I seem to remember when that happened. ]

Although Wendy's story has just begun, the key clue of "the last thousand years" has made many people realize what story the God of Wind is going to tell.

It can be said that the incident a thousand years ago was very explosive in the history of Mondstadt. The political structure of Mondstadt since Barbatos became the God of Wind has undergone tremendous changes. The Lawrence family, one of the three great families, began to decline. It is no problem to call it a turning point in history.

Especially since this incident also involves neighboring countries.

[Zhongli:... Alas, a little headache. ]

[Wendy: Hey. ]

[Shadow: Barbatos, it's a pity that you were not killed by Morax at the beginning. ]

[Wendy: Oh, I know I was wrong. There was really no good way at that time. ]

[Zhongli: Forget it, the punishment has been done, so this

The matter is over. 】

Zhongli in Liyue Harbor calmly drank a sip of tea.

Those who break their promises will be punished by eating rocks.

This is not only a piece of advice, but also a creed that Zhongli abides by.

No matter who it is, as long as they break the contract, they will be punished by him, the God of Contract.

In other words, after breaking the contract and being punished, the next thing can be determined by his own temperament.

If he is unhappy with the other party, Zhongli can continue to pursue it as a personal capacity.

But if the other party is his colleague and friend, then Zhongli can also remain silent after the punishment.

This is what Wendy did at the beginning.

In Angel's Gift, Wendy, who was drinking early in the morning, looked at the old man who spoke in the discussion area. Even though he knew that the other party could not see, he still made an embarrassed expression at this time and bowed in the direction of Liyue Harbor from a distance.

——Thank you, old man, for not killing me (laugh).

The bard on the screen, not knowing his own predicament in reality, continued to tell his own story.

On the screen, the flags representing the four guardians of Mondstadt, or in other words, the four winds representing Mondstadt, appeared one after another with music and poetry.

"The South Wind Guardian drives out the nobles."

The purple flag and the roaring lion head floated in the air.

"The West Wind Guardian" was initially formed."

The red flag and the eagle with spread wings looked around Mondstadt.

"The North Wind Guardian" returned from wandering and settled in Wolfswood. ”

The green flag and the majestic wolf head overlook the territory.

The blue flag flashed by, and the four flags representing the four guardians were arranged on both sides of the West Wind Cathedral, fluttering in the wind. The whole city was free from all ills, as if it had regained its vitality.

"The four winds are flowing, and the reborn Free City has a lot of work to do..."

[Tevalin: No, wait, what about me?]

[Tevalin: Damn Barbatos, what about me?!]

[Tevalin: You introduced the other three, why did you skip me???]

[Tevalin: The Mond people forgot about me, it's your own fault?!]

[Wendy: Calm down, Tevalin, didn't your flag appear? I promise , I will definitely mention you later. 】

【Tevarin: Damn it, who would believe you now? ! 】

【Wendy: Oh, I'm definitely not fooling you this time. I'm very familiar with this story. I've been singing in front of the West Wind Cathedral for a while. Ahem, I'm reciting. You have to believe me. 】

【Jin: Lionfang Knight...】

【Barbara: Sister... Captain Jean. 】

【Lisa: Sometimes Jean sets too high standards for herself. 】

【Kaeya: But if Captain Jean didn't have this personality, Mondstadt would have been in chaos by now, right? 】

【Grand Captain: Indeed. 】

【Eula:...Whose fault is it that caused this situation? You should reflect on yourself! 】

【 Grand Captain: Ahahaha (scratching head). ]

[Lady: Hum. ]

The scene quickly extended in the sacred temple, and the next moment, the camera came to an office that many Mond people were very familiar with.

Of course, the Mond people were familiar with this place. After all, when they encountered a cat being lost, being beaten by a slime, or other trivial matters, the first choice of the Mond people was to come here to entrust the hardworking acting captain to solve these problems.

Coming here is more natural than returning home. How can I not be familiar with it? !

In the office, a girl with flaming red hair, wearing the same captain uniform as Qin, sat behind the desk with her back to the camera, and her little hand drove away the uninvited green chanter like a squirrel that came to make trouble. The wandering poet.

Because of someone, no, a certain god, she is now exhausted from paperwork every day, and her life is even more miserable than when she was in the Colosseum.

To be honest, Vanessa sometimes doesn't know whether she likes to handle official business in the office or pick up a weapon to fight others if she is alone, apart from her relatives and tribesmen.

When she is particularly irritated, she has to see a guy who doesn't care about anything playing music and singing leisurely. It really challenges the girl's fragile nerves.

Unfortunately, a certain green guy doesn't think it's his fault at all.

"The God of Wind visits the leader of the West Wind Eagle, but the Lionfang Knight doesn't appreciate it."

The picture zooms in, and Wendy on the screen plays the Sky Harp in her hand. The red, or Vanessa, drives the God of Wind away speechlessly.

"The girl with red hair makes the sound of driving away squirrels, saying that she has no time to listen to music. "

In the video, there was a whistle in a very joyful way, as if Vanessa was really driving Wendy away like this.

"Worship the wind god

Ci, paperwork is hard work."

[Wendy: Oh, this is true. It's really a pleasure to see the scenes and old friends of the past.]

[Amber: Ah, this, this is the office of Captain Jean.]

[Falga: Well, I, I should not have officially abdicated yet, right?]

[Eula: It's the same with you or without you.]

[Falga: (disappointed).]

[Lisa: Haha, Lady Vanessa, you are really similar to Jean, I mean the feeling.]

[Diluk: Humph, it's just that one has recognized the true face of the God of Wind, and the other is still confused.]

[Jin: I, I really admire Lady Wind God... But Lady Vanessa did this... Well, there must be a reason for doing this, should I... in the future?]

[Wendy: ???!!]

[Barbara: Sister ? ! ]

Barbara was so surprised that she even called out "sister".

[Ying: Although I noticed it before, are Barbara and Jean really sisters? ]

[Jine: Ah, this, well, for some reason, Barbara and I have been separated since childhood. ]

Jine and Barbara were a little confused about whether to explain here why the sisters separated, but they were just confused for a while, and the video screen turned from the office of the leader of the Knights, which was passed down from generation to generation, to the forest of the Wolf Territory.

In the middle of the towering trees, the wolf king of the north wind looked down at the smiling bard.

Wendy stood on tiptoe and stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to sing a song for this bad-tempered old wolf.

"The wind god visited the lord of the Wolf Territory and advised him to be law-abiding and restrain his demon god nature. "

The camera zoomed in, and the distance between Wolf's kiss and the poet's head became closer and closer, as if the next moment, the wolf king would pick up the poet, swing him left and right, shake his head, throw him up and down, and do a set of two-ha three-combo.

[Lezer: Lupica, roaring.]

[Lisa: Oh, I'm really afraid that the wolf packs of the Wolf Territory will raid the gift of the angels in Mondstadt tonight and take away Lord Wendy.]

[Wendy: Aha, not really.]

[Andrius: When I woke up, I saw the most annoying scene. I should have bitten you at that time.]

[Wendy: Hey Hey, it seems that I can't run to the Wolf Territory recently. 】

The Wind God said it lightly, but the people in Mondstadt seemed to be able to hear the wolf howling from the Wolf Territory in the distance.

In the video, the old wolf got angry when he heard the sarcastic advice from the Wind God, who was not serious. The power of ice and frost rushed out, and the whole wolf transformed into a second stage.

The wolf king roared at the Wind God, and it seemed that he wanted to bite him.

"The king wolf of the north wind growled threateningly: You trouble-making poet, you should say this to yourself! ”

The audience in front of the screen, even through the screen, can feel the huge demon-level elemental power that the North Wind King Wolf just burst out.

It can only be said that in terms of manipulating people's mentality, the wind god Barbatos is really a master.

[Andrius: Tsk, I regret it now. I should have bitten it without any hesitation at that time.]

[Wendy: Don't be like this, old friend, it hurts feelings.]

[Tevarin: I have to say that I thought you were a little extreme at the beginning, but now I think you are a little conservative.]

[Jin: Your Excellency Wendy... Well, it is indeed better to be more serious.]

[Wendy: Eh~ (complaining), how come even Captain Jean is like this, the only honest person has been led astray by you.]

[Barbara: Ba, Your Excellency Wendy, I will always support you.]

[Sugar : Well, how should I put it, is it my illusion, I always feel that this video seems...】

[Bennett: It seems to say that the Lord Wind God is unreliable. ]

[Diluk: I looked at the wine money that someone owed me... Well, when has he ever been reliable? ]

[Barbara: How could it be? If the Lord Wind God was unreliable, we would still be living in the ice like the people of Solstice today. ]

[Young Master: No, I think you are a bit extreme. ]

[Lady: Let's stick to the facts. You guys are talking about a certain Barbatos who doesn't do his job, don't involve our innocent and noble Queen! ]

[Rooster: And the Queen is the Ice God, Ice! God! You can't let the Ice God blow away the ice and snow like the Wind God. ]

[Funina: Actually, I hope the water level of Fontaine can drop a little...]

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